Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Again

"What can I get for you?" Alessandra smiled at the men as she held a datapad out in front of her which she used to take orders.

These three men were suspected terrorists and it was her job to listen in and see if they said anything suspicious or incriminating. She was willing to do what it took to get the answers she needed. As a young spy the last thing she needed was a screw up.
Alessandra wanted to prove herself as a reliable spy so that she would get the better assignments.

"We are still looking over the menu sweet cheeks. Give us a few minutes will you?" One of the men asked flashing her a grin.

"Of course, I'll be back soon. Let me know if you have any questions." With a smile she turned from the table scanning the diner as she went for any other suspicious characters.

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

The diner Alask went to occasionally seemed really busy. As soon as he walked in, all sorts of noises could be heard. Coruscant was known for its diversity. Mainly the people though. Some parts of that was bad though. For example, terrorists or crooks. They always had to ruin your day. Alask sensed something on his way in, something he was uncertain of. He analyzed all the people in the diner as he walked to a booth. Three particular men seemed dark. No, not in the force, but dark in the mind. The looks they gave each other and the way they talked confirmed that. Public buildings probably didn't mind weapons being on a belt or anything but he had a feeling if they had any their weapons would stay holstered.
She watched as a familiar face walked into the diner and took a seat. The young woman hadn't seen him for ages it seemed like and she couldn't help but admit she had been thinking about him. The two had left much unsaid and it would be nice to catch up. Now however was not the time as she was on an assignment.
Alessandra would have to go wait on him as he was part of her section.

"Hello sir," she smiled as she walked over. "Can I get you anything to drink as you look over the menu?" Hopefully he would not blow her coverage.

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

Alask analyzed the menu before a familiar voice was heard. Someone he hadn't talked to in a long while. He turned to her and said, "I'll have some water." as he smiled but kept an eye on the men. The young lady was someone, and probably the only one he'd ever cared a lot about. Yea, if he looked back, they only knew each other for a few days but that's the kind of times you remember. He would set the menu down on the table and push it aside. Many questions popped up in his mind that he was asking himself. It felt like a repeat from another time.
The one regret that Alessandra had was that she had never kissed [member="Alask Diruno"] . It was one things that the young woman regretted even now. As her thoughts began to wander to the few days they spent together the young woman shook her head. She needed to keep her head in the game.

Walking away from his table she went back to the table of thugs to take their order. The way they had stopped talking as she arrived was suspicious however she had no evidence yet on what they were talking about.

After putting in their order she brought Alask his drink. "Are you ready to order?" That wasn't the real question she wished to ask him but she couldn't. It wasn't appropriate here.
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

As he watched the group fall silent when the lady walked over to them, he swore he saw them reach for something. Maybe his head was messing with him or maybe it wasn't. He wasn't sure at the moment with all of the questions and thoughts going through his mind. When the lady came back to take his order, he sipped some water before talking. "Does it have to be on the menu?" he asked teasingly.
"What did you have in mind?" She questioned with a wink. A little bit of harmless flirting couldn't be bad and perhaps she could get information from him. He wasn't her target but she couldn't help but be curious.

Before she could answer the group of men yelled for her with a bang on the table. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." She stated as she ran to see what the commotion was.

As she did so she saw one of the men pull a gun from his belt and point it at the other man. "Sir, please put that down before someone gets hurt." She stated as she reached behind her for her blaster. She needed to shut this down now but she didn't want to wave a gun around either.

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

He was about to say something when the lady ran over the the group. Then he heard her say gun. He knew it! Before anyone would make a move, Alask would pick up a chair with the force and send it flying towards the man with the gun. Hopefully it would send a message to the other two seeing their "friend" most likely disabled. He only had one problem though when he sent the table flying. The lady. He would yell, "Duck!" Alask defiantly wasn't trying to hit anyone innocent, nor the girl who he deeply cared about.
Alessandra would suck when told as she pulled her blaster from her back pocket and pointed it at the two men left. Indicating that she wanted no funny business in her diner. "Out," she stated as she motioned to the door with the blaster.

What the men didn't know along with anyone else in the diner was that she had placed a tracker on their coats. This would lead others right to their hideout hopefully. Alessandra wasn't the only one working this case.

After they left she placed the blaster back in her back pocket while trying to clean up the mess and stay under cover. It would be in the owners best interest to close tonight in her opinion.

"Is everyone alright? I will pay for your meal." She looked to the customers. They all looked a little shocked but not too bad.

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

Alask smiled when she held authority in the situation. She seemed more crafty than the last time they met. He would walk over to her and help clean up the mess that he made. "Is this the usual?" he asked jokingly trying to keep the situation positive. There wasn't too much of a mess due to it only being a chair but if you wanna call a disabled terrorist a mess, go ahead. He never knew what her job was but it seemed clear by this point. "Are you a cop?" he asked while picking up some broken plates.
[member="Alask Diruno"]

"Something like that," she shrugged at him with a sigh. She wished to tell him whom she was but
Alessandra had to be careful. He was more than likely just passing by. She needed to remember that simple fact and not let all of this get to her.

"What are you doing here? On a mission?" She questioned as she continued to pick up dishes.
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

"I come here every so often. No, I'm kinda off duty if you wanna call it that. Now that I'm apart of an order, I don't need to do many of those anymore." he explained picking up the last pieces of the plates. He stayed silent waiting for any comments. The way he left was kinda odd. Just saying goodbye and going anywhere and everywhere.
She was at a loss for words. He had just left and walked out of her life. Now that he was here if even for a moment she felt a whirlwind of emotions. Had he been looking for her or was this just a coincidence? A sigh escaped her lips as she got up with the dishes. That must be nice for you," she stated as she turned to walk away with the dishes. If she said something Ana would look like a fool so she didn't though she wanted to.

Pausing for a moment she turned to look to him. "Do you want to get coffee? Catch up?"

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

He nodded to her comment. The Grey were good people in his eyes. They didn't partake in the war and actually had a good foundation. When she asked the question he was looking for, he nodded. "I would like that." he said thinking about how things would unfold.
"I'll clean up and we can go somewhere." She didn't know what to expect out of this meeting. It was something though and it could give her the closer that she wanted and needed.

Turning back around she took the plates back to the kitten before telling her "boss" she had enough for the night and was going home. She remerged with a sigh. This ought to be interesting.

"Where do you want to go?"

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

Alessandra was a perfect lady. Kind, lovely, hard worker, and lots of other things. He waited patiently until she came back. He had to apologize or something, going on an adventure was kinda selfish. But no apology came out, he felt awkward but carried on with an answer."We could go on a walk but if your tired from working, dinner is fine too."
"A walk would be fine," she lightly smiled at him.
Alessandra hoped her actual boss didn't mind she was doing this. She needed to figure out what he wanted, why he kept looking for her. It would solve so many mysteries for her and ultimately help in her current position.

As they walked out the diner which seemed calm once again Alessandra turned to him. "How are you doing? How is this order of yours?"

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

He smiled back at her on the way out. "I'm doing okay. Better than usual. Its great, another temple is being built again for like the third time." His definition of an order was home. A place where you prove you can accomplish something, a place where you learn or guide. "How has life been for you since the last time we met?" he asked the same question since they were catching up.
"The third time? What happened to the others. Where is this temple if you don't mind me asking." She wasn't sure if it was some big secret that only Jedi were allowed to know or something. She was just curious.

"Life has been alright. There is a lot of work but I love it as it keeps me busy. Honing my skills and learning all the tricks of the trade. Thank you for not blowing my cover. I'll have to track down those guys later but that can wait." He knew a little about what she did but she hadn't divulged all of it as of yet. There were reasons for all that she did.

[member="Alask Diruno"]
[member="Alessandra Lacer"]

"Just a few issues with other forces. Nothing big." he paused. "Its not built yet so I'm not sure. I think on Crystalsong." he explained. The temple seemed to be like a moving boulder, slow but moving constantly. "That's good, I'm happy for you. And no problem." he said laughing.

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