Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You wake up next to them.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] "... Aw Hell, who are you, and what are you doin' in my dumpster? This is as bad as th' time myself, Grasky Joll and Machiavellita ended up'n Raxus Prime after a Galactic Alliance ship jettisoned us in a ship egg, 'coz they found us in their hanger bay under a pile'a crates fulla weapons and munitions, whatnot. Said they was going to a battle'a sorts, and didn' wan' us getting in th' way.
"So HERE WE'RE, being jabbed at by Jawas and forcin' us to give out our alcohol and belts, when outta th' blue, a group'a Rodians shows up and starts shootin' the little buggers! So we started runnin', an' poor Grasky Joll caught 'is foot in a turbine that ain't bin shut off proper. Man oh man, I can still smell his Gammorean blood on my jacket. So anyways, we starts draggin' him from the hole he was in and threw 'im into a neat lookin' spot where he could rest, and me an' Machiavellita decides that we was gonna go lookin' for food. Long story short, we found two womp rats, one of which I caught with mah boot, usin' it as bait! Impressive, idn't it? Anyways... Hey, wait, where you goin'?"

"Ah well, I'll just roll over and just finish it for you, [member="Ara Ren"] ... So here we was, cookin' up a few healthy lookin' womp rats on Raxus Prime, when the Rodians we ran from caught up to us! Man, were they happy t'see someone who ain't a Jawa! We sat an'had a good ol' chinwag with'um, until they shot Grasky Joll in the other leg an' stole my only other boot. Unbelievable, eh?! Damn Rodian's are untrustowrhy, YA CAN'T MAKE 'EM HAPPY!
"Regardless to sa- wait, I wadn't finished yet!"

"Ah well, at least you're still here, [member="Connor Harrison"] , bedding the woman who was once just here and left. So as I was sayin', we ate what was left o'the rats 'n' made sure Grasky Joll wadn't gonna die on us, when outta th' blue, a shuttle flies down an' lands not too far from us! We ran right over to it an' smacked th' captain out cold, some sorta robed man with a short, silver stick'n 'is hand that 'e was usin' t' cut through some plasteel by 'is ship. We left 'im lyin' in the camp we had, and carried ol' Grasky Joll onto the ship an' flew off.
"Oh, ya wanna know what happened to my ol' pal Grasky Joll? He died, yeah. Though I hear Machiavellita is still out there, on som' Outer Rim Plan't like Hutta or somethin', doing the good ol' dancing job. DAMN, she was a good lookin', Aqualish, I'll tell ya..."

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