Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Want to be Gods? This is What You Will Become. [Horde Dominion of Arcadia N-30]

Nocturna dove into the smoke caused by her black flames to mask her presence the fighters following her into the black dust she went further into the sky to watch 3 fighters follow her straight to their doom latching onto one as they whizzed past her she tore its hull with her claws it dropped with a slow decent into a large explosion the other fighters were lucky her speed wasnt much to them but her sheer power was something to be feared. She roared again the red crystals glowing red from her intense anger she readied another fireball for their inevitable return. These humans would have been wiser to run rather than face their doom head on. Their bodies were only fuel to the black fire that would consume their souls and loved ones. Her black scales shone with a black sleek shine in the flames that highlighted her dark scales in the red sky, she was the dominion of Arcadia incarnate.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
@Kung Seilois
With the loud explosion the three Vong moved into the building at once, scanning the destruction they eyed the destroyed lobby scanning for any living or moving things. "Moving." One of them said as he looked down the sights of his bio rifle. There were a few bits of droid on the floor showing that the grenade had taken something out. "Possibly more droids, keep your eyes peeled." Grex said before kicking the deactivated limp body of a droid. Then from the darkness of the upper floor a blaster bolt flew out from the dark to strike Grex dead center in the chest sending him flying backwards.

"I'm ok! Get to cover!" His armor saved him from the shot and the Vong quickly scurried behind destroyed desks as blaster fire began to pour into the floor bellow from four different shaded targets on the upper floor. "Return fire!"

[member="Nar'vash Ver-Sha"]
"Yes my lord." Bowing before the commander the Vong lieutenant made it so. Sending human snipers to perch up on the rooftops he dispatched them quickly and set them in position with ten minutes. They were ready to fire upon the personnel at the park and generally murder the crap out of them. "Move up the tank and artillery beasts!" Giving the order the lumbering beasts took aim at the trees and incoming ships that were being used to ferry civilians.

"Get me our lords shuttle now!" The second part was not very hard the small skipper flying above head was quickly intercepted by a ragna dragon in its massive talons to be brought back a few hundred feet from the commander. Everything was set and the lieutenant quickly came back to his commander to give him the news. "We are in position my lord and your shuttle is ready."

Blowing stuff up was cool, but the horde was really wrapping up on the ground by the time the man had arrived. Really all that was needed of him was the destruction of public property and generally mayhem as was the norm of things

Smoke and fire came from the fighters as they were all destroyed, the air field was leveled underneath the horde's pride and joy that was the massive Grod damn dragon. Another signal came into the brain of the dragon giving her more directions. <The President, he is escaping via shuttle two miles from you. We want him alive, grab the shuttle and bring it to the national park where commander vash is.> the voice spoke to him in Vong. Giving her exact locations the yammosk plugged the beast in and showed her where the human was.
The shuttle met them just outside the city, Nar'Vash and his men loaded up and flew back into the city, the trees all started falling and they all jumped from the ship as they had before, tearing into civilians and uniformed men with blinding speed. Nar'Vash grabbed one man, lifted him up and slowly, pushed his fingers into the man's neck, puncturing his trachea and letting him gasp as he fell to the ground. The Dathomir gave a loud roar as he tore into a group of men with a couple of blasters. All the shuttles sat closed, but the pilots had been sniped already. "Open the shuttles. Finish them."

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Possibly more droids, keep your eyes peeled," As luck would have it the second he said that blaster fire opened up on them. It was too fast for Seilois to push Grex down as he was struck in the chest. Sliding into cover, he popped out and blasted one of the shaded targets, catching in the chest, and while he couldn't see it very well, he did see it tumble backwards, smoking which he took as it being destroyed.

"I'm ok! Get to cover!" Seilois nodded to the Vong that he had written off as dead moments ago, seems their armor was tougher then he gave it credit for, "Return fire!"

It seemed almost getting killed by the Jedi had given Grex the kick he needed to become a leader, perhaps after this the Vong soldier would get a promotion... or whatever it was that the Horde did with their superior soldiers.

Seilois popped back out of cover firing a few more quick blast catch another shadow figure with a few bolts putting it down, "We don't have time for this," he grunted as he pulled one of his last two grenades and threw it up on the balcony which exploded sending concrete, wood, oil, droid parts everywhere. With the blaster fire stopped, Seilois stood up looking around the inside of the bank, "Which way to the Vault?"

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
[member="Darth Narakada"]
"Yes my lord." Nodding the Vong gathered up everyone in the center of the park, everyone was pretty much done and the invasion was coming to an end. All that was left was for [member="Nocturna"] to remove the political head from the sky. And in a hail of blaster fire and bees rounds the screams echoed throughout the park and everything was quite taken care of. "My Lord, we are done here. Your ships crew needs you. We can wrap up here and begin containment." Bowing before his commander the Vong stood back up and stood at attention still until he was dismissed to take care of the duties he would be entrusted with by his commander.

@Kung Seilois
Two droids fell from the balcony and deactivated at once as their yellow eyes faded out. Blaster fire was still coming from the second floor, but Kung was right they needed to end this and now. "SHIM, THUD BUG!" Grex yelled out to his comrade who had a very strange looking launcher attached to his back. Standing up the other Vong took aim as the other two provided suppressive fire. With the classic "thud" the organic launcher fired a giant bug that flew up to the second floor and exploded violently.

With the droids taken care of the three Vong stood up and dusted themselves off. "You need to open with that next time shim." Grex said as the walked over to the large vault on the other side of the bank the beast following them now that they were secure. "Vaults over here. Get ready to breach."
Blowing up buildings, that's what he was here to do. "Oh man, who gets payed to shoot up buildings?! I do!!" He yelled out. He began unloading his weapons on The Madonna, swooping around buildings, destroying beams, and glass. Some point he hit a gas channel, and it erupted into a giant ball of flame. "Oh hell yeah! Pew pew pew!!!" He fired more and more, crumbling small buildings, and reaking cosmetic damage on taller ones. "BANG BANG!!" It was safe to say, he was getting too happy about this.
"Very well, set up some patrols to search the city and ensure that all are dead. Male sure to take anything of use to the Horde. And the president. Make sure to torture all information out of him. And when he has given you all information, torture him more." The Dathomir then began walking to his shuttle without a word. His guards followed him and during the transport back to the ship, Nar'Vash stared down at the smoldering remains of what he had done. "I. Am. The cataclysm."


Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Seilois watched the odd creature... thing... fly through the air and explode. The Horde had... very strange weaponry, but he had to agree. They should have used that more often, would have made the fight against the Jedi far easier. Still, the job was nearing completion and that meant it was nearing his payday. Seilois moved with the small group getting close to the huge vault doors, it would take a... lot of explosives he didn't have to blow the vault, but the lumbering sound behind him told him that they had other ideas besides explosion.

He stepped behind the beast, as while with a breach, he enjoyed waiting by the doors and swinging in to move in quickly, he didn't quite trust the beast's aim and had no desire to be covered in acid that ate through durasteel like paper, "Ready when you are," Seilois said holding his pistol in his right hand. He wouldn't be throwing grenades this time... too high a chance of damaging the credits.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
muffled screams of fiery death and pain came from the ship of the political leader

the man could be heard over open radio as he cried for help the sight of a massive black dragon overtaking his ship would easily signal the victory of the Horde over this planet and all that inhabited it. A roar rung out over the massive city as the craft fell and the dragon took a prideful pose over the wreckage spewing a pillar of fire from her maw to signal her superiority.

the dragon would go on a short rampage until further orders were recieved
"This is the Dread Lord come aboard for payment we are done here and ships are coming down to set up the new government." Giving the merc instructions to get up to orbit to collect payment the invasion was next to over and they would be using this planet as it was intended. As a marketing world to sell products and help boost revenue.

@Kung Seilois
With a large spit of acid from the beast the vault door began to melt slowly and eventually cool to become nothing more than a sticky pile of goo on the ground. On the other side it could be seen now, thousands upon thousands of credit chips stacked to the ceiling. It was all Kung's for the taking as much as he could fit before he would meet the overlord. But that's when the voice popped into his head once more

"Lovely isn't it? I don't understand why humans love it so but take as you please. I'm having a shuttle come down to meet you." With a slight chuckle the voice cut out and soon a shuttle would be on the way to collect the merc for his payment

A roar echoed into the dragons head from the Yammosk "We wanted him alive you idiot!! Do you know what this means!?" The Yammosk berated the dragon before a audible sigh was heard "Go to the park with the Dathomir, await transport."
It wasnt her fualt. she didnt mean to kill the man or his crew but a lack of claws that wouldnt rip his body apart and gravity would say otherwise. Although if men were to search the wreckage they would find the man was only knocked out not dead. Still Nocturna took pride in what she had done no matter what the little voices told her to do. She was a Ragna dragon the terror of night and the Maw of Death itself and she took little interest in the affairs of the tiny ones...except maybe like 10. yeah... those ones were ok she supposed. she turned back to the ship looking for anyone she could find. she found a well dressed man and placed him gently on her shoulders before leaving to the transport area...stupid little voices...who tells a dragon to NOT kill something...pfft...
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
Once they arrived at the park the Dathomir commander had already left and now it was time to send a message to the people of this planet. They were under new management and it was time to televise it to the people in their homes. Well over a million people had been killed today and now it was time to show them those images with a formal surrender on the part of the planets ruler. A holonet crew came out and began to instruct the dragon. They were humans from the horde but they would attempt to have the dragon listen. "Set the man down then stand in the background please."
As the order came in, he finished blasting a few more buildings, then came up to the flag ship inhis own. Docking in, and shutting everything down, he stepped. The Vongs were surely ugly guys. "Sup guys? He nodded at some Vongs starring him down. [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Lovely isn't it? I don't understand why humans love it so but take as you please. I'm having a shuttle come down to meet you." Seilois stood still for a second staring at the piles and piles of credits, his only regret that he only had so much room to carry them. The voice was the same... odd voice that didn't seem to come over his comlink, but whatever paranoia he would normally have felt was wiped by the beautiful sight of the credit vault.

Stepping into the vault, he took a few moments to look around for any last minute traps, finding nothing, he got to work. He dumped out his pouches that carried his grenades, ammo, and ration bars and instead filled them with credits. He filled his pockets, he even took off his helmet and filled it with credit chips as while he enjoyed wearing his helmet... almost always, it would be able to hold a good number of credits.

His pouches, pockets, and his helmet filled with credits tucked under his arm, he left the vault and gave Grex a nod on the way out. Walking out of the bank, he saw the shuttle touched down and went over to walk up the ramp and sit down, "Ready to leave," Seilois said to the pilot as he fought the urge to count his credits.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
The Vong growled at the merc and pretty much through body language to kark off. Carrying their rifles they marched past him and into another room away from the annoying human. Shortly after a small rabbit man a species known as Lepi walked up to him. "Don't mind them they are just asses, come on let's go human." The small four foot rabbit walked over to another room waiting for the merc to come with him.

@Kung Seilois
Stand out in front of the bank was Grex and the two surviving Vong from the drop unit, they had taken heavy casualties but they had survived thanks to the merc and his exploits. "We are off!" Said the pilot of the transport. Lifting into the air the ship ascended into the skies one last time to take the merc to the Dread Lord. "Sealing cabin!" The doors on the side of the merc closed shut and pressurized with the red light coming on shortly after. "They are all talking about you up in the fleet! We saw your fight from the cams!"

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
They were watching him from the cams? Seilois wasn't sure how he felt about that one, but the chances of it being an ambush he was walking into was lessened which was always a good thing, and it helped explain how the odd voice knew what he had done and where he was. How long had they been watching him? Seilois tapped the bottom of his chin thinking over what little he knew about the Horde; it seemed killing the Jedi had gotten him some pull and fame which would mean he could charge more whenever they needed him for jobs.

"Just doing the job," Seilois said leaning back in his seat and looking down at his helmet full of credits, yes, he would be an odd sight for the Horde, but he wasn't about to leave good credits behind to make a better impression.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
"Right, right." He said tilting his head as he followed the rabbit. As far as McNeal was concerned, he was asked to come help way to late. He blew up a few buildings, and made shootings sounds. But hey, a job was a job. [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"We're so close to victory." Circe smiled. Not remembering where she was, she disappeared without a trace, moving to a command post on the ground. "Things look good here. Keep on keeping on and we'll have the planet by day's end."

Sounded like fun. [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
The dragon hissed at their words she could undeniably understand them but most were hard pressed to command her to listen but for now she was in a good mood she was just out for a bit of fun and her belly was full. She picked the man up gently and set him down then moved to the background without a fuss she stood looking around none of these little ones were friends but she wouldn't mind for now...

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
And bam, the planet was the Horde's. Circe was glad to see that Dredge and the others had successfully done what needed to be done as a part of the faction. The horde's influence ever expanded, reaching deeper into the regions of Wild Space.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]


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