Bad Kitty

V O S SThe Silver Temple
As a Force Sensitive identified by the Galactic Republic at a young age, the small Nautolan had been condemned to a life sentence while still a toddler.
First imprisoned at the Jedi Academy on Ossus, the boy had done hard time on the play grounds of the Jedi. He'd visited the Jedi Academies on Lothal and Yavin 4. And now, nine years into his life sentence, the Nautolan was having a revelation about Voss, the Silver Jedi, and his place among them. That being...
Voss had the worst cafeteria in the WHOLE Jedi Academy Network!
As the muck was slopped down on his tray, the boy would have turned green... if he wasn't already that color. Seriously, it was widely rumored that the only thing that had ever defeated Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was the meatloaf served up as Taungsday's 'mystery meat'.
Part of the issue was, being this high up in the mountains, there wasn't a whole lot of seafood on the menu. And Zak was not a terrestrial being. Now, this was not being species-ist in the least. Some of Zak's best friends were primates! But, the fact remained that the Nautolan sat down in the cafeteria, using his spork to poke the more-than-questionable sludge that had been slopped down on the plate.
"Gross!" the Nautolan opined aloud, as he continued to poke at the squishy mound. "I think they served us congealed wampa boogers!"
"Duuuuude," one of the other younglings at the table blurted out. "Those are mashed potatoes!"
Tilting his head to one side, the Nautolan was lost as several kids broke into giggling fits. "What's a potato?" the aquatic asked innocently, which just seemed to encourage more laughter.
[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Sia Ike"] | @Random SSC Person Who Likes Bad Food