Lok Xiangu
Sweet Leaf
A proud and great empire were the Zygerrians once upon a time. Through the means of trading slaves they were rich, advanced, and powerful. But like all empires and kingdoms, their days were numbered and sealed when the Knights of the Jedi Order intervened and brought the Zygerrians off from the pinnacle of their pyramid straight and humbled them. They were left in ruins and their empire was nothing more than an ancient relic.
Except they weren't.
Their pride and patriotism made them into a stubborn people that they persevered their old ways of life. Their traditions of enslaving others and profiting from them continued, but not in a grand scene for the public eye to take notice, especially when the Silver Jedi Order operated within their planet and oversaw that peace and justice flow smoothly. Meaning that the Zygerrians and their counterparts did their operations very discreetly within the intergalactic criminal underworld.
Yet no matter how discreetly they operated they would be receiving a uninvited welcome from Catya under the infamous vigilante alias as the Verdict. Working tireless nights as a radical, illegal law enforcer brought her here. The Arkanian Offshoot walked steadily in the market district of the capital that sold every type of goods besides slaves. She was dressed in a casual spacer outfit that she scavenged for, and she didn't wore her helmet or heavily armed except one pistol. Her crystal white face was lightened and designed with cheap makeup to make her appealing. One reason was that she looking white without a town of color. The second reason was to potentially impress someone that had connections to the criminal activities of Zygerria.
Yes, even hooking up with outlaws was part of her job description.