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Your Character's Biggest Weakness that ISN'T a Personality Trait

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana is genetically engineered to be superior than a normal human in most ways, but it comes with draw backs. Her enhanced strength comes from a high metabolism. A couple days without food and she wont even have the energy to stand. Her photographic memory lets her remember everything she's ever seen, heard, smelled, touched, etc. And that includes all the horrid things... like the face of every person she's ever killed. Which haunt her in her dreams.

She's got plenty of military training, and is a darn good shot. But is deathly afraid of men. A fact that she typically covers up with bravado and a short temper.
For Betna it would be stupidity. Not of himself, but if he finds it around him he seriously loses his temper which usually immediately causes a rift, especially in command structures. He'll often make his own orders up or blatantly ignore the person in question in favor of the next up on the command chain. Outside of that, I'd have to say that while his dependence on slugthrowers and kinetic weapons is a huge strength of his, it's also a huge downfall. Slug throwers are more versatile, reliable, and easily maintained than blaster weapons, but they usually have limited ranges and abilities. Plus the added weight and limitations on what the ammo can or can't do, as well as having to spread his ammo around multiple variants instead of having a weapon that can do "stun" and "kill" settings automatically. Other than that, not much else aside from his bio.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Joshua DragonsFlame said:
My weakness is really creepy close up grandbooties.

Do not ever let me pilot your ship for a long term period of time. My weakness becomes evident there.
So that's why we crashed with that Mandalorian....

Hevana Martin said:
^ that too.

Jak learned that the hard way.
I still remember that.

Good times...

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
No trigger tolerance,you let Noah in a confined space with an automatic weapon and no civilians are around,Noah will spray and pray if none of his soldiers are in front of him.
Krest said:
Krest has no capacity to fly a ship or shoot a gun. You want to cripple him? Force him into a shootout or put him in a fighter. He won't be any help.
If I can make a point here.

An applicable, functional weakness is a weakness that can be used against you in any given thread, or at least a vast majority of them. Your character can be the worst pilot in the galaxy, or absolute crap at hand-to-hand, or incapable of performing complex astrophysics equations. However, if you never get into a situation where you have to fly a ship, kung fu a guy, or do advanced trigonometry, it's not much of a "weakness." A lot of people make this mistake, similar to how a lot of people make the mistake of allowing their character's "weakness" to be a bad temper or a lusty heart.

A good weakness should be something that someone can find a way to use against you effectively in most situations. If one wanted to counter Fabula, to give her problems, one needs to press her into ranged combat. Not just blasters, but any ranged combat. If you want to disable her entirely, use a powerful mental attack on her. These are not situational but universal weaknesses. Of course she's a bad shot and a bad pilot; she never has to do these things, so she's never had any reason to get good at them. However, she has been in situations where having the ability to defend herself at range would be beneficial, and she has faced enemies with telepathic offense.

You might ask yourself "well, if I keep getting into this situation, why won't I fix my weakness? That makes sense." And it does, but it doesn't change the fact that a balanced character still has weaknesses that the majority of other characters can affect. It takes a very insightful writer to balance character growth with not being artificially more powerful due to lack of drawbacks.
Fabula Cavataio said:
If one wanted to counter Fabula, to give her problems, one needs to press her into ranged combat. Not just blasters, but any ranged combat.
Hrm. Should rephrase then. Krest has no -range- capabilities. The most he can do is push you. And that's not even effective at too long of a range, kind of like a shotgun with buckshot. Figured range combat was only with blasters. Guess not x3
Hmm....Force healing has no effect on Mister Shrek. Mister Shrek cannot swim. Mister Shrek has almost no melee capability besides a virboknife. Mister Shrek does not do well with lightsabers. Mister Shrek's armor tends to not work after its used too much power. Mister Shrek cannot summon his ogre army on Sundays. Mister Shrek is not the best when it comes to cover choices. Mister Shrek cannot love any other than Shrek, because Shreak is love, Shrek is life.

Mister Shrek's armor is not super-duper-bullet proof and will fail after four to five shots when the shield fails. Mister Shrek is weak against water types.


Do you believe in magic?
She may have magic and be both flexible and acrobatic, but Namarii isn't exaclty strong in the upper body area. That's why she controls big strong men to do it lol.

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