Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your Overconfidence Is Your Weakness | Rebel Alliance Invasion of Sith Empire Held Dubrillon Hex

Location: Refinery Complex

Enemy: [member="Darth Vesper"]

Objective: Make peace with oblivion

The flames drew close.

Cedric had intended to try and persuade the Sith Lord one final time, but his opponent acted before he could find the words. The knight called upon the force to aid him, its ethereal energies flooding his limbs as the flames honed in on him. His legs moved, arms stretching outward to swing the blade - and then they didn't.

Agony unlike anything Cedric had ever experienced enveloped his entire being. The tornado of fire and ash ensconced him in its deadly embrace, preventing him from making any kind of escape. The armor began to melt around him, the skin melding with the phrik plates in an agonizing union of flesh and metal. Cedric could not find the voice to scream - the moment he parted his lips, the flames danced down his throat and singed his insides. Crackling lightning pierced his skin and charred his bones; the weight of his armor kept the tornado from lifting him.

The Blade of Ruusan fell silent as it fell from its wielder's hand.

Tears of raw pain fell down Cedric's burning cheeks as the skin was melted from his bones within the suit, his life fading within a span of seconds.

There will be others. My death won't stop the Light from rising again.

The pain began to fade. Something warm and comforting pulled him from the cage that was his body, urging his spirit to rise into a realm unlike anything he could have hoped to describe. He saw an endless city of gold limned by the comforting light of an evening sky. Three souls awaited him, each of them familiar and dearly missed.

Caida. Mother. Dad.

He reached out to them, the ties that bound him to reality growing weak the closer to them that he drew. The empyrean called to him, urging its lost child to come home. His life had been nothing but pain, loss, and service. He had finally earned his rest. His family and his people awaited him beyond.

His twin sister stepped forward from the gathering, a bright smile upon her face. She spoke words, though Cedric could not discern their meaning. He understood her outstretched arms and the tears in her eyes. He had missed his sibling terribly in the years since her passing, and it seemed the feeling had been mutual.

He could finally find peace; finally be with his family as he had always wished to.


Unwelcome thoughts flooded his mind. The peace of oblivion was interrupted by the chaos of consciousness - memories of his friends, and his allies that were left fighting on Dubrillon. His thoughts traveled to his padawan [member="Cenric Marus"] and [member="Romi Jade"], both of whom were fighting for their lives at that very moment. They reached out to [member="Ras Val'kor"], the imperial that had shown him that even the darkest of souls were capable of compassion. To [member="Wyatt Morga"], the Jedi that had helped him to overcome the loss of his people. There were the others too, fighting for their lives against an enemy that sought to destroy their very way of life.

He couldn't leave them to fight alone. Not while he could still draw breath.

The knight drew upon those connections, the force flowing into his inert body like a river. It filled his entire being, and dragged him back from the brink of death. All at once, he was back in the realm of reality, his body his own once more. The tornado of flame whirled about him violently, its deadly touch forced away be an unseen force.

Cedric Grayson rose to his feet. His actions were not his own, but rather those of the force itself, the Light having recoiled against the fate Vesper had planned for him. He was no longer just Jedi, but a vessel with which the force would exact its judgement.

A single hand rose, flecks of golden lights falling from his fingertips. The power he commanded now was unlike any he had ever felt before, but he had full control of it. It warmed his heart, and entirely cast aside the horrible agony that had wracked his body just moments earlier. The pain was gone, his body momentarily restored.

Those golden flecks grew into a golden ray that threatened to blind him. He acted entirely on instinct, the force flowing through him in such a way that he had never encountered before. The golden light spread to encompass the tornado, dousing its flames and blocking the bolts of lightning.

After a few seconds, the tornado dissipated. Cedric stood alone in the center of the circle, his armor charred and cloak gone, but seemingly unharmed. The Blade of Ruusan jumped naturally to his hands, and when the blade came to life, it was not its normal cyan hue, but a flickering gold much like the Light in Cedric's open palm.

"You're wrong," the compassion was gone, replaced by steel. "I have nothing I need to prove to myself anymore. The only reason you're beyond saving is because you're too much of a coward to face what you've done. None of this was my choice Antherion."

The hand flung forward, a pillar of golden light flying forth to end Vesper's threat.

"You started this fight, but I will end it!"
Location: Da Behemoth
Objective: Lawlicaust
Allies: [member="Blackblade Guard"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="The Slave"] (Gary) | [member="Katya Shorn"] | [member="Judas Foster"]

Nyra skipped down the corridors of the ship oblivious to the battle that was going on around her. She had just committed the greatest heist of her career proving once and for all that she was the supreme thief. Although it wouldn't be the score of a lifetime netting her credits beyond compare, indeed many jobs she had done had gained her much more wealth, this heist will net her a satisfaction like none other. A big wide smile crossed her face.

In her hands she held the spoils of her victory... the pants of [member="Darth Carnifex"]. Okay so it was a goofy prank, having rifled through the Emperors wardrobe but Nyra was more than a little miffed about being kept on board. There was opportunity for theft elsewhere and instead she was stuck here. Doing stupid things.

Skipping and weaving through the hallways using the pair of pants as a flag before settling in by a nearby tram door. Nyra pressed the button and leaned against the door. She needed to get outside and hoist the paints over the door to the bridge or...

The Tram door opened. Nyra fell inside between the trio of Dark Jedi or Sith or whatever who were boarding the vessel. Licking her lips she glanced between the three. "Katya Shorn, remember me? We were in a senate chamber together one time." And then she looked to [member="The Slave"] and gave him a nod, "Gary? You're here too?"

Finally her eyes rested on [member="Judas Foster"], "Hey Handsome...." On her back she waves wiggling each of her fingers in turn fluttering her eyelashes. "I know what you're asking yourself right now 'what's a girl like me doing in a ship like this?' well I'll tell you..." She wiggled a bit on the ground getting comfortable before taking in a deep breath. And it was at that moment she used the weapon available to her... "Kaine's Pants" and threw Kaines pants right at Katya Shorn's face. Nyra's body shot up in a roll moving out of the confines of the tram where she pulled her whip from around her waist and let out a cracking swing attempting to ensnare the young woman...
Location: Dubrillion Refinery Complex
Objective: Boost, boost, boost, boost!
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Comet"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Cenric Marus"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aten Ramses"] | [member="Ras"] Val’kor

Elani broke free from her meditation just as she reached Dubrillion. She could sense the soldiers falsely portraying themselves as warrior's of the light. It made things so much easier for her as a Valkyrie.

Elani maneuvered through the complex and found herself in a secluded room, deep within the bowels of the complex. It was here that she would begin her ritual.

Koren stood watch at the door while Bobo prepared for Elani. The Zambrano sorceress muttered the initiating incantations, to prepare the room for the amount of power that would be channeled. "Bobo, is it ready?" The nightmare demon nodded and screeched. "Koren, I want no disturbances." The large armored humanoid turned to leave the room and the door shut behind him. Elani stepped into the center of the room where her pet drew a circle in black chalk. Words of an ancient language began coming from Elani's mouth as she entered a trance. Her eyes rolled back, leaving just the milky white of her sclera in view. She was slowly becoming immersed in the dark side.

Slowly, but surely, Sith within the complex would begin to feel the dark side pouring into them, strengthening them with each passing moment. Warriors of the light would be able to feel the dark side growing around them, spreading like a plague inside the complex.

The dark daughter of despair was at the center of it all. She would be the key to the Sith's victory.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
"Imposs -" Vesper bit his tongue to avoid embarrassing himself. He had felt it. He had felt the life of [member="Cedric Grayson"] snuff out like a candle flame. If he had mitigated the attack, if he had somehow escaped, it would at least make sense. But to walk out of that after taking the whole blow, which should have left nothing but armor melted to crumbling bones, was... well, impossible. This was power he had only seen - only seen -

Sister, he thought, are you snatching victory from me once again? No, this had to be something - anything - but faster than he could process what was going on before his unbelieving eyes, a hand extended and Vesper was bathed in light.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, waiting for it to pass. It didn't. He reached out with his mind - he had to cut the connection between his pain receptors and his central nervous system, he didn't care at this point if he accidentally shorted out his capacity to feel pain permanently... it didn't work. His power that he reached, clawed desperately for, was being blocked. He opened his mouth to speak, to say something, anything, but he couldn't form the words.

He screamed, at the top of his lungs.

Then, feeling an instant of reprieve and knowing that acting in it would be the difference between life and death, he raised his hand with the full Force he could muster, a cloud of darkness on his palm, and the light clinging to his skin scattered - he locked eyes with Cedric, smoke curling up from his skin, black veins visible, and hairline cracks along his body where it was splitting under the destructive, pitiless light of justice.

"So be it." The fear was gone from his voice. Not gone, but at least not visible.

Whipping his wrist, he gathered the ash and smoke of battle into a swirling cloud to envelope the both of them - he didn't expect it to blind someone so attuned to the power of Force at this moment, but it might buy him a second. He whispered a spell of hiding a he did so, something to muffle his aura - he felt a pang as something beneath his robes sank its fangs into him, feeling his blood being drained - it seemed the attack had injured his serpent Sithspawn as well. It would be useless to him in this battle - getting any closer to that walking Nexus would kill it. He gave it a mental command to flee, and it did.

He would stay low and hidden, disturbing the terrain for as long as possible - and moving amongst soldiers, rebel and Imperial, draining their being into lifeless husks. He needed to gather energy, and delay a direct confrontation as long as possible. A single trooper fell to the ground, a mummified husk, and he began moving on to the next, then the next - drinking in the power he would use for the battle he was faced with.

Location: Kolto Processing Plant, Deep Lab
Allies: TSE, incoming [member="Leliana"] [member="Djorn Bline"]
Enemies: Whoever is upsetting the Progenitors (Rebels, [member="Ari Vox"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"])
In Scene: [member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"]

Jairus pondered that a bit.

Was it really Jain that made him wonder about Vain? That seemed... a bit too obvious in his eyes, but a different answer didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense in that very moment, no? Then she almost bit his head off and that made Jairus blink blink. It really wasn't all that often that anyone thought they had the opportunity to talk this amount of shet to him.

More often than not people were at least respectful.

Doctor Vain seemed to be of the opinion that her connection to Zambrano would protect her from any harm.

He thought about that for a moment.

Perhaps it would... for now at least, but there would come a moment where the Sith Lord would decide to react. Not because it hurt him at a fundamental level. Simply because it was the prudent thing to do here. One could never allow too much disrespect and sass to simply wash over them. That would encourage further actions in the future and that...

Was not acceptable.

"You know you are rather annoying to deal with, yes?" That seemed like a polite way to handle that, rather than murdering her immediately. Jairus was learning how to handle diplomatic situations the normal way! (Thank you, [member="Irajah Ven"]).

He would continue to pilot the ship, to and fro, letting her handle the pace of it, because she knew better in the moment.

There were several close calls while he was controlling the sub. Moments where Jairus needed to take better control, where he needed to be firm with the sub and punish when that was advisable. In that way it was no different from his interaction with a different doctor, so in some way he had the proper training beforehand. The water bubbled up all around them as the different naval beasts suddenly roared into existence.

Starting to go for all those rebel armament in the oceans.

That was the one thing the Rebel Alliance didn't understand- they weren't here on friendly ground... even the animal life was against them.

To support this effort Jairus added his resolve to the beasts. Chemicals were one thing, but as Vain changed the chemistry of their brains to start their attack, Elpsis' Sith Master would suddenly come into view as the Lord added rage to the beasts' mind. Making them hungry and angry and fully willing to give their lives, no matter what their instinct was.

Just to kill and rend and destroy.

"So. Those were your children then?"

Deadpan facial expression.
Location: Refinery Complex

Enemy: [member="Darth Vesper"]

Cedric was focused.

The emperor had come, as had his entourage, but they were not his concern. If his allies needed him, they would call upon him. He could not allow Antherion to escape. The boy who had become a Sith Lord was too powerful now - he had to be apprehended before he tore the alliance forces apart. He could rationalize it easily enough in his mind, though Cedric knew the truth of the matter.

This was personal.

He moved with purpose toward the Sith that had spurned his mercy, only to find himself enveloped in yet another artificial storm.

At least it's dust and not fire this time.

The knight reached out with his sense to pinpoint Antherion's position, but the task proved too taxing. The force flowed through him as if he were a conduit; a conduit that drew far too much attention for him to move quickly. The closest sith soldiers immediately turned their guns upon him, and Cedric was forced to waste time blocking their blaster bolts as his quarry escaped into the shadows.

The knight bit back a curse as the last soldier fell, the lot of them severely wounded, but none dead as of yet. "Never say I wasn't merciful," he murmured to one of the groaning soldiers as he strode past the downed squad. Two Sith fell upon him immediately afterword, crimson blades spinning to chop him into ribbons.

One swung a blade toward his midriff. Cedric countered with a two handed grip, the golden blade striking the Sith's weapon with such force that his lightsaber flew back into his face, killing him instantly. The second soared high into the air, his blade raised to bisect Cedric into two neat pieces once he fell.

The knight reached out a hand, felt the force barrier the Sith had erected around himself, and promptly crushed it with a blast of telekinetic energy. The apprentice was thrown violently into the ceiling, hitting it was a loud crack, before falling lifelessly to the floor.

I could never use telekinesis properly. What is this?

The golden blade danced in front of Cedric as he batted aside a myriad of blaster bolts, his attentions never wavering from [member="Darth Vesper"].

"You can't hide forever Antherion," he called out, "You can still surrender. You don't need to die here."
Objective: Reinforce Refinery Complex Dorn
Allies: [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"] (?), The Sith Empire
Enemies: [member="Wyatt Morga"], The Rebel Alliance

Phaethon Assault Transport // Lower Atmosphere
Refinery Complex Dorn Final Approach // Dubrillion
"Look out!" Corso pointed helplessly from his position just aft of the transport's cockpit a mere split second before the clipped bird on their wing began spiraling out across their flight path.

"Brace!" one of the pilots called back to him, and the sheer force of their sudden duck and weave maneuver to avoid a mid-air collision nearly sent the Stellar Centurion slamming into the gunship's ceiling, "Talwaar One is hit! By Hormazd, Talwaar One is going down! Twin suns this LZ is fething hot!"

"Push forward!" Felix urged the man on regardless, hand reflexively gripping at the blade hilt on his belt in case he was forced to properly discipline this one for cowardice and promote their copilot for the rest of the flight in, "We can make it."

The closer they got to the Twisuns Legate's last known position the more hostile boots they saw on the sands below them as they streaked across the Dubrillion coastline at breakneck speeds. He only knew [member="Khonsu Amon"] by fearsome reputation, but it seemed fitting to the Sun Guard that such a man would be where the ground fighting was fiercest. So far they hadn't seen much in the way of armor landings or any signs of enemy infrastructure cropping up, and Centurion Corso was willing to bet his life and those of his fellows that the other Phaethon had been tagged by a lucky shot from a shoulder mounted surface to air launcher. Their sensor scopes remained clear of unidentified fighters, which meant they still had a window of opportunity here.

"Coming up on Complex Dorn now!" at this latest report from the transport pilot Felix eased his hand back off his blade, "We're picking up shortwave transmissions on encrypted Sun Guard frequencies."

"Isolate those signals and establish a base of fire! Clear out this beach Legionnaire, then set us down."

"By your will!"

On the sprawling beach before Refinery Complex Dorn, a swathe of blaster cannon fire from the Phaethon's fire-linked quad turrets tore through the sands seaward of the ongoing titanic struggle between Legate Amon, [member="Alkor Centaris"], and [member="Wyatt Morga"]. The transport made several low strafing passes, ensuring any rebel forces on the beach not already danger close to Sun Guard warriors would need to abandon their advance if they did not wish to risk being eviscerated by anti-infantry fire.

He relished in the glorious sight of the flaming sands before him, but the soldier inside reminded Corso that if anything he had only bought them more time. Enough for a few Phaethons to land and disgorge their legions unmolested. The true contest that day would be decided by rifle and blade, and the Centurion could only hope that Legate Amon had left any glory for his cohort.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Romi Jade & [member="Coren Starchaser'] & [/FONT][FONT='courier new'][member="Cedric Grayson"] & [member="Ras Val'kor][/FONT][/CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT='courier new'] [/FONT][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT='courier new'][member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Darth Vesper"] [member="Ardeth Zun"] [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Braith Achlys"] [member="Elani Zambrano"]
(Trying to get all those in this scene. Let me know!)


They locked eyes, but he wasn't moving. She lurched in to try to find the reason behind his pause, but was thrown off by the massive
drop she felt in her stomach. She felt it. Before she could muster a response of her own, her head whipped around at the roaring voice that called Coren out. She angled out in tandem with her nostrils flaring, "Right." she responded

Widening her stance, her head angled down just as her locs tumbled down her shoulders. She stood and stared for a long while, not blinking, projecting her will before the inevitable battle. "He won't be the only one..." she spoke through the meld at which Cedric set up prior. He and Coren would hear her thoughts and feel what she was feeling. She was currently oblivious to the fact that Cedric may even become privy to her affliction this way. It didn't really matter anymore...

Recalling her weakened state, she reached for her lightsaber. Her face screwed up in firmness as the Dark Lord himself came more and more into view.

Somehow this feeling...she'd seen or had before. She reminisced to a time where she'd encountered a dark force before, a dream or something she had a time ago. She thought it was an omen of when she'd have to conquer her own inner darkness but...

She cradled her hilt in her hands, she planted her feet; her fingers straddled the ignition switch. She was only a foot at the most from Coren.
Location: The Behemoth
Allies: [member="Vaylin"] [member="Blackblade Guard"] [member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] TSE
Enemies: [member="The Slave"] [member="Judas Foster"] [member="Katya Shorn"] TRA
Stuff: Zaudraka, Jin'wodasir2, SIF-7 Minos, Imperator's Raiment, Scroll, Polearm.

The low growl of Alk was intercepted by a quick snap of Ilke's jaws as the two vornskrs lain behind Joycelyn tried to assert dominance over each other. Joycelyn herself sat in meditation and prayer to Vahl. While her father and his retinue had made an advance landing, she had stayed behind to reinforce the later troop landing and potential boarding action against the Rebel forces.

Her black-armoured form was knelt in front of a row of candles beneath a beautifully painted icon of her deity. Between her and the candles was the black, canine-faced helm, staring back at her with its jagged, red eyes. Every time she drew a breath, the candles shrunk down to the dimmest ember, and when she exhaled they flared up to the brightest flame. The fire shone in her yellow eyes, painting them like twin suns in her tanned face. Each breath, each spark was a silent prayer to the mother of all fire, to Vahl.

While she prayed, focused and meditated, Pythia Sybilla conducted rituals to strengthen Joycelyn's connection to the Force.

Her silent meditations was brought to an end when the door of her quarters opened, revealing the kneeling form of Yaitzun on the other side. The mass of flowing robes and twisted durasteel armour spoke in its thin, hissing voice.

"Intruders reported, my master. Orders to defend the ship." "Your troops await."

Behind it, Joycelyn could now see a squad of Blackblades standing ready with their firearms shouldered, melee weapons at their sides. They were formidable opponents; she had trained with them, fought with them, bled alongside them before. Hell, she had stood in their shoes, a member of them before her dedication to the Sith had matured.

"Lieutenant, please ask Aquila to ping last known locations to my HUD."

Joycelyn rose to her feet and took Zaudraka from its resting place, attaching it to her hip. Her hand hovered over the bowcaster for a moment before moving to the Minos, slipping it and a pair of grenades into the combat harness; She lifted her pike from its place on the wall and held it under her arm while picking up the helm and placing it on her head. The seals engaged, locking it hermetically. The eyes lit up in red

"Priestess, may She watch over you." "And you, Sword of Vahl."

Alk yawned and Ilke circled Pythia protectively while Joycelyn turned and exited the chambers. Yaitzun and the Blackblade squadron followed behind as they moved for the trams.
Location: Enroute/Behemoth
Allies: [member="Blackblade Guard"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="The Slave"] (Gary) | [member="Katya Shorn"] | [member="Judas Foster"]

As the transport lowered to the ground, soldier after soldier hopped from the ledge to the earth, snapping into position with raised firearms as they marched into battle against the Rebels. Oron himself was to be the last to jump. He moved to the ledge and prepared to make his leap off the ship as well before he stopped right before he actually left his feet- listening as the comm-radio of the transport came to life with news from the Behemoth.

"We have intruders on the capitol ship, we have intruders on the capitol ship!"

Taking a step back into the darkness of the transport, Oron's head cut sharply to the pilot before giving a command.

"Take me to the Behemoth, pilot." Oron said condescendingly.

The pilot responded as if he was subject to treatment like this every day. "Of course m'lord."

The transport elevated itself from the ground then, mushrooming dirt and sand under the ship as it quickly lifted into the air. Oron turned his head then, looking out of the viewport to the Refinery below. There would be several Sith, Hunters, and various Military personnel on the scene. Although willing to contribute, it wasn't the ground forces raising alarms and calling for active aid- it was the fleet. Although Oron usually always did what he wanted instead of what was most often needed of him, he still had the capacity to understand that he could volunteer without being commanded.

Tch! The Sith Lord scoffed!

It'd been so long since the crunch of dirt and bone was under his boot, and only weeks ago since durasteel and blood was. Although most didn't have a preference to fighting upon ships or the ground, Oron did. He was picky almost all the time, for no other reason than to want his way. Such as now, when the transport was only capable of moving so fast, but Oron wished to be nearing the hangar at least within the next few minutes.

Pacing, he tugged his helm from his head and tucked it under his arm as he paced back and forth. A gloved hand moved to stroke the twisted locks of dark hair on his head, as if he could wipe away the irritation he felt like it were sweat. He paced, back and forth, until his pilot finally gave the word that they were nearing the bay. Replying with silence, as he usually did to servants of the Sith, Oron slid his buy'ce back over his head. A cursory glance ensured that he wasn't leaving any gear behind, and once the craft entered the hanger and opened the door the Lord of Strife became active. He retreated from the stale-smelling transport with an unnatural burst of speed- Leaping through the open door of the shuttle with a purpose, becoming an encroaching beacon of harrow as he chased down the foreign Force signatures on the ship, turning corner after corner, moving on the will of sheer adrenaline, hatred, and contempt.
Location: Refinery Complex
Objective: Defend the Jedi, Kill Imperials
Allies: [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Aryn Teth"]
Enemies: TSE - [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Ardeth Zun"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Braith Achlys"] | [member="Elani Zambrano"]

Scorched, wounded, body racked with pain. But he fought on.

By now the former Imperial had expended the full use of his rotary cannon, his assault rifle in disrepair due to a surprise close encounter with a rampaging Sith. He was now down to his slugthrower and wrist-mounted vibroblade. For each small moment that he could find to stop shooting, his hands were in agony. Shaking and raw, but he kept steady through sheer will.

But then he could feel it, the sickness. It was coming back.

Not now.

Please, not now.

Blood began pooling in his lungs, black flecks scattering across his HUD as he struggled to keep himself together. His breathing became labored and ragged as he punished himself to push on, he could not accept a coward's death. His time to see what life could really be like for himself had only been caught in just a glimpse. He couldn't let them take that.

He couldn't let it win.

A thunderous battle-cry escaped Ras' being. His vibroblade digging itself into the chest of an incompetent Sith Acolyte, blood spraying across the soldier's chestplate. There was no fear in his heart, no pity for the men and women on the opposing side. His body was failing, his time was up and he knew he couldn't do anything to prevent it.

His duty since the beginning of his Imperial career - his promise to himself was that he would always be strong and complete his mission no matter the cost. The reason or whom he fought for didn't quite matter much anymore, just as long as he knew that he could be the one thing that he could depend on. His eyes were full of rage and spite as he fired with extreme prejudice and judgement. Each round expelled from the slugthrower blasting large craters into the bodies of Sith and grunts alike. A stray bolt from a blaster impacted Ras' back, he spun around and fired twice at the would be assailant.

His head burst into a cloud of crimson and pulp.

Ras coughed again, more tainted blood splashing across his HUD.


The Rebel ripped his helmet away from his head, throwing it to the side as he charged into combat, his vibroblade disemboweling a foot-soldier having technical issues with his blaster. Ras' arm twisted in further as he jammed the pistol through his clenched teeth and squeezed the trigger. The body of the young soldier dropped to the ground with a horrified expression, the sudden realization of what this all truly was. At that very moment, Ras felt something very... peculiar. Almost like loss, but yet it reached deeper within his very being.

And suddenly he knew.

Hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he coughed again, this time with enough force to make himself puke. A stream of bloody bile splattered on the ground as Ras struggled to regain composure. His corruption was taking full effect, and it was getting so much more difficult to stave off the unrelenting agony. But he wouldn't allow himself to rest, to think, or to feel. He had to show them he wasn't afraid anymore.

He had to show them all that he wasn't just a body to have been used for their war machine.

Death to the Empire, and all its bastard incarnations.

For the Rebellion...

For Cedric.


A bloodied mess at this point, Ras let out another roar of defiance before expending a few more rounds that found themselves ripping through a handful of infantry. He then gave a psychotic smirk before ripping one of the four frag grenades from his tactical utility belt, lobbing it a few feet away into the masses of combatants with little empathy of how they too had families or friends.

Ras wasn't letting them take anymore of his.

Objective: Kill the Webuls, Kill the Webuls, Kill the Webuls
Location: Dubrillion Refinery Complex - Whichever one the plot demands
Allies: [member="Koda Fett"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Kaalia Pavanos"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Elani Zambrano"], [member="Comet"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Cenric Marus"], [member="Aryn Teth"], [member="Aten Ramses"], [member="Ras Val'kor"]
Gear: Below Signature

The thundering footfalls of the Emperor seemed to echo above the cacophonous din of the battle around them as if even sound itself had made itself subservient to the barbarous Butcher King of Panatha, the clarity of his voice cutting through the noise.

"You should have taken my offer, Master Starchaser. You could have saved the galaxy, but look at you now... In league with broken things."

His laugh was muffled by a calamitous explosion overhead as one of the rebel vehicles was torn to pieces by the Imperial starfighters that strafed the atmosphere, the sight of the Spear II among them lending substantial credence to the large payment the bounty hunter Koda Fett would receive. But the Emperor was not concerned about what happened around him, because it was all an irrelevant spectacle. It didn't matter how many of their soldiers died in this meaningless struggle, the rebels simply didn't have the numbers to spare in any engagement.

"They are but children, fighting for concepts they don't even understand. What can they know of the universe and its true complexity? What can they comprehend of the price that is to be paid for salvation? The only lesson that remains for them is death, and I am more than capable of teaching them..."

Carnifex produced both of his lightsabers, activating their couplings and connecting them to form a single weapon; a saberstaff. Energy blades the color of fresh blood ignited from both ends, and the Emperor casually spun his lethal weapon around as he continued to approach.

"Because I am well-accustomed to killing children, Starchaser, as you will soon learn firsthand."

He beckoned them to try, to fight their hardest, and ultimately fail in the end.

It was the nature of their cause.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"]; Sith
Enemies: [member="Cedric Grayson"]; Jedi and Rebels


Death had never distressed Antherion - no, not Antherion, he would not let this man get to him. Death had never distressed Vesper. He had seen it up close, in the life leaving the eyes of his enemies. Of his allies. He had even felt his own life fade, had tangled with, tasted, defied death... and in his mind, grown stronger for it. Even so, seeing a handful of what seemed like vaguely competent Sith snuffed out without any specific effort, as a result of what seemed to be strength so raw that even the most cursory pacifying attacks were ripping his enemies to pieces? That was... well, to put it mildly, troubling.

No - doubt would only crack his will. It would only break his strength, ensure his defeat. Creeping through the darkness, through clouds of dust, through skeins of bent light and perception warped to hide him, he reached out and fed on the death, raked what strength he could from the fleeing spirits, and girded himself in his code - not the Sith Code, but his code, the Code of Ruin:

"There is no passion, only obsession.
There is no knowledge, only conviction.
There is no purpose, only will.
There is nothing.
Only me."
No guilt. No pain. No loneliness or love or longing. I will not regret the path I have chosen. Nothing but him, alone in the darkness. Just as it should be. He closed his eyes, and drank in the power that seeped into him. Overlapping Battle Meditations had veiled the battlefield with presences, but a new one - strong, surging - filled him with resolve. He cracked his fingers. This was going to be a difficult battle, and in terms of direct strength he was startlingly outgunned.

But he was Darth Vesper, freed at long last, never again to be caged. And this upstart Jedi was outclassed.

"CEDRIC!" His voice echoed, and were that not enough, he reached out and with a well-placed Death Field, plucked the life from the prone soliders Cedric had left on the ground. The Imperials let out a collective sigh as he drank in their faint sparks... not satisfying, but sufficient - it was only when the soldiers astride him also crumpled down into twitching heaps that he was satiated. They would duel alone, without interruption. As long as he had inferiors to feast on, vermin to grind into power, he could make as many dramatic moves as he liked.

"I tasted death once, and I will again before I accept your poison mercy. If you will not stay in your pyre... I will just bury you. O̰̮͚͖͈̝̝ḓ̦̻o̩͍̙̠̰̣ͅj͓͇͚͈̳ͅi̘n̠͎̖͎y̻̮a͕͚̯̜"

From his five splayed fingers, tiny, threadlike tendrils of darkness erupted, spreading like a spiderweb, tangling into an intricate lattice - in each one the icy-cold malice to freeze blood and sap strength. Rather than waste time trying to encircle someone so agile, he went straight to the point, ordering each one to burrow at the Jedi, to shoot into his skin, through his veins, pierce him like a fish on a hook.

Directly Engaging: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
Allies Aboard the Behemoth: [member="The Slave"] | [member="Katya Shorn"] | [member="Judas Foster"]
Enemies Aboard the Behemoth: Nyra Mazul | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Blackblade Guard"] | [member="Vaylin"]
Fleet Comp:
1st Rebel Armada

Euphoria (Jaraden-Class Fleet Carrier)- Hull: 2,000 | Shields: 3,000

Ares (Jaraden-Class Fleet Carrier)- Hull: 2,000 | Shields: 3,000

Excalibur (Jaraden-Class Fleet Carrier)- Hull: 2,000 | Shields: 3,000

Shade (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 3,500

Colossus (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 3,000

Spitfire (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 3,000

Exterminator (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

Titan (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

Wyvern (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 3,500

Valkyrie (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

Hellhound (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

Colossus (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

Amazon (Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser)- Hull: 3,000 | Shield: 4,000

10 x Brimstone-Class Heavy Criuser (6,000 m) Hull: 1,000 | Shield: 500

[*]Jedi's Prosperity Heavily Damages

30 x Excalibur-class Corvette (4,960 m) Hull: 200 | Shield: 200

Spiral Corps Lost with all hands

Chancellors Curse Lost with all hands

999,981 NN-13 Droids

The battle was starting to go as planned, splitting their attention based on his Droid Command Ships and the Center Fleet. Half the weapons were now no longer focused on the Center Fleet, though the long range were still baring down on them. The Meph Shields were holding, and still being at long range, the weapons were less then accurate at other moving ships. Only two of the 10 Battlecruisers were majorly hit as they moved out of the firing arc of the large super star destroyer.

"Sir," one of the tactical officer turned to Jaster, "Their rear collom it fighting off the Left Flank, Spiral Corps and Chancellors Curse were lost."

The droid added, "All hands lost Viceroy, not that you care."

That last jab was unneeded and was more to irritate him then really be helpful. He looked at the battle map, the forces between him and the Sith where were they needed to be. He was unsure why Cedric had him come up with a plan that was more to hold the Sith Fleet in position, but he was not one to work around request. He would loose this battle with as little life's as possible. With that in mind he saw some of the fighters were ejecting and some were loosing ground, "Ensign, send out recovery teams to get those pilots that are still alive, then get them in new fighters or the Med Bay." With their superior speed and maneuverability they carry the upper hand in dog fights. Even with Suicide Tactics and a die hard loyalty to their nation, these men were Jasters Best. These air wings served the United Trade Conglomerate, mercenary fighters who served with him in the First Order, Exploring the Unknown Region, Trained by Mandalorian Protectorates, Served in the Republic Remnant Air Corp, and were considered Ace within the Fel Empire. They had one trait the Sith Imperial Fighters did not, Survivalist. This was a job, they did not want to die for this cause and as such only took risks when they knew they could win. Fought in squadrons, and used tactics to extend the fight, not willing to take risk that could jeopardize their life. When fighting a battle with the Sith Empire, he realized they were a bull force, and taking advantage of their strong will and literally die hard loyalty was what he was counting on.

It was at this point he saw some of the coms traffic from the fighters being filtered in were stating some of the enemy fighter were breaking off.
Fiolette Yvarro said:
The War Fleet's own carriers worked their aim at the enemy central figure, just as several of the interceptors and their starfighter escorts moved to engage the droids that floated aimlessly.
He knew his fighter were out numbered, from his research it was his 149 combined Squadrons against their 263 Squadrons. All 98 Fighter Squadrons were Space Superiority Fighters and 51 were Bombers. His fighters were veterans, but he could not stress the capability of the Sith Fighting Force, they were conqurers not in just name, but also in their military might. However, there was now a gap in their fighter screen and that was enough for him.

"Leiutenant Commander, Send in the Tactical Bombers with Company Superior Fighters to clear the deck guns on the nearest Star Destroyer," Jaster pointed to a one of the Shard Assault Frigate, "Lets give their Vanguard a good morning kiss."

Once the order was relayed he turned to the map again. The 3-D model of all the ships observation post were relaying info back to this terminal. The internal programs were filtering that information and representing it in real time. Every min or two the models would shift, indicating the movement of the fleets. At present he was out manned, out gunned, and loosing ground. The only thing going for him was keeping Fighter Superiority, as well as continuing to get those supplied. It also helped that his fleet was a little more maneuverable then the enemies. The Lucrehulk was a slow beast, but it could still out move the much slower turning Behemoth. They could stay out of the firing line of the Super Star Destroyer so long as they kept moving. That was his plan, "Ensign, keep the fleet moving on course under the enemy fleet, also keep those Battlecruisers between us and the Sith."

1st Rebel Armada
Action Report;
  • Two Corvettes destroyed and on Heavy Cruiser crippled in opening engagement with Enemy Rear Fleet
  • Left Flank is still Engaging the Rear of the Sith Fleet
  • Right Flank has dispatched Recovery Ships for Pilots who Ejected
  • Center Fleet is still moving to under the Enemy Fleets Posistion
  • Fighters continue to harass Sith Fighters with assistant from Bombers
  • Strat. Bombers and Escort move in to bomb the Vanguard as Enemy Interceptors and Escort move to destroy NN-13 Droids.
  • Fleet unaware to Gravity Well due to Scanner Jamming
(Phone post)

Location: Refinery Complex, short ways off from the main group fight

Enemy: [member="Darth Vesper"]

"That is your choice Antherion," Cedric fired back as the Sith Lord revealed himself. The bodies of those that Cedric had spared grew inert as Vesper drew their very life force into himself. Where the Light came to Cedric as a gift, Vesper stole the power of the Shadow from those that would have called him ally - the move surprised Cedric, and sent his stomach turning.

That was a waste of life. Those men hadn't needed to die. It was almost as if Vesper had gone out of his way to prove his vile nature to the Jedi Knight - to show him that his ideals were naught but wasted breath in the Sith's eyes. Then there was the power that came with such wanton slaughter; a power that sent a chill down Cedric's spine and made him pause.

In his heart, the Knight knew that no being was beyond redemption. That redemption, however, had to be wanted. He understood now that Antherion had sacrificed his very soul for the power he now commanded - the last vestiges of humanity within him had been obliterated by the Dark Side.

He had to stop Antherion before he could take anymore lives.

"You're far more powerful than you were when I last saw you," he saw the spears of darkness rising around Vesper, and mentally prepared himself for their coming. "But that power has a cost, doesn't it? Do you even feel anymore Antherion? Who did you have to kill to attain that strength?"

The spears fell. Cedric raised a hand. The light flickering in his palm stretched forth to meet the assault: a more experienced Jedi might have been able to stop it all together. Unfortunately for Cedric, his was the first time he had truly ever managed to summon a physical manifestation of the Light's grace. His inexperience would cost him dearly.

Light and Shadow intermingled in a violent display of color and thunderous energies between the Jedi Knight and Sith Lord. For a moment, it seemed as if Cedric had matched Vesper, but that moment did not last.

The Knight shouted in surprise and pain as a spear shot through his phrik forearm plate and throng the flesh beneath. It did not tear through the muscles of his arm, but rather mangled the skin and pinned it back toward the floor. Another spear found its way through his breastplate, the phrik giving way to the ethereal strike without resistance. The spear traveled deeper, spearing through the knight's chest just beneath the ribs.

The pain that followed was agony, but it was an agony that he could ignore. His focus upon the force allowed him to set aside what would have been debilitating pain, for the moment at least. What worried him more was the icy chill spreading from his wounds, and the sudden numbness that accompanied it.

Bright crimson spilled from Cedric's open wounds as he called upon the Light once more, the spear in his chest evaporating at its touch. He began work on his arm shortly thereafter, but it would be a few moments before he could dissipate the second spear entirely. Perhaps long enough for Vesper to make a crucial move.

Location: Dubrillion Refinery Complex

Objective: Let the rebels meet their end

Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Elani Zambrano"] | [member="Comet"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Ardeth Zun"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Braith Achlys"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Cenric Marus"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aten Ramses"] | [member="Ras Val'kor"]
[If you are not in this scene (anymore) or if I missed you, let me know so I can fix it for next time.]

Equipment: Armor | Lightsabers

(OOC: Kaalia/Avacyn appears as a ghostly being, but this is no more than an illusion. It is purely a visual change, nothing more.)

As Coren and Darth Carnifex stood opposite of each other, it was the presence of Romi that tipped the numbers scale in the favor of the invaders. Even so, it was the Dark Lord of the Sith they faced and against the likes of one that advantage quickly became much less of a boon. When the approach of another presence echoed through the Force, however, it acted as a message that this advantage would be eliminated before it could be put to use.

"It is doubtful you require much assistance," Darth Avacyn called out to Carnifex as she was moving up beside him, her voice befitting the illusionary spectral appearance she had created for herself, "But I too must teach those who oppose us what the cost of their actions is." Threaten her home and she would strike without mercy. Losing that which she cared for most was simply out of the question.

Ghostly hands wrapped around the metal cylinders that hung from the Sith Lady's hips while she moved to approach the two Jedi alongside the Dark Lord, his focus on the man named Starchaser meaning she gave her attention to the woman who stood at his side. She unclipped her weapons and spun them before breathing life into the blades, two beams of dark red shooting outwards. The power that surged through the Qixoni crystals was harnessed by the wielder of the lightsabers, who for now simply let it course through her being.

Darth Avacyn looked to make this their last mistake.
Allies: [member="The Slave"], [member="Katya Shorn"]
Foes: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"], [member="Blackblade Guard"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Darth Rixas"], [member="Nyra Mazul"]

The bodies of the fallen littered their path. Bulkheads sealed to prevent further de-pressurization of the cabin, apparently an officers'. Alas, the doors were fall too slow for the liking of the wounded Imperials that lay before them. Silently, they suffocated, gasping for something that once was as their frozen blood spilled into the void. When the doors sealed, they had all stopped breathing; scarlet caked the deck.

Now that was an entrance.

Then they moved, sprinting past the frozen corpses just as another door sealed behind them, putting an end to any chances of escape from there.

Despite their time necessity and the resultant chaos of their arrival, the titan of a man made due diligence to nurture his body. Judas carefully deposited pills out of his utility belt and promptly popped both of them into the vacuum-sealed feeder piece of his thinsuit. Hydration tablets and vitapills - momma always said they were good for you. Mid-swallow, he came to the conclusion that far too many beings were in this room: Stormtroopers.

He felt the presences of his allies. The other two, troublesome terrorist and bodysuit girl, were invisibly snaking their ways through the fireteam. As for their largest team member, he was content with taking the long way around, giving the troopers a wide enough berth. He followed closely, straining his hardest to not let his size hamper the effectiveness of the cloak.

Then, an opportunity.

Another door opened, birthing even more stormtroopers and worry-stricken void-sailors into the cabins. His gaze shifted past them, to see the doors already closing. He tiptoed as best as a hundred kilo man could, safely making his arrival under the distraction of a trooper's sneeze.

"Bless you," instinct took over. Frak! The dark jedi clamped a hand over his mouth.

The trooper looked bewildered. "When did your voice get so deep?" The stormtrooper nudged his sergeant by the pauldron.

"Hm?" The NCO seemed just as clueless as his underling. "I dunno, I've had a terrible cold for the past two days - this frelling hull impact isn' making my day any better."

"I know, right? What's-"

Judas breathed easy, stepping into the next room before the door hissed shut.

Before they even had a chance to breathe and collect their bearings, another clown dropped into the fray. Whatever it was at first, Judas had not a clue until he saw cleavage. He frowned, obviously not amused that something like this had managed to see through their illusion and not the Empire's Finest™.

He just wanted to leave, so he pressed a button on the tram, starting the door-shutting/keeping-out-the-fools process. Then something came out at them. Black, probably zeyd, but definitely cloth. He angled himself between the gap in the door and Katya, snatching up whatever was thrown just as something wrapped around his forearm plating.

Then the door shut.

Even if they couldn't pull this off, they still had the Emperor's pants.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"]; Sith
Enemies: [member="Cedric Grayson"]; Jedi and Rebels


Such incredible strength, hiding such weakness. This was the difference between living for the sake of others and living for the sake of yourself. I wouldn't be surprised, he thought, if were it not for all these false friends of his that he would crave for death. I'll oblige him. The joy Vesper drew from knowing he had inflicted pain on the man whose words filled him with such rage fueled him more, and he raised his hand to deliver a death blow - another Odojinya, and this time he would put five vectors straight through the man's heart and watch him sputter about how there is 'no death' as his fresh-opened chest cavity fills with blood he would boil. But his speech echoed in his mind -

"That power has a cost, doesn't it? Do you even feel anymore Antherion? Who did you have to kill to attain that strength?"

He crossed the distance between them, barreling through the pain, the aura of blinding light clouding his senses, his reason - emotions bubbled up within him with a fervent intensity he could not fully understand, nor in the heat of the moment even fully notice. The only thing that mattered was getting these strange, perverse fires within him out. He darted out to seize the wrist that Cedric was using to dissolve the second spear, pulling at him - look me in the eye - not deterred by the way his hand would burn, would blister, the smoke that would rise. And he fixed Cedric with two points of radioactive Sith yellow, sulfurous, unnatural, empty. And in them, he reached out with his mind, a piercing thought. A memory.

"You want to know the cost? You want to redeem me? You understand nothing. Let me show you what you think you understand." And he does. And he inhales. And, having expelled that unpleasant, rising memory from his system, he raises his left hand. ​"̨S̶ut͞tá ̶Çhwit̀u͏ska̡ķ.̷"
An emerald light blossoms around his fist, a perfect sphere of hate: barren, searing, without a trace drop of mercy, a doorway to utter destruction. "Tell me - tell me, before I turn your heart to dust. Do you understand now?"

He did not know - he could not know - but part of him hoped Cedric did. That if he did, this could be the burial rites of his old self, this Jedi the sacrifice laid out on his tomb. More veins spread on him as his proximity to the Jedi taxed him, hurt his body, but he was lost in the war between the cinders of his soul and the emptiness they were falling into.

He saw the motion start and began to react. [member="Khonsu Amon"] was aerial only seconds after his attack, a brilliant and unexpected grapple from the Jedi intended to foil Alkor's attack. He dipped his left shoulder and lowered his level, letting the hulking Thyrsian go over his head, then exploded upward.

He took Amon over both shoulders, equally distributing his weight along his back, and then torqued him down with his left arm. Alkor popped his right hip upward into the motion to compensate for the near uselessness of his right arm in the effort, and sought to send the Sun Guard at an accelerated speed to his back.

In the sand, it would be much less dangerous than landing face first- almost like landing on padding.

He wasted no time to ensure the man landed properly. Khonsu was a big boy. He could take care of himself. Instead, Alkor took a quick step forward and spun the handle of his blade in hand to reverse his grip on the beskad. As he slammed the weapon downward, intended for the meaty area where shoulder met pectoral, he brought himself to one knee.

Alkor was thankful for this situation, one born of extreme effort by the Jedi and what the Mando'ade called "Shereshoy"- a lust for life. There was no opportunity when the Sun Guard arrived to look for alternatives to death, but for the few seconds the massive man would be stunned, the Mandalorian could do the honorable thing. Instead of wasting time on words, he offered only two.

"Last chance," he croaked to [member="Wyatt Morga"], surrounded by hellish conflict.

Rebels and Imperials alike looked on in awe at the brutal battle, as time seemed to stop for them with the Verd's non-lethal stroke. To any onlookers, it would be impossible to tell what his intentions were, or that the blow was aimed to cripple, not kill. That was how he wanted it.

Everything else was up to the Jedi.

Run, and live to fight another day- or remain, and risk losing everything.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Ship's Commander: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
Inbound Hostiles: [member="Blackblade Guard"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Rixas"]

Engaging: [member="Nyra Mazul"]

Kate boarded the tram to engineering, heart beating in her chest as she and her two companions, Broody Meathead and Psychopath-Next-Door, managed to slip past the cadre of stormtroopers. Suddenly, something fell into the tram along with them. It was svelte, squirming, and covered in black leather.


Angled brows drew together in a confused scowl. Suddenly, the woman tossed a pair of pants at Meathead, who caught them deftly, in one hand, while his other managed to intercept the end of a whip meant for Kate herself. Shorn snorted and unclipped her lightfoil hilt, lighting the thin, red blade in an instant.

"You expect me to remember every Sith bimbo I meet?"

Kate flicked the blade's tip across the taut whip. She'd just cut [member="Judas Foster"] free and- The plasma blade bounced off the whip. Kate frowned, then tried again. The blade spat a few sparks and the whip smoked a little, but otherwise nothing.



"Lovelocks," she said to [member="The Slave"], "There's more on their way. And they feel like the 'I'm angry because of my sad, sad story' type."

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