Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your Queen is Now a King {Enigma}

MORGANIA: The Royal Palace

Today was an interesting day. For once the King and Queen of the planet were away on business. They were not due to be back for some time. Well, a week or two. Which meant that those who wished to have the family consider they're plights needed to go to another. But who? Who could they possibly turn to?... Ah, yes, the son. The Prodigal Son. He who they had created because the original daughter died horribly. That didn't matter though! Because they made a new her! Nothing was wrong with that. Not at all. So their new son, who had been artificially aged, was now sitting upon his arse in the palace. There he would head the words of his wondrous people. All would come before him and bow. Then they would tell their tales of woe in hopes that he could actually do something about it. Rarely, once in a long while, he could. Most of the time he just had to nod and apologize. So he often did not listen. For he had his own problems! What could those be? Nothing about his parents projects, his odd creation, or the apparent lack of sadness regarding his original self's death. Not a single thing like that.
Or at least that's what my parents seem to think.
They had left me without ever answering my questions. Not a single one. Luckily for the arses my Vanessa related memories were shotty at best. I'd forget about it every once in awhile. Sometimes I would have no idea that I once was her, or that she is me. There would be times where as far as I knew I was simply Vance Sallen. Perhaps that was for the best. It might allow me to serve my people better for a time. Working with the riff raff of our world was much easier when one could concentrate on the matters at hand. And there was much to be done. There always was, to be honest. Kings and Queens were always busy. Princes were as well. Just to a lesser extent. I was learning that the hard way.
The next person was let into the meeting chambers. They would be asked to kneel before being given ten minutes to explain their issue. Should I be able to assist, another ten minutes was allowed for discussions. No one who didn't speak Morganian was allowed inside without good reason. This was, after all, the home of the language. How else was I to communicate with them? Basic was not something I knew. My butler, Jarad, on the other hand did. If anyone who could not speak this world's native tongue entered he would translate for me. With a heavy sigh and twinge of annoyance, that is. People who visited us should know how to converse with us. Otherwise they'd end up wasting time.
Time I'd rather spend training.
{He is, at this moment in time, unaware of being Vanessa's clone. His memory is failing him. So he won't recognize Circe at first, if at all.}
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[member="Project X-2"]


It was something that Circe herself rarely felt when it came to wheeling and dealing with the sort of people she was used to encountering. She however had been quite close to Vanessa Nacht Seele, and such was why she came here. The moment she eyed the one on the throne, she immediately recognized who it was.

"Is that..."
"Is that?..."
A woman had entered the room, and was now watching me with curiosity. Before long she spoke... in Basic. Yet another foreigner. I had to wonder what she could possibly want from me. There were others that her kind could go to. For example, the Council. Or if her issues were more trivial there were workers in every city who could assist her. Surely she realized this?... I held back a sigh, waiting for my assistant to translate. Part of me was disappointed when he did. Whoever my guest was, she wasn't one who had a way with words. I frowned before formulating a response. This to would have to be changed into her language. Before I could speak my butler did. Of course... I had no idea what he was saying.

"This is the Prince of Morgania. Vance Tag Sallen, first child of the King. What do you want from him?" Then he turned to me and spoke in Morganian. Quietly I nodded, watching the woman the whole time. I patiently awaited her response.
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"To talk, chiefly." She smiled. "I haven't seen him in quite some time." Circe's implication of prior knowledge wasn't entirely incorrect - Vance and Vanessa were practically the same person, after all. She smiled, turning and looking up at the handsome man steated on the throne. "It's been some time since I've seen you. I didn't know you were alive again."

[member="Project X-2"]
"I believe you've made a mistake, madam. There is no 'again' in his existence. Perhaps you meant to come to our neighboring planet? They're rather... odd over there." Jarrad scowled as he spoke. He did not bother translating for me this time. Instead he glared at our visitor, seemingly waiting for her ten minutes to be up. There was something off with this. Usually he was semi-hostile to outsiders... but this was more than usual. Frowning I sat up and decided to speak. My words would be said twice. Once in Morganian, once in Umbarese. Perhaps this woman knew one of the two? I hoped so. Something about her told me that this was a conversation I wanted to be a part of.
"<<Do I know you?>>"
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[member="Project X-2"]

Umbarese was something she recognized, and she perked up, responding in kind - or rather, she said nothing to him at all, instead choosing to speak a message directly into his mind.

It's me. Circe. Remember me, Van?
An expression of surprise found its way onto my face. Next to me Jarad was scowling even more, not knowing that a response had been given. This time I stopped him before he could speak. A wave of my hand signaled him to leave the room. With a perked eyebrow he turned and left. Something told he I'd be reprimanded for this later. That did not, at the moment, matter. Once Jarad was gone I stood up without a word. Quietly I sauntered over to this 'Circe'. I circled her, silently, looking her over. Did I know her?... Part of me hoped so. She was pretty damn cute. Not as cute as she would be if she was a Morganian, but cute nonetheless. After I finished inspecting her I returned to her front. One eyebrow raised slightly before I spoke.
"<<I do not remember you. I assume that your name is supposed to mean something to you?... Ah, yes. You are one of those who know that I am the clone of my father's original son. Did you know X?>>"
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[member="Project X-2"]

"You're not a clone of your father's son, Van." She sighed audibly, stepping ever closer to him. He appeared very handsome for a clone. "You are a clone of a dear friend of mine." She smiled, sitting down and crossing her legs in front of him. "Does the name Taiko Ven mean anything to you, Van? Anything at all?"
Tai'ko Vin.
It was a name I remembered, but only barely. Yes... Father had mentioned it when I was young. Before my artificial aging. The context, however, was lost to me. If this Circe knew about Tai... hmm. Perhaps this would be an interesting evening after all. Tipping my head to the side I knelt down, one hand reaching out to gently stroke Circe's cheek. "<<Your meaning is lost to me. Tai'ko Vin is someone my father once knew. That is all I know. I am more interested in who you are. Is there a reason you are comfortable addressing me as simply Van, instead of any of the titles I possess?>>"
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[member="Project X-2"]

"Because you're a clone. A clone made from Tai'ko's DNA. I don't know what processes they used to make you male, but I have to say, they were impressive. Most impressive." She smiled, wrapping a hand gently around the ankle of the man. "You fell like her too. Like Vanessa. She had a situation, becoming someone else she wasn't."
What?... This- this was crazy. Snarling I pulled back, wondering what drugs this woman was on. "<<I am Prince Vance Sallen of Morgania. That is all I have ever been. Here is not the place for your madness. This is what I am, and this is what I have always been.>>" Right? Why was she making me question everything I knew? She had to be wrong. Or crazy. Maybe both. Father and Mother would have told me if what she said was true.... Wouldn't they?...
Suddenly I wasn't so sure.
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[member="Project X-2"]

"No... You aren't. I spread Taiko's ashes out myself. It was an absolutely horrifying thing - she took her own life after batting a rare form of cancer." She frowned. "I have no idea what the circumstances of her creation were - whether she was in a mental hospital because she was reprogrammed, or whether she had a mental failure, but I know you're her. Or at least a new form of her."
Things were starting to come back to me. Once again I managed to remember pieces of my past life. My past legacy.... Circe was back. There had only ever been a few things that pleased me as much as this did. "<<Lady Savan! Forgive me! Morganians are... bad at cloning. To say the least. But I remember now- I remember most of things, at least. It is wonderful to see you again!>>" Without another word I pretty much threw myself at her. And this time, unlike any before, my lips seemed to plant themselves right on hers.
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[member="Project X-2"]

Circe smiled - she had hardly forgotten the aggressiveness Vanessa had once shown, a smile on her face as she graciously accepted the man leaping on her. But as she fell back, she twisted - the result being that she was the one on top, ravenously kissing his face. "I missed you so much... What happened? Where have you been?"
This was wonderful. Even better than the one time I could remember us doing this before. It did, however, remind me of what my parents had down wrong. Which very quickly pulled my excitement down a few notches. "<<Where have I been? Are you serious?...>>" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "<<Kind of died. Mother and Father decided to bring me back so they could have a heir once more. And experience parenthood, I assume. My memories have been shotty since my creation. Currently they're off on business, leaving me to manage the thrown. At least it's comfy.>>" Not quite as comfy as the magnificent one I had sat in prior to my medical exam. The one Circe gave me after we first met. That had been the best seat in the world. Nothing had ever satisfied my buttocks as much as that had.
{OOC: Remember that chair? Best post ever.}
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[member="Project X-2"]

"That sounds good to me." She smiled, continuing to embrace and kiss the gender-converted clone of her former compatriot. "You know, it's been so long since I've seen a man that I really felt any sort of true relations with. We should..." She allowed what she was going to say to intentionally trail off - he would certainly get the message.
This really wasn't a surprise. Circe was fairly predictable most days. It was just- in certain moments- she was even more so than usual. This was one of those. The moment she started to talk I knew exactly what she wanted. Not only was she asking for a certain something, she was asking at a generally inappropriate time. Right in the middle of my Princely business. No shock there. Just a twinge of ever-familiar annoyance.
"<<Perhaps later. There are still many things I have to do today. Things that cannot wait. But perhaps you can help with something... It's likely obvious by now that I no longer remember how to speak Basic. Perhaps you could assist me? In return for a most favorable payment, of course.>>"
I sincerely hoped she knew what I meant by payment.

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[member="Project X-2"]

"Are you sure that's what you want, Van?" Circe paused for a moment, not entirely sure as to how she should best respond. "I don't want to cause you any trouble, after all, and mental impression could result in even minor damage to your thought patterns." She frowned, moving to hug him. "And I don't want to see you get hurt like you did last time... you killed yourself."

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