Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You're 18 right? Don't answer, you are.

"Perhaps your ability to ignore your own problems to help others?"

The Twi'lek responded, one brow raised slightly. All right, so yes, it was against her policy to inquire into the well being of others, or quite frankly to care at all but.. The kid had just taken a header into a pool of water trying to do tricks for her. And she couldn't ignore it any more, he was definitely hurt. She wasn't a healer, so it's not like she could tell how badly. Enough, clearly. He was hurt enough. Coming from anyone else her words likely would have been praise. From her they were slightly chiding, if affectionate.

Slipping her shoes off, just in case, the Twi'lek padded out over the path to the boy. If it looked like he needed assistance, she would help, if not, she'd let him right himself. Men, even young ones, could get a bit funny about that sort of thing.

"Show me."

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
(only over a month late.. If you don't want to continue, no worries, this was apparently during the time my notifications didn't work u.u )
The room would grow silent after [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] spoke, Tugoro actually pondering the words she had said. Remaining quiet as he lay in the shallow water, the boy's head would lift slightly as the Twi'lek approached, his mind still obviously deep in thought. Snapping out of his trance, Tugoro would push up from the water slowly, kicking his legs around before leaning closer to pull up one of his pant legs. After doing so, a large blood stain would be revealed, the entire cuff of his pant leg being soaked in the crimson liquid. Wincing slightly in pain, he would also tug off his boot, throwing it into the water, watching as more blood stained the surface red.

A deep, wide cut lined the front of his shin, mostly cauterized but still bleeding. "Not bad, huh?" He questioned, smirking weakly as he looked down at the cut.
"That's.. That's one way of putting it certainly.."

The Twi'lek had blanched slightly when pulled up his pant leg. She didn't pull away completely though, instead crouching down to consider the wound.

She wasn't really sure what to do. She wasn't a healer. She'd no skill with either the scalpel or the Force for fixing hurts. And it hadn't really bothered her before now. She was careful, she preserved her own skin, and as a general rule didn't care enough about anyone else. The wound was at least partially cauterized (lightsaber?) so it wasn't bleeding too badly, but it was still bleeding, and had been for their entire encounter. How much blood did one human boy have and how much could he afford to lose? Probably not that much more..

Her entire medical knowledge could largely be summed up by doctors frantically crying 'Put pressure on it!' in the holos. She didn't think that was necessary now. It might stop the bleeding, but the pain would likely outweight the positive. What the kid needed was a bacta patch. Well. They were on a great big fancy Republic ship right? They probably had oodles of bacta patches.

"This room is nice, perhaps you should show me the medical bay?"

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

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