Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You're Trapped: The chase goes on

Neon lights flickered through the small, glass windows into the view. The vessel was a patchwork craft, built from a gutted BT-7 Thunderclap, a re-purposed Republic Assault Ship, armour plating flecked with the refuse of aged paint. Swathes of stainless steel, sleek black rods. And the glare of fluorescent tube lighting suspended from steel rafters, floor to ceiling the wall began to extend out and towards open air. The gang plank and door slid open revealing, two figures dressed in baggy pants and old dull shirt with two buttons missing, and around their waist was tied a wide black tasseled sash. The one closet to the left wearing a durasteel plating tide or held together by an adhesive or twine on his jacket.

"Stop running!" a voice blurred from the speakers, the ship hovering above the ground tossing dust and debri into the air in thick opake clouds, they were hunting, they were chasing and they'd soon catch up to them. long and slender barrels twisted and turned, the cannons were being armed it wouldn't be to long before they opened fire. "Don't make this harder on yourself."

| [member="Ren Sumazaki"] | [member="Venris Helion"] |​
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Venris Helion"]

"I told you not to mess with those pirates." Ren said with anger in his deep voice as he ran alongside his partner. He glanced back at the ship to see what was going on as they ran. When he turned his head back around, he was even more angry. Whoever was chasing them wasn't there to negotiate. Ren looked over at Venris as they kept running. "Do you always screw raids up? We could've been rich when we rescued that girl. I guess its in your blood to be a troublemaker." he angrily rambled.

The shaper had thought about cutting the ship in half but that would've revealed his powers. And the ship may of been a certain material resistant to his wind powers. Something like phrik that survived an explosion probably wouldn't be the thing to get cut. But he didn't know and didn't worry about it. They had to escape the area.
[member="Ren Sumazaki"]

"Me? Seriously?" Venris glared back at Ren from beneath his hood as they darted through the underbrush. "THEY opened fire on us FIRST while you were trying to talk the, down! The only thing I'm guilty of is making them a little angrier, and you're the one who's guilty of renting a two bit starship with lousy ion cannons as the only weapons aboard. So don't try blaming this whole thing on me!"

This was why Venris prefered to work with people from the Expeditionary Fleet. They usually had their own heavily armed ships, and knew how to deal with pirates the way they ought to be handled. Still, there was no use in groaning over what could have been done, all they could do now was just avoid making their situation any worse. He could have pulled his lightsaber on the Pirates, but he did not want them finding out about his roots as a Jedi, even if the Order was far behind him; people in the outer rim were still highly superstitious about Jedi and Soth and very rarely saw any difference between the two.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

With an eager look to smash Venris on the head with a brick, he spit on the ground while they ran through the area. "At least it had the best shield you could get in this place! " he let out for the final reply until they dealt with the pirates. It was annoying to deal with pirates. Either itwas for the money or the loot.

"Hmm. It seems our friends want us to surrender." Ren explained breathing moderately still running. "I can't shape wind in case they can repel it but I can try and give you a boost if you could jump onto their ship and take it down somehow." he said forming a plan. Although the downside would be getting caught, running for another mile wasn't on his to do list.
"This is your last warning". The ship blurred out, the voice cascading and rolling over them. It was than that the cannon let a torrent of bright brilliant light, tossing up debri gauging out craters in the path ahead. Dust and meter high clouds of thick tangible smoke wafted forward, filling lungs and breath with dirt and discomfort. "Surrender now!"

The pirates on the open gang way shuffled back, there was someone moving forward.​
Cadan would run out onto the gang plank, his brown trench coat flailing about as the dust and air blow past. Under the trench coat, his armor and a DL-18 could be seen. A necklace with a single credit ingot would be roughly tucked under his armor. Holding his Raven Gauss Rifle, he would begin to take aim, using the Augment Shooting Tool attached. "Should I take the shot Cap'n?" He'd ask Flannigan via comm.

He'd wait a few seconds for the reply but grow impatient. "Stop you karking running!". Cadan would apply pressure to the trigger. With a loud 'bang' the Raven Gauss Rifle would launch three of its projectiles to the area around Ren and Venris. "Or else the next shots are in you legs!" Cadan would release a small chuckle.

[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

"Oh sure, I'll jump aboard the heavily armored pirate ship with nothing but my fancy training." Venris replied before projectiles impacted the area around them and kicked up dirt and rocks into the air. "Are you kriffing kidding me?! These guys just don't know when to give up!"

Venris glanced over his shoulder. "Speaking of which: I think we might not have any choice in this matter. That guy is clearly not clumsy with that rifle of his." He slid to a stop and turned around. "We won't be getting out of this without getting our hands a little dirty...let's just take advantage of the fact that they want us alive for now."
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

"Well, you could always distract them while I bring down the ship." Ren said expecting a sarcastic reply when three rounds surrounded the two. Now knowing that they were gonna start shooting, dodging the bullets would be easy but something made Ren feel like the next shot wouldn't just be three rounds.

Ren looked over at Venris with a surprised look on his face. Surrendering it was? He didn't expect to win a battle against a ship and additional men but they could've tried. But then again, death could've been the outcome. Coming to a stop slowly not turning around, Ren shook his head. Defeat didn't come easy with him. It was annoying a little to have to give up. But his partner was right, it was lose a limb or keep a limb. "Okay. But if they go trying to execute us, expect a funnel of air coming out of every hole in my body." he said with an excited smile still looking the opposite direction.
A rope would fling off the gang plank and Cadan would slide down the rope, and landed with a a 'thud'. He'd look towards the figures who seemed to surrender? "Hands up now!" He'd shout as he approached the two men, his Raven Gauss Rifle up and switching between the two targets.

[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Venris Helion"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Wielding no weapons, he would raise his hands up slowly. Although, he had a few hundred credits packed in his pockets. All of his real money was on his ship somewhere on Coruscant in a hidden hangar. He had to be careful. Especially like a day like this.

The ship would land, waves of dried and opake clouds rise up in plumes, forwarding out of the ship, five other individuals would step they'd look like a ramshackle beggars, or a useless drunks. Baggy pants and old dull shirts with two buttons missing, and around their waist was tied a wide black tasselled sash. With the occasional jacket with durasteel plating tide or held together by an adhesive or twine. The individuals consisted of human, and Weequay, and other near human species but had the occasional Trandoshan.
Cadan would begin to approach the man, reaching around his back and pulling out a set of collars. As he approach Ren, he would wrap the collar around his neck, pressing a button and a stream of energy would connect the collar to a small ring attatched to Cadan's belt. He'd begin to approach the next Venris, eyeing him. He'd begin to place the collar around his next. Assuming he didnt resist.

[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Venris Helion"]
"I wonder if I really need to state the obvious," Venris replied to Ren, sarcasm lacing every word.

He didn't resist as the collar was attached to his neck, more preoccupied with analyzing the pirate crew approaching them. "You lot really don't know how to not take something personally, do you?"

[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

"Death?" he asked pausing. "I don't know, there's a thousand ways to die." Ren said laughing silently. "I wouldn't talk too much, they like to shoot." he would suggest focusing his crimson eyes on the group as well.
With the press of a button the energy beam coming from Venris' collar would activate and connect itself to Cadan belt. "If you two wasn't tie up, and I didn't 'ave to capture. I think I would of liked you." He'd say with almost a hint of honesty. Cadan would begin walking to the ship, pulling the two prisoners with him. He would arrive at the ship and begin board. If they didn't try to resist?

[member="Ren Sumazaki"] [member="Venris Helion"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Ren Sumazaki"]

"Oh, coming from the other end of this leash I can safely say 'I really wish that you did'." Venris said to Cadan, equally as honest as the Duros marksman. "Ren, I suggest you handle the talking when we reach their ship...I'm likely to just make them angrier, no matter what I say."

Landing the ship would open, the round plated hull biting deep gashes into the soil, the heavy centred lights catst long and peculiar shadows over the three, blinding to all but Cadan who wasn't looking towards the ship, three crew awaited and with them three sonic rifles, it was evident they wanted them alive but in what shape.

| [member="Ren Sumazaki"] | [member="Cadan Tazi"] | [member="Venris Helion"] |​
Cadan would drag the two men who were attached to his belt. As they boarded the ship, Cadan would take them into a holding room in the back. He'd switch the energy beams from his belt to go to a small past. Cadan would look at two of the pirates. "You two worthless pieces of Womp Rat crap, watch these two." He'd say as he pointed to the two prisoners.

"Ahh, yes sir." They'd give rough salutes, and stand guard with their sonic rifles ready.

Cadan would speak into his comm link "We are on board and good to go Cap'n."

[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Ren Sumazaki"]

The com link would activate, a voice could be heard "Very good Cadan, have them brought to my ship". His voice coarse like fragmented rock in hessian sack, moving and grinding against each other, somehow its complexity could raise veins and rattle bones, crawling under the skin like a Womp rat in the sand.


The engines buzz to life with a low heavy hum that resonates deep within the bowels of the ship, breaking from the receding grey atmosphere and into the twilight of space, distant stars and planets glow ominously with pale light, it would than travel the solar winds the engines humming with the multi-hued blue light that leapt from their barrels.


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