Ren Sumazaki
Prince Of The Winds
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Ren nodded to Venris' statement before being guided in an uncomfortable way to the ship that was chasing them. The shaper stayed calm throughout the whole thing but was curious on a pirates behavior. You know, the type of behavior like how they react to prisoners acting up. Something like that.
"Hey." Ren said looking over at Venris. "Isn't it odd our hands and legs are free? It kinda make me feel like these collars zap." he said flicking the collar to test it.
Ren nodded to Venris' statement before being guided in an uncomfortable way to the ship that was chasing them. The shaper stayed calm throughout the whole thing but was curious on a pirates behavior. You know, the type of behavior like how they react to prisoners acting up. Something like that.
"Hey." Ren said looking over at Venris. "Isn't it odd our hands and legs are free? It kinda make me feel like these collars zap." he said flicking the collar to test it.