The Admiralty


Ambition blinds us
Petty concerns block Heaven
Dust chokes the Dragon.
The birth of Yu Praji, first son of Lord Praji, was met with deafening silence and shame.
One could be confused at that, after all the lineage was secure, was it not? Sadly, the first son did not spring forth from Lord Praji's wife, instead it was someone else. A Mirialan, some say she was a Jedi, others claimed a wandering poet, some claimed that she was a demon spawned to seduce Praji away from his rightful wife. None truly knew who she was- all the court knew that from one day to the other a crying baby occupied the Opalescent Halls normally reserved for the newly born of the ruling family. Questions were met with frowns first and exile next, until they were snuffed out and were erased from the daily lives they occupied.
All that the court knew was that on that night the servants heard shouts and screams from the private quarters of the family. Out came his wife, the Lady Praji, with rigid bone and scowl wiped away to be replaced with serene neutrality. From that day on she only spend a single night a month together with her husband.
Yu's childhood was one of paradox - his name was Yu Nephrite and was denied the right to wear his father's surname. Yet the young boy was protected and cared for: expensive tutors, a loyal retainer standing guard over him from the day he was placed in the Opalescent Halls. None dared to raise a word against him, besides his father... and his mother. Not his true one, but the one made by marriage to his father. No kind words from her, only threats, whispers of hate and promises that one day he would be gone.
It was not to be.
His 18th birthday passed and Praji's wife still did not give birth to an heir.
Once more shouts and screams from their private quarters, but this time? She left the household permanently. Instead she went to live in the summer palace miles away from their home. When she left, Yu was renamed, acknowledged and placed next to his father's seat. Young Lord Praji, they would refer to him from that day forward.
But his life was only made more difficult.
Now there were expectations... now there were ambitions and on the day of his 21st birthday, his father called for him.
Few, if any, know what was discussed in his father's study, but the result was the same: Yu left Kaikielius behind with a handful of retainers to a new destination. Denon, where their family's cadet branch once held great sway, but in recent decades lost most of its holdings and were reduced to a single ruined-down estate. Recently the last remnants had been massacred in their own home, why? Debts, big debts, to the wrong kinds of people and it was up to Yu to sort things out.
It was time to grow up.
It was time to learn to survive in the real world.