Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yuunie Ka'chi

Yuunie ka'chi

Young user of the dark arts
NAME: Yuunie Ka'chi
FACTION: The new order
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
EYES: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
As all sith are, she is incredibly prone to random fits of anger; she can never give up until a mission is completed. Yuunie does not accept surrender.
Yuunie is incredibly strong in the force, though she cannot control it, and she already has mastered the power of turning fear into anger. Yuunie has no compassion she only has feelings of hatred. Yuunie is incredibly skillful in lightsaber combat. She has studied the form Djem So. Yuunie is armed with dual purple lightsabers.
Yuunie is average height with a little muscle tone; seductive features.

Yuunie's parents were both murdered by a jedi when she was 6. The jedi mistook her parents for sith soldiers fleeing from his army. She was immediately filled with rage and hatred towards the jedi. At that moment she began to wish more than anything that the jedi die. Her hatred empowered her to kill the young jedi knight. From that day forth she lived on the streets of the mining planet Apatros. Her entire life she let hate control her, let is flow through her as if it was what kept her alive. One fateful day Yuunie heard of an order of those who used their hatred and emotions for power.. the sith. She decided it was her destiny to become a sith, and Yuunie would not turn down destiny.

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