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Dominion Yverna's Plight [SJC Dominion of Sepan 8 Hex]

The Silver Scribe



The liberation of Voss, the devastating losses of planets such as Myrkr and Velmor, battles on Anzat and Nar Kreeta - the Silver Jedi Concord has been put through trying times. While the most intensive hotspots have started to fade in intensity, the death and destruction caused by the numerous battles that have taken place is palpable.

Concord forces are stretched thin, for their responsibilities are many - the needs to maintain and improve border defences have only grown and the recently liberated space ought to be patrolled and safeguarded. What has made the situation more dire is the looming rise of an internal threat observed in the recent terrorist attacks. Some have perceived this as weakness, an invitation to attack the innocent and enrich themselves in the process.

The Kastolar Sector Raiders are one of these groups and have launched an attack on the space station Yverna's Haven located above Sepan 8. Serving as a crucial trade hub in the region, tremendous damage could be caused if the station was disabled and plundered. At this moment, the people of the system and the space station, have decided to call for Concord support whilst simultaneously applying to be included in the Silver Sphere.

Although resources are stretched thin, the Concord has still managed to scramble a naval force to combat the threat to Yverna's Haven and by extension Sepan 8. Times may be tough, but the potential loss of life and needless destruction remains unacceptable. The Silver Jedi Concord will be there to do what is right.

Objective A
A formation three corvettes and a stolen star destroyer as well as a carrier far at the back are inbound and will soon be within range to effectively fire upon the station. The intercepting Concord fleet has, however, made it in time to intercept the Raiders. While it may not contain a ship of the same calibre as the opposing fleet's stolen star destroyer, the hopes that they will be able to defend the station are high.

Take command of a fighter or a more substantial ship and do your part to defend Yverna's Haven. Or take command of a few battleships within the fleet - the hostiles cannot be allowed to succeed.

Objective B
The enemy fleet has a large carrier where their main command structure is located. Intel reports suggests that the Raiders' will to keep up the attack will crumble if their leaders are neutralised. A number of boarding parties have been sent towards the carrier to carry out said task.

Join the attack on the carrier. Where on the ship will your boarding craft land and how will you neutralise the Raider leaders once you have made your way to the bridge? Be on your watch, for internal security is said to be stringent.

Objective C
BYOO - Plenty of rescue freighters have been docked at Yverna's Haven, and as ships gets damaged and destroyed, their crew can fall in perilous situations. Will you be there to lend a helping hand to those in need? Will you help the limited medical staff aboard the station when they seek an extra pair of hands? There are many different needs which ought to be fulfilled. Will you be able to pitch in?

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Objective: B
Tags: Open

Slip woke up in a metal corridor. Everything hurt; it felt like his entire body was on fire. His head was hurting, and there was an intense ringing in his ears. He propped himself up with his arms. He shook his head, and looked around from his laying position on the floor.

He was in an empty corridor, apparently on a ship. He had no idea how he had gotten here, he couldn't remember how or why he was here. Then, he noticed the ship in the wall, and it all came back to him.

The boarding ship was lodged in the wall, with a large hole in the front of it. He could see flames coming from inside of it, and there was a large amount of debris and fallen wires laying around everywhere. The lights overhead flickered. Slip was surrounded by dead bodies of the other people from the boarding ship.

He remembered why he was here, and what happened. He was on the cruiser of the Raiders. He had been sent on one of the boarding ships to board the ship and take it down from the inside. But something had happened. They got shot down, and the pilot had them crash land on the cruiser. Slip had gotten flung out of the ship into the cruiser, but he miraculously, he survived. Now, he was trapped. He didn't know if anyone else had survived the crash. He was all alone.

He was alone.

And he was afraid.

Slip sat up. The shadow man leaned against one of the walls, whistling a tune. It echoed down the halls, creating an eerie echo in the empty hall. It was too empty, apparently security was intense on the cruiser, so he should have seen something by now, but he couldn't see anyone. Maybe he had managed to crash unnoticed. At least he had a chance to survive.

He stared at the dead face of the pilot, laying down on their back close by. From what it seemed like, the pilot had died instantly. Slip examined his face. The face was looking towards him, the cold, dead eyes staring him down. Just barely a few minutes ago, the pilot had been alive, he had had a future. But now, he didn't have anything. Death was... forgiving in that sense. It allowed an end. It allowed for a salvation. But Slip was not so lucky. Death wanted him to stay alive, for some reason. It wanted to torture him, to make him suffer through his own existence. His own, unnatural existence. But Death had its reasons, but Slip couldn't fathom those reasons. No mortal being could.

Slip got to his feet, uneasily. He placed his right hand on the wall, using it to help him get to his feet. He stumbled through the wreckage, looking for his stuff, and looking to see if anyone else had survived the crash.
We all fall in parallel
Objective C.

Hallways about the Medical Frigate Catharsis

They asked before leaving Kashyyyk who among them was competent with weapons. Small arms, melee, close quarters combat- all things Takui had no real life exposure to. Sure, he used to blast targets back home, but they couldn't move and didn't have the potential to kill you. In the face of a very real threat, the man was useless compared to even a much younger Padawan. Still, they had a use for every pair of hands.

No duty given to a Jedi is useless, not even the most trivial seeming task.

Those were the words imparted on him as he received his oorders. He was aboard Medical Frigate deep in the heart of the fleet well protected from enemy fire. They decided he belonged safely away from the enemy, where he would not be a liability to himself or anyone else. As nice as the words were, he could read between the lines.

It suited him fine, though. Frontline fighters put their lives on the line. They sweat more, too. He tried to imagine a job where he had to put in tremendous effort and risk death, but found himself shuddering. No, thanks. I'm happy in the Medical unit.

Or so he thought.

"Learner Mihzu," came a voice from behind him. Taku turned on his heel to face a shorter woman who he did not know. "I am the senior medical officer for this unit. You have been assigned to my care. I trust you were briefed on your duties before they shuttled you aboard my craft?"

"Yes, well, they did-"

"And I trust that you reviewed them thoroughly? You understand that when the fleet engages, it is our duty to preserve the lives of both friend and foe alike?"

"About that," he tried to get a word in, even if it was simply to tell her he had paid absolutely no attention during the briefing. He had murmured something akin to 'quality nap time' before promptly relieving his eyelids of the heavy weight they had been carrying.

Unfortunately, the woman was not interested in any answer other than 'yes.' The color fled from his face as Taku realized: he had kriffed up. "You will be running supplies for the surgical ward. There will likely be many blaster wounds and a heavy need for anesthetic. If you slow down, people will die."

He gulped.

"This is what we do, Learner Mihzu. Welcome to your first very real hands on experience as a Jedi. I will be making a report to the Masters based on your performance."

She turned and headed toward the ward, only sparing a look back to gesture for him to follow. "No pressure," he whispered beneath his breath as he picked up his pace. She gave a knowing smirk, but said nothing.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

Boarding Ship: “Emancipation”

He was in the cockpit with the pilots, they were taking heavy fire from the quad cannons and turbolasers of the carrier. Caltin was not piloting, but he could assist in telling them when exactly to dodge and how. Make no mistake, these pilots were professionals, but everyone could use some help once in a while. He also was emanating a calming aura to help them keep focus, as well as everyone else on the ship. The vessel was going in at what would be considered “attack speed” if it were a fighter, this was Caltin’s request, it was dangerous but it was an effective counter to the barrage.

“We may not be able to land safely at this speed.” The co-pilot said, concerned. He was young and while somewhat brash, he was not one to risk the lives of others around him, if he was piloting a starfighter, that was different, but not today.

“We can’t slow down in time.” The pilot confirmed. The landing bay was, luckily one with launch windows on both sides of the massive vessel, they could fly right through. This was something that Caltin had seen an advantage in and he just smiled.

Just open the loading ramp and just fly through, keep your shields up.

Walking to the back of the shuttle, he prepared himself, taking a few breaths the massive Jedi Master closed his eyes. Not everyone on the ship was Jedi, there would be casualties and he could not help this, but he could darn sure do his best to limit the numbers. As the ship buzzed into the landing bay he looked back at the others.

Stick to your training, watch each other's backs. You’re all going to do great. Remember, the Voss need us and we are not going to disappoint them.

With a leap, the big guy landed in a roll and then stopped. The shock of seeing someone jump out of the ship was just long enough for Caltin to draw their attention as he leaped into the air with a tuck and roll a “hero landing” while reaching out through the Force and executing a “push” just before his fist hit the ground. The resulting shockwave knocked several defenders back and off of their feet, allowing him to reach over his back for his lightsaber and engage the weapon.

The carrier’s security and crew now had another Force Sensitive to deal with.


Location: Boarding Ship - "Emancipation"
Equipment: Inherited basic lightsaber, simple Jedi robes in the colors of sky and snow
Desbre rested in the back of the vessel with the rest of the boarding party, rocking back and forth as the ship pulled some gees in its maneuvers. It was hard not to want to take the controls and fly herself. She was a very skilled pilot, and she didn't know these pilots well. But she knew what she was capable of. But they seemed capable, professional. More than that the hulking frame of Caltin Vanagor stood in the doorway, steady as a boulder, proving quiet direction to the pilots in question.

The vessel easily slipped and jinked around bursts of laser fire meant to shred their vessel. She'd caught glimpse of another getting hit with scattered fire and going into a ballistic flight not far away. Poor sods.

She could see their flagship growing in the viewscreen. They weren't slowing down, or at least not much. But she could see out the other side. They were going to thread the needle? That made her gut knot up, but at the same time, there was a calm that washed over her. The adrenaline was familiar, and she found herself smiling as the large Jedi Master lumbered to the back of the ship. Standing up she followed.

"Ten seconds," she called out loud. Caltin would go first, and she would be right behind him. They could establish a beachhead for the landing party. His job was to lead the initial breach. She would provide cover and extra security for the remaining assaulters. This wasn't practice anymore. There were real threads ahead. And more than that, flesh and blood. She might have to take a life today. Maybe some would happen by accident. But if she could help it, she wouldn't. But that didn't mean she had to go easy on them either. Not after what the briefing had given them.

Caltin was out the door, landing harshly in a blast of telekinetic force. She grinned and let the hangar security turn their attention on him, Just long enough to think he was all they were dropping off. The deck rose up to meet the vessel. She was aware the ground unit behind her was nervous as hell. Bailing out of a ship at speed was not something they had done more than a few drills on. "Go! Move move move," she called, along with the jumpmaster aboard. They would literally be right on her ass out the door. The drop was only ten feet, easy for her.

That deck rose up even more quickly. A brief touch of the Force slowed her fall and she hit, rolling smoothly and coming to her feet as her saber lit up in one hand. Attention was still mostly focused on Caltin. the rest of the assault team bailed out almost in a solid plug. She turned back, extending a hand. She defined each one, wrapping their bodies in energy. She could feel their weight, their speed, their anxiety at the jump. Surely they expected injury. But in her mental grip, they fell but more slowly and almost straight down. All but two landed soundly on their feet. The last two went down on the deck but were otherwise uninjured.

A blaster bolt whizzed past her face and out of the MagCon behind the assault team. Turning with bared teeth, she fell into the Force more fully, sensing where she needed to move next. The azure saber in her hands swept up, deflecting a stray shot, then another in a quick waggle left-right. Behind her, the team opened up with blaster carbines in a withering hail of deadly accurate fire, arranged with some kneeling, some standing, arranged in a chevron formation, while others moved to cover. They had the opening and initiative now.

[ snowblind ]​
| SCS Reliant
Defender-class Cruiser

Well, this was just lovely.

The smell of burning plastic bit at his nostrils, bringing tears to his eyes even as the smoke lingering in the air made his labor to take a breath and not cough. Another hit on the port side was marked by the ship pitching wildly, prompting the boy to grab hold of the console he was standing to maintain his footing as suddenly it felt as though they were riding out a rogue wave in space.

The power grid was overloaded. A slew of sparks blew outward, dancing across the metal deck as arcs were grounded to the ship's frame. As soon as the inertial dampeners had kicked in to stabilize the ship's flight profile, the disheveled Pantoran hunched over the console and choked as he tried to breathe.

"That star destroyer's really starting to piss me off," the boy uttered finally.

In the finest Silver Jedi tradition, this whole endeavor had been rushed. Boo had still been on Commenor when the call had gone out for any available or experienced personnel to lend a hand with a mission to some forget-me-not station in the Sepan-8 Sector. It was the standard raider scenario.

Talk about a tale as old as time.

The Concord had all of the Silver Sanctum Coalition and Silver Jedi records on him -- much to the failure of his many and varied efforts at purging those files. Old habits, and what not. But, Boo's former commission in the Levantine ExplorCorps and the fact that his Astronautical Academy midshipmen cruises had been under the command of Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser had made it easy for the boy to get swept up into the push to make this mission happen.

He was activated as a Commander in the Concord forces and introduced to the Reliant -- a Lucerne Labs cruiser that had been undergoing resupply and refit. It was only operating at about eighty percent capacity, with a skeleton crew assembled from those Concord officers who'd happened to be on leave or detached duty nearby, and then augmented by a handful of Antarian Rangers.

They didn't know this ship.

They didn't know each other.

And they sure as hell had questions about why there was a kid who looked thirteen years old leading the bloody charge.

The uniform jacket hung open, swallowing the blue-skinned youth's lanky frame as it hung loosely from his shoulders. The sleeves were rolled back, in clear breach of proper military protocol, as the purple-haired teen labored at the com-scan console.

It'd be brilliant if they had a full bridge crew. Feth, he'd take a full compliment of proton torpedoes while they at it. Had they been able to delay launch until Taungsday, then they might have been able to manage it.

For that matter, that might have allowed time for Théodred Heavenshield Théodred Heavenshield to be contacted and take this mission out. Terrible odds. Lost cause. This was definitely a job for a Heavenshield. Boo just wasn't certain that he was the right Heavenshield for the job.

Holo maps sprang up at the boy's fingertips, as his yellow eyes tried to get a snapshot of the current order of battle.

It looked like some of the boarding ships might have made it to the raider command ship. But that was about the only good news at present.

"Shield integrity at forty percent," the tactical officer shouted from the other side of the bridge, warning, "Another hit like that on the port side and she's had it."

"You worry about those cruisers. I'll worry about those shields," Boo stated flatly. Opening a quick holo-window, the boy called up the current power allocation tables and then just as quickly set those aside. Instead, expanding the com-scan display and overlaying navigation, the boy ordered, "Helm, bring us about to two-one-eight mark seven. Half power to the engines."

As soon as he'd given the order, the Pantoran swatted the com-scan view aside with a dismissive wave of his hand. Bringing the power allocation tables up, the Pantoran began looking for options at routing more power to the shields. "Let's see if we can't put those cruisers between us and that trangular queen," the boy uttered softly, even as he worked.

Bloody hell. It had been a long time since he'd watched Coren on the bridge of those deep space explorers. What the Hutt would Coren fething Starchaser do?

The helm seemed to have doubts. "Commander, at that attack vector, we'll have to engage those cruisers at point-blank range."

"I'm aware," Boo answered dryly.

"There's three of them and only one of us," the helmsman opined.

That sparked further commentary from the tactical officer. "We won't last long in a dog-fight."

The boy's eyes flickered up, first over to the helm and then over to tactical. "Longer than we'll last if that star destroyer keeps picking us apart," the Pantoran uttered coldly.

The tactical officer just turned back to his console.

As the helmsman and the navigator shared a look, the one whispered to the other, "Who is this kid? And what Sith Academy did they get him from?"

"It was a First Order Academy, actually," Boo stated in a matter-of-fact tone, as his youthful timbre made itself heard over the din of the bridge. Prosperia Junior Academy on Dosuun to be precise. Followed by additional training by the Knights of Ren on Skye. "If there's no more questions..?" the boy asked, allowing a pregnant pause.

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Kayla Luspark

Genius, Billionairess, Playgirl, Fighter Pilot

O B J E C T I V E A - Reaping the Raiders

Location: Near the Reliant

Kayla studied the countdown to the reversion to realspace. The mottled blue-white sky of hyperspace swirled all around as she arrowed toward the battle. The pilot had made her way from Galactic Alliance space a short while ago, on exchange from the G.A. to The Concord. Hearing of the Bryn'adul threat, she'd wanted to hop over the fence rather than waiting for the fight to come to her.

In the G.A. She'd trained extensively, seen some action, but her family's connections kept her out of any really bad fights. She'd been at the capital when the call went out for pilots and volunteers in a counter-offensive. It wasn't dealing with the Bryn, but it would be a warm-up and might get her into the fight where she really wanted to be. If she could get noticed. She'd heard about the plans being made. This was an opportunity to show she had the skills and competence to be out on the raggedy edge.

Back in GA space, she'd been a flight lead for her squadron, and a damn good one. Now, she had only a few fighters with her, but three others were enough. A single flight of snub fighters could do a lot. She was told there were more coming. But she had no idea what they were.

The counter reached zero. The integrated A.I. dropped them out of hyperspace right in the thick of it. Laser fire washed back and forth across the battlespace in glimmering columns between slugging giants. Smaller mixed fighters lit up her displays. Information began scrolling through the holohud. "Identify the SCS ships and flash our ident," she commanded. Either the A.I. aboard would, or her astromech companion would do it.

That being completed, she would be flagged as a friendly, if they weren't already. They'd appeared not far from SCS Reliant's position. Tapping the command channel she spoke up. "Reliant this is Red ...One," she said, not sounding confident on the title. There wasn't an official squadron yet. "I've got a flight of X-wings on-station. See you've got a nasty hit to the port. We'll swing over to screen you until we can hook up with another flight element. More friendlies should be inbound."

Activating the squadron band for her small unit she addressed them. "On me. Turn away any fighters looking to poke at the Reliant's week side. If you can't turn 'em, burn 'em. Shocks are acceptable too," she said, throttling up from cruise to attack speed and opening the strike foils of her fighter. Ruddering right, she rolled to the left, passing over the ship in a lazy corkscrew that kept it relative 'up' over her head, until she dropped out of the maneuver, neatly on the cruiser's port. The other wingmates followed, struggling to match her and stay exactly in position, but a moment later they evened out.

"Break by pairs but stick close. We'll get picked off if we spread out too much," she instructed. Ahead she could see a heavier ship, some kind of freighter or shuttle changing course toward the Reliant. Targeting it, she queried the vessel for its information. no registry came back. She painted it as hostile. "Looks like we have our first customer," she said. "Two, on me."

A quick double-click came back through the coms as the pair of X-wings split slightly off from two other fighters. Dropping her reticle over the target, she immediately got a tone. A press of the thumb-stud sent two missiles rushing out of the fuselage of her fighter, streaking on hot orange-gold exhaust. The first one detonated. In the ball of plasma, she could see the hard edge of a shield defined against the electrified, super-heated gas, before both dissipated. The second jammed itself into the transparisteel canopy. She swore there was the briefest of pauses before a terrible gold-white light lit up the interior and fire gouted from each viewport. The whole thing ripped apart at the seams, turning into a formation of parts and metal all flying in close formation.

Kayla rolled to the left and swept out in a long loop to rejoin the other fighters. Her wing, as she glanced back, was doing the same. That was a good sign. "Splash one assault shuttle," she noted to the flight of ships with her, as well as passively setting it to relay to the TacNet. It wasn't much, but that might have been a team of enemy boarders. Or it might have been carrying a heavy payload of ordinance meant to rip open the ship's weak flank and take a cruiser out of the fight. Anything to buy time. To last another minute.


Objective B
Tag | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Open
Objective Tags | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan


In what could only have been described as an incredulous feat, Yula and Cato’s transport had not managed to explode.

Usually, with the two of them involved in the same task, something was bound to blow up. So far, it had been smooth sailing. Smooth being subjective.

“Hold on to your butts!”

Jerking the yoke of the boarding shuttle sharply to the right, Yula sent the craft into a barrel roll that just nearly dodged a barrage and plasma fire from the ship’s mounted guns.

“You doing okay, Cato?”
She called to the Jedi, eyes glued to the viewport where she was scanning the underbelly of the ship. With the Concord fleet assaulting the Raiders, they just managed to slip close enough to the pirate’s freighter to be safe. Pulling back on the speed after clearing the range of the guns, the small craft floated towards the side of the ship before attaching itself to the exterior like a leech.

Fortunately, the pair of technically inclined Jedi were not the only boarding party. They’d been briefed with a few other teams before splitting up into groups, aiming to hit the enemy from multiple angles. As the ship’s plasma torches burned a slow hole just outside the airlock, Yula checked her weapons—a pair of blasters, a scattergun and her lightsaber—before adjusting the comm in her ear.

“Caltin, you and Gensan make it in okay? Heard from Slipknot?” The kid’s signal had gone out during the assault, and she flashed Cato a worried look, hoping that this wouldn’t turn into a reconnaissance mission.

The plasma torches finished their work, and the airlock opened with a hiss to reveal the darkened hallway they’d burrowed in. Yula motioned to the entrance with a sweeping gesture.

“Ladies first.”

Emily took the cue instead, chittering rapidly in droid-speak as she skittered through the airlock and into the hall.

Objective: A
Location: Exiting hyperspace
Ship: Razor-Tail

Ura gripped the controls of her fighter as the Deathseed slid into realspace. Dang it! They were already close! She quickly called out in her emotionless voice over a Concord channel, hoping to not be mistaken for a raider considering her fighter.

“Concord vessels, this is Razor-Tail. I’m coming in from behind. Fair warning, I’m in what you would call an Ugly. Please don’t kill me.” She’d also double check her transponder, just to be safe. This would be interesting.

Razor-Tail’s s-foils locked in attack position, and her gyro was freed as Ura prepped to slide into the battle. Her fighter’s wings rolled with the gyro, and her scanners began to send in a vast amount of data. She gripped the controls, seeing a bandit chasing some of the X-Wings. She’d quickly turn to get a side on shot. Waiting... waiting... wait...... Now! She pulled the trigger, and four laser cannons. Began to fire off. She missed, but it was enough. The Lervon watched and quickly rolled to chase them. She kept trying to arc around, flipping some switches before a blue arcing formed around the port under the cockpit.
She slipped closer before unleashing an arc of electricity on the fighter. It wouldn’t destroy it, but the systems would fry at least.

Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark


“Ow.” Cato had just stepped back into the cockpit as the ship lurched, his head hitting the doorframe with a clunk as it did. “Hold my what? He regained focus just in time to see Yula preparing to roll them out of harm’s way. Leaping into the seat next to her, he braced for impact, gripping it tightly until he was sure the plasma fire had missed.

To call their current rate of success a surprise would be an understatement.

“Define okay.” Cato touched his forehead where he had been hit, “I think I got a boo-boo. “You wanna kiss it to make it feel better?” He joked, but withheld further comment as they pulled the transport in to board. With a flourish Cato spun his blaster pistol into its holster, matching the look she had given as they awaited a response.

The airlock opened, revealing a dark corridor . Yula’s comment garnered a smirk and a nod, and he stepped into the hallway after the droid. “Now, what is the fastest way to engineering? O pirate ship, tell me your secrets...” The knight pulled out his datapad, the display of which flashed up a bisection of this particular carrier model. “Assuming I’m correct, and I’m pretty sure I am… We’re still a few floors above our destination.” He began to move in the direction of the elevators, noting the silence they were currently met with and responded accordingly by filling it with the sound of his own voice, “Uh, I like your droid by the way. Don't think I’ve mentioned.”
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
As he continued his own counter-assault against the attackers, much of Caltin’s focus through the Force that he was a part of. Sure, they were assigned to him, being a Master, but he did not consider himself above any of them, they were all in this together which is why he chooses to lead from the front. The message from Yula Perl Yula Perl almost tossed his focus out the window, his earpiece’s volume was set too loud, but he recovered quickly enough.

Blocking and redirecting a security droids shots at him, the Massive Jedi Master glanced over at Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan and mouthed the words “Anything from Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot ?” Reaching out through the Force, he found the young one, a few decks away. The “experiment” was alone and afraid, but would not be for long. Reaching out through the Force, he tried to reach him.

~Hang tight kid, Knight Yula, or I will come back you up soon enough.~

He’s pretty much midway between the both of us. If you can not get him, Desbre and I will.

He assumed that the Knight landed where her boarding ship was set to without issue, of course, life gets in the way of your plans, so he could be wrong. He could sense her and Cato Harth Cato Harth on the ship, but the carrier’s systems seemed to prove to be a somewhat effective interference and even a master could not pinpoint their positions. He fell on his faith in the Force that they were and would be okay.

The landing bay was as cleared as it was going to be as Caltin looked to one of the Team Leaders.

Set a perimeter, hold this area as well as you can, but do not be a “hero” if you need to fall back to a haven, do so.

A simple and quick nod from the Commander and he looked to the Arkanian Padawan. Let’s do this.

Once she acknowledged, he took off in a sprint through the blast doors, ultimate destination… bridge.


Location: Raider command ship
Equipment: Inherited basic lightsaber, simple Jedi robes in the colors of sky and snow
Des deflected a stray shot sending it into the ceiling, then took hold of a case in a telekinetic grip and with a thrust of her hand as a mental focus sent it flying across the hangar, caroming off the shooter's dome and sending him falling behind a speeder. She couldn't tell if they were unconscious or dead. And it wasn't her concern at the moment.

The question came over the comms if they had seen Slipknot and their status. Caltin was on it though as he finished off the last that he'd have to worry about. She caught his mouthed question but didn't have time to answer as she loped closer, letting her long legs eat up the ground. As Caltin ordered the unit with them into holding the exfil, she agreed silently. It would be nice to have their firepower. But the Jedi could move faster, be in more places, and handle more than they could by virtue of their senses and abilities.

Even as she closed in on Caltin, the Jedi girl had reached out with the Force, building a sensory net or sphere which she'd elongated into an ovoid that stretched over most of the ship and moved with them. She could feel the various life forces and signatures around them. Hazy impressions at first, the closer they got the sharper the impressions grew, as well as the awareness of their intent.

A simple and quick nod from the Commander and he looked to the Arkanian Padawan. Let’s do this.

She spun her saber once in response, closing it down and following along in full sprint. Despite his size, she was able to keep up, using just a touch of the Force to keep pace, but mostly it was her own raw physical power. She was grateful now for all the running and running and running and running she had done during the years. This was still just a warmup, but she could feel her heart pounding in her chest now, blood was flowing. That was good.

As they came to a cross corridor, Des picked up a cluster of the raiders arranged to the left, but they weren't moving. Caltin blew through, only for the group to open up with a withering barrage, but late. She didn't hesitate and instead stretched out one hand, sending a wave of kinetic energy down the hall, slamming into the first row, lifting them and slamming them into the second row, bowling them all down as though they had been hit by a massive hammer. How many were injured? She didn't know, but they had to keep moving.

The blast only took a split second, and she turned to keep running following right along behind Caltin, though the ambush gave her pause. "That was close. But they could really be making us work harder for it," she said around a few soft pants.

Caedyn Arenais


Objective C: Dock with Yavernas Station.
Starfighter: Blueshift-Class Assault Starfighter.
Astromech: Chip.


In-bound for Yvernas Station in orbit over Sepan 8, Caedyn Arenais sat within the cockpit of his Blueshift-Class Starfighter currently shooting through Hyperspace on his way to joining his peers within the Silver Jedi Taskforce that had been designated objectives in protecting the Station's inhabitants and warding off any risk within the region.

According to the briefing, the Kastolar Sector Raiders had been reportedly causing trouble in the sector. They were a criminal organization that Caedyn could recall his Father speaking of several years back. Some sort of Gang of pirates and thugs, and now they'd managed to get their hands on some larger Naval Vessels with the capability of doing some real damage today.

"How're things looking Chip?" Caedyn asked his Astromech Droid, the communications headset feeding through his voice to the droid's hub on the exterior of the craft. Chip's response would come through via the Fighter's computer, binary turned basic scrolling across the monitor to the side of the dash.

"Yeah it's been a while since I've been in a Fighter I suppose" Caedyn responded while reaching for the monitor and changing the display to provide an overall readout of the Fighter's status, shields, weapons and power output. "Don't worry though, we're going to be docking with the Station itself, I'm not much of a combat pilot really" he added with a slightly sheepish grin, shaking his head at his own expense.

Truth be told, Caedyn's avoidance of fighter combat was more due to the nature of the vessels themselves. You could approach an opponent in saber combat and hope to avoid having to take a life, but so easily in space or aerial combat, the moment you fire the blaster canons often meant the devastation of another craft and a far greater chance of the loss of life within it.

"We'll be reverting out of Hyperspace shortly" Caedyn announced, "When we do, raise communications with the station crew and find us a Hangar to land in".

Objective: A
Starfighter: RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor
Tags: Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark

"Green 7, standing by." "Green 8, standing by." The fighters continued to check in. Aveline heard her own voice say "Green 9, standing by" as she engaged with the comms. She knew it was her, but the whole thing seemed pulled so far away from reality. She didn't feel nervous, but her hands were cold and she couldn't feel her stomach. Every cell in her body felt primed and on full alert. If she ever got through this day, she would sleep for two days straight, she was sure. "Green 12, standing by." The final fighter of her squadron checked in.

Her A-Wing squadron lingered in the background, high up and to the side. With everything else going on perhaps they could go unnoticed. "Look! I see them! Our fighters are engaging-" one of the pilots chimed in, but was immediately shut down by their commander officer. "Hold your position! That is not our task." the stern voice was met with nothing but silence.

Was this because of her trip to Commenor? She had said she had an interest in flying, and some experience piloting various ships. Never in combat like this though. Never a starfighter. Her training had felt shockingly brief. Was it because she was a Jedi? Did they just expect her to pick up on everything immediately? Fortunately for her, she'd been put on the wing of a more experienced pilot, and a Jedi Knight to boot. He was a Nautolan, going by the name Bal Eelen. They'd been introduced and spoke briefly before the mission. It made her feel a bit more at ease, but this whole situation was new, terrifying, and to be honest she still hadn't worked out what to think. She'd thrown up right before take off, but she hadn't told Knight Eelen about that.

"Our escorts have made it through." their officer relayed, to some scattered cheers and applause from the pilots. "Steady." He demanded, and the comms went quiet again. Clearly this one had a pet peeve against unnecessary chatter while on mission. They waited, drifting in space, shut off from the rest of the engagement. On one end the boarding party started going to task, on the other the dogfight was well and truly picking up. For what seemed like an eternity they floated. It was hard to stand by as others fought and died, but it was part of a greater scheme. Finally their comms flared up again. Their instructions were brief and to the point. "Power on. Formations. Begin your attack run." Deep breath. "Feth feth feth." she cursed to herself, nervously. Naturally, she only did so after her comms were off. Like everyone around her, her starfighter powered on and her thrusters flared up, racing down to what would hopefully be a successful flank attack. "May the Force be with us"
We all fall in parallel
"Stay on your toes," she admonished him fiercely as he wiped sweat from his brow. For the past two hours, he had not stopped moving. No amount of physical conditioning could have prepared him for this, which ironically suited him perfectly, because that was as much physical training as he had ever had. He could feel his stomach knotting as he tried to slow himself down and just breathe.

"Did you hear me?" she asked loudly. Taku felt a jolting impact to the back of his neck and tensed up immediately. He thought he might vomit. "Are you listening? There won't be any breaks until we're done. Every single moment someone is creeping close to death, and everything you're moving to surgery is keeping someone alive. Do you not get that?"

"Yes ma'am," he rasped. "Sorry ma'am."

"I don't need your apologies, I need you to do better." It wasn't quite the nurturing teaching style he would have preferred, but Taku felt the strain in a very real way. This woman made sure he understood that lives hinged on his performance. She thrust onto him the full force of the smallest job and beat the sense of duty into him.

Taku had never felt like anything he did mattered like it did aboard the Catharsis. "Room three needs 500 ccs of Normal saline to replenish the IVs," she spoke quickly, but gradually he started to hear her and respond more quickly.

"Got it," he huffed as he ran through the corridors and only stopped at the supply closet long enough to fill the order. When he got to room three, he was quickly shown how to top off the fluids by one of the on hand nurses. If he could do it himself, it would save the people who had actual medical training from having to waste their time.

He hung the last of the bags and tossed the depleted one in a sterile bin where it could be collected later and recycled. Nothing was wasted, not supplies, not movement, and certainly not time.

"Mihzu, I need you to go grab some painkillers from the vault," the head of staff told him. "You've shown me you can be dependable so far, but this job is a little bit more difficult. I need you to pay close attention to what I'm going to tell you."

"I'm ready," he slumped visibly as began to listen to the things she had to say.
Objective: B
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Yula Perl Yula Perl Cato Harth Cato Harth

Slip dug through the wreckage, looking for his stuff. Shifting a panel over, he found his lighsaber. Perfect. He clipped it on his utility belt and looked around for his bag. He looked towards a seat, and saw one of the dead bodies leaning on his bag. He walked over to the body and shifted it out of the way.

"Sorry buddy, it wasn't your fault you died." Slip told the corpse, apologetically.

It's alright. The body replied.

"No, no. Be quiet. You're dead." Slip said.

He picked up his bag and grabbed his important stuff. He would have to leave the rest behind, as he needed to move lightly and quickly. Slip grabbed his tactical knife and his commlink, then he placed the bag into the lap of the dead body. Slip walked out of the boarding tansport and back out into the hallway. He looked back into the ship, at the dead bodies. Right now, Slip was the only one who knew, or even cared, that these people were dead. But that was war. And Slip was specifically made for war.

Slip considered contacting the Silver Jedi. He could sue their help, and they needed to know if he was alive or not. But, if he sent a transmission, the Raiders could be able to intercept it and realize that Slip was on their ship and where he was.

But then, suddenly, Slip felt someone try to reach him through the Force. It was another Jedi, one of the Jedi that were apart of a different boarding team, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . The man was trying to establish contact with Slip through the Force. Slip brushed against his mind, just to let the man know that he was still alive.

Then, Slip looked down at his feet. There, he could see "The Mask". To be honest, he had hoped that it had gotten broken in the crash. But it seemed like all that had happened was that it had come out completely unscathed. He could already hear the voices and the whispers, trying to draw him in and convince him to put it on. He could already feel the pull of the Mask on him.

Put it on

Don't put it on

You'll need it

We can find a way without it

It can help you

We don't want its help


The last voice was powerful, and it shook Slip. He would need its help if he wanted to get out of here alive. But he could find a way himself, but that would be much more difficult and harder. The Mask would make his powers stronger, yes, but at what cost? His sanity? His already fragile and broken mind? His control?

Slip reached down, picking up the Mask. It was just like when he first found it, in that abandoned temple. He was all alone, and the mask was calling to him, convincing him to put it on. The Mask was perhaps Slip's best kept secret, as plenty of the Jedi would consider the Mask to be a dark side artifact. But he did need the Mask, especially in circumstances like these.

He picked up the mask, and held it at eye level, looking at it. The whispers were getting louder. The shadow man looked at Slip, intrigued.

"You're really going to put it on? Even after what happened last time?" The shadow man asked.

Slip looked at the hallucination. "I know, I know. But look, it could help us get off this ship, and we need all the help we can get."

The shadow man shrugged. "Whatever you say, it's your decision."

Slip looked back at the mask. Then, he turned it around, and put it on his face.

He could already feel the effects of the mask. He could feel his strength and stamina increasing. His mind became sharper, and everything around him seemed clearer. He could still hear the voices, but for now, they were quiet. But for how long the demons would stay away, only time would tell.

Slip raised his commlink and contacted Yula Perl Yula Perl , another Jedi that Slip knew was apart of the boarding party. He had already contacted one team by interacting with Master Caltin, so now he deemed it fitting to contact the other team.

"Knight Perl," Slip said. His voice was... different now. It was a little bit more distorted, and when he talked, it sound like there were other people in the room, copying what he said, creating a sort of echo affect, but with different voices. "This is Slip. My boarding shuttle crashed on the Raider carrier. I'm the only one left alive. I'll be going radio silent for now, I'll contact you once I reach the Raider security center. Slip out." He said into the commlink. Then, he turned the commlink off, and even turned off his transponder. He didn't want anyone tracking him or getting close to him, as if he lost control, he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Then, to Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , he would seemingly vanish, his Force signature suddenly disappeared, nowhere to be seen. Slip had learned how to conceal himself a while back. He had mastered the art of going invisible and unnoticed. But now, he was doing it so that he didn't hurt anyone. Slip knew how unstable he was, being around people was dangerous, as he could lose control at any moment.

Slip walked down the hallway, heading further into the ship. His breathing was muffled by the mask. To any Raiders that would see him, he would surely be a terrifying sight.

He had a mission to uphold, and uphold it he would.

Kayla Luspark

Genius, Billionairess, Playgirl, Fighter Pilot

O B J E C T I V E - A - Reaping the Raiders

Location: Behind Green Squadron, not too far from Reliant

Kayla shifted uncomfortably in her cockpit. Her scalp itched, and she could feel a little sweat running down the small of her back that was driving her nuts. One of the drawbacks of being in full flight gear. Reaching over, she adjusted the life support controls to knock the temperature down. Her small cluster of fighters kept orbiting the Reliant, but she wasn't sure how effective they were really being. The cruiser was sluggish and clearly not operating at full capacity.

Her unit had some warheads they could throw, but it wasn't really enough to punch out that star destroyer looming in the distance. Not really. She doubted they could have knocked out its shields. The best they could do was strip off some guns.

The cruiser below her was lumbering its way into a slugging match with the three smaller vessels, trading blows. It was going to get creamed without some help. Angrily she thumped her head against the transparisteel canopy a few times, trying to get the itch in her head to go away.

"Okay, Red flight, let's see if we can't make a dent the Reliant can chew through," she said. As she began to consider the best attack vector, a series of green dots appeared in a cluster. Swinging her gaze around, she spotted an entire squadron of A-wings beginning their rush into the fight. Where did they come from?

They looped out and began an attack run on one of the cruisers. A-wings were a little light on weaponry, but they had flexibility and ferocity. They might not be able to really pull the teeth on their target in the first go. While X-wings were not bombers, they had more firepower. "On me," Kayla ordered.

"Affirm, lead."
"With you, boss."
"As ordered."

She jammed the throttle to the firewall and then poured power from shields into thrust while layering the remaining shields double to the front. It would give enough protection for long enough and allow them to follow right behind the A-wings. She scanned them down and picked up their designation. "Get me green squadron's Com frequency," she ordered to either her fighter's AI or the astromech in the back.

A moment later a message scrawled across her readouts. They had the signal. "Red flight lead to Green lead."

She waited for acknowledgment as the A-wings were closing in. She rolled her fighter to the left ninety degrees, putting the A-wings and their target 'above' her, then hauled back on the stick to climb in a loop until they were in front of her, tucked neatly behind Green squadron, but trailing by a few hundred meters.

"We'll follow you in and drop some extra frag on target. See if we can punch them out, or make them easy for Reliant to punch out."


Objective B
Tag | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Open
Objective Tags | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan

Yula flashed Cato a grin, though it didn’t exactly reach her eyes as the static from the comm crackled worryingly in her ear. “Thanks. She’s annoying but useful. Much like yours truly.” Her voice bounced off of the walls, echoing through the desolate hall and carrying to Emily’s sensors. Up ahead, the droid could be heard chattering in irritation. “Mind sending that map to Em as well?”

Irritating as she was, the little spider droid had often seen Yula out of sticky situations.

Caltin’s voice sounded in her ear, and she responded with a quick <“Rodger”>. With the din of battle she’d heard in the background, she would be cautious about relaying information to the Master and Padawan duo. The message was shortly followed by Slip’s voice, distorted but alive. Yula heaved a sigh of relief and looked over to Cato, shoulders dropping. <“Cato and I are heading to engineering. Take care.”>

Taking in a deep breath, she tapped into Caltin’s frequency once more. <“He’s alive. Knight Harth and I are en route to security. Give ‘em hell, big guy. Out.”>

Back to the task at hand, Yula had been idly following Cato, the guy with the map. “I heard from Slip, he’s going dark until he reaches security. I wonder how close that is to eng—”

A mechanical shriek in the distance caused her to stop short, and Emily came scampering back in a panic, followed shortly by a pair of raiders firing plasma bolts into the floor of the hall as they chased the strange little droid.

“Look out!”

On instinct, she body-slammed Cato to the ground.

“Sounds like a perfect pairing, then.” He grinned back, linking the map data to Emily and transferring it over, “Can do.” Cato never constructed a droid himself, but watching Yula’s scurry further off made him all the more tempted to try his hand.

Overhearing the comms pick up, Cato looked back at Yula, giving a cautious thumbs up in response to her body language as if to ask for confirmation that what she’d heard was good news. He was able to figure out the context easily enough, and kept pushing forward.

Cato’s response to the increasing commotion was more delayed, only pulling his face out of the datapad right as he was body slammed by Yula. For the second time in a very short time, Cato’s head bonked against the metal as he hit the floor. “Is now really the time?!” He quipped shamelessly.

The knight quickly put two and two together however, and he rolled out in front of her, blaster pistol already in hand. The LL-30 shrieked through the corridor, two plasma bolts lancing out in rapid succession. With the raiders’ focus on the droid, he was able to hit one in the leg, causing the raider to topple to the ground, and his gun to slide out and away from his grasp. The second shot went wide, striking the wall and giving the other raider time to react.

Cato would try and pull Yula towards the wall, more or less punching the access panel of the nearest door to open it, and moving both of them inside for cover. The other raider began to fire indiscriminately towards the entryway, one shot hitting the wall on the other side of where Cato’s head was. “Y’know, I’m surprised it took us as long to run into someone as it did.”

The sound of the weapon’s overheating vent hissed, and Cato used the cue to swing back out of cover and return fire. A single decisive shot rang out, and the raider slumped against the wall. In one hand, his blaster, in the other, a small pinging device. The rhythmic beep filled the silence, and as Cato quickly deduced, was sending some sort of distress signal. “That’s probably not a good sign.”
| SCS Reliant
Defender-class Cruiser

The ship was rocking as it was pelted by turbolasers and heavy blaster cannons. At this kind of close range, there were not a lot of shots that were missing the target. And the sound of the ship scraping against another hull was a reminder of just how very real the dangers of a collision were when using these kinds of tactics with a capital ship.

"Kid, we've got multiple contacts emerging from hyperspace."

The Pantoran's yellow eyes flashed up from where he'd been working to find an available power allocation scheme that would give them a few more minutes of shield integrity.

As soon as he did, he saw the number of contacts on the board multiply. "Well, this is going to be a relief or just really suck," the boy deadpanned.

"Friendly contacts," the tactical officer shouted across the board.

There was a collective sigh of relief -- Boo included -- as the man added, "Fighters coming in."

"Reliant this is Red ...One. I've got a flight of X-wings on-station. See you've got a nasty hit to the port. We'll swing over to screen you until we can hook up with another flight element. More friendlies should be inbound."

“Concord vessels, this is Razor-Tail. I’m coming in from behind. Fair warning, I’m in what you would call an Ugly. Please don’t kill me.”

One by one, the boy was taking stock of what they were working with. X-Wings. An ugly. He was glad to see them, but already the boy was trying to work out in his mind how to employ them in a strategy. "Welcome to the party," the boy announced over the open comm channel.

Then, looking over at the tactical officer, tried to shift his focus to the immediate. "Coordinate fires with the tactical computer on Red One if you can," the Pantoran ordered. "Then concentrate fire on the forward target. We've got the advantage. Let's use it. Hit them one-by-one. It'll be bloody. It'll be quick."

Overwhelm the corvette's defenses, then it would be either disabled or destroyed depending on how the damage played out on their side. At that point, it would cease to be Boo's immediate concern.

What would be his immediate concern at that point in the battle would be that gorram star destroyer. Taking that thing on in a head-on engagement was suicide. Even if the X-Wings could strip some of the turbolaser emplacements, it's shields were going to present a formidable bulwark. Reliant's defenses would be overwhelmed long before they put a dent into that destroyer.

So he needed an indirect option. Hit and fade.

"Are the long-range turbolasers still operational?"

"One, aye, Commander," the tactical officer reported.

"You get a firing solution on the star destroyer, I want you to take it."

"Their shields are a maximum," the man countered. "It won't make a dent."

An accurate assessment. The Pantoran merely gave a nod of his head. "It doesn't need to. I just want to keep them... entertained."


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