Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Yverna's Plight [SJC Dominion of Sepan 8 Hex]

The Silver Scribe

Kastolar Sector Raider's Fleet:
1x Star Destroyer - Status: Optimal.
1x Carrier - Status: Optimal.
3x CR90 Corvettes - Status: Optimal.
7x Starfighter Squadrons - Status: Optimal.

The Yvernas Space Station lay in sight of the Raider Fleet. The moment the vessels had lept out of hyperspace and their weapon systems primed, an emergency call for aid had gone out across Silver Space calling to the attention of the Silver Fleet, their responding Naval Forces now entering into the frey as the hostile fleet had unleashed it's fighter squadrons and the Corvettes had taken up position ahead of the Star Destroyer while the Cruiser remained to the rear, the larger vessels on approach for the Space station itself, already unleashing their long ranged firepower from afar, however limited by their distance.

Alarms within the Space Station rang out across every level of the facility, civilians and crew workers alike scrambling to find shelter while the security forces did what they could to prepare in the case that they were to be boarded. The Station held it's value as a distribution center for traders and supplies coming and going out of Sepan 8, holding very little in the way of Naval Capacity itself. The population within held a significant number of visitors coming and going, traders dabbling in all kinds of goods. For criminals like the Kastolar Sector Raiders there would be plenty for the taking, however between them and their ill gotten goods were the Silver Jeid Forces presently on an intercept course.

Fighter Squadrons screamed out ahead of the larger Starships while volleys of turbo-laser fire rained down on the incoming fleet. The Squadrons scrambled upon reaching the Silver Navy, engaging their own and seeking to eradicate the defensive fleet keeping them from the wealth sitting just out of their reach.

Should the Kastolar Sector Raiders reach the Space Station, their boarding parties would bring chaos down upon the civilian life within. As if they needed any hint of what was to come, the shields of the Space-Station were being rocked with the weapons fire that managed to slam into the side of the orbital facility.

Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Takui Takui | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
We all fall in parallel
He returned, his arms overflowing with bags filled with fluid that looked almost like water. "I brought enough for all the wards," he rasped. Taku looked as though he might pass out from exertion at any moment. "Just like you asked," he added, slowly trying to catch his breath.

"Good, now please distribute them. One to each IV rack. Then we will be prepared to take on any casualties." Takui had not asked her why she was running him around so much when there were no patients aboard, but he was rewarded with an answer anyway. If he had not been rushing, they would not have been prepared to take on even a single patient by the time they arrived to their destination.

Translation: even the least important job given had merit and meaning.

Message received.

Taku hurried to hang the IV bags as the ship fell out of hyperspace and the alert flared through the fleet. They had engaged. "Taku, right?" one of the medical officers on staff called over to him as he worked. "Thanks for helping. I know it's hard work, but without volunteers we can get pretty short handed."

"Its no problem at all," the younger man said with a soft smile. "I used to help out when my mother was sick, running errands and stuff like that. Just let me know if I'm getting in your way at all."

"Just keep your eyes open," the man encouraged him. "Keeping a good idea of what your surroundings are is a great skill to have in life. Even if you're not a doctor." Taku watched the man wash his hands and begin sterilizing the work area, clearing each bed and placing a thin sheet across to prevent direct contact with patients. "When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Jedi," he revealed with a laugh.

"Why didn't you?" Taku inquired, genuinely curious.

"Some folks are born with it," the doctor shrugged, "the rest of us aren't so lucky. That said, you don't have to be a Jedi to save lives or do the right thing."

Taku stared at the man in awe. There was something uniquely humbling about hearing a man who had no special powers to speak of say something so incredibly profound. He found himself brimming with motivation out of nowhere, a trait that Taku did not generally count among his scant few good qualities.

"Hurry up and get back to the old lady before she screams at both of us," the doctor told him. "We're about to get pretty busy from the sound of things."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
Option B
Location: Naval Battle
Ship: Carrier

Level: Fighter Maintenance Deck

While the Jedi were managing to secure the landing bay, well maybe just one of them, the actual launch bay was two decks up. Receiving reports of the starfighters launching from both the Star Destroyer and the Carrier, Caltin was concerned about their progress. They were not really slowing down the air battle while they fought their way up to the bridge. He and Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan were riding the lift up when it dawned on him and hit the emergency stop.

Almost on cue, Yula Perl Yula Perl called on him through the comm-link, he forgot to turn the volume down and slapped his ear at the blast of sound ringing through his ear. Desbre could probably hear it herself as well as her own and have a good laugh. The news of their intended route was a welcome one and he knew what they could do at this point, the defense emplacements were important targets, but the bays… yeah. ~Game on, with any luck this carrier won’t be able to carry much very soon.~

He did not know much about the Knights, but He had faith in the Force and thus had faith in her and Cato Harth Cato Harth , the two of them, their team, and Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot would be successful. As he began pulling the turbo-lift apart through the Force, he looked at Desbre, who seemed ready for anything. She may be “just a Padawan” by some sentient’s standards but she is more than ready for this and he did not worry about her like he did others in her position.

As the maintenance, security staff, tech crew, deck crew, and fighter pilots all seemed to turn their heads and began to move towards their would-be attackers, defending or at least attempting to defend their position, Caltin ignited Conservator.

They can not launch if they do not have fuel.

With a leap, the massive Jedi Master powered his way at the largest group of attackers. He was more than capable of defending himself as while the fighters were more than capable, they were not Force Sensitive, let alone a Jedi who has specialized in combat all of his life. This may look crazy and wreckless to most, and no doubt, it was, it was measured and calculated to give his compatriot, Desbre as much chance to take out the fuel tanks with as little interference as possible. She could defend herself as well, no issue, but why not make her trip as easy as possible? Maybe, if they both were lucky, one, or both of them could take out the Launch Bay’s magnetic containment field.

~Des, if you get to the MCF before I do, make sure to message the Launch Bay, give them a chance to escape before we blow the thing.~

The carrier could not launch fighters if there were no longer any fighters to launch.

Slowly but surely, Caltin was moving the battle away from the turbo-lift and towards some of the stored shuttles and starfighters. This was the misdirection ploy that the ship crew could not ignore and his move, as powerful as they were, did not disappoint. What did not help as he had just cut the wing off of a starfighter and it fell on two heavy gunners. This seemed to anger several of the others who chose to keep a distance and get some height, this way they could target the other Jedi as well.

This did not fall idly on the big guy and as they began to rain down weapons fire on the massive Jedi Master, their friends and crewmates dodging for cover, Caltin took to utilizing his Soresu mastery and redirected their blasts into other sections of the bay. The blaster bolts slammed into fuel tanks, droids, support beams, and various systems, Caltin noticed a sniper targeting his escorting Padawan and redirected the last blasts at the would-be assassin before leaping at the two Gamorrean gunners. Cutting them down with a half-moon slash that carried over the both of them he went running for the M.C.F.

Of course, he was more concerned about the on-deck staff than the controls, they had two Jedi to deal with and they could deal with him.
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Location: Reaper carrier, fighter maintenance bay
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, Inherited lightsaber

Des watched him, listening to the transmission. The Force was boiling all about the battlefield and all around them. But Strangely she was calm, focused. This was an element that she knew. The adrenaline dumps from racing and flying. The hard training had all been for days like this. So far she'd done alright for herself. And fighting alongside Master Vanagor had been interesting. Seeing his intensity and ferocity in battle was heartening. She might never have his raw physical power. But she had other assets and abilities that were just as good to have.

What was he planning?

And then she saw, just as the turbolift peeled open under his grip. He mentioned fuel and moved out, drawing hasty fire from the scoundrels and ne'erdowells that called the ship hope. Most were grease monkeys and thugs, more swoop gang than military experts. But there were a few veterans among their ranks. She lit her own saber as she spun out through the doors going left.

She picked up the narrowing intent to fire, as well as the warning from the Force she needed to move and where almost before it came. her saber swept up and deflected a blaster bolt almost on its own. it caromed off a cutting rig, blasting open the side of a gas bottle, sending it spinning into a group of the raiders.

~Des, if you get to the MCF before I do, make sure to message the Launch Bay, give them a chance to escape before we blow the thing.~

The message came through loud and clear but not over the comlink. Reaching up to her ear she triggered it while ducking a trio of blaster bolts. She leaped over the shooter, twisting to face him and landing behind. They stepped away as they turned toward her, backpedaling and bringing their pistol into line. She didn't give him the chance. One hand came up, faster on the draw, and sent out a powerful, narrow blast of telekinetic force. An invisible sphere hit him just under the ribs in the solar plexus like a cannonball and knocked him off his feet. The blaster stayed behind, tumbling from his nerveless fingers. he crashed into a pile of containers.

"Gensan to commando team. Get out of the bay. Get out of the bay now, or breathe hard vacuum." The tone of her voice would bear no argument, it was pure command and urgency mixed together. If they did not move, they'd be dead in moments, and it didn't matter how many combatants there were. It was gonna get real hard to breathe in there.

Turning back toward the magnetic containment field controls and system, she ran forward as a white blur. Everything seemed to slow down, save for Caltin and herself. She knew that feeling well. She lived in this space in training. Often she'd used Speed just for fun. But now it mattered. Ever motion was precise, snappy. She could hear and feel the cuffs of her uniform and the edges of the loose cloth snapping in the air caused by her passing.

As she ran she saw the guy with the big rifle swing ponderously toward her. He never saw the destruction that came for him in the form of the hulking Jedi Master. Overhead, she could feel the commando team begin to break into a run. Time began to speed up as she hauled her arm back then forward. The saber left her hand sailing forward, tumbling end over end. She took hold of it in the Force. Her mental touch let it spin free, and preserved its momentum sending it sailing for the system.

Overhead, the team had decided to pile up in a defensive position near the other access points, closer to the security station and bridge. They'd stuck close to each other, so at her urging, they were moving quickly,

The saber crashed into the generator and the wall. The coupling flashed brilliant purple-white with discharged energy. The arc swept out like a macabre jagged tongue licking at the walls and deck. The energy transfer gouged and tore through the material as surely as any lightsaber would. Several bottles exploded or went flying like lunatic rockets. The gasses only magnified the fireball creating a larger secondary explosion. Seeing the concussion moments before it happened, Des dropped behind cover and plugged her ears. A massive fist struck her entire body from behind, even through cover, and sent her sprawling across the deck, containers, and tools flying everywhere. One container caromed off her head before she hit the floor.

Landing in a heap, she held the back of her head with a groan as the electrical show died out.

Overhead in the flight deck, everything seemed fine, until the call came in from a rather urgent sounding Arkanian. "Chit, evacuate," the team leader barked, and grabbed two of his people who were kneeling, hauling them to their feet. Knowing better than to argue or question, the rest of the group followed.

The last of the unit saw the magnetic containment on the port side begin to flicker. A deep whump! shook the deck, and they almost swore they saw some of the deck plates flex. And then the magnetic containment field gave its last fitful throw before vanishing. A massive gale began closes to the open wall to space which spread inward in the blink of an eye. The door slammed almost on the nose of the last two men watching.

Air squeaked and squealed around the seals before they pinched off the flow of the atmosphere completely. They could hear objects, light little ones and big heavy ones sliding, clattering, and banging around on their way out or across the deck.

Outside the ship, anything that wasn't terribly heavy or bolted down began ejecting out the side of the ship in a hail of missiles propelled by the explosive decompression. Bodies, still fighting Reapers, ordinance, spare parts, even a few lighter vehicles, repulsor sleds, computers, and diagnostic stands, tumbling free into the silent, merciless void.

Des sat up. Her head swam, and everything was fuzzy. Her ears rang so loud she couldn't hear anything else. Looking back at her hand it was covered in blood. "Great. Why is it my head always gets split open," she muttered to herself. Or rather shouted it. She thought it was a mutter. Looking lost she cast her gaze about. Saber, saber... where did it go? She fumbled looking for it. The pounding headache starting up was making that kriffing hard though.
Objective: A
Starfighter: RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor
Tags: Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark

There was so much going on. So much. It was the calm before the storm as friendly and hostile ships rushed out to meet one another. The enemy had launched their own fighters, and before long the normally so calm and quiet space would become firey hot with laser fire wherever the eye cared to look. The squadron commander was in touch with a Red Squadron, or something like that, and relayed that the two would operate in support of oneanother.

It was almost as if Bal Eelen could tell how she was steadily growing overwhelmed with it all. On a private comm channel, he reached out to her. "Don't worry kid. Just stay on my wing and you'll be fine." She fumbled with the controls until she managed to change over to the same channel. "Thank you. I'll try to do just that" She could feel the warmth in his voice, even over all this static. It was comforting. "Do or do not, kid. There is not try" Bal's words gave her pause. She thought she had heard that somewhere before. "Was that-" "Don't worry about it"

"This is it people. Remember your training. We need to punch through those corvettes if we're to stand a chance." Their squadron commander was right. Those things could tear to starfighters if left to their own devices. "The enemy have got fighters of their own. So keep 'em off our friends in Red, and let everyone do their jobs." Roger roger.

On her right, Bal's A-Wing opened fire. The sound of blaster fire drowned out anything else. Aveline was one of the last to fire. But a brief moment later her fingers too moved down on the trigger, and her weapons roared into action. They couldn't do much against ships bigger than their own, but hopefully they could put a dent in it, soften it up for the squadron of X-Wings. Green Squadron lifted and moved beyond. Aveline was already trying to pick her targets. Starfighters incoming. This was gonna get messy.

Caedyn Arenais

Objective C: Assist & Protect Civilian Population.
Starfighter: Blueshift-Class Assault Starfighter.
Astromech: Chip.


Caedyn's Starfighter exited Hyperspace some distance away from the enemy fleet and pushing power to the thrusters, he made a beeline directly for the Space-Station, his mind on potential casualties and the hope that the facility hadn't yet been boarded. Intel claimed that the Station was majorly a civilian trade center, and while there were no doubt riches to be found and plundered, the Jedi Knight was more concerned with the lives that were being put in harm's way with every turbo-laser bolt slamming into the facilities shields.

"This is Caedyn Arenais, I'm in-bound for Yvernas Station" he spoke into his headset, Chip having already opened a channel up over Silver Jedi frequencies hailing any nearby allied fleet within the region. He didn't expect much in the way of a response but merely wished to relay his position in the case that others might need him.

A loud while came in via the vessels internal com-speakers, his astromech companion calling attention to the incoming weapons fire having strayed far from the facility itself, yet forced the Jedi Knight to throw the Starfighter into a barrel roll, pointing the nose of the vessel down and performing a spiral descent in order to evade getting blitzed.

"Okay, yeah that was too close, I agree..." Caedyn muttered under his breath, looking to realign his fighter with the Station and punching it as quickly as he could to rendezvous with the Hangar that had been cleared for his arrival.

Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Takui Takui | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

Objective B


Location: Jax's Starfighter on his way to the mercenary starship
Equipment: Pilot suit, A version of Luke's Bespin outfit, rebreather, Jax's Lightsaber
Tag: @​
"Can one be late to a battle?"​
Jax briefly read the translation from BB-12 as he accelerated his modified Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor past the debris created from the ongoing space battle and flak fired by anti air cannons attached to the starships. An enemy starfighter broke off formation and chased Jax probably thinking that this was an opportunity to take out a Jedi. Using the force for guidance, Jax had to duck and weave to avoid the rapid fire from his light space cruiser, the sounds of blaster fire filled Jax's thoughts as he saw one of the laser bolts graze his hull. "Yeah!" Jax frantically fiddled with the buttons trying to start his ship's self repari.​
"Ever heard of the stories about the heroes arriving late?!" Jax grinded his teeth steering the through the fragments of destroyed starfighters hoping that this mercenary would slam into one of them. Sadly he wasn't as stupid as Jax thought, just his luck. "Well this galaxy's history has full of people arriving late to a battle to turn the tide!"​
"And we're those people?!"​
"Yes!" Jax yelled kicking the ship into drive in attempt to create distance between himself and enemy ship. "Put some power into the shields BB-12!"​
"No can do power cell is leaking," The translator from BB-12 read. "Maybe if you did what did I asked and upgraded-"​
"It's kinda hard to do that!" Jax roared as the mercenary ships laser blast grazed his right wing nearly causing the ship to tip over. "When you used the last of my credit card to see Gordon and the Howler Monkeys on Holonet.​
"Always full of excuses," BB-12 said. "By the way our merc friend just fired guided missiles at us. "Great...." Jax was more angry at the fact that he couldn't rip into BB-12 any further immediately sensing light cruiser unleashing two missiles towards them. The Jedi looked at the cruiser, they were almost there hopefully the Jedi who boarded were okay. Jax only received the call for all Jedi in the vicinity to help take out the leaders of the Kastolar Sector Raiders who were attacking a space station in Sepan 8.​
"Surge all power units BB-12," Jax said trying to calm himself and let the force guide his actions. "Reverse Thrusters."​
With a thrust, Jax's starfighter began to do a barrel roll the missiles became closer and closer to one another before they collided with together creating an explosion the flames and small metal parts from the missiles partially damaging Jax's engine. "Damn!" alarms were blaring all over the cockpit some of the panel began to spark electricity as he heard flames from behind. "We're coming into hot!" BB-12 said. "The ship is too badly damaged! I've lost control!"​
"Then hang on!" Jax yelled as the ship shot past into the ship landing hard onto the ground. "OH NO!," BB-12's response came through the cracked translator screen. "The ship is undergoing explosive decompression!"​
"No kidding!" Jax yelled adjusting his pilot suit to the hard vacuum his starship already starting to get pulled into explosion. "BB-12 prepare to abandon ship!"​
The Jedi slammed on the eject button and the two of them popped out from the starfighter. Jax watched in disappointment seeing a relic of the Clone Wars be sucked into the cold, dark vastness of space. He landed on the deck along with BB-12 who activated his gravity settings and they headed towards the nearest airlock. As Jax entered the room, the door immediately slid shut behind them. "Air at breathable levels," a voice on the intercom said.​
"What a wonderful landing," Jax grumbled removing his pilot outfit and helmet he wanted to preserve his suit's power and gave it to BB-12. The Droid digitized the clothing placing them in his cloud storage. "Time to go to work," Jax said unclipping his Lightsaber from his belt.​

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Objective B
Tag | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Open
Objective Tags | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan

Yula peeked around the corner, cradling a shivering Emily in her arms. The droid wasn’t cold, of course, and Yula idly wondered if the bot’s drama processor was misfiring.

“No, it’s not.” Sighing, she lowered Emily to the ground and forced the little spider onto her own six legs. Running a hand through her hair, she approached the unconscious raider, blaster trained on his body while carefully kneeling down and stripping him of his weapons.

A loud crunch sounded as she swung her boot at the distress fob, crushing the cheap plastoid with her heel. “Well, we can’t stay here.” Pocketing the raider’s blaster, her gaze lolled upwards and she spied a vent. “Ah-ha.” Reaching one arm above her head, she used the force to unhinge the grate. She picked up Emily, but the droid started to beep and whistle in protest. “No no, it’s our only—stop whining!” A chorus of boots hitting the ground echoed down the hall, and the pair of Knights knew that their time was limited. “Just-go!”

One forceful toss later, and Emily had hooked herself into the vent and scampered to the side. Yula went next, bending her knees into a leap before clambering inside the shaft.

“Hurry, nerd!” She called to Cato.

Kayla Luspark

Genius, Billionairess, Playgirl, Fighter Pilot

O B J E C T I V E A - Reaping the Reapers

Location: Behind Green Squadron, not too far from Reliant
Equipment: REC-SS01 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter, heavy blaster pistol, pilot suit
Kayla settled in behind the A-wings, throttle pushed into the firewall. It was hard to keep up with such speedy little fighters in an older X-wing, but they were the tip of the spear. Concussion missiles and laser fire blasted out ahead of them creating a barrage of missiles riding trails of expanding gasses. In her weapon stores, she switched to proton torpedoes. She'd been given a combat mix, and these would be slower but had more of a punch. Better against capital ships and ships of the line.

The concussion missiles began impacting shields in a dazzling, rippling series of blasts. they hit and smeared across an invisible barrier, it's edges and surfaces lighting up with a ghostly electro-plasma blue before fading out. "Tighten up," she ordered her flight and began feeding them her targeting data. "Dump all your torps." Sensing the threat from the X-wings, several batteries turned their direction. Turbolaser fire began flashing out at them, trying to stop the incoming follow-up strike. Laser flak glanced off her shields, and near hits splashed off the edges. She could feel the hairs on her arms stand up from the ionization left over.

As soon as Vido behind her announced she had tone, her thumb jammed into the firing stud. A pair of proton torpedoes spat out the nose of her fighter, streaking forward on blue-white exhaust. Traveling at roughly twice the speed of her X-wing, it and eight others slammed into the same location the concussion missiles hit. The first salvo created a roiling ball of plasma. Each torpedo had a blast radius nearly two hundred meters across, like a piece of the sky, and with their combined firepower, it coated and swallowed the cruiser in a golden ball of superheated, electrified gas. Moments later it died out and she saw the flickering, stuttering of shields trying valiantly to stay up on the cruiser's port side. "Again," she boomed and fired once more.

Much closer now, the torpedoes found their targets almost immediately. Hers punched into the hull before detonating. A gout of golden fire jetted out the side, as the metal warped almost like a liquid bubble before popping, exploding outward, throwing long molten strands and superheated globules of metal. Almost immediately they flash-froze as the expanding gasses rapidly expanded.

Others found their mark, plunging into weapons emplacements, or hitting other areas. The ship began to list as its shields failed entirely and entire sections went dark. Debris pinged off her hull and fighter as they arced away to come back around, following the A-wings. "Red flight here. A successful run on that cruiser. She's a dead stick," she reported. Behind her, a bright light shone from inside the engine section, leaking out through long cracks in the superstructure. "Oh, correction. She's going critical." Sure enough, the void turned white as daylight for a moment as the cruiser's reactor went critical and detonated, hurling large chunks of itself in all directions in its death throes. Kayla was glad they were well away from it by now. "Will have to rearm with torpedoes if you want another delivery like that."

Switching over to the main channel for starfighters, she contacted Green Lead. "Red Lead to Green Lead. We're out of torpedoes, but still have missiles. How about you?"

Ahead the A-wings had punched deep into the enemy waves, and some were coming about to drop on their tails. "Two, on my wing," she ordered and dropped her reticle onto one of the enemy Uglies targeting the A-wings. Guesstimating her aim, she let loose a quad burst. The beams converged into one powerful mass as it drove into the engine bay of the Ugly. The fuel cells and reactor detonated immediately turning the fighter into a close-flying formation of parts and twisted metal. As the rest of the flight followed they began chewing into their own targets. For a moment the Uglies milled about, uncertain of which targets to prioritize. That would be their death. Indecision kills in battle. "Good kills. Splash four bogeys," she reported to Green lead.

As she scanned the battlefield with the good ol' Mark-1 Eyeball, she spotted another starfighter burning in close to the command carrier. It looked familiar. Like an ancient Clone Wars Era model. And as she watched, it flew into the starboard side, even as she could see stuff ejecting out the port side. That surely couldn't be Jax Thio Jax Thio ... could it?


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That was their cue to leave. “I'll take that-- as a compliment!” He called back as he leapt up and squeezed into the vent. Cato closed the grate behind him just in time as the guards had swarmed their previous position. “Good thinking.” He whispered, not wanting to risk unwanted attention.

“Fan out, and find who did this! They’re still around here!”

Carefully, Cato wriggled into a more comfortable position, just managing to pull out his datapad for another look. “No we are not. C’mon, if we keep moving this way, we can actually make our way down to Engineering.”

He pocketed the device once more, then resigned himself to the uncomfortable process of navigating a ventilation shaft. “Can’t say this is how I thought I’d be spending today. Dusty, cramped spaces aren't really my style.”

The pause in action gave him some time to think, and the Knight remained silent for some time before he finally spoke again, “Y’know, once this is all over, maybe we can make up for it by, I dunno, doing something fun?” The floor of the shaft under him squeaked, though he didn’t hear it. Cato contemplated if now was really the best time, and cleared his throat awkwardly before continuing, “As in like, hang out. Somewhere. What I’m trying to ask is, do you wanna goooooo-” The vent fell out from underneath him, and his voice trailed off as he was plummeted down the chute. He slid down several floors, scrambling to stop himself too late. Before long Cato was promptly hucked into a new room, rolling onto the floor and bumping into a figure that finally stopped his momentum.

“Oh. Hello!” He gave the tall Weequay a broad smile. A quick survey of his surroundings deduced that he had in fact been barfed out into the engine room. Complete with security detail. “Vent inspector! Gotta say you guys are slacking a little.”

His quip was disregarded, and a few of the raiders approached with caution, the one next to him drawing a blaster over the vulnerable knight. Cato raised one hand, the other resting in his coat next to his own blaster, “Now now, surely we can talk this out like adults...”
Objective: A
Starfighter: RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor
Tags: Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark

Green Squadron set them up, and Red knocked them down. She's a dead stick. She's going critical. "This is Green Flight. Nice shooting." the voice of her CO cracked over the shared comms. Shortly after the cruiser met its violent end. She was glad they hadn't had time to turn back for a second attack run. "Six missiles remaining. We can still pack a punch, armed and ready."

"Enemy inbound." "Light them up!" The cruiser had just been a taste. Their big and bulky adversary was replaced with squadrons of fast and nimble starfighters. Their opening move was again the A-Wing Slash. Chaos quickly ensued. Their weapons lit up, as did the comms. After the initial encounter, fighter pairs broke off to engage the enemy. How many enemies had they taken out in the first wave? How many had they lost? Had Aveline killed? All questions left unanswered and with no time to ponder.

"On our six!" Bal warned her. Kark! She hadn't noticed. Before she had time to react, their stalker got hit by a powerful quad burst straight to the engine bay. "Thanks Red. Owe you one" One of the X-Wings had come to their rescue. From that moment on Aveline wished that she would always be so fortunate as to have an X-Wing watching over her.

Twice Aveline missed rounds on the enemy. Come on, Aveline! Get your head in the game. Her target flew away, but worse than that a fighter pair had come straight for them. She pulled off an evasive manoeuvre, but it separated her from Bal. She split from her wingman, and to her dismay she caught a sight on her scopes that both hostiles opted to pursue him over her. They were soon joined by the target she had failed to down, and to make matters impossibly worse, his wingman now set his sights on Aveline. Kark! Feth! Karking feth!

In that moment, right as she was about to panic, it was as if time froze. "Language please Padawan" Caedyn Arenais appeared, placing stern eyes but a gentle hand on Aveline's shoulders. "Free your mind of outside distractions. Focus on slowing your breathing. I trust you've practiced meditation by now, yes?" Aveline smiled. In an instant, she felt removed from all concern, from anything but the immediate present. And she felt such a confidence. Aveline didn't question it.

Aveline pulled hard on her stick, the A-Wing twisting and taking a sudden dive. She ignored the pull from the Gs. For a moment she held her breath. Then she opened fire. There was nothing in front of her at first, but then one of Bal's pursuers drove straight into her line of fire. Direct hit. She punched the accelerator, moving in a wide arch to come back. Off in the distance she could see an X-Wing in trouble... Things were getting hot on her tail. Was it the one that had saved them earlier? Aveline thought so. But Bal...

The decision was made. About as fast as she dared go, her A-Wing raced head on against Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark . It wasn't ideal that they were level and on collision path. For the first time Aveline took to their shared comms. "You! Red! Dive!" Or sway. Anything. There was little time, but... The X-Wing clearly understood who was being referred to. As soon as it cleared its path Aveline's line of fire was open. She had begun firing almost in the very instant that the X-Wing pilot had decided to move.

There wasn't much time to react. One of X-Wing's pursuer exploded almost instantly. The other managed to clear off to its right. While the following rounds had likely been intended for Kayla, they now instead hit Aveline. The whole fighter shook, and for a moment she had thought that was it. Somehow she was still in it. Aveline pursued. She was close... Getting so close... There! She got a lock, and let fly two concussion missiles. She didn't stay to watch how they did. Bal...

The A-Wing was still operational. Instead of a direct hit, it had singed her side. One of her laser cannons were down however. Again she pushed the fighter to its limits. However it had happened, she did not know, but Bal was only down to one pursuer. She caught the last glimpse of a fire that got put out. He'd been through hell. Luckily he had moved hell towards her general direction, intentionally or not. Soon Aveline was able to open fire, with her lone blaster cannon. Just when she thought to check the status of her missiles, she cursed... Those too had been taken out of commission.

"Aveline pull out!" Aveline had turned a blind eye to the comms for so long. She'd focused only on her actions. "Green Nine!" Now even her CO was calling out to her, sounding none too pleased. Her single blaster fire actually registered a hit, but it wasn't enough to do anything. It was easier now, as it was getting closer. Too close. But she knew that. Coming in hot from the flank, she shadowed the arch of the other fighter. "Aveline!" Hit. Another. Then again. At the very last moment the fighter caught a direct hit to a vital organ, as it were. The explosion filled her entire vision. There was no time to pull out. Flames obscured her vision.

It felt like her A-Wing got hit by a freighter. Up became down. There was smoke, blinking lights, and every alarm in her cockpit were screaming into her ear. The voices on her comms were fading further and further away. It took all her energy to pull out of her spin, steady the ship. Her engine wasn't responding. It had taken critical damage, she knew that. There was little she could do but decide where to crash. She aimed for the pirate capital ship. Perhaps if she could hit the bridge...

Consciousness threatened to slip from her. If only she could just take a quick nap... Whether it was a final burst of survival instinct, or the guiding hand of the Force, she altered course, steering away from the path to the bridge, instead turning towards the hangar bay. Maybe... If only she could... Just a little bit longer... I'm sorry...


Location: Hangar of the large carrier​
"Explosive decompression has been contained, blast doors have sealed off the hangar. Please return to your regular duties."​
"Please do," Jax smiled at the A.I announcer. "Ignore the Jedi boarding your cruiser nothing to see here." BB-12 gave a mechanical giggle as a large explosion was felt inside the carrier. Jax nearly lost his balance while BB-12 maintained his position through his magnetic pull <Don't our Starfighters know that there's a Jedi boarding party inside the carrier?!> the droid gave a barrage of furious beeps. <They trying to kill us?!.>​
Jax slowly reached for his forehead his smile fading fast, he sensed a disturbance in the force that was related to the explosion. "I don't think it was our people firing on the carrier." he said the echoes of the force flooding his mind compelling him to turn back. "Someone is in danger." Jax slammed the button activating the camera above and before Jax was an A-Wing reduced to a flaming wreck. <Shoot!> BB-12 beeped. <That A-Wing is scrap metal! There's no way anyone would've survived that crash! Now let's get out of here Jax and make contact with the rest of the Jedi! The engine is going to combust soon and it's going to create a nasty explosion!>​
But Jax could hardly hear BB-12's squawking, his mind was focused on the crashed A-Wing. The force was trying to tell him something, that the not only the pilot was alive but was something special. The Jedi took a few steps forward not deterred by the small explosion from the flaming A-Wing kneeling by BB-12 pressing one of the small buttons on his spherical shape. <Wait Jax!> BB-12 beeped as the pilot suit and helmet appeared and Jax began slip them on. <What are you doing?! You got 50 seconds before that ship explodes!>​
"Someone is alive BB-12! I can feel it!" Jax opened the door breaking into a sprint as he saw the flames growing bigger as a larger explosion was ignited on the A-Wing's hull. A large piece of metal was sent flying overhead heading directly to Jax. With a wave of his hand, Jax used the force to redirect the large chuck of debris towards the far right corner. He squinted to see a pilot in the cockpit knocked out, as a mental shock gripped into Jax's mind causing a headache, the echoes in the force are telling him about this pilot having a special connection but it was hard to make it out.​
"What is the force trying to tell me?!" he muttered. "Yeah the pilot is alive but the force is telling there's more to this person....."​
<25 seconds!> He didn't have time to ponder on the situation, they were in danger and though Jax had his disagreements with the Jedi order one thing he always kept close to him was to save as many people as possible. It is the Jedi way after all, closing his eyes concentrating Jax cocked his hand gathering as much force power as he could before pushing his hand forward blowing most of the flames surrounding the crashed A-Wing. He then waved his other hand to tapping into the controls of the ship and opening the cockpit.​
<10 seconds!> The problem was the engine, it was sustained heavy damage and Ion components must be going critical. With a massive leap, Jax formed the ton su ma or an Ataru flip landing gracefully on the hull and pulling the pilot out from their seat. Placing the Pilot in a bridal carry Jax called upon the force increase his speed, managing to create a considerable amount of distance by the time the A-Wing exploded.​
<Wow!> BB-12 watched Jax cover the pilot tight like a mother holding her baby turning around to watch the massive explosion. "Made with time to spare!" he smiled while BB-12 closed the door. Taking off his pilot suit and helmet, Jax turned his attention to the pilot. "Room pressurized." An AI voice echoed in the room.​
She was a young woman probably in her late teens by Jax's estimation, the way the force was practically begging him to get her she was maybe a Jedi most likely a Silver though Jax didn't see her Lightsaber on her. Perhaps it was destroyed in the explosion or the fact she's just a force sensitive nothing more. "I'm upgrading your scanners next time," Jax said half-jokingly to BB-12 as he gently set the pilot down.​
"She sustained a few wounds," he muttered to BB-12 while he transported the suit and the helmet in his cloud storage. Jax continued to look over her and taking out a Bacta spay. "But nothing too serious." The Jedi began to spray the wounds all over her face, legs and torso and they immediately healed. After wards Jax began to press hands against the woman's chest applied pressure. "Come on," he said heaving against her chest. "I can feel your light young Jedi, follow my voice."​

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Objective A - Fleet action
Tags: Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
The Silver Scribe

Custodian-class Frigate Tarlanc

The crew was not part of the Silver fleet; the ship was privately owned. However, it had fought for the Silver Concord - then the Silver Jedi - before. When the call came through that assistance was required to repel a raider attack at a nearby civilian station, they'd wrapped up and jumped out. By the time they arrived there was a pitched battle going: a cruiser and several starfighter squadrons were tangling with a numerically superior force of raiders. The raiding force included multiple corvettes, a carrier, starfighters, and even a Star Destroyer. Quite the showing.

Late though they were, their entry point proved advangageous. The frigate sliced between various clouds of ships: landing ships to port, corvettes starboard, and starfighters all around. Cannon fire immediately began spewing at the enemy craft: turbolasers and ion cannons focused on the slower and larger vessels while the quad laser cannons hosed light at Ugly-class starfighters. The Tarlanc was not built for engaging starfighters however, and the crew quickly vectored their ship for the civilian station. Stopping the landing craft would negate the presumed point of the raid.

The initial onslaught had cut deep into one of the corvettes; if the wounds weren't entirely mortal they would be close. That would hopefully give the Reliant a bit of breathing room. Enough, perhaps, for the cruiser to slip a hard punch or two in and knock the other corvettes out of the game. That still left the carrier and the Star Destroyer of course, neither of which were anything to sneeze at.

From the moment the escort frigate dropped from hyperspace, it had been quietly transmitting. Not announcing itself to allies, though the transponder identifying it as a Silver-allied vessel was certainly live. No, this transmission was going elsewhere.


Trident-class heavy cruiser Rachathren

The reason that the Tarlanc had arrived so late when compared to the others slipped from hyperspace. Unlike the frigate however, which had maneuvered slightly upon re-entry to take advantage of positioning, the heavy cruiser's arrival announcement was immediate and rather brazen. A massive stream of turbolaser fire rippled from the banks of guns and focused in at one of the corvettes. Where the frigate relatively outclassed the corvettes though, the cruiser simply dominated. That went double when the barrage hit mere seconds after arrival in-system; the Tarlanc's transmission had been a stream of targeting data. Faced with two cruisers and already having taken a hefty jab from a frigate, the raider's screening force was anticipated to crumple away.

The Rachathren didn't just express itself at the corvette's though. No, in addition to the primary barrage it focused the fire from ten of its twelve long-range turbolaser cannons at the Star Destroyer.

Audren stood quietly aboard the bridge of the cruiser. It was a recent addition to the fleet, and they'd barely scrounged up enough personnel to man the ship to a semblance of effectiveness. Despite having the capacity no starfighters were onboard, only a few shuttlecraft. They'd been putting the ship through some initial field testing and training when the call came through. The Sephi, in his current role as observer, could see where the fire wasn't as accurate as intended or when bolts lanced out in ragged instead of cohesive patterns. Nonetheless, for a partial crew that hadn't faced combat in this class of ship or as a crew before, he thought they were doing fairly well. The computer monitoring the data would tell them for sure afterwards however.
The Force must have been looking out for her, shielding her. Somehow she was still alive, but she was battered and bruised all over. Her uniform had cuts and black scorch marks all over. Some of the cuts were seeped in blood, others not. Her face had been shielded from any flames by her helmet, yet she still had a cracked lip, and a thick line of blood dragging down her forehead.

The bacta definitely helped in keeping her injuries at bay, but the young Padawan would be in need for some proper medical care once this was all over. Hopefully she wouldn't have to spend weeks under care.

There was a loud humming sound in the background. Her ears were ringing...

Aveline was standing in a pond. No, not a pond. There was water as far as the eye could see in every direction. An ocean? But the water only touched up to her ankles. There was no wind, and the sky was covered in clouds, with faded purple light beating through the cracks. She was not alone. Ebras was there, her mentor. "Why, dear Aveline?" No. "Why? Did I not teach you? Did I not show you everything you wished?" No. It wasn't like that. She could see the pain of betrayal in his eyes, but he got it wrong! "There was so much more I was meant to show you. I promised your father"

"My father? You never said anything about my father" Ebras looked upon her with wounded eyes, but he said nothing. "Ebras! Please!" she pleaded. Ebras opened his mouth, but no sound came. Only blood. It oozed out from the corners of his lips. Slowly she looked down. She was holding a black hilt, and on the end of it a crimson blade stood plunged through Ebras' stomach.

The water had climbed up above her knees now. "No... This isn't real. It wasn't me!" She switched off the lightsaber, dropping the hilt into the rising sea. Ebras tried to talk, but no words came. He started sinking, quickly descending into the dark depths of the water, painted by a hue of purple from above. "No! Ebras!"

He was gone. Lost. And the water touched her shoulders now. She tried to lift her arms. She tried to swim, but she couldn't. When she looked up again there was a figure, a man she thought, standing on top of the water. He was clad in dark robes. His hood was casting his face in shade, and she could make out no discerning features. "Help" she cried. The water reached her chin now. Climbing, climbing, every climbing... Soon she was going to drown. Help, she thought, even as her vision fell behind a veil of sea water.

Aveline tried to scream... But her head was under water... There was a loud humming sound in the background. Her ears were ringing...

Her eyes shot open, and she gasped for air. Something was burning. As the sensations of her body came back to her, so did waves of pain, although they were muffled, at the back of her mind. A kind gesture from her brain, perhaps realizing there were too many impressions there to handle all at once. Someone was leaning over her. Choking her? No, helping her. Again she tried to speak, but all that came out was a broken wince and a wimper. She tried to turn and get up.

Where... What...

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Name (optional)​
"She's alive!" a smile formed on Jax's face when he heard a whimper followed by hacking coughs. <No kidding captain obvious> BB-12 whirred scanning the young woman's vital signs. "Oh shut up," Jax said rolling his eyes. "You were the one who couldn't detect any lifesigns in the damn A-Wing. Seriously what kind of astromech Droid are you?!"​
<It's in the name genius!> BB-12 retorted. <I'm an astromech not a medical droid, I deal with starfighters and watch Holonet not deal with human beings!>​
"The problem is," Jax sighed. "You think you're human." Before turning to the young woman. "Sorry for the bickering," he said. "My Droid can be very..... condescending."​
The Jedi helped the woman up while BB-12 while flashing a red light of malice towards Jax did a routine scan on her body. "Hello there!" Jax said forcing a smile. "You had one hell of a landing there judging by your uniform you're not Alliance. I take it you're part of the Concord Space Fleet."​
Jax looked back for a brief moment wondering if there were any raiders ready to intercept them. They've made a lot noise crash landing and constantly opening the blast door. Perhaps they were busy taking care of the Jedi strike or maybe they assumed that nobody would survive the explosive decompression that was still going on in the hangar. "Take it easy," Jax said holding on to her slender shoulders. "You were lucky to survive, I sensed you. The force is strong with you, I take it you're a Jedi without your lightsaber interesting enough I take it was lost in the fire?"​
<Jax! The lady just woke up! Why don't you stop filling her head with questions and introduce yourself!> BB-12 beeped causing Jax to roll his eyes. "I know what I'm doing!" he said growled his turning his gaze towards the woman. "My name is Jaxon Thio but just call me Jax," he said holding out his had for her to shake. "I'm a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Alliance but I also work part time with the Silver Jedi. I've recieved a last minute distress call from Concord Support informing the attack by the raiders. Came here to give the Jedi in this sector some help."​

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Objective B Carrier
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber)
While he did not enjoy the thought of so many lives potentially lost at the explosive decompression of the launch bay, Caltin was satisfied with what he had heard as he made his way over to the Desbre to check on her. She did not find her lightsaber because it rolled to his own foot, in fact, he almost stepped on it. Picking the weapon up, he looked at the security alerts before reaching the Arkanian Padawan.

We’re going to have to get going, more security is coming. He said as he knelt, putting a hand on her forehead. Sit tight as this is not my best skill.

He was not wrong as while he could heal himself nine ways to Sunday and often had to, but he was never exceptional at healing others. It was just something that the big guy had never focused on. Still though, after a few painful moments, the girl’s cut had closed up and the scar was slowly shrinking down to nothing.

He could sense Jedi on or around the hangar bay. Aveline? Reaching out, Caltin called through the Force.

~Hey Kid! Do you need help? We’re en route to the bridge but can help you out.~

We may have to make a quick stop in the hangar bay on the way to the bridge.

Offering a hand to help her up, the massive Jedi Master let Desbre recapture her senses as he kept his eyes on the lifts. As one opened up with a small squad of battle droids, the big guy reached out through the Force and lifted the behemoth metallic assassin turning it one-hundred eighty degrees to face its compatriots. Reaching into the droid’s systems he took control of the embedded weapons and began firing, eventually cutting the droids down. Satisfied, he flung the tool of his surprise attack upwards through the roof of the lift to its impending doom.

Let’s get going.

As he moved toward the lifts, the massive Jedi Master let their compatriots know through the Force.

~Yula, do not worry about the newbies hitting the Hangar, we're right there. Have you found Slipknot?~



Des grimaced some, still holding the back of her bleeding head. Everything was fuzzy and she felt like she wanted to throw up from nausea. As Caltin knelt his words were hard to focus on and out of reflex she went to swat his hand away, raising her hand to do so but then stopped, realizing it wasn't an attack. His hand was warm, slightly roughened, but infused with steady strength. Almost immediately the pain and discomfort began easing down, and her head itched like crazy. That was something nobody warned her about. Healing, especially so rapidly, freaking itched so intensely it bordered on pain, but at the same time, the waves of relief and rightness returning countered it made it more bearable.

In short order, her head wasn't pounding like a rave anymore. It still ached some, as did her neck, and joints, but she could push through that. She'd felt worse in training, and even then she could suppress it with the Force and pain control techniques. Most importantly her balance was back, her mind clearing up, and she didn't feel like she would see her lunch again.

Taking his big hand in her smaller, more delicate but surprisingly strong one, she hauled herself up to her feet entirely on arm strength alone. "Thank you, she said, putting as much earnesty into at she could. There wasn't really time for more, not in a situation like this. And no more was really needed. That, she was certain of.

Stretching out her senses she picked up what Caltin had felt as well when he mentioned needing to return to the hangar area. A familiar female presence, strong in the Force, but her life signs were weakened. it was familiar and a friend. Aveline. "Oh frell," she muttered, following behind Caltin. As they neared the lift, she cleared her throat. "Hey, boss. Uh, can I get my weapon back," she asked nervously. Now wasn't the time to try to be without it. Ahead and above them there was another male presence, strong in the Force and burning with vitality. Filled with concern for Aveline. Another Jedi?


Caedyn Arenais

Objective C: Assist & Protect Civilian Population.
Starfighter: Blueshift-Class Assault Starfighter.
Astromech: Chip.​


As Caedyn opened the canopy of his Fighter and moved to leave the cockpit, he felt the Space-Station rumble underneath, an emergency alarm soon sounding off leaving the Jedi Knight to only assume that something had been hit and damage had been dealt with the civilian facility. "That's not good" he muttered under his breath, continuing to climb down the side of the Starfighter and dropping lightly to the Hangar floor.

Chip gave a loud whirl and started to initiate the ejection process for his astromech module, however, Caedyn quickly turned and raised a hand in a gesture for pause; "Stay with the Fighter my friend, make sure she's safe and ready to go just in case we need to make a fast exit" he instructed the droid. Moments that weren't accompanied by ill feelings seemed to be rarer than not these days, however, he continued on towards the main entrance of the Hangar looking to delve deeper into Yvernas Station for the sake of those otherwise caught in the cross-fire.

It didn't take long for others to cross his path, they in fact reaching him as he was raced on passed, hurried and frightened people seeking to find the nearest transport available off the hunk of scrap before the shields finally gave under the pressure of the hostile fleet. They still had time yet, but if the Silvers weren't able to convince those raiders of their folly, then eventually the Station would cave under the pressure.

"Chip, you read?" Caedyn spoke into his headset once more, "Can you bring up the station's schematics and guide me to their control centre?" he asked, feeling as though public and a station-wide evacuation order was the best way to go, just in case some of the tradesmen were keen on taking a risk and sitting tight hoping for it all to simply blow over.

Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Takui Takui | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
Objective B
Tag | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Open
Objective Tags | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan

Crawling through the dark in a dusty, narrow vent on a pirate ship wasn’t Yula’s particular style either. But hey, whatever worked.

The vent beneath them creaked from the shift in weight, and the Zeltron regarded Cato with raised eyebrows—that he wouldn’t see because, again, dark. “What’s your idea of fun?”

Their conversation didn’t get very far before the thin ducting beneath Cato fell away, sending the Dork Knight hurdling down the shaft and away from Yula. By the sound of things, Cato—or at least, his body—had been deposited into the room beneath them.

“Huh.” Yula paused and chewed at her lip, suddenly recalling that the same thing had happened to her last time she’d been crawling through a vent. Hopefully whatever was waiting on the other side was an Amazon babe. “Here we go, I guess.” She muttered before prying Emily from her person and yeeting the squirming spider droid down the vent. Emily’s scream would surely distract the pirates as she clumsily pinged her way through the chute before being deposited into the engine room.

With a troubled warble, Emily shot like a bullet from the vent to Cato, clinging to the human with all six legs. Whirring a war cry, the little droid shot a stun net from her mouth and onto the three pirates.

Yula followed shortly after, dropping down the chute and hanging from the vent with one hand as she surveyed the situation.
“You guys good, yeah?”

Caltin’s message reached her, and she used her free hand to turn the volume of her comm up a bit. She was disappointed that Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil was not among their opponents. “Uhhhhhh….”

Glancing to Cato, Emily, and the pirates, she drew out a breath.

“Yeah, no, haven’t seen the guy yet. We hit the engine room, hopefully we can shut this puppy down.”
Objective: B
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Yula Perl Yula Perl

Aveline's world was still spinning, but she was getting her bearings to the soundtrack of Jax and his droid going at it. She winced again as he pulled her to her feet. Her bones ached, and it was as if in that moment she could feel a sudden soreness from all over her body all at once. Thankfully the intensity dropped since that moment, but it remained in the background, refusing to let her forget for a moment.

Aveline had to laugh, agreeing that it indeed had been one hell of a landing. Her laugh was caught short, and turned into a sharp hiss as her hand grabbed at the side of her chest in reflex. It felt like she had broken a rib. If it was the case, it could've easily come from the crash or even Jax's resuscitation, but she had no memory of either.

"Yeah." she finally got a word out. "Jedi. No lightsaber" she did not recognise her own voice at first. It sounded cracked, and somehow like sand. As time went on, and probably aided by the bacta spray he had applied, she found it easier to breathe, easier to talk.

Jaxon Thio... Now where had she heard that name before? "Galactic Alliance? First time working with one of you guys" she extended her own hand to meet with his. "I'm Aveline Cuiléin, Silver Jedi Padawan at your service"

Jax might pick up on her face drifting off as a voice called out to her, inside her mind. It wasn't the first time this had happened to her, but she for sure hadn't gotten used to it yet. ~Hey Kid! Do you need help? We’re en route to the bridge but can help you out.~ Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor ! She recognised his voice immediately. It made her smile, and filled her with a kind of warmth hard to describe. It had been so long since she had felt part of a community, and she had never really had many friends. A lot had happened over the past few months, and she could feel that changing. In this instance, she felt as if Caltin had her back. She felt both seen and like someone cared about her, and it was greatly appreciated.

<Master Vanagor!> Would she sound relieved in his mind? Would her emotions translate? She was still working out the kinks on how to initiate a telepathic conversation, yet being contacted felt different, as if the person communicating with her left a backdoor open for her to respond through. <I've been better, but holding it together. With someone, says he's Galactic Alliance Jedi. We can meet you> She didn't want to slow him down and be a burden, but she also got a strong sense that he was already on his way.

"I think some friends of mine are coming" she turned her attention back to him now. What was his name again? "Oh, and thank you. I'm guessing you pulled me out of my ship? Any chance there's anything left of her?" she asked with some hesitation, knowing full well she'd probably torn up a fully functional A-Wing on her first outing. Feth... They'd never let her fly again.

Jax... Jaxton... Jaxon Thio... And in that moment she just realized where she had heard the name before. Oh kark
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