Name: Yvette Whitgail
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes
- Skilled Swordsman - From day one, Yvette was trained extensively in sword combat. He can use various bladed weapons to his advantage but favors the use of his vibroblade. When he becomes a Jedi, he'll quickly grow used to wielding a lightsaber and will eventually master multiple forms such as Makashi, Soresu, Djem So and Ataru. He even utilizes Jar'Kai for dual blade combat.
- Skilled Marksman - Not only is Yvette a skilled swordsman, he's also a skilled marksman. He is trained in the use of firearms. He can use everything from blaster pistols, heavy repeaters and sniper rifles. He even has the skill to hit fast moving targets with near perfect accuracy. He uses sniper rifles and blaster pistols more than anything, preferring to dual wield a pair of Mandalorian blaster pistols.
- Demolitions Expert - That's not all. Yvette is also a demolitions technician and a thouroughly skilled one. He can use explosive ordance to perfection. Not only was he skilled in that area, Yvette thoroughly enjoyed it.
- Slicer - There's not much to be said about this one. Yvette always had an interest in electronics and and is a skilled slicer. He can rewrite droids' programming, and when he encounters computers containing highly sensitive information blocked behind a kark ton of firewalls, Yvette will sure as hell get through them all.
- Force Inept - Due to heavily focusing on sword fighting/lightsaber dueling, Yvette never had much time to practice using the Force. While he does have SOME skill in Telekinetic based powers like push and pull, as well as speed and jump in order to increase his acrobatic capabilities, he has little to no skill in other areas of the Force.
Yvette is quite short for his age, topping at 5 feet 7 inches. He has long black hair that flows down to his shoulder blades and several scars that came from his harsh training. His skin is soft, and has a fair complexion. Despite being 19 years old, Yvette looks like a cute 17 year old female. He currently wears a black shirt, black fingerless gloves that go past his wrists, black combat boots, and black pants. Yvette also wears a silver durasteel breastplate as well as a black skirt worn with a belt of the same color.
Born on the icy planet of Krownest, into Clan Whitgail. They weren't a very large or powerful clan, unlike their neighbors, Clan Wren. But they made up for it by training elite warriors. Yvette was born too a Mandalorian father called, Renn Whitgail and his mother, Shayi Whitgail. Both parents were elite fighters and still are. Yvette was the youngest of three. Even then, he was put through intense training from the get go. Swordsmanship, marksmanship, survival training, and demolitions, Yvette quickly excelled at all of them.
When it was time, Yvette was put through the Imperial Academy located on the planet to further his education. While there, he was also put through intense training regimens to advance his combat abilities as well as improve his education. It wasn't known to him, but he was in fact a latent Force Sensitive. When he was 15, he was discovered by a Jedi Knight who was undercover as an instructor at the Academy. Her name was Selene Carver and she had been keeping an eye on him ever since Yvette enrolled in the Academy and was waiting for the right moment to extract him and bring him to the Jedi Academy.
According to her, Yvette's uncle was a Mandalorian Jedi Master and was the one who sensed him in the first place. She was close friends with his uncle and was sent to retrieve him. He was 15 at the time. Yvette had accepted what was going to happen becuase he knew, that there was something special about him. So when it was time, Yvette quietly left the Academy with the undercover instructor without as much of a word to his parents because they weren't exactly friendly towards Force Sensitives. Who knew what they were going to do with him when they found out.
When they arrived at the planet Voss, it was very different from Krownest, which was a lot colder. Carver and Yvette went into the Jedi Temple and they confirmed he was in fact a force sensitive. After that, he was assigned to Carver as her Padawan. 5 years of training came and passed with Yvette learning about different aspects of the Force, and furthering his swordsmanship. He wanted to be the best he can be and hopefully stand at the same level of the elite Jedi Battlemaster. Now that Yvette is 19, it was time for him to build his lightsaber.