Zaahir Asad
Zaahir Asad

NAME: Zaahir Asad
RANK: Smuggler/Scavenger/Scoundrel
SPECIES: Zeltron
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 188lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Purple
Interesting update. Zaahir can currently ONLY tell lies.
This is having interesting effects on his psyche and sending him spiraling back down into darker and darker places.
But the rifts were reversed you cry! Pft, I am the only one who went through that one and I say twasn't.
Sex God - He's tall handsome, educated, well-dressed, has the accent, can smoulder like a well banked fire and oh right, Zeltron pheromones.
Bad with Credits - After finally finishing a paying job, Zaahir is far more likely to go and show a lady a good time, or spend it on a new pair of designer shoes or having his hair styled by the best then he is to invest it
Cunning and Educated - Zaahir has that rare blend of street smarts and book smarts. He's no Professor, but he's pretty well informed.
Knife Fighter - Though he is passable with a blaster, if he absolutely has to kill someone, he's likely to do it with a blade. He knows the fancy tricks, but he's also likely to just go in for a quick kidney stab when he's serious.
Lover not a Fighter - He will fight, and isn't a pushover, put but up against a military troop, mando or bounty hunter and he's likely to lose. He'd much prefer to talk than fight. Punch ups are really not his thing.
Territorial - Zaahir is not exactly aggressive, and doesn't feel the need to get into testosterone contests with other men usually, but he gets fairy possessive and protective of anything he comes to think of as his.
Opportunistic - He sees an opportunity, he takes an opportunity. Zaahir is all about the calculated risk.
Shady Skillset - Need a little light slicing? Old fashioned lock-picking? Want to tie someone up really well? Hotwire a ship?
Polyglot - Zaahirs been a lot of places, and he makes sure wherever he is he can make himself understood. The grammar might not be great, but he gets his point across.
Self Reliant - Cook, clean, sew, fly.. Maybe not well, but if he needs it to get by.. He learns it.
Zaahir is tall and lean, while he could never be called bulky, he is still well muscled. He moves with an easy grace that draws the eye of most, whether they be male or female. Not necessarily because they find him sexually attractive (though many do), simply because he is almost a walking piece of art. His purple hair is naturally curly, but he often slicks it back. Though occasionally clean shaven, he is most often seen with a goatee. His skin is the usual zeltron red, and smooth and clear except for a smattering of scars on his chest, earned in a knife fight.
He is almost always well dressed, though what that means changes to fit the situation, from tailored suits to unbuttoned button-up shirts. And he never wears cheap shoes.
Voice Sample
Zaahir was born to two Zeltron smugglers, god only knows where on their spacecraft. He travelled happily with his parents until the age of 13, where they were caught running spice and unceremoniously chucked in jail. Zaahir, being a minor and judged to have been merely a victim of fate, was not. He was put into an orphanage awaiting what would likely have been a quick placement into a foster home, as the boy was cute and bright, even if a bit old for adoption. Having been raised all his life by smugglers however, the boy had both an interesting skillset and a healthy distrust for authority, and quickly proceeded to liberate himself. Not that this was very hard as most of the children were happy to be where they were, the orphanage being well run and legitimately treating them well and trying to do right by them.
This was followed by several years of attaching himself to petty gangs, pulling off minor scams and cons, and world-hopping. At some point, partially fuelled by unresolved anger at his parents fate, Zaahir became a spice addict. For a while it was merely recreational and he managed it well, but eventually his addiction spiralled out of control. As his quality of life and personal health continued to degenerate, Zaahir became aware he had a problem. That awareness came to a head when in a desperate bid to get credits for his next hit, he punched a woman, knocking her out to steal her credits. Looking at the innocent, as far as he knew, laying there in the alley where he had lured her, he knew he'd gone to far.
He carried her to the nearest law enforcement agency and actually turned himself in. He was given a minor sentence for the planet, only two years, during which he got clean. Not that he had much choice. Based on his own request, he spent those two years in a maximum security facility, where little to nothing could be smuggled in.
While not exactly law-abiding after his release, he nevertheless sticks to his own code, and is enjoying the higher standard of living he maintains since giving up spice.