Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zabrak, Interrupted (Kadrak Jalaan)

The Droid emerged from its corner and topped off her water glass, whirring back to its corner dutifully. Doctor Zendu smiled and nodded, jotting down so many notes that his pen ran out of ink. He grabbed another one from his front pocket where there was a generous supply.

"I'm glad to hear that you trust me. It's one of the most important threads that will tie our relationship together. Without your trust, well, I can't really help you. Everyone needs help with something, Kadrak. Some aren't aware of what they need help with until it's too late." He gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"A few more questions and then I'm afraid our hour will be up soon. Tell me, what would you like to get out of our therapy sessions? Assuming you're coming back for more?" He blinked and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
His last question once more gave her pause, and it wasn't something she quite knew how to answer. Just as she'd told him previously, not many in her line of work took their time to visit any type of therapist, even if it was evident that they could benefit from the help doing so would provide. Kadrak considered herself one of those who could take it or leave it, but she'd come nonetheless. More to sate her curious mind than anything, but as their time had progressed she'd found herself interested more than just within the bounds of simple curiosity. Maybe there was some kind of benefit for her general health if nothing else, maybe there wasn't, but she was intrigued enough to stay on. "Knowledge, really, both about myself and general psychology as a whole. It's always been something that I was interested in but never quite understood."
And she knew all too well how things usually ended up for those who needed help but didn't receive it, as he'd mentioned. Their fate was usually an untimely death that landed them dead in the gutter of some backwater planet, or an admission to a psychiatric hospital if the winds of fate were so kind. But most times, unfortunately, they weren't.
"I think, next time, I might have to see about convincing Zatt to come along. It would be amusing, if nothing else, though I can't promise anything in terms of his behavior. He's the more, hmm, unpredictable of the two of us, you could say." An amused smile found her lips at that, and she had to hold back a laugh. If anything, it was an understatement. He was always one to shock and surprise.

[member="Doctor Zendu"]
The Doctor smiled. "Psychology is a fascinating science. It took a ridiculous amount of schooling, but I've never had any regrets about my profession." He was pleased that Kadrak was getting something out of it and had felt in danger of losing the Zabrak as a patient. And if he was honest with himself, she didn't really sound like she needed therapy. Still was pretty well-balanced and happy all things considered. Still he was sure that with the chaotic life she described that it couldn't hurt for her to have an empathetic ear.

His eyes lit up at the idea of counselling the two of them. "Oh I encourage you to bring him along. Couples therapy is a specialty of mine. It's a great way for couples to learn unexpected things about one another." He grinned. "Just let my receptionist know beforehand, and well, I'll have to charge you double of course."

He made his last few notes from their session and got up from his chair with a cracking in his knees, and began to walk her to the door. "I think that's all for today, Kadrak. My receptionist can retrieve your weapons for you."

"Same time next week?"

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
Though she had little doubt that there was much about the Zeltrochiss she didn't know, Kadrak smiled and nodded all the same. If the topic came up, and even if it didn't, she'd have to ask him about it regardless. She didn't hold too much confidence in the fact that he'd accept, but he'd have to tag along anyhow. "He might have that liquor cabinet completely empty before it's all said and done, but I think it would be some worthwhile conversation. You might find that you haven't quite seen just everything after the fact. But I think it would be amusing to both parties, at least. I'm sure he has more interesting tales than I about his exploits."
Standing when he did she stretched momentarily, unused to being idle for such a long period of time with not even a blaster shot to disturb the silence. She would have to see about remedying the fact later that day. Stirring up trouble would likely be no problem, whether it was she or Zatten doing the honors. "I'll have to see about convincing him to swing back this way, but that should work, yes."
With a smile she shrugged and glanced around his office one last time. "And if I can ever return the favor by repairing a machine of yours or upgrading this or that, just let me know. Psychology might be your profession, but I have plenty in store when it comes to machines."

[member="Doctor Zendu"]
Doctor Zendu chuckled lightly and stuck his pen back in his pocket. "Kadrak, I've found that people don't actually regret the things they do. They mostly regret getting caught. Such is the way of the galaxy." He shrugged. He wasn't here to debate morality with his patients, merely to help them work out their issues.

The Doctor ushered the Zabrak back into the waiting room and unlocked her weapon. He smiled at her and handed it back.
“I do hope you choose to continue our therapy sessions. Since you and Zatten seem fairly intertwined, I’m interested to see how you’d fare in a couples therapy environment so feel free to bring him next time.”

[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]

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