Zahori Denko
Zahori Denko, The Whispering Storm
"Peace through war."
B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n- Name: Zahori Roma Denko
- Alias: N/A
- Force Alignment: Dark
- Force Rank: Sith Knight
- Species: Hybrid Near-Human
- Race(s): Human, Kraljica
- Age: 28
- Height: 5' 10"
- Weight: 134 lbs
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Skin Color: White
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- The Sith Empire
- Josiah Denko - Cousin
- Josianna Denko - Cousin

- (+) Connections - Zahori has gathered very many contacts throughout the galaxy. Whenever she needs something done or needs some spicy gossip, she has the right people for the job. Always.
- (+) Graceful Warrior - The method that Zahori uses to fight allows her to move fluidly and gracefully with ease. She has mastered this fight style in it's entirety. Her agility and flexibility aid her even more. Some say she turns into a dancing spirit when she fights.
- (-) Corrupted - Zahori has quite easily allowed the Dark Side to consume her. This has caused her to become careless with the lives of others.
- (-) Frail - Physically, Zahori is not strong. She has to rely on her speed and balance to defend herself, but she is easily overpowered by physically superior opponents.
Zahori was born on the planet Xeshilia to a single mother. Her father, who was a Krajilican, was left alone by Zahori's mother so that she may raise the child on her own. She feared that her father would try to keep her on his planet while she wanted her daughter to explore the galaxy. Once she had the child, Zahori's mother raised her on Xeshilia until she was 4. At that time, her mother moved to Fondor and raised little Zahori in Oridin City.
It was clear to Zahori's mother that her child was born to be an adventurer. As a young child, Zahori would always wander off away from her mother. She was also very friendly. She very easily found comfort among the other younglings in the city. Zahori's mother was quick to put her child in school after realizing her potential. In an unfortunate incident involving Zahori, a group of young students lost their lives. The students were bullying Zahori for being too nie. They claimed she was weak and all her friendliness meant nothing in the galaxy. Zahori grew frustrated after the endless teasing and she snapped. Her Kraljican heritage showed as a powerful electrical discharge was unleashed by Zahori, instantly killing the other students. Zahori's mother quickly packed up and left the world in fear of her daughter being detained. They managed to evade capture long enough to get offworld. Wanting to be as far from Fondor as possible, Zahori's mother fled to Celanon. She figured since the planet was so busy due to trade that finding her and her child would be near impossible.
While on Celanon, Zahori's mother decided to take it upon herself to teach her daughter. She did not want to have an incident to happen like before. On one fateful day, a knock came to the door of their home. Zahori's mother sent her child to hide in the crawl space she built in case someone came looking for Zahori. Zahori was safe in her little hiding spot before her mother opened the door. When Zahori's mother opened the door, an average sized man in light brown robes stood on the outside. He had a warm smile on his face as he proceeded to bow in front of Zahori's mother. He introduced himself as a Jedi in search of young force sensitives. Zahori heard this and peeked out of the crawl space a little. The Jedi easily spotted her and waved, but her mother denied the Jedi entry into her home. She sent him away and closed the door behind him. Zahori's mom explained to her what joining the Jedi would mean. She did not want to see her child become a soldier in some nation's war. She did what she could to instill the ideals of freedom and independence in her child as much as she could.
Several months later a knock on the door happened again. This time, the knocking was a bit more harsh. Zahori quickly rushed into her hiding spot before her mom opened the door. As she opened the door, a foot forced the door open, knocking Zahori's mom to the ground instantly. 3 large men made their way in, wielding blaster rifles. 2 of the men began rummaging through the house. They were clearly searching for something. The other man dragged Zahori's mom by the collar of her shirt and roughly sat her in a chair. He began questioning her about her daughter's whereabouts. When she would not give him an answer, the man would hit her viciously. Zahori could do nothing but sit there and helplessly watch. Before long, the mercenaries finished tearing the place apart and could not find Zahori. So, instead, they took her mother with them as they left. They bound her, tied her up, and dragged her back to their ship. Once they were gone, Zahori exited her hiding spot. She looked out of the front window and saw the mercenaries leaving with her mom. Her mom could see her child looking through the window at her. With her tear filled eyes she shook her head at her child, telling her not to follow. Zahori understood what her mother was telling her. She watched her mother being taken away then, once they were out of sight, Zahori began scavenging what she could from the mess the thugs left behind. She grabbed her backpack and began packing food and extra clothes. Once she had everything she would need, Zahori left her home and walked in the opposite direction of where the thugs took her mother.
Several miles down the road, Zahori stopped to take a break to eat. She found herself an abandoned building to lay low in for an hour or two. Not long after getting 'comfortable', the 2 jedi from months prior entered the building. They brought her a warm blanket and sat down to talk to her. She vaguely remembered them from the last time she saw them. They explained to her that with her mother gone, she had nowhere else to go and that the Jedi would be her only salvation. They gave her the choice of staying there, alone and in danger, or to join the Jedi Order. She may have been young at the time, but she was wise. She chose to join the Jedi. After she made her decision, the Jedi revealed their true selves as agents of the former Confederacy. They claimed to be Jedi in order to gain Zahori's trust. She was too young to care, honestly. She did not even know what a Jedi was. Her mother did not really talk about the force user sects out there so Zahori was in the dark when it came to them all. She still followed them.
In the following years, she trained under her two masters. One, a Nautolan named Chii Do, taught her the art of lightsaber combat while the other, a Meerian named HeeTo, taught her the ways of the Force. Between the two of them, decades of knowledge was pooled into this young girl. From their teaching, Zahori grew to become an exceptional force user. The 3 of them spent the next several years in hiding so that Zahori would be ready when the time was right.
N o t a b l e P o s s e s s i o n s- Platinum Widow - Zahori's personal ship
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