The Shadow

Image Credit: XX

- Alchemized Blade: The blade's edge is constructed from Madog steal, making it extremely durable and nearly unbreakable, while giving the blade a razor-sharp edge that can cut through most known materials and metals. Also, the blades have infused with Force Lightning through the process of Sith Alchemy and Magic, so when they come in contact with anything, it sets off the Force attached ability, which is powerful enough to render a person or beast unconscious; death is rare to occur.
- Plasma Eater: With the majority of the daggers constructed from songsteel, the handles, and cortosis weave, the uppermost top of the blade, it can be used efficiently against plasma weapons, like lightsabers and plasma rifles.

- Suppression / Nullification: Through certain suppression and nullification abilities, the alchemized blade can be neutralized; effectively removing the Force Lightning.
- Non-Duelists: The daggers' edge is sharp and amplified through the addition of Force Lightning, however they are relatively small in stature; thus, making them not ideal for dueling situations.

Upon her indoctrination into the Tsis'kaar, she was granted rights to have a personalized weapon created specifically for her. She opted for two, twin daggers, that offset the rule of only one weapon, since they were smaller than most handheld-weapons. The two daggers were created using three unique materials, the first of the three songsteel for their lightweight application, and for the ability to repel lightsaber strikes. The handle is specifically crafted from songsteel, whilst being form fitted to her hands.
The second material was the metal known as Madog steel. The metal has a reputation of being extremely durable, whilst being nearly unbreakable. The entire blades on both daggers are made from this steel, with the edge craftly fined into a razor-sharp edge. The third of the three materials employed in the fabrication of the two daggers was cortosis-weave. This material coats the entire blade, for the exception of the edge. The cortosis-weave was chosen for its ability to short out the plasma blades from lightsabers, and offset the plasma from plasma-based weapons, melee and ranged alike.
The two blades, having been alchemized, contain the Force ability known as Force Lightening. The lightening only becomes active upon contact with objects, matter, and the likes. Until contact is made, the energy lies dormant. The energy is continuous, never faltering, as long as it is in contact; only going dormant after or not in use.
Out Of Character Info
To Create TWO Personalized Daggers
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Technical Information
Cz.13 Daggers