Yamar Fantorgin

Name: Zargon
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Fandorican / http://starwarsrp.net/topic/90284-fandorican/#entry1316380
Language: Gondul, Basic
Average height of adults: 6.5 meters
Skin color: Silvery, brownish, grayish
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type I atmosphere, oxygen
Strengths: They have great physical strength.
They prefer peace over war.
They have extensive memory, and are very good at finance.
Weaknesses: They often think very slowly.
They take a long time to make decisions, which can lead to setbacks during a period of war.
Distinctions: Sometime they are mistaken as the trees they care for, with thick rough skin, many fingers and toes, and leafy "beards" and "hair".
Average Lifespan: 1,500 standard years.
Races: None.
Estimated Population: They are only found on their homeworld, and their population has never exceeded 20,000.
Diet: Their diet consists of fruits, and mineral enriched water, some meat, and the few vegetables that grow on their planet, are poisonous to them.
Communication: Through face-to-face speech, or guttural calls for speaking over a longer range.
Culture: Zargon are tribal, with a patriarch, usually the wisest, in charge of each family group. The Zargon prefer a more Republic style government, which the whole population will participate in 8 times a year. The Zargon have a great love for most growing things, especially trees. If trees need to be cleared, it is done with absolute serenity, and as if one of their own had died. If anyone clears trees without a clear purpose, the punishment is often banishment, or even death. If a foreigner does such an act, but escapes, the Zargon will often hire transportation, and hunt down the offender, which always results in death.
Technology level: There is practically no technology, except for imported agricultural equipment.
General behavior: Zargon are easy going, slow, and usually quiet. When angered, they are deadly, and little can make them pause.
History: The origin of the Zargon is unknown. Some say they were once trees themselves, some say they grow like trees, and when of a certain age, they rise from the ground, others say they arrived from another galaxy. For thousands of years they were relatively peaceful, until the Great Divide. The Great Divide, occurred around 24,000 BBY when there was a split between the Younger and Elder Zargon over society. The Elders, being a minority, left for the more mountainous and remote regions on the northern part of their homeworld. For 2,000 years there was enmity between the groups, but that appeased, and they lived relative peace since, though occasionally the Elders would be mocked, which would quickly lead to mass devastation due to the enormous retaliation the Elders would cause.
According to a legend, one of the original elders in the Great Divide around 24,000 BBY, is still alive to this day. The Younger deny this, but many Elders, and even some of the Younger have claimed to see a giant ancient Fangorn striding the deepest of the mountain forests. The Zargon is claimed to be over 8 meters tall, and is called the Hry'shi'raver'onmo'taly'rom'va'n, or the Old One.
Notable Player-Characters: Yamar Fantorgin
Intent: This species has been designed to be unique, showing the power of Nature become sentient, the ideal of a serene nature despite size. This species will champion conduct commerce on all levels in the galactic northern unknown regions. And, a sobering reminder, that even an ancient creation of nature, can be deadly.