Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Zarkath

Faction: The One Sith

Rank: Sith Lord (Sith Knight?)

Species: Human

Age: 38

Sex: Male

Height: 6'5

Weight: 132Lbs

Eyes: White

Hair: ?Dark Brown?

Skin: ?Pale White?

Force Sensitive: Very


(-/+) Loyal
(--) Blind
(---) Cannot Use Force Aggressively

(-/+) Loyal
(?) Can Use The Force To See
(+) Better Hearing
(+) Menacing
(+++) Unfathomably Quick


Weapon of Choice:
Zanmato, a 415 centimeter longer blade with a 30 centimeter long hilt. (Triple the blade length of the normal saber.) (Sith Red Blade.)


His typical black leather attire with his eerie mouth-less mask.



Born on Hoth, the new child grew on the world with an incredible disadvantage: being blind. As he lived through the years he grew to understand the cold heart beings of the galaxy. When Jedi came to the planet, they took him in to learn the ways of the force at a mere age of twelve. He had strong connections with the force, and quickly learned to use them to see the world around him under his master Kuu Mathan. At the age of twenty, his master turned to the dark side, Zarkath along with him. His task to become a sith lord(or knight if being a sith lord is a no no.) was to kill his master Mathan. He did so relentlessly, becoming a Sith Lord at the age of thirty. He practiced and formed his very own unique blade, Zanmato, which he trained relentlessly perfecting his own adaptation on Juyo, as well as using the blade to make contract with surroundings and adapt to the environment due to his blindness, making him a unique and powerful to face in a duel.


Small Personal 11 Man Space Cruiser Accompanied by 5 normal battle droids and his trustworthy pilot.


None (Yet)


Bounties Collected:

RPs With Zarkath​
(None Yet!)​

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