I am a son of the Mountain.
"Life isn't always the fairy tale people will have you think it is. Sometimes trying your hardest isn't enough, being the best won't cut it, and needing it doesn't mean you'll get it."

NAME: "My name is Zaz Tal'Verda. You love it, I love it, let's keep this pushing."
FACTION: "I'll stand with The Dominion for now...but Clan Tal'Verda is my true home."
RANK: "I'm a Field Commander in The Dominion. But more importantly I am the head of Clan Tal'Verda"
SPECIES: "It doesn't matter. I'm a Mandalorian, it means far more than any species."
AGE: "Twenty-Eight years young."
SEX: "I'm a fairy princess with silv- I'm a guy you di'kut."
HEIGHT: "I'm tall....I don't know."
WEIGHT: "I could stand to lose a few pounds."
EYES: "They're brown."
HAIR: "Usually black, If I have any."
SKIN: "My skin is white but it's pretty tan."
FORCE SENSITIVE: "Keep your mystic bull out of my life."
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
FACTION: "I'll stand with The Dominion for now...but Clan Tal'Verda is my true home."
RANK: "I'm a Field Commander in The Dominion. But more importantly I am the head of Clan Tal'Verda"
SPECIES: "It doesn't matter. I'm a Mandalorian, it means far more than any species."
AGE: "Twenty-Eight years young."
SEX: "I'm a fairy princess with silv- I'm a guy you di'kut."
HEIGHT: "I'm tall....I don't know."
WEIGHT: "I could stand to lose a few pounds."
EYES: "They're brown."
HAIR: "Usually black, If I have any."
SKIN: "My skin is white but it's pretty tan."
FORCE SENSITIVE: "Keep your mystic bull out of my life."
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
{+} Son of War: "My father was a warrior. My grandfather was a warrior. His father and his father and his father, they were all warriors... What did you expect? A gardener? I can hold my own in any fight, doesn't matter the enemy I'm bred for war."
{+} Good natured: "I'm a soldier, not a monster. It's a personal rule of mine I don't kill women or children unless they're combatants. Any hut'uun that does otherwise doesn't understand how a true warrior conducts himself."
{+} CQC Expert: "I like to get up close and personal. If you're in the sights of my shotgun you're not gonna have a good day."
{-} Lack of Focus: "Wait, what were we talking about?"
{-} Short Tempered: "I don't have a short temper I have a short tolerance of sithspit."
BIOGRAPHY: "There isn't much to be said honestly. My old man raised my siblings and I in the harsh northlands of Mandalore. Not exactly the type of place where you vacation to but it was home. When I became of age my father's health started to noticeably deteriorate. My family were a bit worried about losing him but before we could come to any type of conclusion he took it upon himself to freeze himself in stasis. With my father gone I was named the head of the Clan. However, my new title of Ver'alor was short lived. The catastrophe that struck Mandalore didn't exactly leave us unscathed. Anyway after Mandalore became ground zero I decided to take Tal'Verda away from our homeworld. We found a home in The Dominion and it's been our home ever since.
"She gets me where I need to go." http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kom%27rk-class_fighter/transport