Zel Nar

FACTION: Agents of Chaos
DIVISION: The Wild Hunt
AGE: 13
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'3"
WEIGHT: 100lbs
EYES: black, with a silver ring around the outside of each one
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Dark Red
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Rebreather - He can breath in a multitude of atmospheres, including Space for a short amount of time, thanks to the rebreather he wears.[+] Youngling - Because he is a child, he might not be considered to be much of a threat, or of much notice.
[-] Rebreather - Because of his species, he requires a breathing mask to survive on most populated planets because the air is poisonous to the Kel Dor.
[-] Doesn't trust easily - Because of the life he's lived, he doesn't trust easily.
[-] Anger - He can be quick to anger in situations where it's probably better to keep a cool head.
[-] Unskilled - He is unskilled in a lot of ways, not knowing much at all.
The most apparent thing about him right off the bat is the metallic facial mask that covers his mouth, and the two attached eyepieces that cover his eyes completely. His skin is a dark, red color with various scars that mar different parts of his head and hands from past injuries. His clothes are ratty, torn in places, and not overall well taken care of. When his mask is taken off, the black eyes typical of a Kel Dor can be seen, along with the silver rings that are typical of Kel Dor force sensitives.
For much of his young life, Zel Nar was a drifter with his mother. His father had died sometime before he was born, and his mother never found a place to settle down and thus they drifted from world to world. It was upon one of these worlds where a band of thugs jumped them. He was beaten within an inch of his life, and watched helplessly as his mother was killed in front of him just because of how they looked.The most apparent thing about him right off the bat is the metallic facial mask that covers his mouth, and the two attached eyepieces that cover his eyes completely. His skin is a dark, red color with various scars that mar different parts of his head and hands from past injuries. His clothes are ratty, torn in places, and not overall well taken care of. When his mask is taken off, the black eyes typical of a Kel Dor can be seen, along with the silver rings that are typical of Kel Dor force sensitives.
He was only seven when this happened, and he made a silent vow to himself to try and become stronger to get back at those who took his mother from him, and to make sure the same thing never happened to him. He snuck aboard ships to get around places. Stole food to survive. And occasionally beat up other kids (that usually ended in his loss). This pattern kept up for years, until a mysterious (to him) person found him. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Well, he could if he wanted to, but he accepted. They told him to make his way to a specific place within the Unknown Regions, then vanished. He stowed away on ship to ship, sometimes getting caught and delaying his journey. But eventually he made his way there, and his true story begins...
1. Call of the Hunt [Incomplete]