Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zell Ikon

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
NAME: Zell "Z" Ikon
RANK: None
SPECIES: Hapan/Falleen
AGE: 23
SEX: Gender-fluid (Xe/xem/xir)
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: Why would you even ask that?
EYES: Yellow-Green
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Maybe? (Haven't Decided; Not important to backstory, yet.)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Attractive - Whatever gender Zell chooses to be that day, the Ikon brand of good looks still fits.​
(+/-) Ikon Metabolism - Zell possesses the happy (or not so happy, depending on your viewpoint) ability to imbibe a great deal of alcohol without any visible effects. Of course, this usually leads to bad headaches and sometimes hangovers later.​
(-) In-Character - If xe's acting like a man that day, and gets called out for being a woman, or vice versa... Things will be cut to pieces.​
(-) Chainsaw Maniac - Zell has had that chainsaw a long time, and even views it as a sort of imaginary friend. Take it away, and you get a red-haired androgynous person on a killing spree.

Zell is tall, red-headed, and good-looking, much like the rest of the Ikons out there. Xe likes to dress in formal attire, usually as shown above, and often wears at least one red piece of clothing. The most obvious identifying factor, however, is the slightly oversized chainsaw Zell often carries around.






None yet.​
*chokes on tea* *coughs lightly while patting mouth with a handkerchief* O-Oh my........
(And technically speaking, Grell's eyes are a yellow-green :p)
[member="Zell Ikon"]

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
[member="Ashe Ikon"]

Awwwww, my cute little cousin... *kisses on the forehead* Still got no guy? Shame.

(Alright, alright :p I fixed it.)

@T'zanith Zebron

Interesting indeed ;) Zell'd either cut Mr. T there to bits or incessantly hit on him.
H-hello cousin Zell.... *does her best not to shift her facial features as he kisses her head* What a lovely shade of red you have on today.
[member="Zell Ikon"]

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
Well, what did you expect? Blue? *sits down next to and snuggles up* Well? You gotten out of the house, lately? Anybody end up in that lovely red skirt of yours?

[member="Ashe Ikon"]
Well, I've learned to expect anything thanks to little Clairy when it comes to color coordination ([member="Claire Ikon"]). *Relaxes, pulling out a fan* Oh, I haven't had much time for going out with the company lately. Apparently Kesh celebrates their winter holiday around this time of year, and Aurora Toys is extremely popular there. And as for my skirts, no. My suitors are a bit too preoccupied by their wives to visit me. (x3)
[member="Zell Ikon"]

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
[member="Ashe Ikon"]

Aww... Even that hot little slaver boy from that one time? ([member='Lucifer Malvern'])

*snuggles closer* I think you're lying...
Oh, him? *chuckles nervously, waving a hand* I don't think he cares for me, dear. I mean, how could he? He was hand-crafted by the gods! Why would he even look in my general direction? :p
[member="Zell Ikon"]

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
He's the crap-spawn of a Zeltron and some sort of Vong trash. He's going to look at your adorable-ness or I'm gonna find him and slice him to bits. Okay, darling?

[member="Ashe Ikon"]

No, seriously... He's a Vong-bred Force-dead killing machine.

That sounds like the beginning to a song...

Zell Ikon

All I Wanna Do Is Cut You, Baby
*pops open a bottle of wine and starts drinking* Ugly truths, my dear... I'd love to get my chainsaw into his skull.


[member="Ashe Ikon"]

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