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Approved Tech Zeta Mk1 Infantry Droid

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Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation

Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 300lbs
Height: 1.9 meters
Movement: Bipedal
1 heavy repeater blaster and/or other carried weapons
Misc. Equipment: Droid Brain Sensors, etc

Intent: To create a standard infantry fighting droid for the CSA
Development Thread:
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Baktoid Industries/Santhe Corporation
Model: Mark 1 Infantry Droid
Affiliation: CSA (formerly, now open market)
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Durasteel and Duraplast
Description: The Zeta Mk1 Infantry Droid was designed by Sienar Intelligence System and Baktoid industries. The droid utilized protocols from the advanced scarab assassin droid brains and systems from the Baktoid main line of droids. It is built to take the place of manned infantry. The droid went into mass production and is seen in the forces of the CSA and Santhe Security. In combat the droid has proven able, although is less effective than organic infantry when thinking in tactical terms the droids make up for it with numbers, and the inability to feel fear or pain. Its primary weapon is heavy repeating repeating blaster fed by a power unit attached to the droids back. Although often equipped with this weapon the droid is capable of being programmed to use whichever infantry weapon the client deems appropriate. This droid if the cannon fodder B1 of a new age. *nod nod*
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