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Approved Melee Weapon Zethrogar the Sunderer

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Manufacturer: Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Other
Size: Very Large





  • Classification: Maul
  • Size: Very Large (2.45 Meters / 8 Feet)
  • Weight: Very Heavy (164 Kilograms / 361 Pounds)

  • The hammer is forged from alchemized Malabast exhaustively worked by smiths, ensuring it is extremely durable.
  • The valuable Kraelmundr alloy was harvested for the creation of this terrible weapon. It is within the weapon and is not only resistant to the force, but it actively repels, weakens the force surrounding the weapon, making it a force wielder's nightmare.
  • The massive servitors, subterranean worm beasts that destroy everything in their path. These beasts possess an organ known as the Ziymor, it possesses magnetic and gravitic properties to help the worms break down all of the various, massive debris that the creatures consumed to make them easier to digest. Such an organ was harvested for Zethrogar. When combined with a potent power core it provides the weapon with devastating magnetic and gravitational ability, regulated through the power core. This allows the weapon to pull and push objects to it, unleash blasts of gravitic energy, as well as providing great momentum to swings.
  • In the creation of this weapon a form of sonic discharge cell was combined with mechanical components of seismic weaponry through collapsium. Zethrogar contains devastating destructive power, when it strikes anything, it unleashes seismic waves and sonic vibrations that allow it to crush or destroy nearly anything it comes into contact with. OOC Note: As always it is up to the writer to determine what if any damage goes through. While normally consumable the collapsium synergizes with the regulatory ability of the Ziymor, placing it in a self-regenerative cycle that ensures the substance does not run out.

  • Force Dampening, Absorbing, and Nullification Ability.
  • Horrific Destructive Power.
  • Advanced Magnetic and Gravitic Properties.

  • Cumbersome. Unwieldy to Most Races.
  • Denies Force Use by Wielder.
  • Impossible to Conceal.
  • Indiscriminate Destruction.

For a Draelvasier the instruments of war are sacred, and as important to them as the act of waging war itself.

The very weapons they would utilize, the style of fighting they were permitted to utilize is covered in the Maerd-Ka. When it came for Rakvul the Darkener, Warlord of the Bryn'adul Empire and Wrath of the Chieftain to choose an instrument of death, it was a careful process. A maul was ultimately chosen as both a status symbol for such an exalted figure, and a weapon that would allow him to take full advantage of his horrific strength. But in order for it to function as his principal weapon, there were certain elements that the Darkener required.
In a galaxy filled with deadly force wielders among Jedi, Sith, and other fringe religions, it needed to be wholly resistant to the ways of the force and to the lightsaber. For this the valuable Kraelmundr metal was chosen for its unique properties that all but nullified the force around it. Second, Malabast was chosen as the primary metal for the weapon, and it was thrice treated through an alchemical process that hardened the maul significantly. It all but ensured it would weather even the heaviest storm.
But that was only a third of the process.
For the next part Rakvul hunted down an immense wild Servitor, colossal subterranean worms that were utilized as war beasts for the Bryn'adul Empire. These unique beasts consumed everything in their path from organic and inorganic matter including mountains, buildings and a wide variety of other material. Inside them was an organ known as the Ziymor. The ziymor possessed both magnetic and gravitic properties that helped work and break down materials the creature consumed, allowing it to digest them easily without risk to the beast. This organ was harvested and taken for the forging process.
But Rakvul ran into his first major obstacle. There was no way to regulate the powers the organ possessed once synthesized through biotech. To this he turned to technoloy, heeding the warnings of the Kad-Maera and the seven tenets. A power core was installed within the head of the hammer, combined with the synthesized ziymor. It not only fixed the problem but allowed him greater control over these abilities in combat to fully maximize his destructive ability, as well as providing greater momentum to each swing of the maul. After careful tests of the weapon, it was clear something else was missing.
The Darkener desired a weapon with as much destructive power as the Bryn'adul Empire unleashed upon unsuspecting worlds, something to destroy everything around him. To this end he turned to technology once more. Through the acquisition of Collapsium, Seismic Charge components, as well as a Sonic Discharge Cell came the solution. All three components were included within the construction process. While forewarned of the limited use of collapsium, there was an unexpected development. The unique enzymes secreted by the ziymor had regenerative elements that synthesized well with the chemical makeup of collapsium. When the two were connected it left the substance in a self-regenerative cycle of depletion and renewal.
After a series of further tests, it was clear that something truly monstrous had been born, it far exceeded any expectations he possessed. What was created was something capable of terrible destruction, bringing ruin to everyone and everything around him. For the Darkener it became the perfect weapon to unleash his fury upon the enemies of the Draelvasier, as well as bring down the Chieftain Tathra Khaeus's wrath upon those who would dare oppose him. So, he christened the new maul Zethrogar the Sunderer.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To craft an absolutely monstrous weapon for Rakvul
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Rakvul
Model: Zethrogar the Sunderer
Modular: No
Material: Alchemized Malabast, Kraelmundr, Servitor Ziymor, Sonic Discharge Cell, Seismic Charge Components, Collapsium, Power Core
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Another very cool sub!
  • I would like to ask you to link the character's bio or tag the character to the Manufacturer and/or Affiliation.
  • You forgot to add the permission to the Kraelmundr Metal.
  • And I have some concerns about these parts:
    The hammer is forged from alchemized Malabast exhaustively worked by smiths, ensuring it is virtually indestructible.
    In the Factory, we don't really like the indestructible word, even if it is only virtually. It is easy to abuse it, and there are no indestructible objects on Chaos. I would like to ask you to reword it.
    Zethrogar contains devastating destructive power, when it strikes anything, it unleashes seismic waves and sonic vibrations that alloy it to crush or destroy anything it comes into contact with
    This is the similar, to absolute. And you know, always the opponent decide about how your attack affect them, not you or what you wrote in the factory sub. This is the reason why I ask you for rewording this part too. If you modify it and write it in conditional that is also good, or how you feel it comfortable. Thank you for your understanding!
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