Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Manufacturer: Akhuul Sautra
  • Affiliation: (Akhuul Sautra
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Derumium
  • Classification: Shuttle/Dropship
  • Length: 34.7 meters
  • Width: 25.61meters
  • Height: 7.8 meters
  • Armament: Low
  • Defenses: High
  • Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive: Shadow Drive
  • Ability vs Age-despite being made before the Great Hyperspace War, these shuttles remain on paar with modern ships (ships made as of this sub).
  • Derusphere Shield-equipped with Derusphere Shield technolgy, the shuttles are usually safe from most damage.
  • Derumium Advantages-the strengths of Derumium apply to the hull and technological components of the shuttle.
    • most damage to the hull can be repaired through the force and Sith Alchemy to a prestine state.
  • Quiet-the engines used by the shuttle produce little sound making these shuttles nigh-impossible to detect through auditory detection systems.
  • Irreplaceable-if one is destroyed beyond repair, there is not enough Derumium to construct a new replacement.
  • Lack of Attack-the shuttles were designed to carry Derumic Android personnelle rather than be used in combat, as a result they are not well equipped for combat outside of shields and the resiliant hull.
  • Cumbersome-while having decent speed and maneuverability, the shuttles could still be outran and outmaneuvered by a given enemy.
Before the Great Hyperspace War began, the ancient Sith Lord Akhuul Sautra had the scientists and sorcerers in his employ to develop various technologies out of a unique metal called Derumium. One such innovation, more so a collection of innovations, was the development of Akhuul's Derumic Navy. Swarms of fighters, and hosts of large ships were developed to defend Akhuul's interests in the void. However, transport ships were also necessary for any planetary invasions, or simply transporting between ships. As a result, the Ziggurat Shuttle was designed and constructed.

The shuttles are designed to not take part in combat. They are purely for transport of Derumic Androids to given destinations. They could be used for Lords to go between each other's ships, transport legions of androids to the surfaces of worlds, or transport resources from worlds to Sautra Vokh. They are armed with a single Derumic Cannon system to give the shuttle some form of attack when defending off enemeis. Meanwhile, its true strengths rely in its usage of the Derusphere Shield technology, its resiliant hull, and decent speed. They are designed to not be regarded as much of a threat, and ignored by a given enemy, making their weakness in power possibly a strength of theirs.
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I am aware of that, however it is just a shuttle. Not entirely designed to fight and do combat, and I put most effort into defense so it doesn't get shot out of the sky with ease. I'm fine with how its rated. Are there any adjustments, or is it just the power rating?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra

Nope, nothing, just with Squadron Count usually only unique ships usually have it. So this means, if you create a larger ship where you want to put for example 3 support squadrons from this ship, because they'll transport the army to the ground. This will means you'll able to use only 3 ships, because the Squadron contains only 1 ship. So do you still want to keep the Squadrons on this level or do you want to updgrade or edit it? If not, I'll accept it, because there is no other problem.
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