Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public [Zinder Event] Celebrating Mutually Assured Devotion!

Outfit: Dress

"Elae'ivi'ilmer...Elae'iv'ilomer...I think I'll stick to Eivii. Shan Pavond for me, if my first name isn't enough."

Eivii couldn't help but blush, a purple tinge to her blue cheeks - a touch of embarrassment but appreciating the way Shan managed to diffuse the awkwardness of her introduction with a quip.

"Hm...There's not much to know about me. I'm a relatively simple man. Was raised on Nar Shaddaa, studied to become a qualified doctor. Oh. I'm also a Jedi Knight. But don't worry. Today there will be no Jediing...Not sure if that's a word...Anyway. Just consider me a Knight in a suit of...Well...Just a suit."

"Oh, a doctor and a Jedi?" Eivii stifled panic, crushing once again the desire to flee.

She didn't have to be a mercenary here, she was a... A princess? No obviously fake. A bartender? No, too mundane.

What she was was an uneducated killer, a criminal from a homeworld destroyed beyond recognition, an outcast of the remnants of her people. She didn't belong here, but she didn't belong anywhere.

At least tonight she could simply be a Lady Velvet fan, a grown up version of the child who used to sit in her room reading book cover to cover in a single weekend, back on Csilla. What if her parents were offworld when everything happened, and she had some white-collar job, like a secretary or a librarian.

The fantasy of being a nobody brought a slight smile to Eivii's lips.

"A knight in a suit of Green?" Eivii pitched, playing into his attempted metaphor. The attempt was appreciated, as Eivii giggled despite herself, pulling free from her ruminations.

"You can do as much Jediing or doctoring as you wish, Dr. Pavond. Or is it Knight Pavond? I think I'll stick to Shan if that's okay." She teased back. Not that either honorific really was a tease.

"Not to diminish your achievements," she added, realizing that maybe pride in those titles could be flattering for the Miralian - she searched his eyes to get a read on how best to flatter him; flattery was the best way to earn someone's trust... for her line of work.

She still felt like she would be discovered, like some force mind-trick would cause her to to reveal everything and that she would be judged and found wanting. It wouldn't be the first time. Eivii did her best not to think about her last loves.

She was here, dank farik! Practically inside a Lady Velvet Novel on a date with a Jedi — a doctor at that — who bothered to read her bio and brought flowers and chocolates - such a cliche, but... She likes the cliche. Nos never brought her flowers, never played into the silly romantic things.

She cast aside her thoughts, and focused entirely on her surroundings, wrapping an arm around the elbow of Shan Pavond Shan Pavond and said, "Well, shall we see the grounds? Have you read many of Lady Velvet's books? No judgement of you have, I love them!"
Suddenly, her nerves were replaced with energy, the past tucked away to be dealt with another day.

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"Oh, a doctor and a Jedi?"
"Yeah. I just like to help people. Even as a kid on Nar Shaddaa, I was trying to patch up people's wounds. Sure, it meant I got roughed up a few times but it was worth it to know I was making a difference."

Shan raised an eyebrow, keeping his eyes on Eivii. Something seemed off about her. Not so much in a negative way but more like she was trying to hide something. But Shan wasn't going to pry. Today his goal was to make this a special day for Eivii. Happiness was a good way to be healthy, and from what he had gotten from Eivii's profile on Zinder, it seemed like it'd been a while since she had a chance to be happy. In a way, it was like he was trying to be a Jedi by showing her the light and happiness in life.

"Shan works with me. I'm not a huge fan of using titles. It makes me sound...more important than others. And I'm not. I'm just a regular person who wants to help the Galaxy. Who wants to believe in the inner good of people. But don't worry. Like I said, no Jedi work or Doctor work today. My focus is on you."

Funnily enough, flattery was something that didn't work on Shan. Not so much because Shan didn't trust people. It was more because Shan trusted people straight off the bat. He was willing to be vulnerable with anyone. Even Sith. It was a part of him that he knew was naive, but he wouldn't change it. Of course, it would be a different situation if other people were in danger, but the only person at risk right now would be himself.

"How about you? I noticed you seemed...strangely quiet about yourself. Couldn't get much off your profile either."

Unlike plenty of other Jedi, Shan was terrible when it came to sensing emotions. Unless they were clearly showing how they felt, most people were a mystery to him. Perhaps that was why he liked to heal people. It was easy to see the pain leave them and the relief replacing it. He raised an eyebrow as Eivii took his elbow and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wow. You're as strong as you look. But no, I haven't read much of Lady Velvet. Romance books aren't something I'm overly fond of, though there are plenty of other Jedi who read her works. I did try to do a quick skim through it, to figure out how you want to be treated though. The Dark Side of Love and the Jedi's Fall for the Sith did intrigue me...Hopefully that hasn't made anyone at the temple suspicious of me."

Another small chuckle. Whilst Shan was most definitely opposed to the use of the Dark Side, he still could care about those who were part of the Sith. They were still people in his eyes. It was part of why he could hold onto hope so much.
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Dress
Equipment: Hidden daggers
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Serina Calis Serina Calis | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves | Kirie Kirie

Eira stared at the message that Quinn had sent her for the past few minutes. She was unsure if this was some form of a prank or kind hearted jest that Quinn was attempting to pull over her Padawan. A Lady Velvet themed Zinder event... Wasn't Zinder a dating app thing? She had used it a couple times in the past. But hadn't Quinn stated they couldn't? Wasn't Lady Velvet the romance author? Wouldn't this be a super romantic event to attend together? Eira thought about reacting just laughing or going along with the joke but she couldn't shake the idea that she was missing something when it came to this invitation.

So, she put it off for a while. Not responding either way since she did not wish to make a fool of herself either way.

Then the day of the event came. Eira sighed as she looked at the gothic black dress and the jewellery that she had gotten to go with the dress. Dressing herself, she inspected the dress in the mirror and the jewellery as well, wondering if this would be something that Quinn would fine appealing or was it going too gothic and/or dark for the usually upbeat Quinn. It was hard since the more that Eira looked at herself in the mirror, the more she fell in love the dress and look.

It was very her.

Arriving at the manor, the whole place looked very much like something out of the Lady Velvet novels that Eira cram read on the journey to Naboo. She was unsure how she felt about the novels. They felt too happy, too romantic to be realistic in her mind. However, she accepted that sometimes, people want that style of escapism. It was just a reinforcement that she preferred dark fantasy and dark horror style novels. Especially since they appealed to her sense of humour as well at times. Unintentional or not.

Entering the ballroom, Eira spotted Quinn in a red dress, she was definitely a stand out but that also meant that Eira spotted several people surrounding Quinn as well. It dawned on Eira instantly that this had been a group invite to hang out with Quinn during this event. Not an invitation specifically for Eira. However, that didn't matter, she was still excited to enjoy her time with the group of ladies and it was a way to get to know them all better. Especially since she assumed they were all close to Quinn in some regard.

"Hello all." Eira reached out with a smile on her darkened lips.
283rd Air-Assault Pathfinder Battalion

Major Lycus Merita stared into the mirror. He was not a man who went on dates. Sure, he was- had been married, but it had been an old childhood sweetheart that he had met while working at the Corellian Shipyards. It had been something natural, built over two decades. So natural, in fact, that she had passively proposed to him while they were changing their daughter's diapers.

This was different. This was something he had picked up on a whim because the 283rd was going on shore leave on Naboo, and he wasn't going to waste his weekend pass bar rotting away in the office filling out mind-numbing paperwork. The life of a soldier was minutes of heart-pounding excitement followed by months of boredom. Even for the 283rd that seemed to bounce from one end of the Alliance to the other, they needed something to fill the lull in between. For Captain Compton, it was gambling, for First Lieutenant Isiah it was tinkering on his blaster and for Merita, it was romance novels. Not that he would openly admit it to the others.

It was escapism for the Major. No matter how much trouble Lady Velvet was in, she always ended up with the best man. No matter the tribulations and friction, their relationship would always work out. He had wanted his marriage to be just like the novels.

Merita stared at the divorce papers on his bedside table and sighed.

Maybe it really was for the best.

The last thing Merita wanted was to show up in his service uniform. It seemed like something that Lady Velvet would consider guache. Besides, the reason they were separating was because the only thing he seemed to ever wear was that uniform. But he didn't have much else in the closet and was now entering the manor feeling severely underdressed.

With an old flight jacket over his old shipyard worker's shirt and denim jeans, he felt like the prime example of a country bumpkin as he shuffled between the elegantly dressed guests displaying their ornate jewelry.

Now, Merita was normally a man who didn't do holonet dating. One of his men had done so and ended up in an icy bathtub with both his kidneys missing. Which was unrelated to the date, but the association of events had been enough to throw Merita off. But with the alternative for his weekend pass being getting chit-faced with his men or going to this event awkwardly alone, he had little choice. Even then, he had been brutally honest about what he had been looking for when he made his profile and had been surprised when someone had swiped right on him.

Someone named Ran Serys Ran Serys . Age group he had been looking for and a personality that he thought would fit his. Also the founder of the Mirialan Lady Velvet Fan Club so bonus points for him there.

Gods, this mansion was crowded. He had been in trenches with more elbow room.

He managed to squeeze himself into an alcove where a bar was being hosted and whipped out his datapad.

"Sorry for the lateness. Long line. Attaching my location at the end of this message. Look forward to meating you."


Outfit: Dress

"Yeah. I just like to help people. Even as a kid on Nar Shaddaa, I was trying to patch up people's wounds. [...] Who wants to believe in the inner good of people. But don't worry. Like I said, no Jedi work or Doctor work today. My focus is on you."

Talkative, but not self-absorbed. It was hard to believe a selfless Miralian would have come from the Smuggler's Moon.

"How about you? I noticed you seemed...strangely quiet about yourself. Couldn't get much off your profile either."

Eivii's heart sank to her stomach - none of her ideas would work.

"I'm, well, um nobody special, just a fan of the books, work in an office, that sort of thing."

Eivii gulped. That lie was worse than anything she was brainstorming - boring and paper-thin.

What did the corp people even do in an office?

"Wow. You're as strong as you look. But no, I haven't read much of Lady Velvet. [...] suspicious of me."

Eivii loosened her arm around Shan's suddenly self conscious of her arms and shoulders - she regretted not wearing long sleeves or something frilly. Her glance jumped to the other women around, smooth skin without the ripple of muscle changing the contour of their arms with every movement.

Who am I kidding, sleeves would only make them look bulkier.

"Shan, I don't think you would make even the most paranoid bountyhead on the run suspicious of you"
she said, intending it as a compliment - though from her line of work it could be taken as an insult.

Bountyhead, why did she say Bountyhead, I should have criminal or....sith? Or something less close to her own occupation.

Maybe she should just tell him the truth...

I'll tell him after the dance, at least. Eivii promised herself that, but in the back of her mind the temptation to let the illusion remain gnawed at her.

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Wearing: Suit + Tie
Tag: Serina Calis Serina Calis Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Kirie Kirie Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

It had taken Kaila longer to dress than most, despite the relative simplicity of her clothes.

Her movements were slow, perhaps passing for relaxed and unhurried to those who could not hear her fluttering heart. Were she more sober, it would be strange to think that Darth Anathemous had entered battlefields with such calculated calm, and fought off sangnir assassins with nerves of steel,

But stealing glimpses of her from the mirror, that is what finally set her heart to hammering away at her metallic chest.

She turned away, pretending to adjust her dress shoes to hide the warm smile about her freckled face, and it's lively hue, which she hoped could be excused by the empty bottles she'd stepped over to get here.

For the first time in her life, everything was perfect. Soon she would be dancing with her, a long lost friend had returned from the dead, Her apprentice was safe and sound, and even Kirie Kirie 's arrival in her adorable little costume brought another, albeit subdued smile to her face.

It would have been a little embarrassing, admittedly, to confess that she not only recognized the character, but that she'd been a regular Lady Velvet reader since the release of The Jedi's fall for The Sith.

Although it seemed that she was not alone, and they would be celebrating the newest release together.


Kaila had been fighting the urge to glance at her in whole way inside their landspeeder, her golden eyes, aglow inside the tinted vehicle, would have been quite noticeable, and so were relegated to watch over the Naboo scenery outside. Though, that didn't stop her from occasionally peeking at the rear view mirror.

She gave her low-vis body armor some last minute adjustments whilst the group unpacked themselves from the landspeeder, playing into her cover as Quinn's bodyguard. Over it was silken dress shirt with lace collar, and a fine suit accented by golden floral patterns which, if one paid an inordinate amount of attention, bore a subtle resemblance to the accents of Quinn's dress, even if the princess had certainly put more money into her outfit than Kaila had her own. Rather than a crown, the Lord of Echnos topped it all off with a tie made from segmented flexiplast, an article of clothing that was becoming popular on her planet of late.

Giving it some last minute adjustments, she finally emerged from the landspeeder a moment later, catching up with Quinn and the others just in time for Serina's toast.

"To a perfect night," she said, raising her glass in a casual toast, her voice lilting with amusement. "Let's make the most of it."

"To a perfect night." she echoed whilst swiping a glass from a passing waiter to raise at the last moment.

Then she turned to address the others, although she looked to Kirie specifically, knowing that she'd had some concerns over her wardrobe before they left.

"Ah! you all look so darling in your outfits."

"Hello all." Eira reached out with a smile on her darkened lips.

Kaila turned around upon hearing a familiar voice, the surprise evident on her face but briefly, before fading back into the young Darth's typical, deceptively neutral expression.

She simply nodded to Quinn's apprentice, trying to exercise enough control as not to ruin both their evening with their shared history.

Lately it seemed that if she threw a stone into any ballroom, she'd hit a former lover.


"I'm, well, um nobody special, just a fan of the books, work in an office, that sort of thing."

"Ah. No. No, no, no. That's not right. You are special. For the simple reason that you are alive. And hey. Office work isn't that bad. I've had my head in datapads for as long as I can remember."

A small frown graced his face when he felt Eivii loosening her grip, which just caused Shan to wrap his arm around her's. He hadn't really thought about how some women might not like you to talk about their muscles. He blamed that part on Lily if he was honest to himself, or Valery. Honestly, he could blame the Jedi as a whole. None of them shied away from showing off their muscles.

"Hey. Hey. Don't worry about it. I promise you. It's okay. It was meant to be a compliment. I'm not good at those things.

He did his best to try and reassure her. Though she then said something that caused the cogs in Shan's head to start turning, as he tilted his head.

"Shan, I don't think you would make even the most paranoid bountyhead on the run suspicious of you"

"...You mean Bounty Hunter right? 'Cause I mean, I've had a Bounty Hunter after me before. Heh. I think it was meant to be dead or alive...but they were clearly going for the dead part..."

There were small alarm bells ringing in Shan's head. But he was fine with them. If Eivii was a bounty hunter after him...Well, at least it would only be him that got affected by it. That of course did send him down the rabbit hole of wondering if Zinder was some secret Bounty Hunter app, with all of their information being sold to crime lords...Nah. There was no way that could be possible.

"Though I'm sure some people get paranoid over me. There are a few people in the Galaxy who don't trust Jedi. And I mean, I can't fully fault them for that. We have made some mistakes. But the thing people seem to forget is that everyone makes a mistake or two in their lives."



Tags | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron


Cora had been eyeballing a notebook plastered with a particularly scandalous portrait of the shirtless Lord Grimus Edgemoore, wondering when she'd given approval for the holographic monstrosity. Is that what teenage girls were into these days? Positively garish.

Nefaron's approach pulled her from that reprieve, mild surprise playing across her partially-masked face before her expression settled into something more pleased.

"Very kind of you to say," she dipped her head in gratitude. "I take pride in accuracy. The Countess deserves nothing less."

Among the extravagant gowns and sharp suits, she hadn't expected to see someone of his…phenotype at an event like this.

That made her curious.

Cora tilted her head back, eyeballing the man with newfound fascination. There was something faintly familiar about him, but she was preoccupied by trying to place what she assumed to be his costume.

"Let's see…oh, Lord Edgmoore's half-brother? The one who tried to steal away Lady Annette?"

The character hadn't been given much description, but the dastardly half-brother was thwarted when a handmaid, loyal to the leading lady, knocked a candle onto his billowing cloak.


Theme: Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Dress: Here
Tags: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Eira Dyn Eira Dyn | Kirie Kirie | Serina Calis Serina Calis
A few days ago, Tamsin had been studying peacefully in the Echnos manor a mountain of books piled around her that she had to get through. From History to philosophy, to history, to some basic force ideas. There was some much to do and learn, after Zonju V and what happened there Kaila was pushing Tamsin to become stronger. They were going to defeat the thing inside her though they really hadn't had time to sit down and talk about it yet, but both had set time aside and said they would.

Tamsin had just been minding her business studying when Kaila had barged in well it was her home so it really wasn't barging. Tamsin eyed her suspiciously, her sister seemed frantic and giddy, I mean as giddy as Kaila could be. Something was definitely wrong, and Kaila exclaimed they had to go, Tamsin just nodded and went to grab her gear and weapons. When Kaila told her not that…..

Now they were here, Tamsin knew mostly everyone that had gathered. There was Quinn a princess and Kaila special friend, also someone who had attended the Zonju V adventure. So Tamsin supposed they were friends now, or she was basically the sister-in-law….that was how that worked right? Then there was Eira um….she was Kaila's Ex-special friend, Tamsin had known her and met her before the crazy adventure. Eira was well Eira, were they friends that was hard to tell, Eira was gruff and hardened hard for Tamsin to get a real read on.

Serina was someone she didn't know at all, was she another one of her sisters Ex's? It was possible, a woman in every port sort of thing. Then there was Kirie someone Tamsin had seen accompanying Quinn before she knew Quinn, also Kaila had talked highly of the woman so it was great to meet her for the first time. When she came out in her first outfit Tamsin thought it was great, even clapped when she presented herself.

Tamsin knew absolutely nothing about this book series, she knew about Kaila's growing obsession with them though. She had only caught glimpses of the covers which were oddly erotic for historical tomes. Kaila always quickly hid them whenever Tamsin walked into a room, like she was ashamed of them. Sometimes siblings were just strange. Even stranger was how excited the demon seemed to be, it didn't tell her she could just feel it now which only spelled trouble.

All these beautiful people in one speeder limo, Tamsin had been to so many balls and extravagant parties since her and Kaila met. Tamsin never thought she would be in this kind of life the complete opposite of the one she grew up in. Far removed from digging graves and cleaning beast cages. She adjusted her dress as the party got out of the limo, Tamsin feeling like a princess. This is what they felt like all the time, right? Then again maybe it was the wine in her system, and she was just riding the bubbly high it provided.

She told herself tonight she was going to try as many different kinds of Alcohol as she could. She liked the taste of wine and champagne but there was more to try, more to experience. She once again took a look at all the ladies in the group, so gorgeous the whole lot of them. Also, she felt like a small child next to them, they were all so much taller then her.

They went into the party and grabbed a glass of wine from the waiter Tamsin went to grab one for herself. The waiter slapped her hand away. "You're not old enough." He looked at the other women in the group. "This not an event for children!" the waiter proclaimed to them. The waiter proceeded to walk off probably to go complain to the event coordinators that there was a child here.

But Tamsin learning to assert herself a little more stepped in the waiters path of escape. She stared up at him and her eyes flashed a bright orange, it wasn't the demon Tamsin had learned to control the ability to make her eyes orange. He looked at her with a gapping jaw as her eyes seemingly burst into flames for a second then went back to there normal black hue. "I can tell you I am no child. Now give me a drink, please?" She gave him a smile and he just nodded and handed her a drink.

Then she turned back to the group and raised her glass. "To a perfect night!" The demon in the back of her mind seemingly jumped with excitement. It felt weird, it being so damn happy it was not a good sign. Yet it hadn't done anything yet, and had been rather silent so that was a good sign maybe.

"So, I should ask who is this Lady Velvet we are celebrating? My Ma….Darth…Ka….Sis…." Chit what was she supposed to call her in this situation. "Her" She pointed to Kaila not sure what the proper protocol was in this moment for what name to use. "Reads them all the time but hides them from me, is this Lady Velvet some renowned sith with lots of secrets of the dark arts?" Well she did know now there was a stable boy involved thanks to Kirie, maybe it was a story like hers a dark lord who came from nothing.


Objective: BYOO
Location: Main Ballroom
Outfit: Dress & Necklace
Tag: Tigris

As they reached the front of the photograph queue, Eve felt the sudden onset of camera shyness grip her, but looking into her date's compelling almond eyes gave her a sense of confidence she had never imagined she was capable of feeling. It was as if Tigris' presence made all worries and concerns melt away for her. The mere sight of her made her delicate little heart flutter uncontrollably, every single time. Her grin returned, soft and serene.

Tigris wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her close. A small gasp escaped her, followed by a blissful sigh as she nestled into her gentle hold. The warmth of her pressed against her body made Eve feel a comfort she had never felt before, but as the droid prepared to take the photo she started to worry.

What face should I make? How am I supposed to stand? Should the droid be telling us to do something? Oh goodness droids are really unpredictable. How am I supposed to know how to look here? This must be perfect… What if—

"Now, no making a funny face."

Tigris' breath tickled her ear, and her teasing whisper broke the apprehension immediately in her, and before she had any chance to think anything else, a loving, uninhibited laugh escaped her.



* * *

As the two made their way back to the central room, Eve's face wore a permanent pink blush. Tigris' warm hand in hers, she couldn't help but glance regularly to her, her heart bouncing in response every time. She looked about the place again, surveying the room and what to do next.

"A glass, my ladies?" The well-dressed waiter held a silver tray with glasses of freshly poured champagne. Eve looked to them, and then to Tigris, as if looking for approval in her eyes. She had never had alcohol before, but... when in Naboo, do as the Naboolians do, right? Eve took a glass sheepishly, curiously inspecting the bubbles up close. Looking up to Tigris, she gave a shy smile as if to ask if it'll be fine, but she knew it would be. She raised her glass to her date and they locked eyes. She was supposed to say something, right? Isn't that what people do before they drink this stuff? What should she say? Finally, the words came, simple but honest.

"T-to us." She couldn't help but smile again.


Outfit: Dress

"Ah. No. No, no, no. That's not right. You are special. For the simple reason that you are alive. And hey. Office work isn't that bad. I've had my head in datapads for as long as I can remember."
His earnest and accepting mindset continues to befuddle Eivii. You could just... Do that? Just to take someone's words at face value? The guilt grew more - maybe it was simply hearing the words You are special that had Eivii off guard.

...You mean Bounty Hunter right? 'Cause I mean, I've had a Bounty Hunter after me before. Heh. I think it was meant to be dead or alive...but they were clearly going for the dead part..."

Eivii stalled - why would the bounty hunter fear their bountyhead if... right - from a Jedi perspective, that would make sense. The deflection into talk of being hunted, however, confirmed Eivii's worry that she had noticeably slipped.

Despite that, Shan didn't shy away, instead returning the gesture with their arm.

"Though I'm sure some people get paranoid over me. There are a few people in the Galaxy who don't trust Jedi. And I mean, I can't fully fault them for that. We have made some mistakes. But the thing people seem to forget is that everyone makes a mistake or two in their lives."
That certainly was true.

Eivii set her mind to do something foolish. She had barely met this man - and thought she had no warrants for her arrest anymore, she didn't want to spend the entire evening too nervous about the truth to actually enjoy it. If it scared off the 5'9" athletic green Jedi knight with a doctorate, then at least she spare him the pain of finding out on his own.

Eivii stopped for a moment, taking in a breath. "Okay, I haven't been entirely honest with you. I know we've only met for like, 5 minutes, but you seem really very nice and so I don't want to sour this event later for you - I..."

Eivii took a steadying breath.

"I am a bounty hunter, not an office worker. I'm not after you or anything I just. I don't know. I just didn't want to be me. For one evening. Then you show up and act all kriffing nice and accepting and it's making it hard to pretend because I-" She huffed slightly, deflating. "I'm sorry, that's an unfair way to put it. I lied because I didn't want to sour the evening because of who I am, but then you made- no - I made myself jealous of the fictional persona I created and I changed my mind and..."

This was embarrassing. The slightest amount of positive male attention and she was moody as a teenager again.

"I guess I wanted to be accepted the way the fake 'me' was. In literally two sentences. Dank farik, some bounty hunter I am, getting worked in front of a man I just met like I'm in some Lady Vel-"

No way. There was no. possible. way.

Eivii paused, the warbling emotion that threatened to catch in her throat ceased.

Did the man plan for this? He was a Jedi, a doctor even. Maybe he planned for this? Saw it on a vision?

Her breath hitched in percieve realization.

"Of course!" Eivii said, suddenly cheery once again. "The best parts of the Lady Velvet novels are after the masks are lifted and the confessions are made!"

The chiss woman squealed and grabbed Shan by both hands, excited spinning around him in little hops that made her hair bouncy behind her.

"Did you plan all this? This is almost exactly the plot of... Uh... " She couldn't remember the name. "Um, one of them! I can't believe it! Sorry I got so weird about it, I fell for it hard!" she giggled and threw her arms around Shan in a manic hug.

In the span of a few minutes Eivii went through the entire emotional journey of one of her romance novels - Yet she still occasionally wondered why she was single.



Dress: Link
Tags: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Katherine wouldn’t deny that she was feeling a tad bit nervous, for a multitude of reasons. One of the more predominant ones was the fact this was her first proper public appearance since her transformation. And here she was all ‘dressed and dolled up’, all in order to fit the theme of the ball. Katherine had regretted not being able to fully enjoy the last ball she had attended, albeit it was one where she had got mildly drunk at.

Here? She was fully coherent, and intended to be throughout the evening.

When preparing for the event, Katherine had gone to the Epicanthix colony on Niv Hani. A frequent destination whenever she wanted to shop, totally not influenced by Valery Noble Valery Noble taking her there so long ago. She had gone into a shop, looking for a dress that would be suitable for a ‘Lady Velvet-styled ball’.

Suffice to say, the ladies at work that day were big fans, and made it their mission to find just the right dress.

Katherine walked out with one she personally felt might be overdoing it some, but she was assured it was the right choice. Only it needed adjusting, to accommodate the redhead’s wings. Fortunately however, Katherine knew of a local seamstress who was more than happy to tackle the challenge.

The next task was to figure out what to do with her hair. She had gone to a familiar stylist, who was all too eager to aid her in finding a solution. Now, the lady never lacked enthusiasm in the past, but there was something about Katherine now being an Epicanthix herself that made it more abundant.

Something about being able to do a lot with the sheer volume of hair Katherine had in her new form.

Now the day had finally arrived, Katherine had already got her hair styled, and got dressed; with some help, before departing for the venue on Naboo. Thus came the second most prominent reason for her nervousness.

She was on a date.

Dating, hell romance as a whole was not something ever on Katherine’s mind. Not that her life ‘growing up’ gave her the opportunity, and neither did her time as a Padawan, as her focus was solely on training. But now here she was, about to embark on her very first date.

All dressed up fancy to boot, hell of an event to choose for the first time.

Katherine stepped into the ballroom, immediately trying to not focus on the looks she got from her arrival. The redhead made sure to keep her wings tucked in as she began to walk through the crowds of people. She had Dreidi’s physical traits in mind as she began looking for her date. Although, given how much the redhead literally stood out in a crowd of people, it was more than likely Dreidi would spot her first.

Oh. Oh by the Force. That was a lot. A lot for Shan to try and process at once. He was trying to process it all parallelly, trying to take each part of what Eiivi had said and done one at a time. It was harder than it seemed, especially as she spun around Shan before throwing her arms around him. Right. Hugs. Those were nice. But he couldn't just stand there. The Mirialan had to process that whirlwind of emotions in front of him. Normally they'd have flown right past his head, but all of the different emotions, embarrassment, guilt and manic glee had just been there right in front of him.

"Let's...take this part at a time. Okay? First off, you being yourself wouldn't spoil this evening. And you have no reason to be jealous of some...fictional version of yourself. Trust me. I know how it feels to want to be someone else. I've failed people in the past. But that's also made me who I am today. If you really don't want to be yourself tonight, you don't have to be. I came, because I wanted to make someone's life even a little bit better. If that's your life, or the "fictional" you's life, that's fine with me. Just know that I accept you, for who you are. You don't need to hide it. I'm willing to be friends with Sith. Of course I'd be willing to accept you."

Breathe for a moment. Let that out into the air. Whilst he dwelled on his own thoughts for a moment. He could definitely understand wanting to be someone else. With the whole kerfuffle that was his family, all of the scenarios he'd had to go through as a Jedi, the man couldn't help but imagine what life would have been like if none of that had happened. But it had happened. Shan had to live with that. He also hoped that Eivii could live with that. Shan had no clue what had happened in her life, but she seemed strong...if not a little bit emotionally vulnerable...Okay, maybe very much emotionally vulnerable.

"Second part. No. I did not plan for this. Unlike some of my fellow Jedi, I can't see the future. I take things as they go. As they flow on by. I really wish I could say I did plan for this because it would make me seem like some genius, but I'm not. I'm just someone who cares. About you, about everyone here and about everyone in the Galaxy."

Shan could only imagine what the result would have been if Eivii Eivii had opened up like this to anyone else. He wasn't going to judge her for the way she freaked out. Or the secrets she kept from him about being a Bounty Hunter. There were secrets he was keeping after all. Everyone was entitled to them. Of course now, Shan was trying to think of ways to potentially make Eivii's life a better one, even after today. Yes, the whole Lady Velvet thing was only meant to be for one day. But there was no way he'd leave Eivii with no contact after this. Maybe he could find more people for her to talk to...The Mirialan just stared to stare off into the distance, letting his mind wander.



Location: Ballroom
Outfit: Dress Suit
Tag: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

Taking a small glass of water, Dreidi took a few sips of the water. She was still holding off on drinking alcohol, at least until the breast feeding stage with Aileni had passed. She did not dare risk contaminating her body and endangering her son if she could help it. It was only a couple months more till she knew that he would be transitioning to other foods, which was a step in the child raising journey that she was excited to explore. Especially since it meant that she was a step closer to enjoying the things she had before becoming pregnant. However, for now, she had to deal with her nicotine and alcoholic desires by simply abstaining.

Which might mean her temper with her Padawans was not as high as it had been before, but they were understanding enough. At least they seemed to be.

Looking around the event, she knew from the profile of Katherine, that she was much more likely to spot the other woman than she would Dreidi. Being 7 foot tall had its advantages. Finishing the chute of water, Dreidi placed it down to one side and when she looked around for her date once more, she spotted the tall, redheaded lady. Dreidi grinned and felt the nerves that came with interacting with someone new. Walking forward, Dreidi cursed under her breath as she stepped on her long cape thing once again. Grumbling that she should have gone without the added decoration to her attire.

Approaching Katherine, she gave a warm smile and introduced her, "hey, Katherine, right? Dreidi. Pleasure to meet you!" Dreidi extended her hand, not wishing to be too forward with a hug or anything.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member

CURRENT MISSION - Love Drives All Men M.A.D.
Immediate Goals -
1: Rendezvous with person of interest (SUCCEEDED(?))
1.1: Try not to get stood up like last time... (SUCCEEDED (On technicality)
1: Have yourself some fun despite the circumstances.

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr

OPFOR - No enemies, just annoyances...


Perhaps it was the best hope of those who who were on dates to cause a brief sense of tension, a dryness in the mouth, and a quickening of the pulse. Wide eyes to regard... all of what the would-be-courter had to offer, mind reeling to calculate all that had been hidden by the sanitization of the public Zinder profile.

What the once-Sephi had hoped to strike at the heart, she may find it not deflected, not weathered... but grappled as the breath caught in his throat exhaled into a wide grin. "My dear..." a baritone answered the strange accent with the fullness of his rustic accent, opening his arms wide first before clasping both of her hands, lowering his voice. "Is it "General", Miss Ka, or... Lirka?" he used the name as a mere breath, a breath of possibility for the Slavecatcher to set the tone. Twice she had sought her out since their fateful encounter, and if she was intent to get under his skin, she would find Trayze armed with pettiness of his own... and passion.

Whether or that it was genuinely directed at her, or used as fuel to spite the crude designs of the Kainite would be up to her to decide - for now, the Kiffar moved to her side, wrapping her arm in his, maintain chivalrous chastity. Compared to the glittering ostentsity of his... partner is too soon to say, associate is more like it, he remained halfway between the protagonists of Passions of the Parsecs and The Jedi's Fall For the Sith, blending the uniform of the former and the long hair of the latter.

"You do look well, d'ya have a mask for every given occasion?" despite the genuine compliment, the latter question was more probing. General Ka had entered the domain of the trashy romanticists, of which he was among the more royal of the raccoons amidst said trash pile - so if she would buckle under actually receiving some actual attention at a mixer, then the Kiffar would find something to snicker about in the cold depths of space.
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Lirka’s hubris was boundless, and truly it was her greatest weakness. Many a time had her narcissism left her running headlong into many a dangerous situation, it had even gotten her (nearly) killed plenty of times. This was no difference, the heartbreak and anger she expected on Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar didn’t appear, brow furrowing under her helm as the grim realization dawned on her as the Kifar responded to her sudden appearance.

Lirka had just stumbled into her personal hell.

But this was not their first joust, and Lirka would not be so easily beaten down. Being a creature that lived and breathed two-faced manipulation came with many benefits, one of which was most certainly adaption.

As his hands clasped onto hers, Lirka almost physically recoiled in pure disgust. But she found bravery within to keep herself resolute. And put on the nicest voice she could muster in response.

“Lirka will do fine outside our Empire.”

There was one thing that kept Lirka’s resolve true, they were signed up for sparring: and that meant she’d be able to gift dear Tesar at least one good punch him in the face.

As his arm touched hers, he’d feel the corpse-like coldness of her flesh, and the rather unfortunate fact it seemed to writhe and squirm underneath his touch. Leave it to the Kainite to have some freak of nature under their banner.

As he mentioned her “newest” mask, she frowned underneath it. Really? A Sith was going to talk about masks? Their lot seemed to be obsessed with them.


She answered matter-a-factly. It was a rare occasion she changed them, but Lirka had infinitely too much time on her hands and that meant too much time to work on making new ones. But she couldn’t stay on the defensive the whole time with this switch up, she needed to redouble her efforts.

“How quickly your tune changes, was I not some beaten-up unreliable relic after the whole Susevfi affair? Or perhaps is the air on Naboo simply drugged?”

With his arm locked, it was an easy thing for her to simply yank him along as she started to walk. Making no effort to try and even their paces. She had sparring to attend, and already her body twitched in eagerness to hit something.

“Or perhaps you are simply desperate, Trayze Tesar.”

And so did the dance begin once again, endless quibbling between two souls that ultimately despised each others existence.

Outfit: Dress

"Let's...take this part at a time. Okay? First off, you being yourself wouldn't spoil this evening. And you have no reason to be jealous of some...fictional version of yourself. [..]I'm willing to be friends with Sith. Of course I'd be willing to accept you."

It was perfect, just like in the books, he even-

"Second part. No. I did not plan for this. Unlike some of my fellow Jedi, I can't see the future. I take things as they go. As they flow on by. I really wish I could say I did plan for this because it would make me seem like some genius, but I'm not. I'm just someone who cares. About you, about everyone here and about everyone in the Galaxy."

Eivii's brain short-circuited, unable to register this wasn't all some plot for a few seconds.

Then her face went purple.

She turned away to hide blush, feeling the blood flushing her cheeks.

"... Do you want to dance?" She asked while staring at her shoes, somehow sounding flattered, frustrated, eager and angry all in the same five words.

The Echani martial arts were neat and all, but the interior of the manor called to her, like this might the one chance she had, the galaxy perfectly aligned for this moment. Whatever direction the dance went, whether she blew it in the first song or scared the green man away, the ballroom beckoned to her - she was with someone who actually wanted to spend time with her, not a fictional persona she created, and it was all Lady Velvet themed.

Eivii grabbed Shan's hands, not even aware of what his reply was, and practically skipped to the manor. Her grip was fierce, afraid that if her fingers slipped this opportunity might evade her forever.

She had imagined strutting into the venue cool and composed with an air of confidence and power. At this rate she was going to be a giggling fangirl.

Stupid Shan... Being nice and patient and making her smile and giggle like she... like she was allowed to be happy.

An attractive Twi'lek woman walked by just a bit too close and Eivii stared vibro-knives at her until she passed.

Cool it, Eivii, you're going to scare him off.

She paused one more time and looked back at Shan, searching to try to see him. She hoped this wasn't a facade, but also worried she might have intimidated him into complying. She searched the Miralian's eyes with her scarlet orbs, looking for any signs of doubt or hesitation or fear.



//: Ballroom //:
//: Naboo, Lady Velvet Manor //:
//: Dress //:
//: Kirie Kirie //: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //: Serina Calis Serina Calis //: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn //: Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves //:
//: Girl's Night //:

its a long mix so stop when you want
The event's energy coursed through her, and the couples and the group she was with were so excited. They were fully immersed in the beautiful world of Lady Velvet. Her smile never faded as the other ladies she had arrived with cheers to their evening of fun and mistakes. Sipping the champagne, Quinn could feel her eyes watching. It thrilled the Princess, especially knowing they were both at her side. Too often, Quinn had to split her attention, but for tonight, she could enjoy both of their company.

Quietly, Quinn brushed her hand over Kirie's shoulder, forcing the woman to face her. A gentleness washed over her face as she took in the sight of the avid cosplayer. "You really should raid my closet more often." Quinn gently teased as she pushed back a small strand of hair from the handmaid's face. Quinn remained close, their bodies naturally moving, almost fitting perfectly in their shared space. "Remind me to drag you shopping when we get a moment's peace."

Turning towards Serina, she nudged the woman slightly, "Let yourself have some fun. You deserve it—I'm really happy you came out." Quinn smiled sweetly towards the young blonde, their glass clinking gently. Her eyes lingered, trying to assess Serina. She hoped that the woman would bring some happiness to their group.

More people funneled in, and before Quinn could find her way toward Kaila, Eira, her young apprentice, had made her appearance. The woman's dress fit her personality, and Quinn squeed in a slightly high-pitched tone. "Eira! You came!" It was apparent the alcohol was beginning to take its hold on the Echani Princess. "Oh, um, I think you mostly know everyone but," Quinn pointed to Serina and Kirie, respectively, "This is Serina! She's a spicy girl like you, and this is Kirie, my handmaiden - I think you may have seen her at the Estate, but she walks so quietly that sometimes I lose her too." Quinn quickly finished the last bits of her champagne. Her eyes began darting around, searching for another waiter to pass her another glass.

On command, a man reached in with a tray full of champagne; another squeak of delight came from the Princess. "Thank you!" She gently grabbed the stem of the glass and sighed with happiness. Usually, the woman didn't indulge as much as she had been that night. Too often, she had to care about the image she needed to portray and ensure there wasn't any scandal attached to her. But Lady Velvet was all about the scandal - if you were someone, you had a scandal, and Quinn was someone, so she would need a scandal.

"Your dress is so pretty, Eira!" The Princess exclaimed as she took another sip of champagne. As her highness gravitated naturally to Kaila's side, her now slightly flushed ears perked up hearing Tamsin. The young apprentice was straightforward when she spoke. It was something she enjoyed but more than often feared. She would and could know all of Kaila's secrets, which, along with what spilled from the woman's lips, only made Quinn's assumptions valid. A devilish grin spread across the Princess' face as she looked towards Kaila, knowing she could make this worse.

Slowly, Quinn appeared behind Tamsin, "Oh, she does?" the Princess responded with a soft melody to her voice. "Well, Tamsin, let me enlighten you of the secrets your Master has decided to keep from you." Quinn sipped her champagne again and brushed back any stray strands of her silver hair. "Lady Velvet is a sorceress that weaves scandal and romance tales. They're quite detailed and make the most lascivious Jedi blush." Quinn nodded with a matter-of-fact emphasis on her last statement.

Another glance towards Kalia as the Princess continued, "Your Master is quite rude to keep those secrets from you," Quinn feigned disappointment, with her pouty red lips lowering herself slightly to Tamsin's eye level. "They are secrets she has mastered and has become quite good at Lady Velvet's practice." Standing properly, she nodded. "I will be kind and buy you your first Lady Velvet book." Quinn raised her glass and swirled the remaining champagne.

Letting Tamsin's mind wander as to what she was meaning, Quinn let herself return to Kaila's side. There were mischievous giggles as she leaned against the woman, her head resting gently on her arm. It was short-lived, as her senses returned and she stood upright again, but the arm that had draped across her midsection gently reached to tug discreetly at the silken fabric of Kaila's shirt.

"I can't believe you won't let her read Lady Velvet. They're literary art; it's criminal keeping them from her," the Echani tilted her head towards Kaila, grinning as she took another sip of the champagne.

Oh no. There was finally a look of fear in Shan's face as he was dragged off towards the dance floor. It was necessarily that he was afraid of Eivii. No. Far worse. He was terrified of dancing. He didn't dance. He didn't move around like that. Shan normally preferred to stand in one spot and observe. He was like a wall. Firm. Set in place. But here he was, being dragged off to go and dance.

He knew there was plenty of emotions going through Eivii's mind. What they were, he had no clue. It was another one of his...weaknesses as a Force User. He refused to try and look inside of someone's mind. Keeping his own mind protected was important to him. It was his privacy. His own inner sanctum. The Mirialan would never invade someone else's mind.

"Hey. Hey. Eivii. No need to glare at people like that. Just...relax. Okay? Stop acting like I'm going to vanish into thin air. I'm not."

The Mirialan tried to give her a small smile. He was enjoying his time with her. But there was at least some fear. It was ironic. He could face down Sith, Mandalorians and even Bounty Hunters, but dancing? That was a different monster to him. He'd have to take a deep breath, try and reassure himself about all of this as his eyes darted around the Ballroom. Worried that someone he knew might actually see him dancing.

"Just so you know...erh...I have two left feet. Not literally. Not sure how I'd be a Jedi if I had two left feet...I mean, maybe the Force would help me with my balance but I don't know how to use the Force for that..."

Shan frowned in thought. It was a good way to distract himself from his potential embarrassment. Though he'd need to focus on Eivii Eivii to make sure he didn't step on her feet or anything.


Serina Calis moved through the lavishly recreated ballroom with the practiced ease of someone who had spent their entire life navigating dangerous, high-stakes environments. The armor she wore—her armor—was so much a part of her now that the notion of dressing for an occasion like this had barely crossed her mind. And yet, despite how out of place it should have made her feel, the polished, dark plates blended seamlessly into the ambiance of the event, the golden glow of chandeliers reflecting off the carefully maintained metal. She had done nothing to soften her presence, and yet she was here, among them, smiling, laughing, pretending as if nothing had ever happened.

Her glass hovered in her hand, untouched for the most part, except for the occasional sip to maintain the illusion of indulgence. It was easier this way, slipping into the rhythm of conversation, matching their energy, echoing their joy. Her smile was effortless, her voice warm, her mannerisms just as they remembered them. It had to be.

Because none of them knew. None of them could ever know.

She had almost killed them all.

The thought burned at the back of her mind, never truly quiet, never truly gone. She remembered the horror on Susevfi, the way the universe had held its breath in that terrible moment where one wrong move—one wrong decision—could have erased them forever. They didn't know how close they had been to the edge of oblivion, how her hands had been on the scales, tipping them, guiding them, playing god in a way she had never wanted but could never take back.

She hated herself for it. More so that until that point they had been involved, she was taking pleasure out of it. That Susevfi wasn’t the only wrong Serina had done by them.

And she hated that she could never tell them.

But that didn't matter now. Not here. Not tonight.

Tonight, she was just Serina Calis. The friend, the companion, the woman who was supposed to be here for a good time. She clinked her glass against Quinn's, the familiar warmth of the Echani princess's presence filling a void that Serina had long given up on ever truly closing.

Let yourself have some fun. You deserve it—I'm really happy you came out."

The words carried a weight Serina knew Quinn didn't understand. They stung in ways they weren't meant to, but she buried the feeling deep, letting her smile widen as if the words had brought her nothing but joy.

"I wouldn't have missed it," she said, her voice smooth, easy, practiced. "I think we all needed a night like this." Her eyes lingered on Quinn, just for a second, before flickering away.

It would never be like it was. No matter how much she wanted it to be.

Then there was Eira, standing there in that breathtaking gothic dress, her dark lips forming a smile as she greeted them.

Serina's gaze traced the lines of the dress, taking in the sharp elegance of it, the way it complemented Eira's presence.

"You look incredible," she said, the admiration in her voice completely genuine. "That dress suits you perfectly—it's bold, confident. I love it."

It wasn't just flattery; it was a distraction, a focus point, something to ground her before the weight of everything crushed her. She turned slightly, catching Kaila's voice next as she echoed the toast, her presence as steady and composed as ever.

"Ah! You all look so darling in your outfits."

Serina let out a soft chuckle, tilting her head just slightly, her golden hair cascading over the dark metal of her shoulder. "Coming from you, that means something." Her tone was playful, but there was something else beneath it, something softer.

She wanted that connection back. The one they'd had before, when Kaila had still been Kaila Solus to her. Before everything had fractured and become something unrecognizable. Before her second death.

But she could never say that name again. Not now.

Serina took another sip of her drink, forcing the warmth of the alcohol to settle something in her that refused to be settled.

Then there was Kirie, standing there in Quinn's borrowed finery, looking every bit as radiant as she deserved to feel.

Serina smiled at her, eyes flickering over the gold necklaces and carefully styled hair. "I think Quinn's right, Kirie—you should raid her closet more often. This look suits you."

It was easy to say these things, to hand out compliments like they were nothing, to play this role. But every word she spoke, every glance she gave, was another weight on her soul.

They deserved better. They all did.

Then came Tamsin, bold as ever, taking the drink that had been denied to her with the sheer force of her presence alone. The young woman's energy was undeniable, her fire so bright that
Serina almost envied it. Almost.

But then came the real dagger.

"So, I should ask who is this Lady Velvet we are celebrating? My Ma….Darth…Ka….Sis…"

Serina felt the breath in her chest still for just a moment.


Her eyes flickered to Kaila, watching the subtle tension in her expression, the way she controlled it so carefully.

Serina knew that control all too well.

And then Quinn—oh, Quinn—took the moment and ran with it, weaving her mischievous words with a precision that could have only come from someone who had spent their life at court.

"Your Master is quite rude to keep those secrets from you… They are secrets she has mastered and has become quite good at Lady Velvet's practice."

The implications were clear, the teasing cruel in the way only Quinn could make it. Serina felt something pull in her chest, something bitter and sharp, but she forced it away with another sip of her drink.

Then, just like that, Quinn returned to Kaila's side, as if it were nothing at all.

Serina swallowed.

There had been a time when that could have been her. When Quinn's touch would have lingered on her arm, when she would have been the one to share the quiet secrets between them.

But that was another life. One she had destroyed with her own hands.

She turned away slightly, letting the moment pass without acknowledging it. Instead, she focused on Tamsin once more, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"You should definitely take Quinn up on that offer, Tamsin. I think you'd appreciate Lady Velvet's… unique perspective on things." Her voice was playful, teasing, but there was an edge beneath it, something distant, something closed off.

And that was it. That was her part to play tonight.

Serina Calis, the friend, the confidante, the woman who had never done anything to hurt them.

None of them knew the truth.

None of them could.

And so she smiled. She laughed. She drank.

And she pretended.

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