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NAME: Zoya Cer'Dai
FACTION: Zhornee Insurgency
RANK: Insurgent
SPECIES: Zhornee
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs.
EYES: Blue.
HAIR: White.
SKIN: Alabaster.
Hate of Force Users- Due to the oppression of her people by Force Users, she has come to view them all as a threat.
Down With The Empress- Her only goal in life is to avenge her fallen comrades by killing the Empress of Vullain.
PTSD- Because of the numerous horrors she'd witnessed, Zoya suffers from flashbacks and night terrors.
Resolve- If it brings her closer to her goals, it gets done.
Experience- She has over seven years of military experience under her belt.
Guerrilla Tactics- She has become an expert in hit-and-run warfare.
A soldier from a young age, Zoya dresses in Imperial soldier's coats, with a hood and hat to hide her white hair, and genetically-defective blue eyes, and alabaster skin.
"If you saw what I've seen, you'd be beside me with a rifle."
Born in Kai-Ren, Zoya has seen the oppression of the Zhornee Empire since she was a young girl. By the age of five, she was working in the factories, and she watched her parents die in front of her; shot by a Holy Crusader when they were too exhausted to keep working. Over the next seven years, she managed a meager life, until she was drafted into the Imperial Army at age twelve.
"I watched everyone I ever cared about killed in a useless war."
Her first battle, Zoya watched almost her entire unit get slaughtered; just to 'send a message.'
The next battle, she took her first life; a Zhornee village girl her own age. In the battle after that, the Army purposely unleashed the Grey Plague on their people and sent them into battle without weapons. Zoya helped administer that disease.
"I killed thousands. . . I had just turned fourteen."
When the new Empress was crowned, Zoya felt a spark of hope; maybe the new ruler would wise up and stop the war. But, she was disappointed when the Empress took the war to a scale they'd never seen. Millions died with each day, and the soldiers were forced to use their dead as cover from bullets.
"That's when I decided I had enough. That it was time to take a stand."
At age seventeen, Zoya defected to the Insurgency, and over the next two years, worked her way to the top. Under her leadership, the Zhornee Insurgency has blossomed into a viable threat to the Zhornee Empire, and she will not stop until the capitol burns.