Location: On the planet of Crustai
Primary Objectives: Objective 2- Raze the military stations of Crustai, remove their military command and defeat the strong standing army of the Matriarch of Crustai.
Wearing: Usual military commando style gear, not much for standing out in officers clothes.
Credius Nargath
As room by room the control center was fought for and taken, Kom and the Zombie’s began to show their true colors in the heat of battle. The enemy may have been outnumbered and outgunned, but that didn’t stop them from using overwhelming firepower on each room they came to. As was part of their doctrine… take advantage of the heavy supply lines the ZU can provide once reinforcements have arrived. The second thing was something that came directly from Kom being a close personal associate of Charles, and that was… no quarter was given even if asked for. They didn’t have the man power for prisoners given their mission, and well… Charles had made sure his personal modus operandi were taught to the Zombies when it came to how to treat enemies of the state. Where they blood thirsty… no… had these been civilians it would have been one thing… but they were not and besides it didn’t seem like the Chiss in this place had any intention of surrendering.
It wasn’t long before they had reached the control room, and Kom wasted no time bursting through the door. They wanted to take equipment intact, and she knew that the enemy might simply try to fire off everything to deny it to the ZU. The result of her rash actions was a shot in her right shoulder, but at the last second she jumped to the left… another result from those gut feeling she always got. The beam cutting right through were her head had been, as she propped herself up on a nearby table, popping off a few shots with her blaster pistol. Aiming for anyone who looked like they operated the control panels first, and then going for the troops and the officer in charge. The Zombies who had managed to get into the room fanned out to secure it with the Sargent who Kom had told to stay back coming over to check on her wounds,
”I will be fine, just lift me up to that control panel and get me communications to the Chancellor, the boss, and Miss Tranquility. Oh and the Captain as well… I want this place to be the Zombie’s new base of operations on this planet in case the enemy decides not give up without going out the hard way.”
The man helped the Amaran up so that she sit in one of the chairs in front of the large control panel. She was soon brought a data-pad which she began to type into, before plugging it in. Then she sent a message,
”Chancellor consider the base under complete lockdown by the Zombies.
will soon have full control from the bosses ship, and can target anything in orbit or on the ground if she wants to jury rig these missiles programing to do that. Let these Chiss bastards know if they try anything… we have our fingers on the button.” Slumping back in her seat Kom realized it had been a long day, and probably not the end of the battle, but at least the bosses theories had proven true… no… her boys and their training had won the day through sacrifice and hard work.