Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ZU dominion of Crustai| Celwis - It takes two to tango


Location: Bridge of the Sanguine
Objective: Objective 1 - Return to Bridge
Tags: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Charles Castex Tristan Evore Kom Thum Kom Thum


Vaun packed his datapad and made his way back into the bridge and jumped back down into the gunner pit, turning to address the Fleet Admiral and the Sanguine's Captain. "Warfare Officer Himm'vaun'merek reporting in." he said before taking over from his XO. "Concentrate turbolaser towards the central dome structure of the Chiss ships." he said before checking on the ships shields. They had taken damage but they were holding. One of the radar crews spoke up. "Incoming fighters coming towards our aft." he said before Vaun quickly got to work. "Align all point defence turrets and flak cannons towards those starfighters. We need to be able to fire immediately as soon as they're in range." he said to one of the gunners.

Vaun turned back towards the fleet Admiral. "Sir. Our weaponry is dealing with the Chiss carriers as we speak. What is our next primary target once we deal with them?" he asked on behalf of his gunner crew. Vaun was a man of being ready to deal with something as soon as it happened. From aligning turrets to pre-emptively acquiring his next targets well before he's ready to deal with them. The comms officer chimed in while he waited for a response "Usurper reports the King's flagship is disabled." Vaun took in the information. If the king were to be defeated before the Matriarch it would mean the fleet would have to do its best to prevent any ships from escaping to Crustai to provide her support.


Location: Near Crustaï main defensive perimeters
Extra: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
1x Sceleratis squad [100% strength]
4x Executor Trooper Battalion [35% strength]
2x Zweihander Union regiments [85% strength]

It was some good news that good news that came through from major Kom Thum Kom Thum , as she mentioned having found the main control center of Crustaï's automated orbital defense this made it much easier to take out both Celwis and Crustaî's remaining strength in a single blow. "Major Thum, at all costs take control of that defense system and turn it on crustaï itself, the less time this pitiful war takes, the better," Looking ahead, the army's heavy machinery were overwhelming the opposition with relative ease, despite the weapons they were warned about it did seem like the ordinary soldiers of Crustaï simply lacked the numbers and couldn't counter it with actual overwhelming technology, the downside of years of exclusion and seclusion from the galaxy in a whole. "We'll push through here, take the points...what's the news on the executor troops?"

News came that the two executor troops sent to take down the enemy line behind the artillery had been slughtered by a single battallion of the enemy, most likely that elite phalanx lieutenant commander Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek mentioned to be belonging directly to the Matriarch herself. "Very well, have the remaining members of those battallions retreat, everyone knows their duty and I now know mine," The location wasn't all that far, taking along with him the sceleratis, the Chancellor ordered the remaining Executor trrops to fall in line and aid the first army to take the defensive forts build along the capital city perimeter, when those would b brought down, Crustaï would be utterly defenseless from both the ground and the air, it was truly time to mop up this charade.



Location: Bridge, The Terminator
Focus: Anyone
Objectives: BYOO : Capture the Research Facility
The shuttle shook as it entered the Crustai atmosphere. In a matter of minutes, they had found a suitable place to land next to the makeshift base of operations. The ramp lowered with a hiss. "Why did we not just land at the facility itself?" Ben asked to which one of his men replied, "There are several anti aircraft weapon emplacements. We'll have to take the APCs sir." He nodded. As they headed towards the armored personnel carriers, Ben watched as weary eyed men passed by, some saluting others not moving their eyes from the ground. Almost all had some sort of bandage on them. "Alpha team roll out!" One of the lieutenants called out. With that, they were on their way.


Location: Surface of Crustai
Focus: Ben Craig Ben Craig
Objectives: BYOO
"I heard one of the big bosses is coming here." Kick said. Jason laughed, "Here? A god among men? All them top brass don't want to get their fancy shoes dirty. Those boys are up in the sky, sitting in their reclining chairs and barking orders from their damn capital ships." Kick laughed and pointed to one of the nicer shuttles landing. "Ho Ho Ho, the Director himself." Jason muttered. Only having spent a few seconds on Crustai, his armor was already dusty and dirty. "I bet 20 credits his cape's gonna get dirty within the next minute." "Knock it off Scout, you know betting isn't allowed.




Location: On the planet of Crustai

Primary Objectives: Objective 2- Raze the military stations of Crustai, remove their military command and defeat the strong standing army of the Matriarch of Crustai.

Wearing: Usual military commando style gear, not much for standing out in officers clothes.

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

”You don’t have to worry about that Chancellor… we will have the station down momentarily, wouldn’t want to leave the boss in space exposed after all. Though I doubt we will be able to do much more than hold our positions after that. The Zombies have taken quite a few casualties securing this building and a landing zone.” The transmission cut as the Amaran peeked up out of the trench and with two quick shots she picked off the final guards on the outside of the facility. Moving up to the door way on either side Kom reached out her hand and roughly pulled away the Sargent… and put her hand up to the door. Pausing for a moment she began to scratch her chin, before turning to the man, ”I believe that it would be best if I was the first one through the door, and I want you to stay back… in fact I want you to be the last person who comes through as part of the breaching team… alright men make sure to be on the lookout… they probably have about a dozen people guarding the place. If we can get past them… then mopping up the control crew should be easy.”

”I am assuming you are getting another one of those gut feelings again boss?” Nodding her head Kom simply replied, ”Something like that…” Attaching some explosive to the door the Major had her men stand back before setting it off, and then tossing a grenade inside. The men waited a few second and stormed inside, Kom firing off with both of her blasters that she held in either hand… jumping behind some crates as the fire fight began. Men dropping as they entered the door, grenades chuck over head to keep the garrison of the bunker from using what little reinforcements they could muster. Over time they would eventually be overwhelmed, as the Zombie’s that were on the outside formed to hold against any counter attack… the bombers in the air doubled as scouts in this regard to provide assistance to the speeder squads that manned the outer line of this second, but much smaller perimeter.

Haon would groan rather loudly as he started to see blurred black silloutes in front of him as a voice rang out.

"So this is the Captain of the Xiphos? What a ridiculous man."

A swift kick would hit Haon in the side, coughing out for a moment as he started to see at long last. He was in some form of room, surrounded by two men and one rather regal looking male. The regal person would lean down over Haons face as he waved his own DL-56 right in front of him, speaking out loud.

"You know, these have quite a nice to add to my dueling set. Guards, execute him."

The guards would lift him up rather harshly and then push him against the wall as Haon barely had enough strength to look forward as a blaster pistol was aimed at his forehead. Time felt like it had slowed down as something interesting occurred...for Haon was still a former soldier, even if barely trained but he had a particular set of skills that made him very different from most others. There was two things he knew very well. Aiming right at the forehead when the others were scoffing and barely holding their weapons was a bad thing...second was that you never hesitate against a duelist. Forcing his head forward just the slightest and to the side, a blaster bolt would scream beside his face as he jerked the arm forward and let him fire against his fellow guard, watching him get killed.

Grappling still with the other individual, the royal man would try to get out of the room as Haon would get the upper hand and twist, making the blaster drop into his hand and fires once into the neck of the guard. Turning quickly, a blaster bolt would scream past his left side as he felt a seering pain but then fired back. There was a long silence as the person who held the blaster was the one of royalty, shaking for a brief moment before falling over rather suddenly with a sickening thud. Haon would wait in silence for a few moments before going over to a nearby terminal in the room with the royal mans hand, slapping it on for authentication and gave Tranquility Tranquility nearly full control of the Flagship however she well pleased.

Location: Near Crustaï main defensive perimeters
Extra: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
1x Sceleratis squad [100% strength]
4x Executor Trooper Battalion [30% strength]
2x Zweihander Union regiments [75% strength]

When it became obvious that the armies had reached the main compound stsurtcure in whichthe Matriarch had holed herself, The chancellor was quite pleased with the call coming from Major Kom Thum Kom Thum and her regiment, detailing that they were close to taking the enemy control position , which was obviously very good news to begin with. It simply made everything so much easier for Credius, given that if now Celwis had a broken spine of a fleet and Crustaï was close enough to collapse, it was best to end this in one fell swoop. He ordered his Sceleratis to infiltrate behind the defending Phalanx' of the main compound, letting them utilize their superior stealth and movement. All thewhile giving a short call to KRONOS, giving it the coordinates for a small surprise bombardment withe the USURPER on his command...the target was Crustaï's capital city.

When confirmation came that the Usurper had locked on to target and was awaiting his command, Credius inquired through his backchannels if the Celwis fleet and dockyards had been contained, all the while sending an OK through the army channels to Major Thum to initiate the take over of Crustaï's defense network.


When the Sceleratis gave the information or rather the confirmation the Chancellor needed, he let out a soft chuckle, which he accidentally sent through each and every channel he maintained. "Nations of Celwis and Crustaï, surrender to the Zweihander Union...your fleets have been broken, your defenses overrun, your leaders contained and your capital's are awaiting the punishment for your transgression," Credius hoped that all those within the Zweihander Union knew well enough that this was an offer of peace, of submission, of surrender on their terms only, with no second chance coming at all...after all, this was the Chancellor of the Left, the ruthless side of the union. "Surrender now...or face oblivion."




Location: On the planet of Crustai

Primary Objectives: Objective 2- Raze the military stations of Crustai, remove their military command and defeat the strong standing army of the Matriarch of Crustai.

Wearing: Usual military commando style gear, not much for standing out in officers clothes.

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Tranquility Tranquility

As room by room the control center was fought for and taken, Kom and the Zombie’s began to show their true colors in the heat of battle. The enemy may have been outnumbered and outgunned, but that didn’t stop them from using overwhelming firepower on each room they came to. As was part of their doctrine… take advantage of the heavy supply lines the ZU can provide once reinforcements have arrived. The second thing was something that came directly from Kom being a close personal associate of Charles, and that was… no quarter was given even if asked for. They didn’t have the man power for prisoners given their mission, and well… Charles had made sure his personal modus operandi were taught to the Zombies when it came to how to treat enemies of the state. Where they blood thirsty… no… had these been civilians it would have been one thing… but they were not and besides it didn’t seem like the Chiss in this place had any intention of surrendering.

It wasn’t long before they had reached the control room, and Kom wasted no time bursting through the door. They wanted to take equipment intact, and she knew that the enemy might simply try to fire off everything to deny it to the ZU. The result of her rash actions was a shot in her right shoulder, but at the last second she jumped to the left… another result from those gut feeling she always got. The beam cutting right through were her head had been, as she propped herself up on a nearby table, popping off a few shots with her blaster pistol. Aiming for anyone who looked like they operated the control panels first, and then going for the troops and the officer in charge. The Zombies who had managed to get into the room fanned out to secure it with the Sargent who Kom had told to stay back coming over to check on her wounds, ”I will be fine, just lift me up to that control panel and get me communications to the Chancellor, the boss, and Miss Tranquility. Oh and the Captain as well… I want this place to be the Zombie’s new base of operations on this planet in case the enemy decides not give up without going out the hard way.”

The man helped the Amaran up so that she sit in one of the chairs in front of the large control panel. She was soon brought a data-pad which she began to type into, before plugging it in. Then she sent a message, ”Chancellor consider the base under complete lockdown by the Zombies. Tranquility Tranquility will soon have full control from the bosses ship, and can target anything in orbit or on the ground if she wants to jury rig these missiles programing to do that. Let these Chiss bastards know if they try anything… we have our fingers on the button.” Slumping back in her seat Kom realized it had been a long day, and probably not the end of the battle, but at least the bosses theories had proven true… no… her boys and their training had won the day through sacrifice and hard work.


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