S u p e r i o r

General Information
Name | Zul GrimmAliases | Seeker
Gender | Male
Age | 42
Species | Human
Birthplace | Coruscant
Vocal Sample | Aurelion Sol
Force Sensitive | Yes
Physical Information
Height | 1.95 meters
Weight | 86 kilograms
Build | Lithe
Hair | None
Skin Tone | Gray
Notable Features |
Zul lacks any distinguishing features. He just appears as a tall, thin man without his hood.
Psychological Information
Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |
Focused | Calm | Intimidating | Silent
Zul is an individual who lets actions speak louder than words, not only due to his desire to not speak much but because his preference for simply doing. Zul maintains his composure throughout everything he does, from everyday tasks to the heat of battle, where few actions illicit any abnormal responses from him. Zul prefers a slow and methodical approach to his tasks, typically when he is undergoing a search, yet his combat style contrasts it as a more fast paced and to the point. This may be due to his disliking for battle, though he has not made any vocal comments about the exact nature of this.
Lightsaber Forms and Force PowersTBA
- Battle Precognition
- Psychometry
- Force Sight
- Farsight
- Telepathy
Comprehend Speech
[*]Drain Knowledge
[*]Force Cloak
[*]Memory Walk
Abilities and Traits
Zul, who was once an Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, is a skilled interrogator and seeker of knowledge, utilizing the powers of the Force to gain information that he desires. His unrestricted use of condemnable powers that can cause permanent psychological damage is something that people are made quite aware of if they recognize him and his reputation. In addition to his skills of seeking, Zul is an expert fighter, utilizing an aggressive variant of the Ataru lightsaber form that is both extremely mobile and quick to force an opponent on the defensive. He has also been trained in the way of Teras Kasi, which compliments his way of fighting as well as never truly being underequipped to fight a lightsaber user.
+ Has developed a powerful grasp over Force Powers that emphasize around telepathy and searching minds.
+Fast and agile fighter skilled in the use of dual weapons.
+Trained and well practiced in Teras Kasi.
- Aggressive and quick fighting style exhausts his stamina quickly, making it difficult to engage in prolonged duels.
- Despite Glistaweb robes, he is vulnerable to attacks aimed at his extremities.
- Emphasis on deceptive combat and attacking from various angles makes him a poor candidate for full frontal attacks.
Glistaweb Robes
A majority of Zul's clothing is spun from Glistaweb, providing a lightweight robe that gives a free range of motion and mobility in combat with the added protection against blaster fire. Zul's torso is protected by a duraplast cuirass that provides a sturdy amount of protection without sacrificing too much speed. He wears plastoid vambraces and protectors to areas such as the forearms, shins and shoulder pauldrons.
Dual Lightsabers
Zul wields a pair of red lightsabers with a rather simple hilt composed of a black and silver exterior with a cone-shaped pommel at the end of the hilt. They are magnetically attached and detached from his belt and provide a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities in combat. They are his primary weapons of choice for most engagements.
Sickle Sabers
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Zul carries with him a pair of sickle sabers, specifically designed by him and made for specialized melee combat. Zul utilizes a specially designed form to handle combat with lightsaber users. They are used on special occassions.