Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost “Son, your ego is writing cheques…” ~STILL OPEN~

(Those music icons don’t work for me, so I did this instead)
^^^This one^^^

Dogfighting thread!!!

Bring a snub fighter and go at it!

Ok so here is the setting:

A technology raid.

With the help of Viken Dobson Viken Dobson , The Nomadic Peoples Coalition has managed to successfully achieve a major breakthrough in the development of etheric technology. Until recently, the only technology that has ever applied to the presence of the luminiferous aether has been etheric rudders. This is no longer the case, as a new technological component has been developed to be able to manipulate the aether, rather than just exploiting it. On its own, it is useless, but by incorporating into bigger systems, it can achieve many things that can change the very nature of space combat as we know it.

Therefore, this new technology is highly coveted.

Currently, Viken Dobson is en route towards a deep-space NAKAIOMA beskar storage facility near the Yuuzhan’tar system on a rogue planetoid. He intends to perform more tests using the etheric modulation component in conjunction with the amazing material properties of beskar steel to create potentially faster ships. He has many, many of these small components with him in a convoy of ships. He also carries a few blueprint copies as well for other technologies that the Nomadic Peoples Coalition will soon develop. All of these things make him a highly valuable target on this journey.

The facility that Viken is bound for is well outside of the Yuuzhan'tar system on a rogue planetoid. The planetoid is embedded well within a massive rogue asteroid field that is ill-suited for capital-sized ships to traverse. Only ships smaller that are smaller than 50 meters and in the hands of an exceptional pilot are typically capable of safely navigating this dangerous environment. The facility itself is packed to the brim with beskar that was established in a deal between Saro Nakaioma and Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson in a meeting many months ago. A squadron of DZA fighters patrols the area in shifts of four fighters at a time, and the usual security has been bolstered with twenty Holy Knight Infantrymen. Viken’s small convoy of ships is only protected by a small unit of fighters that volunteered for the job. Any attempts to capture the convoy, the blueprints, the scientist, or the beskar, will likely result in a dogfight.

The objectives are as follows:
  • Objective 1: Capture/defend the scientist Viken Dobson and his convoy that is filled with etheric technology.
  • Objective 2: Capture/defend the beskar that is stored inside of the NAKAIOMA storage facility.
The rewards are as follows:
  • PAYDAY: Since this is a BOOST thread, if we meet any of the thresholds for payout, the Nomadic Peoples Coalition will take 50,000 UC for our faction treasury, and then divide up the remaining UC reward amongst the other players in the thread evenly, no matter which threshold we meet, whether it is the 250,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 reward, it doesn’t matter. Besides our treasury, everyone gets a fair share, as long as you’re not a belligerent knob in OOC.
  • PARTICIPATION TROPHY: Anyone who merely participates in this thread will get total access to the etheric modulation component for their own future submissions. I’m super excited to see what else people can come up with when they use it, so you will receive total access to these components just by showing up. I just ask that you show me what you can do with it when you do.
  • POT OF GOLD: Only the craftiest or craziest of thieves will succeed in stealing the beskar. We have other deposits just as big as this one in other locations, but the amount of Beskar in this NAKAIOMA facility is enough to build a star destroyer. You may never need money ever again if you can succeed in stealing it.
  • “STEAL ZE PLANS!”: Capturing the scientist Viken Dobson Viken Dobson will grant you total access to the one of the following submissions of your choosing. The permit will be written out to one party, whether it is yourself, or your favourite factory guru, but it will only contain one party in the permit.
This thread was pretty much motivated by the relatively new movie: Top Gun, Maverick. THEREFORE, there is a bonus prize at the end of this thread for the player that can make the most Top Gun references in their posts (from either movie). In order to have these references counted towards your score at the end, they must be in the Courier New font, and a tally of how many references you used in that post should be at the bottom of the post. Otherwise they won't be counted.

The bonus prize? You will gain total access to any one of the following submissions of your choosing:
As before, the permit will be written out to one party, whether it is yourself, or your favourite factory guru, but it will only contain one party in the permit.

And yes, if you capture both the scientist and win the bonus objective, you will win two technology permits. Three if you count the participation award.


Writing as Grand Shepherd Burtch

Objective: escort Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and the six Gospel Class Dropships through the asteroid field to the NAKAIOMA facility.

Current fleet: one squadron of HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighters (x4 ships) plus any other escorts that wish to join the convoy or protect the beskar facility.

“Flagship”: Burtch’s own HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighter, as one of the squadron of 4.

Personal equipment: in sig, minus the ship of course

Allies: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | OPEN

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil |

Six fully loaded Gospel Class Dropships and a motley-yet-modest assortment of fighter escorts skirted the edges of the asteroid field for a time after dropping out of hyperspace. Once they reached a quartet of channel markers, the group of small ships dove in through the opening and began to make their way into the dense asteroid field. This particular channel was marked by small beacons to light the way towards the storage facility, but even with the markers, the journey was still highly perilous. This channel was not particularly safe by any means, but was simply rated as the “safest” route of travel, compared to any other path. It was narrow, being barely large enough to accommodate a medium transport, and often, rogue asteroids were known to crash through it anyways. The fact that this was the safest path through the asteroid field did not say much about the rest of the environment that they were traversing.

Grand Shepherd Burtch had opted to go himself for this mission. He had many reasons to do so, despite being a naval officer and not a member of the “clergy” — the caste of the Navis Sacra Religion that flew as fighter pilots. He was not just any Shepherd, but the Grand Shepherd, head of the military arm of the Navis Sacra, and the Nomadic Peoples Coalition. He needed to explore other divisions and roles within the Nomad military so that he could understand them more intimately. In his mind, study and simulations could only teach one so much. Actual practice taught a military leader far more than a data file ever could.

There was also the matter of Burtch’s previous experience as a channel pilot himself. In his early career, he had actually been a rather successful channel pilot for the First Order — taking various ships of all kinds through regions that would be otherwise unsafe for beings that were unfamiliar with the landscape. He was more used to larger ships, of course, as fighter pilots rarely ever needed a channel pilot to come over and take their over their crafts, but Burtch was actually enjoying the thrill of the craft he was flying because of the difference. These HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighters were quick, responsive, and agile. Whereas larger ships had a bit more drift to them when they turned to bank, these fighters seemed to cut right into the luminiferous aether and go exactly where one pointed them. They weren’t even the most agile fighters out there, as Burtch understood it. There were faster, more maneuverable ships than this, Burtch was aware, but this was by far the highest performing ship that he had ever flown. For the first time in his career as a pilot, he could actually feel the need for speed.

Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin — or Bellum Canis as he was now known since transferring his soul into the massive ship — was on standby outside of the asteroid field acting as a deterrent for enemy capital ships. While it would be suicide for Bellum Canis to follow the convoy into the field, he could still stay on the edge and keep an eye out for anyone dumb enough to run the gauntlet anyways. This asteroid field was a snub fighter’s playground, but anyone that was crazy enough to try it in a capital ship would have to contend with Canis too. Burtch had order Canis to keep his fighters close to himself, though, as sending them into the asteroid field would leave Canis totally exposed. Burtch was confident that his current escort would be sufficient anyways.

Speaking of which, he keyed his comm to the frequency which Bishop Turner Bishop Turner and Kalic Daws Kalic Daws shared also, “Ether Squadron, this is Ether lead. Your orders are to follow the channel markers until we reach the facility. It’s a long trip through the asteroid field, so get comfortable, and report your refresher breaks so that we aren’t left hanging. Tra'ibahikan squadron and Aenarr Kyrr from Strill Securities has been hired to command the local defences and watch our final approach once we’re closer to the facility. I’m assuming that they are already there, waiting for us. Keep your head on a swivel and report anything out of the ordinary. Understood?”

  • The convoy and their escorts that are carrying Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and his technology are entering the asteroid field, following a marked channel to the NAKAIOMA beskar storage facility.
  • Strill Securities assets are already at the facility and Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr in command of the forces that are stationed there.
  • Burtch has ordered Bellum Canis and all of it’s compliment to stay out of the asteroid field and keep enemy capital ships from attempting to enter the asteroid field, should they chose to take such a risk.

Top gun references: 1
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Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Objective: 1

Viken hated being out of his lab. It meant being around other people and he preferred to be on his own. Working. But with the Beskar stored in a variety of deposits scattered around the Galaxy, access to the metal wasn't as easily done as before.

The facility housing one of those deposits was protected by a vast asteroid field which was in fact a perfect testing ground for the etheric components that he had recently completed. The space within the asteroid field was rumoured to be tight. Unlike what some might believe, the frozen bits of rock weren't traveling at uniform speed with one another. No, each carried their own velocity through the aether, much like different styles of ships did.

Before the Dropship arrived to the asteroid field, Viken had been busy on his datapad, working and doing his best to ignore everyone around him. But once he had overheard that they were getting ready for the approach, Viken lifted his head as he got to his feet. A bad feeling hit his gut, which was normal for him whenever he was forced out of his comfort zone and into the danger zone.

Viken made his way up to the cockpit after pocketing his datapad in his coat. His eyes focused not on the pilots, but on everything on the other side of the transparasteel. This is what I call a target-rich environment, he mused to himself as he gazed at the asteroid field ahead of them. It was all that he could do to distract himself from that bad feeling. And in his experience, there was something to be said about trusting one's instincts.

At least the escort fleet seemed to be big enough to deter pirates and the like. He just hoped that they were small enough to not gain anyone's attention either.

Top Gun references: 2!

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla
Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher
Viper Team(x3 pilots)
Others: TBA


Mk IV Fang-class Starfighter

Tayl Vizsla stood beside her mother, Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , on the bridge of The Recluse as it dropped out of hyperspace outside the chaotic asteroid field. The ship was immediately cloaked in with the advanced Vidhar System, masking it's presence to both the naked eye and scanners, all while retaining the ship's own functionality. Such as the array of scans being sent into the asteroid field in an attempt to locate the Naikoma storage facility...

Aloy placed a gloved hand on the young Twi'lek's shoulder, and nodded, prompting Tayl to nod in kind.

It's time.

"Par kry'tsad" She said, gazing into the black visor of her mother's Buy'c from her own. They exchanged a brief touch of their foreheads, and Tayl simply turned away.

The Children of the Watch known as Viper Team flanked her on either side of the command bridge as she approached the lift, already strapped down with all of her equipment. Her Mentor, clad crimson-clad and standing tall above the rest, bowed his head ever so slightly as a sign of respect. Both her mothers and her mentor were proud of the Mando'ad she had become.

The nod was returned as she turned to face the door upon entering the lift, Knowing she would not see their helmets again until the day was done.

She would enter the small hanger next, Approaching her Fangfighter in a determined march. It was a gift to her family from the Crusaders of Death Watch many years ago. Men and Woman who taught her what it truly meant to be a Mandalorian, where the unionists had failed.
It was her first Starfighter, and hopefully, the last.

Aloy never really cared much for that ancient cult, expressing concern for Tayl's once young and impressionable mind. But she was committed, and if nothing else, her mother could respect commitment. She and Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla had raised a fine young warrior, and one which they were proud to call their own. Their legacy. Their Vizsla.

Any other girl would be strained, nerve wracked at upholding such a legacy. That of the Nite Owls, Death Watch, and Hand of the Mand'alor.
But with her, That little chip in her skull suppressed all of it. Both the good and the bad.

She found the other Viper Team pilots playing some holo-board game behind their ships. One of them had clearly lost, and two out of the three looked liked they were amidst a heated argument.

"You're not gonna be happy unless you're going lightspeed with your hair on fire, huh?" She said, shaking her head as she passed them by.

They all dropped what they were doing to watch their Ruus'alor climbing into her starfighter.
It was at this point that the previously quiet of the three barked his orders, gesturing towards their own starfighters.

"Okay, knock it off gentleman! Let's go home after this. Viper has the lead"

And just like that, Viper team was ready to launch.

Reference tally: 2
(3 if you count that she's literally called viper)
(Technically a titanfall 2 reference but he's probs a top gun reference so)

I've never seen either movie and I'm literally just throwing in whatever sounds nice from the internet lmfao! plz give the prize to someone who knows what they're talking about


Corbin Vasher pulled the Tra'tena out of Hyperspace close to the Recluse. He patched into Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's and Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla 's comms. <I'm here. For ease, for now just refer to me as... Goose. It's short and one-syllable, plus it could be an amusing jynx to keep my goose from being cooked.>
He was a little nervous about this. It was his first real mission, of sorts. He'd had plenty of piloting training with the Ring Defenders in the Suarbi System, but this was the real deal. He calmed his mind to clear it. No time to think. If you think, you're dead. His ship was a damn good one, but he was taking extra precautions on this. He reached out with the Force. He used his Mechu-Deru ability and let his consciousness probe the ship. He could be in constant control of every aspect of his ship. He had his cloaking up, but for extra measure, he also put a Force Cloak around his ship. He planned to make everyone else feel like they were flying with a ghost.
<I'll follow your lead.>
Top Gun refs: 3
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Kalic flipped a few switches as Starcrest's engines swapped to agility mode. The Miraluka took a breath as he heard Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch call in and give the orders. Kalic chuckled a bit, tapping the comms.

"Don't have to tell me twice boss. I'd rather not become a great ball of fire cause I ignored the markers. How are those heavies flying anyway?" After getting an answer he'd quickly rolling the modified Y-wing bit above the others. Kalic looked around before peeking back at Jee, riding in the droid socket.

"Talk to me, girls." Jee would whistle out, pointing out the many, many asteroids, and asking the pilot to be careful. Kalic chuckled at this remark, while Starcrest spoke up in his head.

"She's right. Mostly just a asteroids. I'm picking up some debris that seem to be damaged ships. A bit... too familiar if I'm scanning some of this correctly."

"And that's why we're sticking with the channel markers, but if we have to duck in there don't think. Just do. All three of us have goo instincts."

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Viken Dobson Viken Dobson

References: 3

Gabriel Creed

The Prophet's Executioner
Objective 2​

Gabriel along with 20 Holy Knights Infantrymen was the advance guard of the facility at least those were the orders Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch had given him and being the Lord Commander of the newly established Paladin order he had vowed that on one would take the beskar from the vault. Having only 20 men at his command Gabriel had decided it best for squads of 4 to sweep the facility all the while remaining in radio contact, everyone was currently feeling the pressure not only was the Grand Shepherd coming himself but a VIP was coming as well so everyone was on high alert.

Gabriel and his squad would remain outside the vault doors as it would most likely be the first place any thieves would hit. Standing stock still staring down the only corridor with Vulcan Heavy Rifle at the ready Gabriel began to speak to his Angel.

"Tell be Phobos how long will it be until the Grand Shepherd gets here" he questioned.

"I do not know master but I believe they've not long entered the asteroid field" the Angel replied.
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Bishop Turner

"It's Bishop to you."
Objective: 1

Bishop flew alongside Kalic Daws Kalic Daws 's Starcrest in his own ship, Ironheart. "You know it takes a lot more than just fancy flying to get through an asteroid field like that. It takes good instincts, guts and lots of training."

~My sensors are picking up the first of the beacons.~

"Roger that, Ironheart. Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch will lead us in. Keep a sensor sweep going for enemy targets."

And just like that the Chiss patched through to their comms relaying his orders, almost as though he was listening in to his conversation with his Angel. "Affirmative, Ether Leader. We've got your six." Bishop was about to relay some more along the lines of when I fly, I'll have you know that my crew and my plane come first, but then changed his mind. He wasn't one for chatter. Instead he ended it with; "Bishop out."

His gaze drifted from one vessel to the next, keeping tabs visually on their positions. Bishop brought up the rear of the convoy. It was more than just enemy craft that they had to worry about, but asteroid collisions changing the tragectory of some of those space rocks. So he made sure that shields were up and weapobs were armed.

Top Gun references: 2
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Designation: Dragon Actual
Copilot: EG-01 Pilot Droid, nicknamed "Starhopper"
Ship: U-Wing Gunship
Allies: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Leenic frowned slightly to himself as he flicked on the various switches on the inside of his U-Wing's cockpit, the dull interior of the Recluse's hangar showing hardly any change as the cloaking mechanism came on over the exterior of the ship. "I am so gonna need to get one of these after this next paycheck hits." Leenic said to his droid pilot, a stout pilot droid running by the name of "Starhopper" that he had picked up several years back, mainly since he came with the U-Wing.

"I know, right?" Chirped the droid, spinning his head around to face Leenic as his arms continued to mess with the various controls around him. "How cool would it be to fly one of these into battle? I could probably man at least half the guns by myself so we would only have to pay half a crew! Maybe less if you hooked my systems up to a big computer or something."

Leenic couldn't help but laugh at the little droid's optimism, it was almost intoxicating how happy the little guy always seemed to be no matter what the circumstances. Patching into the main comms, Leenic hit the side of his helmet a few times to get the busted-up systems inside working properly. "Testing testing, one two one two. This is Dragon actual, how copy?" He said, waiting for a few seconds to let someone reply before speaking up again. "Thinking I might peel away from the main group on this one, the old girl is built to take a few extra hits than your standard fighter and I can manually deploy if need be. Careful, though, I might consider buzzing the tower on my way home."

Reference Count: 2
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Location: Aboard The Recluse
Objective: 2- Claim Beskar
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Tags: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil , Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Tan'yill left the captain's quarters and walked through the corridors of their home away from home, moving towards the small hangar bay where their small squadron of fighters were held. A mission like this, being all trapped in a small confined space and at the mercy of the vessel that you piloted, was uncommon for the Mando'ad twi'lek. Tan had some experience flying with her beloved wife Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , and had fought and escaped pirates during her time as a smuggler, but she prefered to be up close and personal with the enemy. Reading their body and their facial expressions, foreseeing their next move and counter it in a not so fair and square way. The thrill of it were just... intoxicating.

What were life if it wasn't open to moments of changes and new challenges, though?

Soon enough, the blast doors to the hangar bay opened and Tan'yill entered with the buy'c under her arm and tossed a lekku behind her as she proceeded towards the second Mk IV Fang-class Starfighter.

''Well, well... looks like the pattern is full, already?'' Tan said, just as she walked by Aloy climbing up the ladder to enter the cockpit. Unable to not notice the just referenced to body part, she threw playful slap across the readheaded Mando'ads sweet rear, and gave her and equally sweet wink and mischievous smile in return. ''See you back here soon, hun? And don't be late!'' she added teasingly, before making the last distance to her own fighter, climbed up the ladder and laid the buy'c to the side, before putting the headset on and begun the startup sequence.

Top Gun references: 1
Location: Typhoon II-class Starfighter Night's Rest, near the Yuuzhan'tar system
Objective 1?
Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Enemies: TBA

The man tilted the yoke of his fighter, slightly turning the fighter on its side as it surged through hyperspace. A small but brilliant flash of cronau radiation announced the ship's reversion among the stars of realspace. The starfield's natural beauty was almost marred by the ugly brown presence of the asteroid belt, but the man mostly ignored it, mumbling bits of the lyrics of a group of songs a friend had strung together for him on this long flight. A voice droned out of his earpiece.

"...I feel the need..."

"...the need for speed,
" finished Gir mindlessly.

I've been listening to this for too long. He attempted to shake the stupor of the flight off as he began to passively scan the area around him. It was simple preventative practices like this that had saved his skin time and time again - an errant asteroid or ongoing battle was not something one wanted to thoughtlessly wander into. He began to sift through the sensor feed around him, looking for any other nearby starships.

Ship Mission Loadout

Top Gun References this post: 1
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Aenarr Kyrr

Strill Securities Tra'ibahikan Squadron Leader


OBJECTIVE 2 - Aranar
Friendly Unit: Tra'ibahikan Squadron.
Ally Tag(s):
Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Gir Quee Gir Quee
Enemy Tag(s): Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher


Tra'ibahikan 1-1 - Aenarr Kyrr

Shields: |||||||||| (0% Integrity)
Hull: |||||||||| (100% Integrity)
Stealth Systems: Inactive

EWAR: Active
Mass-detector: Active
Gemcutter: Active
Crystal Gravfield Trap: Active
'Gar Strill' Force-Detector Array: Active

Tra'ibahikan 1-2 - Saviin Kote

Shields: |||||||||| (0% Integrity)
Hull: |||||||||| (100% Integrity)
Stealth Systems: Active
EWAR: Active
Mass-detector: Active
Gemcutter: Active
Crystal Gravfield Trap: Active
'Gar Strill' Force-Detector Array: Active

Tra'ibahikan 1-3 - Mar Netra

Shields: |||||||||| (0% Integrity)
Hull: |||||||||| (100% Integrity)
Stealth Systems: Active
EWAR: Active
Mass-detector: Active
Gemcutter: Active
Crystal Gravfield Trap: Active
'Gar Strill' Force-Detector Array: Active

Tra'ibahikan 1-4 - Rang Nihut'tyr

Shields: |||||||||| (0% Integrity)
Hull: |||||||||| (100% Integrity)
Stealth Systems: Active
EWAR: Active
Mass-detector: Active
Gemcutter: Active
Crystal Gravfield Trap: Active
'Gar Strill' Force-Detector Array: Active

Buy'ce gal, buy'ce tal
Verbor'ad ures aliit
Mhi draar baat'i meg'parjii'se
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit.
It likely irked most Mandalorians to see beskar in the hands of aruetiis. Aenarr would be lying if he said it didn't. The difference was that he'd accepted that in this galaxy, given what'd happened, beskar in the posession of aruetii was just a reality that one had to get used to. With enough effort, the company could likely take back the beskar stored in this facility. The same mirdala Mereel that'd written the codex had a clever solution to such problems.

There were always going to be those with eyes on that beskar, and the aruetii were always going to need someone to watch it for them. Getting paid to watch the beskar, for their expenses, with some of that beskar and more, was always a good deal. It staved off
arasuum, kept the company's reserves stocked and kept the aruetii they worked for as repeat customers so they could do this all over again. Aenarr wagered there would be some of his fellow Mandalorians who didn't agree with this phoilosophy.

This was no surprise, there had and always would be who preferred the ways of the kyr'tsad or whatever other fancy had taken their attention. This wouldn't be the first time Aenarr had a harsh conversation with his fellow Mandalorians from this end of his starfighter, it wouldn't be the last. Ordinarily, clans could fight and go out for drinks the next day. These were no ordinary days, however, and his conscience would be clear no matter the outcome.

Aenarr and Tra'ibahikan weren't alone. Alor'ad Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel had been asked along by their alor. One of the companies involved, the reason the beskar even ended up in aruetii hands was a particular company. As it stood, very little about any of what had happened there made sense. All he knew was that for obvious reasons they didn't want to be working with company that professed to be Mandalorian or formerly Mandalorian if they were running around selling beskar off like this. Alor'ad Mereel was here to observe and assess if everything was above board, given she knew said company's CEO a little better than their alor did.

Aenarr shook his head free of the distractions. The linked sensor suites of the four craft had given him a pretty good map of their immediate area, he could see the friendly fighters on scope as they swung around the facility. He was about to call all clear once more, giving the order for his squadron to re-cloak and drop back into low-power before the next patrol when a flashing on his HUD caught his attention.

The sensor report sent a tingle down his spine as data passed from his fighter through to his neural interface. Aenarr squinted at the display out of habit rather than necessity. The Gemcutter had picked up a hyperspace exit. It wasn't far from the edge of their asteroid field, which was enough for Aenarr to want to call it in before Saviin's voice came in clear through his headset, "Gar Strill just pinged. Force power, not far off from that reversion signature." No matter whose picked it up in the first place, Saviin's fighter would be telling her the same thing his told him thanks to the Manda link.

Aenarr frowned at the display. Saviin was right, Gar Strill had picked up two distinct uses of force abilities. One more potent than the other. Not quite battlefield scale, but sure as haran not moving a piece of fruit either. "Not one of ours?" asked Rang. Rang's question was valid given they didn't know of any force sensitive assets in play on their end, but assuming their employers weren't hiding a squadron of force sensitive pilots out there, it made no shabla sense.

"Not near enough to the shabla convoy and too shabla close to that reversion signature," he spat. "Time to go to work. Warm your Werlaara units and keep your eyes on your scopes. When something without a friendly IFF shows up on scopes you blow it to haran. Alor'ad Mereel, you can try and stick with us or you can help the locals. Your call." Aenarr knew her Manda unit would be showing her fighter what they could see even though her borrowed 'stock' Kyr'galaar didn't have stealth detection systems.

"All callsigns, this is Void Stalker lead, we're picking up anomalous signatures on the edge of the asteroids, recommend going to full alert. Warm your guns and keep your eyes on your sensors," switching active frequencies and from Mando'a to basic with ease. No sooner than he'd stopped transmitting did the four fighters begin to meld with their backgrounds syncing via Manda link and then bending light, sound and EM waves to render the fighter nigh on invisible. EWAR systems, the Werlaara's DRP and static discharge panels came to life, compelling even powerful active enemy sensors into believing that there was nothing there.

Aenarr picked up the four Concord Specialized Technologies manufactured Aran fighters spreading to increase their sensor coverage to best pick up any incoming craft. Now all that was left to do was to hurry up and wait.


Corbin couldn't help feeling a little nervous. His first real foray away from home... This kept playing over in​
his head. That wasn't good. Negative emotions made his connection with the Force weaker. He could still feel it though. Usually just connecting boosted his positivity. That was a testament to just how anxious he was.
He wondered if there were any Force users amongst the opposition. It was very likely. They would have​
hired security. He reached out with his Force Sense. Sure enough. He couldn't tell exactly where or how many with the distance and the large asteroid belt. He had not trained his Sense to that extent. One thing that he could be sure of was they wouldn't notice him. His Force Stealth was unmatched by any other Jensaarai. He had his Force-presence constantly masked. He'd had to learn to do it unconsciously, because his Force Aura tended to unnerve even Force-sensitives with the weakest Force Sense. He had never figured out quite why though...
The use of the Force currently was starting to strain on him. He hadn't ever used it this extensively before.​
And his connection was not its strongest right now. That wasn't good. It wouldn't do for him to slip. He'd be everyone's problem. He stopped trying to feel for foes, just concentrating on controlling his ship.
It was time for the big one.
"Just a walk in the park."
Top Gun References: 3
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sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher


there would be some of his fellow Mandalorians who didn't agree with this phoilosophy.

One such Mandalorian would be the Ex-Alor of House Vizsla, Aloy Vizsla. She wasn't exactly a true Death Watch Crusader, not like her misguided daughter Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , at least. Her temporary pact with the watch had largely been a political gamble, after all. But that did not stop her from being something of a traditionalist, however. Some would call her old fashioned, and indeed some were quite correct, mostly.

Where she differed from their expectations however, was her unique independence from the other Mandalorians. Ever since Kreslin Westwind failed his own people, failed
her personally by paralyzing her mother, Aloy had taken a rather bold stance toward her fellow Mandalorians. She recognized no authority but the Manda itself, Followed no one and no thing but the Star-tides, and openly rejected the tradition of Mand'alor. Foolish and ambition men had sought the title time and time again, bringing Mandalore and it's people to ruin each and every time. She was done fighting for the soulless husk of a rock for men with fancy titles and soft guts.

It was time for Mandalorians, For her, to take matters into their own hands.

And in her eyes, this was most certainly a Mandalorian matter.
Beskar, the Sacred Metal of Mandalorians found only on Mandalore, Belonged in Mandalorian hands. But it had fallen into the hands of corporatists. Of all the vile things in this galaxy, She hated
Sith, Corporatists, and Hutts the most. And in that order. Even
if it had been given to them By Mandalorians(of which she was currently unaware of), It would have been as if spitting in the face of those who survived the Sith-Imperial Purge. It could be sponsoring foundlings, forged into the mighty armor of the Mando'ad who were now so few in number and needed it Now More Than Ever.

If the Mandalorian Enclave would not take it back, She would do it herself.

"Rook, You have the bridge until I return" She says, turning on her heel to walk past the Ex-Crusaders her daughter had brought aboard. She paid them little mind, a little distasteful of their teachings towards her daughter, But nevertheless trusting enough to give command to friends of her family.

Her cybernetic leg clicked and whirred as she exited the turbolift, flicking her long red scarf, lined with damaged and stolen Sith-Imperial coins, over her shoulder.

"Blue." She gave her beloved wife a respectful nod as she approached. If she died in this raid, she would be content for that blue-skinned face to be the last one she ever sees "Be'moruty'c, ner'cyare..."

Aloy would be climbing the ladder into her own personal ship, sadly separate from her beloved's as they needed to cover many angles today.
''Well, well... looks like the pattern is full, already?'' Tan said, just as she walked by Aloy climbing up the ladder to enter the cockpit. Unable to not notice the just referenced to body part, she threw playful slap across the readheaded Mando'ads sweet rear

And it was exactly then that her Riduur threw a hand her way in a place that had sadly been left unoccupied through Aloy's prior captivity. It caused the poor woman to jump a little, And her cybernetic hand to clench around the ladder suddenly in compensation.

"Ahahahh! Easy there Blue, we can continue this after~" She chuckled over her shoulder, giving Tan'yill a warm smile that sadly couldn't be seen behind the visor. Oh well, she knew damn well that her wife would be picturing it in her mind all the same. Such was their bond.

At last, she clambered up to the cockpit and found herself in the seat. The Sabre-1, painted in blue with teeth-like markings much like her helmet, was a little larger than the fighters flying escort, but it would certainly do the trick.

Almost as soon as she had lifted from the hanger floor, The cloak engaged and weapon systems temporarily disabled to provide extra power. It became as a ghost, invisible to the naked eye and an array of scanning technologies too.

She was one of the first to launch, With Tayl Vizsla and her friends flying escort. It felt good to be back...

It would be her first taste of true combat in nearly a decade, One of the first time's she had even flown since her capture by Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer . She was anxious, of course. terribly so in fact, but that didn't stop her from taking some small joy in flying beside her own family like it was meant to be.

"Sabre-1 to all callsigns; " She began over the comms, Voice as calm and collected as the old veterans here would have remembered during the days of the Nite Owls.

"You know the drill, but in case some of you missed it during the flight- not to point fingers buuut- I'll say again; "

"You ladies are flying escort. Get me to the facility in one piece so I can drop my
homing beacons
on their beskar storage. Get me inside, and the beacons will transmit the exact coordinates to The Recluse. Once it has them, We can use the Micro-jump drive to Teleport it right above their storage. Then we blow the roof out and suck up the Beskar with our tractor beams..."

She smirked proudly behind her visor. It was a wild plan but it but just might work.

"Then we'll just hyperspace the fuck outta there and return that Beskar to the Mando'ad. This is the way"




Objective: Defend - Objective 2
Equipment:Cybernetics | Jet Pack | Beskar’gam | Weapon load out | A Kyrgalaar fighter.
Tag: [ Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr ] [ Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch ] [ Kalic Daws Kalic Daws ] [ Bishop Turner Bishop Turner ] [ Viken Dobson Viken Dobson ] [ Gir Quee Gir Quee ] [ Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed ] [ Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin ] [ Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ] [ Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher ] [ Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla ] [ Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla ]

Jhira loved to fly, and the Kyrgalaar was an amazing, beautiful ship. She wasn't, perhaps, as nimble as Jhira would prefer but the wide array of weaponry, high speed and stealth capability felt like they would more than make up for that lack. Looping in slow, lazy figure 8's around the Tra'ibahikan at an oblique angle to the orbital plane of the system allowed her to play with both the onboard sensors, and the Manda Tactical net. That was an amazing system.

Oh, she wanted that for her own ship, someday.

But learning the starfighter wasn't really why she was here; no. Why was a tangled, stormy mess. Or maybe it was a very, very simple thing. She shook her head, and settled back in her seat, angling for another nearly-invisible pass through the Strill Securities formation, rather than questioning her own motives too closely.

She tensed, as an alert and sensor reading was echoed to her craft. For as many times as it had happened to her, she still hated to offer violence to any Mando'ade. But maybe it was just ordinary pirates, after the Beskar? .Or Sith? Or one of Lori-goof's multitude of enemies? Or some empire expanding once again. Anything, she willed it to be anything but more of her kin.

Why was she here, again? No, wrong question, wasn't it? A soft, pained sound escaped, as she cut her forward thrust and let her ship mimic being a hole in space while the incoming signals were analyzed. Surprise was an advantage she was loath to surrender, no matter who the opposition was. She winced, at the reading of multiple powerful Force readings, even more than the reversion signatures so well placed to threaten the convoy.

Roger that, Void Stalker leader. ⌁ She replied, though she made no move to sneak off alone, just yet. Not until she had a better grasp on the larger tactical picture. It was fascinating, if disturbing, to watch that lethal squadron melt into the void of space as if nothing at all was there. If it weren't for the IFF transponders and the Manda Tactical net tying their sensors together, Jhira would have no notion where they were only moments after the command to vanish was given. Her own fighter had stealth systems but not like that. And if they could do that ... what would their enemy bring to the encounter?

A squadron of Aran fighters, one of Strill, and Jhira -- against an unknown enemy force that brought at least one powerful Force User with them. She spared a moment of worry for her friend, then banished such concerned to the back of her mind.

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Location: Asteroid storage facility
Objective: Secure Beskar
Tags: Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Bishop Turner Bishop Turner Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Gir Quee Gir Quee Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel

Piloting: Marzanna
Accompanied by: 2x AM-S02 Pegasus Interceptors

In space not far from the asteroid field, a cruiser bearing the marking of House Solus dropped out of hyperspace and from its belly dropped the sleek hull of Marzanna and her two wingmen in fighters recently purchased from Archangel. At over 30 metres, the shuttle wasn't a snub fighter and outwardly i looked no more offensive than a luxury private shuttle, but its energy signature gave it away as something much more. It was as fast and nimble as all but the most advanced starfighters and it had several recessed weapon emplacements that could come online at the flick of a switch.

At the helm was Mairéad, a mandalorian of House Solus and very keen student of Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , a woman that she had taken to be like a mother figure too her. She thought about her firey mentor as her ship performed scans and she plotted a trajectory, the woman had been angry at this criminal offering precious Beskar to any and all, so hot in fact you could probably fry your breakfast on her skin. Mairéad had decided to come, with a light cruiser from the House to make things right and secure the material, although if she was honest she didn't quite understand the obsession with the metal, having only been vod for less than two years.

Luckily, it seemed she wasn't the only mandalorian who had caught the scent and her scans indicated several other ships out in space. Working together the vod could protect the metal and scare off any greedy pirates.

She accelerated her shining vessel and the interceptors followed suit, rapidly approaching the asteroid fields. She flipped on her shields and activated her weapons mounts. Pirates were big fans of asteroid ambushes and it would be shameful if she was caught off guard at such an early stage.

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There had been some arguments amongst some of the Mandalorians. Corbin was new to the scene and did not​
know why, but as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter. All of the Mando'ade needed to be united, or Alea's death had meant nothing. It was not good for the Enclave to be squabbling amongst itself. Corbin was still only a teenager and had not been through what the others had. He did not have their life experience. But someone needed to try to unite them together, and it didn't seem like the Warmonger knew how to do that. Corbin wasn't really even sure it even crossed the man's mind. He seemed too focused on war and failed to notice the battles at home that would inevitably doom them if not handled properly. And Corbin had joined the Mandokarla. He was only a Hibir, but it was still his duty to help guide his brethren along the Manda Ha'rud. He wanted to reach out to anyone feeling alienated and remind them "Aliit ori'shya tal'din." And so, when he heard Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla talking of liberating beskar from a Dar'manda, Corbin had volunteered, "Give me a call. I'll fly with you."

Corbin noticed a few more ships arrive, waiting just outside the asteroid field. Pirates, bounty hunters, or more​
Mandalorians? He couldn't tell which, but they definitely seemed to be after the same targets. Might prove helpful, might prove a hindrance.
Corbin also then noticed that one of the Mandalorians amongst his "group" was also Force-sensitive. Amidst​
his nervousness and focusing on the quarry, he had somehow missed that. But he was certain the adversary had not missed it, if they had any kind of Force Sense training. This man was practically announcing his presence. You did an incredibly brave thing... But then again, it was a Mandalorian thing to do. This set Corbin at ease, and he let out a good laugh, his tension and anxiety dissolving away. He felt the Force surge back to its normal flow. He hit the comms to the Vizsla team. <Several ships in an asteroid belt. This is what I call a target-rich environment. Let me know if there's anything specific you want me to do to help. Let's turn and burn!>

Top Gun References: 4
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Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Allies: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher
Hostiles: Gir Quee Gir Quee Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Bishop Turner Bishop Turner Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Unknown: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

"See the bandits as well. Son of a...they brought a cruiser with them, we're gonna need to haul ass if we want the recluse making it out of here in one piece." Leenic said, his whole body shaking slightly as the engines roared to life and started pulling him off the hangar deck. "I think I'm the only visible one, Aloy, so you all would be safer if I split anyway. I'll go see if I can't distract our uninvited guests long enough for you to get the Recluse into position. Not that I don't think she can handle her own, but even a skeleton crew on a cruiser has twice the firepower we do."

Without waiting for a response from the other ships, Leenic nodded to Starhopper and made a hand gesture to go forward. "Clear to burn Star, let's see if we can't give our new friends a little light show to buy the others some time."

"On it, sir!" Starhopper replied, throwing the throttle all the way forward and sending the U-Wing rocketing out of the Corvette's hangar bays. Once clear, the U-Wing banked hard in the direction of the unidentified cruiser, keeping low on its nose to minimize the amount of firing arcs that it sat inside of. Once within comms range, Starhopper attempted to open up a channel with some of the fighters advancing underneath it in hopes that one of them would respond.

"Unidentified ships, please respond," Leenic said, trying to channel some of the old Imperial procedures he had picked up forever ago. "If you do not respond, we will be forced to open fire upon your squadron."

Objective: escort Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and the six Gospel Class Dropships through the asteroid field to the NAKAIOMA facility.

Current fleet:

“Flagship”: Burtch’s own HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighter, as one of the squadron of 4.

Personal equipment: in sig, minus the ship of course

Allies: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed | Gir Quee Gir Quee | OPEN

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher |


"Don't have to tell me twice boss. I'd rather not become a great ball of fire cause I ignored the markers. How are those heavies flying anyway?"

Burtch gave the stick a little wiggle in a gesture of "wagging his wings" at Starcrest and Kalic before he responded, "I'll admit, I think I like them. But it's a little difficult for me to think of them as 'heavies', being a navy man myself. I don't have a whole lot of experience flying a ship this small, so it still throws me off when the ship does exactly what I want to to do so quickly. I might honestly be making a private purchase before long. How are you and Starcrest getting along?"

Then, Bishop Turner Bishop Turner gave a short affirmative in his usual way. Burtch responded by clicking his mic twice and then said, "good call, team Ironheart. You two are best suited for bringing up the rear" Referring to Bishop and his Angel. Burtch respected the man's professionalism and efficiency. Bishop was a deadly pilot and a powerful ally in a dogfight. Burtch had the utmost respect for the man's simple sensibilities over the comms.

Suddenly, Gir Quee Gir Quee ’s ship arrived out of hyperspace and Burtch shook his head. He keyed a channel to his ship and said, “Admiral Quee, it’s good that you finally made it. Try to catch up with the rest of ether squadron when you can.”

"All callsigns, this is Void Stalker lead, we're picking up anomalous signatures on the edge of the asteroids, recommend going to full alert. Warm your guns and keep your eyes on your sensors,"

The announcement from Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr came over the comms and Burtch's mind snapped into focus. He had hired Strill securities primarily for their stealth-busting sensor equipment, and if they were detecting something out on the periphery of the field, Burtch was inclined to take the announcement seriously. With ease, he quickly settled into his role as the fleet leader, activating the frequency that would address all defenders in the area, "Void Stalker, this is Ether Lead, and we read you loud and clear. Going to full alert as recommended. You are clear to investigate. Send the sensor telemetry that you've acquired to the patrolling DZA flight unit so that they can probe the area in advance of your unit, and please send my unit the same data. Have Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel relay future telemetry data from your stealth squadron to mine so that we can maintain cohesion. I'll have Ether squadron break off from the convoy and have mine follow yours in at a distance when you get closer to us. The remaining 8 DZA fighters that are not on patrol and are still docked are to deploy immediately and remain in reserve next to the facility."

Burtch then switched over to the squadron channel, addressing Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , Bishop Turner Bishop Turner , Gir Quee Gir Quee and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson , "alright Ether squadron, we're going to break off from the convoy and meet up with Tra'ibahikan Squadron, and then follow them in. The Aran long range fighters will be the main strike unit, while Starcrest and Ironheart act as escorts. Ether Seven ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ), go ahead and meet us at the rendezvous with Tra'ibahikan Squadron. Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and the convoy will proceed to the facility and bunker up. Now execute!"

As burtch maneuvered the ship to follow his own orders, he could hear his gunners hooting and saw their fists pumping. He rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything.

He began to consider the situation and he considered the obvious fact that these bogeys were probably concealing themselves for a stealth approach. He was fairly confident that Tra'ibahikan Squadron was capable of detecting anything they had, but could they detect everything? Burtch was beginning to wonder if he should pursue an additional solution for redundancy and coverage.

He quickly keyed his comm to hail Viken Dobson Viken Dobson ’s ship, "Viken, this is Burtch. If I understand correctly, I believe you have an Etheric Sonar prototype on board, right? Is there any way you can get that online with what you have at your disposal, and how long would it take you?"

Just then, his sensor screamed as a cruiser dropped out of hyperspace. Burtch keyed up his scans to look at what he could see from this range. It was too big for this environment, but it could cause problems. Luckily, he had brought Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin for these sorts of problems. He decided to let Bellum Canis handle this one…

  • Burtch orders Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr to share sensor data with the local DZA squadron and Ether Squadron.
  • Burtch orders Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel to act as a data relay for Tra'ibahikan Squadron so that they can share sensor data without giving up stealth capabilities.
  • Burtch orders the 4 DZA fighters that are on patrol to go to the location where the anomalies were detected to try and “Smoke out” any enemies.
  • Burtch orders the remaining 8 DZA fighters to launch from the hangar bay at the NAKAIOMA storage facility and stay there as a reserve force.
  • Burtch orders Ether squadron (which consists of Burtch’s 4 ARAN HEAVY FIGHTERS, Bishop Turner Bishop Turner and Kalic Daws Kalic Daws ) to meet up with Tra'ibahikan Squadron, and then follow them in at a distance.
  • Burtch orders Gir to meet the rest of ether squadron at the rendezvous.
  • Burtch orders the convoy to continue on to the NAKAIOMA facility.
  • Burtch privately asks Viken Dobson Viken Dobson if he can rig a prototype Etheric Sonar array to work with what he has on hand.

Objective: BYOO

Lori knew that having an outside company hold some of her company's beskar reserves was risky. But Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson had convinced her that the benefits outweighed the risks. The beskar itself was mined from the planet Anvil by various companies within Elysium Empire of which she was one of it's rulers. The mineral was processed on Damascus Station and sent to various hidden caches all over the Galaxy. Information provided to her by Jaster of Clan Awaud, her mentor, had helped in this effort.

Her goals were simple and had remained the same since she was given MandalArms; and that was to continue to build and create assets that'll help in freeing Mandalore once more. Soon after the Sith had destroyed the planet, Lori and some others had began their work to recultivate the soil. Yet the presence of Imperials drew them away for the time being. Different Mandalorian groups popped up, some of which visited to ask her questions about herself. Many disliked the company that she was given, solely on the basis of who founded it. Despite him being dead and gone, his memory was enough to drive some of the Clans away from her. In retrospect, she rebranded her company as Dar'manda Industries; moreso on how she felt than being based on fact. She had the support of many Mandalorians that she knew, some of which helped her to protect some of her reserves. The same could be said in other political circles of which she was a part of, with some looking upon her favourably and others with distaste. That was life though. Yet one day Mandalore would be freed and she'd help it happen through multiple means. One just had to be patient.

Knowing that Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , Kalic Daws Kalic Daws and Bishop Turner Bishop Turner were heading out with Viken Dobson Viken Dobson , Lori just had to send the Chiss a message. A blue holo-recording of herself was made; ~Hi Burtch. I know that I don't have to ask you this, but please look after Viken. If anything was to happen to him, well we both don't need to suffer Dorthea's wrath. And be on the lookout for pirates or even other Mandalorians. If word had gotten out about some of the beskar being there, well I'm sure that they'd try to steal it all. This is our most public location for it, which'll at least let us know if word had somehow gotten out and that there are spies among us. Please keep me updated and keep everyone safe. Lori out.~

The recording ended. Now all that Lori could do was wait for the reports to come in.

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


OBJECTIVE 2 - Aranar
Friendly Units: 'Davaab' Vuhyr'yaliyr Ramikade Squad
Units in Reserve: Galaar 1-1, G-02H/S Shev'la'galaar-class Heavy Stealth Gunship
Ally Tag(s): Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Ira Sarrin Ira Sarrin | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Gir Quee Gir Quee
Enemy Tag(s): Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus


Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed and his knights weren't the facility's sole defenders. Some aruetii had said that a good offence was the best defense. Hit your enemy before they could hit you. Not exactly possible given what they were defending, but this wasn't the first time she and hers had played defense. The convoy and all the shiny tech onboard those ships was of no concern to her, the beskar stored in this vault was what she was here to defend. Given that some of that beskar was a portion of their pay, you didn't need to be a genius to predict just who might be coming for it.

Even as valuable as it was to aruetii, there were more than enough Mandalorians who sought to take that back the old fashioned way. Saram was a firm believer in the SuperCommando codex. She preferred to take that beskar from them by doing what she and hers did best, it had the added advantage of not painting a target on their back. That was a mistake that Mando'ade had been making for a long while now, and it didn't quite seem like they were going to stop.

She didn't blame them when it came to those that wouldn't be reasonable. Haran, the company had a few storage facilities of those that couldn't be convinced to part reasonably with it on the list of targets, but that wasn't the case here, their presence here proved that. Saram like virtually all of those employed by Strill Securities had long prepared to kill their own, ever since Cadera and Australis, but this was different. Many of whom were left were just angry, lashing out, seeking agency in a harsh galaxy.

Unfortunately, that was how it started, and it wouldn't be long before those people dragged the rest of them into it and got every Mandalorian painted with the same brush. So she had no compunctions in doing what needed to be done. In the old days they'd have been able to shoot at each other here and share drinks later. Mandalorians used to fight each other all the time, but both sides bore no ill will toward one another. It tended not to be personal. Here? Just like at Panatha, she wasn't sure that it wasn't for them.

It was a good thing she'd brought the beskar sabots. If they wanted beskar so bad that they were repeat the mistakes of the past just in a new shabla way, then she was going to be happy to give some to them. Saram sighed, and decided to distract herself by checking in with the rest of Davaab, "Ran, Din'kartay."

"Quiet, for now." came Ran's immediate reply. Saram's beskar'gam's sensors were linked to the rest of the unit's and theirs to hers via the Manda battlenet, she was looking to hear from Ran what she couldn't 'see' already. "All clear from Aenarr outside too. Too shabla quiet. Maybe these guys have a better handle on their opsec than we thought."

"With what they're paying us? I'd have better chances if I gave my paycheck to Dareth Uisden with the hope he'd double it. Have you seen tall and knightly (
Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed )?" she asked, more out of curiosity than out of any genuine need.

"Hah! Yeah, saw him on our last-" started Ran just as he was interrupted by an incoming transmission from Aenarr. Saram knew that 'anomalous' was company slang for force user. Ordinarily, she'd have assumed that meant that it wasn't any other Mandalorians. A long career, however, told her that assumption wasn't accurate at all. Saram sighed as she flicked off the safety on her rifle.

"Ran, take Davaab to the hangar, set to defend. I'm going to talk to Creed and see what he wants to do," she said before quickly switching frequencies, leaving Ran to it. "Creed, this is Davaab lead, Strill Securities. This is your show, how do you want to do this?"


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