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Minor Faction Faith & The Unblessed: Nameless Horrors (JJE & TU)


Written with Unblessed
A collaboration between the The Unblessed & The Jakku Jedi Enclave

Ch. 1: Faith & Unblessed: Nameless Horrors


Faith & The Unblessed: Nameless Horrors

It was dusk in the political sector of Coruscant. Senator Achan Jaikavi watched the silhouette of a small shuttle through the glare of the setting sun. The occupants were representatives from some fanatical religious sect. He cared not for their Faith, but their intentions he found intriguing.

“See them up to my office, guards to wait inside with me,” he said. They would not have his trust.

Fingers scratched at his beard. The quest that this group were on could prove to be the final answer to The Unblessed's end goal, the subjugation of all Force Users.

Lady Tenebrae, cloaked in dark and unassuming robes, moved with purpose through the bustling political sector. Her hood obscured much of her face, casting an enigmatic shadow over her piercing eyes. A single cultist trailed silently behind her, a silent guardian in the tapestry of the crowded cityscape.

Senator Achan Jaikavi, a key player in the political machinations of Coruscant, awaited the mysterious visitor in his opulent office. As Lady Tenebrae entered, the door hissed closed behind her, sealing off the ambient hum of the political center. The room, adorned with ornate furnishings and holographic displays, bore witness to a clandestine meeting that could reshape the destiny of the galaxy.

"Senator Jaikavi," Lady Tenebrae's voice, smooth and measured, broke the silence. Her hooded gaze met the senator's, and a subtle acknowledgment passed between them.

The Senator waved with his fingers, and then indicated that she was to sit. He remained standing until she did so. “You may begin the sweep,” he said to the guards at the door. Each of the tall, broad-shouldered, men brought forth a handheld comms-scanner.

“Forgive me, my lady,” said the Senator with a neutral expression, “a sweep for recording or comms devices seems prudent in my field.”

She nodded. She could understand the circumstances. “I understand. Do what you must.”

The cultist stationed at Lady Tenebrae's side remained stoic, a silent sentinel in the shadows. With an air of calculated courtesy, Lady Tenebrae approached the senator's desk, the dark fabric of her robes trailing gracefully; She took her seat just opposite of him.

"Senator, it looks like we find ourselves at something of a convergence of ideals," Lady Tenebrae spoke, her words carrying an otherworldly weight. "Our respective organizations seem to share a somewhat common vision.”

“End goal, perhaps,”
he said calmly, maintaining eye contact, “I doubt we come from a mutual starting point.”

His eyes shot a glance at the shadowy figure she had brought into the room. He suspected the guards would be of little use if it lashed out at him. His fingers fell into a steeple shape as he leaned his elbows against his desk.

“Speaking of starting points. I like to understand the motivations of enemies and allies alike. Do share,” he said. His tone was nearly flat. Nothing given away.

Lady Tenebrae's piercing gaze met Senator Jaikavi's; he, however, maintained a calm demeanor, seemingly skeptical of the alignment between their organizations. His eyes flickered toward the shadowy figure accompanying Lady Tenebrae, a silent acknowledgment of potential danger.

Fingers forming a steeple, the senator leaned forward, expressing the need to understand their motivations. Valara Inkari, shrouded in the darkness of her past, chose this moment to unveil a glimpse of her true self. She motioned to the cultist at her side, dispatching them to retrieve an item that held the essence of her cause.

As the cultist left, Lady Tenebrae, in a deliberate move, removed her hood, revealing features steeped in determination. He may or may not have known who she was – didn’t matter. Her physical features foretold the tale of a physically attractive woman. "Senator, our cause transcends mere ideology. The Hapan throne, once denied to me, beckons as a symbol of my rightful heritage. Though, first the galaxy must be freed from the chaos wrought by force-users, and I believe that I am one of the harbingers of this new era." Her revelation hung in the air, a declaration that echoed with the weight of destiny.

His eyes twitched only slightly to acknowledge the departure of the foreboding man. The Senators fingers laced together. Hers was not a face that was immediately recognizable to him. There were many would-be rulers in the galaxy. Trillions of beings and probably billions of spurned heirs. “Ah. The tale is revealed,” he said with a practiced smile, “an exiled aristocrat wants what they think is due them. How…pedestrian.”

His hands parted with a wave as he leaned back his chair. “Were it not for the traditional Hapan distaste for the blessed then I would say your claims would have little merit,” he said, smile fading, “but a Hapan loyal to the cause…would be greatly beneficial.”

“It’s not a matter of what I think is due me, it’s what’s mine. But, rather than mince words over whose motivation is bigger, let’s talk about where our paths actually converge, and how that might help us get what it is we want…together or not.”
Valara Inkari slid back under her hood, assuming the alias of Lady Tenebrae once more.

Lady Tenebrae, having unveiled a fraction of her motivations, raised her hands in a slow, deliberate clap—an eerie signal that echoed through the room. The shadowy figures, her cultist companions, entered once again. Among them, one held a stone-like object, an unremarkable sandstone-like rock of peculiar size and shape. Lady Tenebrae took the object, cradling it with an air of reverence, and presented it before the senator.

In tandem, two other cultists ushered in a captive—a woman with blonde hair, her features obscured by a blindfold, her mouth gagged, and her hands and arms tightly restrained. With a callous toss, they forced her to her knees, a silent and ominous tableau that unfolded in the dim-lit room. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Lady Tenebrae, holding the mysterious stone, gazed at the senator with a knowing intensity.

“Senator…this rock could make all the difference for both of our causes” she spoke, tracing her fingers in an ominous pattern around the orbit of the unassuming stone.

The senator did not flinch until the prison was brought in. At that point he stood. “What is the meaning of this?” He demanded. Lady Tenebrae was already answering, though not entirely to the unseated Senator’s satisfaction.

Jaikavi examined the artifact, and the prisoner. Each received their due attention. It seemed apparent that this relic held some power, who better to be a test subject than a prisoner. “Who is she?” The answer may also satisfy the other burning question, what will this do to her?

“This is...Jedi Master Romi Jade Romi Jade she answered, a wave of her hand signaling the two silent followers to remove the women's blindfold.

Lady Tenebrae, having unveiled the captive woman, reveled in the reveal the captive's face—Romi Jade, the Jedi Master. As Senator Jaikavi examined the enigmatic artifact, Lady Tenebrae retrieved it, her gaze never leaving Romi. Slowly, she approached the captive Jedi, holding out the mysterious stone.

Jaikavi’s eyes grew wide. “Romi Jade?” He spat, “Are you insane...”

As the artifact hovered in front of Romi, an unsettling energy emanated from it, akin to a weakened magnet drawing on her Force essence. The stone seemed to come to life, cracks spiderwebbing across its petrified surface like an egg on the verge of hatching – was it? The room brimmed with an eerie anticipation, a palpable sense of an ancient force awakening.

The senator stopped in his tracks, part way towards the door, when the artifact grabbed his attention again. “Intriguing,” he said, calmness returning.

As the mysterious artifact drained Romi of some of her Force energy, she weakened visibly. To Lady Tenebrae's delight, a small, ancient beast emerged from the cracked stone. The creature, with four legs and sharp claws, twitched its long, desiccated limbs. Tentacles surrounded its mouth, and its pale white skin accentuated the large red eyes that peered from its face. Though small in stature, the creature bore an ancient aura, and Valara reveled in the sight of this extraordinary being, now freed from its stony prison.

Jaikavi approached tentatively, his eyes moving between creature and Jedi Master. “Very…intriguing.”

She cradled the creature, “A Nameless, Senator.” She turned to the Senator, “This is the weapon you need.”

“They are so small,”
He said, eyes fixating on the creature his mind was clearly working through possible applications, “You can get more?”

“Oh, it will grow tenfold. As long as she’s alive, it will feed.”
she responded. “However, I know where we can find an army of fully grown ones for you.”

About author
Romi Jade
Exploring open & honest character development in different ways, and in different forms.


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