Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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eternal empire

  1. Ingrid L'lerim

    Major Faction Twilight of the Gods Teaser | Eternal Empire

    COMING SOON! Thanks to Annasari and Zef Halo for the template. Thanks to The Mongrel for the "Twilight of the Gods" name.

    Populate  Beach and Horror | EE Populate of Tholon (SGHW)

    We have reached the part of the year when, according to the Imperial calendar, it is summer. This means that the residents of the Eternal Empire take their leave and go on vacation during this period. This term is all about beach time, cocktails and relaxation. Maybe about palm trees and how...
  3. C

    Dominion  Words and Shadows on Karra | EE Dominion of Karra

    Peace Above All Else Karra. A world previously colonized for its potential as a mining outpost. The sapient species that called the world home pushing those potential investors out for their potential future as a whole species rather than the short term gain of greed. The ebb and flow around...

    Junction  Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)

    Mustafar; there are few iconic planets in history like this. Not just its location makes it iconic as one of the Core Worlds, or its rich history as an ancient Jedi world, or an iconic place in the Sith space. No, this planet earned its legacy with Darth Vader's reputation and stay here. It was...
  5. Ingrid L'lerim

    Junction  Mustafar: Legacies - OOC thread | AC, EE, GA, Maw

    Since this will be a larger Junction with four factions, it will also get an OOC thread to make it easier to find a dancing partner for the thread. And easier to figure out a narrative for yourself. You can already see the starting post below with the objectives. The thread will start on a...

    Faction  Look Into the Future | Tython Aftermath | EE & Friends/Allies

    Tython stands; the Eternal Empire was also there to protect the planet thanks to the Tython Accord and achieved good results there. Of course, there were deaths, self-sacrifices, but in the end, every effort paid off and the victory was in the hands of the Tython Accord. It was for these reasons...
  7. R

    Dominion  The Siege of Sump | EE Dominion of Sump

    While the Eternal Empire scored a pyrrhic victory over the Horde of the Three Warlords on Sump, after the successful assassination of two Warlords during the battle, they could not prevent the Ologuren from establishing a foothold on one of the world’s major continents. In the months after the...

    Dominion  Silence Over the Stone | EE Dominion of Isis (SGWH)

    The occupation of Hoth and Mataou brought only half success to the Eternal Empire in obtaining what it wanted. On the planet Mataou, Pralva the Hutt successfully escaped from the Mandalorians seeking his death/capture due to the simple fact that he was never really on the planet - utilising a...
  9. Niki Priddy

    Approved Starship  Priddy Broadside MK VI Frigate

    Intent: Create another Gun Frigate. Image Source: Source Canon Link: Source Permissions: Aegis SH13LD - (Open Market, Mass Produced) Phase III "Force Avenger" Energy Shield - (Permission) Queen Artificial Intelligence System - (My Submission) Solar Ray Shielding - (Open Market, Mass Produced)...

    Junction  Eternal Crusade: Calm Before the Storm (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Javin+Bavva/Florn

    Among the horrors of war, it must not be forgotten that this part of the year symbolises renewal. And the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade will jointly go to the Galactic Alliance to defend Tython, which the Maw was about to attack. In the pre-war period, especially in such an important battle...
  11. Darth Solipsis

    Annihilation  Shatterpoint: BotM Annihilation of GA held Tython

    Site Administrator: Tefka Annihilation Duration: April 15th - May 15th Attackers Defenders Brotherhood of the Maw and the New Sith Order Darth Solipsis Jem Fossk The Mongrel Darth Caelitus Tu'teggacha Kralmus Orr Darth Mori Khamul Kryze Kyrel Ren Zachariel Steelblood Darth Ptolemis...

    Dominion  Kiss of the Hutt | EE Dominion of Hoth and Mataou (SGWH)

    What do Corellian Trade Spine, Hoth and Mataou have in common? Aside from all three entities being adjacent to the Eternal Empire, they all are in very close proximity to the Hoth Hypergate. Be that as it may, the place is also very important for trade, and on the other hand, it has historical...
  13. Ingrid L'lerim

    The Road to Tython - Ingrid L'lerim

    Thanks to Annasari for the template.
  14. Silhana Cadera

    Faction  New Home Party | EE Mandalorians

    Silhana Lolaes'ra Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild Objective: Having fun! Location: Larges cantina in Dral Calyiu'r, Evaar'la Yaim Equipment: 2x PV-16...
  15. Darth Solipsis

    Major Faction Broadcast to Galaxy | Road to Tython

    Denizens of the Galaxy, on this day we mark a transition. For thousands of years, the Jedi have brought stagnation and apathy to what was supposed to be the crux of civilized achievement. Nestled in their cradles of power, they protected the bloated hypocrisies and corrupt politicians who would...
  16. Ingrid L'lerim

    Approved Vehicle  TFQ-72 "Ergjandi" Air Support

    Intent: To create a drone or flying fighter for the Open Market and the Eternal Empire. Image Source: All art and gif from the Killzone: Shadowfall Gif and art by Killzone wiki Background 1 Background 1 Headers by Kainan Wolfe / Darth Tacitus Picture border, divider by me. Canon Link: N/A...
  17. Ingrid L'lerim

    Approved Tech  The Mininauts

    Intent: To create toys/warfigures based on Eternal Empire's Ultranaut Corps. Image Source: Killzone ( ChillZone ) by Marcos DomenechPro Helghan Soldier by Mattbag3D Headers by Kainan Wolfe / Darth Tacitus Picture border, divider by me. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  18. Tyth'xio

    Character  Tyth'xio The Librarian

    "I am a man of eternal duality. On one side I am a scholar, a researcher and creator. On the other hand I'm also really bored." NAME: Tyth'xio the Librarian FACTION: Eternal Empire, The Petrite Order (Secretly), RANK: Knight Warden, Commadore, Volume (Secretly) SPECIES: Mutated and...

    Junction  Eternal Crusade: Next Steps (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Abraxas/Telos

    The Maw's previous attack was eventually repulsed, albeit at a great loss. Ashlan Crusade and members of the Eternal Empire also suffered large losses when the enemy also used orbital bombardment on the southern front. Because of this, for example, The Mongrel could not be killed or captured...

    Dominion  Frosty Grasp | EE Dominion of Ichtor 8 and Balis-Baurgh (SGWH)

    The Ichtor 8 was a personal significance to the Eternal Empress, it was the turning point where she finally decided to turn her back on the CIS and return fully to the Eternal Empire and only serve the empire led by Darth Tacitus again. This was the place where an eternal friendship was made...
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