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Private After A Thousand Years A Palpatine Returns


The Diplomatic Cruiser descended on the City World like wings of silver that trekked a path once trod in the sky. The chrome haul shimmered in the sun set light of beautiful orange, traffic ceasless as ships at multiple level of the planet like arteries and veins flowing with light. On board was a wan in grey fur with a hood, and beneath brown robes of The Jedi.

After a thousand years a Palpatine was returning to the once capital of The Great Republic, now The Galactic Alliance. Mara stood with anticipation as the ship sat down on a hovering landing pad near The Jedi Temple. The great spires of the Hollowed Place rose to touch the skyline, as the ramp of Diplomatic ship extended, Mara began to walk down it and feel the rush of wind on her face manufactured by the ceaseless passing of ships and speeders. She closed her eyes as he felt the pulse of the Great Ciry, stretching out his hand she could feel life everywhere, it was intoxicating, and numbing. Opening her eyes she saw not too far away a Man, his complexion was dark and his stature robust and even regal. She at once knew it was her new Master Jax Thio Jax Thio who no doubt had come to meet her upon her arrival.

Mara had been very patient, The Council hesitant to have a Palpatine be trained. While it was true her ancestor Rey Palpatine was in her favor in training, her other ancestor Sheev Palpatine was not only a Sith Lord but one who destroyed The Republic and committed genocide of the Jedi in the Order 66. So the jury was split, she could live up to Light or fall to the Dark. Mara was resolved to live up to the former, she had even been practicing a form of Force Severance that cut her off from The Force for a couple of hours when she felt the Dark Side pulling at her strongly.

The Padawan Learner made her way towards Jax and The Temple which caught her gray eyes. Her short curly red locks swaying in the wind, including the braided strand that identying herself as an Apprentice.
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Location: Jedi Temple
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Mara Palpatine Mara Palpatine

"Somehow Palpatine returned."

That was something that Jax never thought he would say in his life. To be tasked in training of all things: A fracking Palpatine. The person who single handedly defeated the Jedi and created the Galactic Empire through careful planning and manipulation. Palapatines machinations are still felt 900 years later as there are still many Imperial remnants who are desperately trying to bring back the days of the Empire. Hard to believe that the Emperor had children though Palpatine did clone himself during his reign.

Jax heard of this Rey Palpatine who was supposedly, Palpatine's granddaughter but there were scant records of Rey. According to the Jedi Librarian Droid, he doubts that this Rey Palpatine even existed at all. So was this Mara really a Palpatine or was just a powerful Jedi. There were many people over the years who claimed to be a Skywalker, a Kenobi, a Solo, everything. "Clearly they have not heard of the ancestry Holosite." Jax thought. "
Just trace your damn lineage, It's free."

The Jedi Master saw Mara approaching him and he bowed. "Greetings..... Palpatine," Jax said. "I was assigned to be your Master, my name is Jax Thio."

TAG: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Mara gave a bow at the meetinf of her Master.

It is my honor to be your apprentice Master.”

She had waited quite some time to be a Padawan. The reluctance of The Council did not cause any resentment in her. She k rw what dark blood flowed in hed veins, wven if no one really believed she was a Palpatine, she did. The bouts of Bogan asserting itself had urged her to learn Force Severance, to tame the temptation by cutting it off for a few hours.

Looking at Master Jax Thio Jax Thio who she would now follow and glean wisdom from, Mara motioned with her eye brow arching and eyes to the great spires of the Jedi Temple.

The Temple is as majestic as I expected. Long have I hoped to see it with my own eyes.”

She hoped some small talk might aqauint them, she was nervous, she had built up this moment in her mind over the so many years. She tried to control her elation, but she kept smiling. Her bright white teeth showing as her mouth was a gap and she drank in this precious time.

The ships swirled around, oaying them no heed. Two Jedi before the Temple in the sunset, nothing special to Coruscant, but special to her. Mara saw this as the culmination of her hopes, to be given a chance to serve in The Jedi Order and bring peace to the galaxy. A heavy calling, but noble and worthy.

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