Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Dangerous Bedfellows | The Slice Syndicates



Chaos is good for business, yet the galaxy is a dangerous place for distinguished business people. It is only a matter of time that ambitious factions will bat their eyes towards the power vacuum in the region. Today, we gather in VOLSINII, BRACCA, with a clear intention. This is a show of unity and strength, that it is possible for our syndicates to work alongside each other, that The Slice will remain independent from the superpowers of the galaxy, and that the underworld's reign will not end.

So it begin, a new, promising era of glory, opportunities, and prosperity. Volsinii is flooded with career criminals, both from the three syndicates, and the ones who operate independently, in anticipation of the GALA PARTY held by CRYMORAH SYNDICATE in GRAND HOTEL VOLSINII. The Grand Satrap of CRYMORAH SYNDICATE, Karsten Halak Karsten Halak , the Hand of ECLIPSE, Corvex, and the Umbral Queen of UMBRAL LOTUS, Jester Jester will have their enclosed meeting, before joining the rest of the syndicates, with a promise that the business will flourish, as it has been for the good parts of the last century.


For the three bosses only!

The agreement has been signed, now it's time to jump to the meat. There is a lot to be discussed, so let's discuss and get familiar with a drink on hand.


Time to get familiar with your future colleagues, employers, rivals, everything in-between. Networking is key in this world. Numbers of underbosses, enforcers, fixers, and independent contractors will be in this convention hall, so what are you waiting for? Get going, expand your network, and discover lucrative opportunities.


The street of Volsinii is full of unique amusements, from high-end casino to underground fighting pits. Go explore the city and find whatever sightings you can. Or, stay in orbit, within the familiar warmth of your space ship.

OOC: Criminals and adjacents are more than welcomed in the thread!​



TAG: Corvex | Jester Jester



Chaos. Such a fascinating state of the galaxy, it is. Business has been good the last nine months. Turns out, it didn't take too long for the entirety of Crymorah Syndicate to adjust to the new regime, to come to terms with the coup that took place, and the reality behind it. The coup might be driven partly by personal revenge. I wouldn't deny that fact, no. In fact, I'll proudly assert, on any possible occasions, that there's a price to pay if you ever try to double-cross me. However, it is also undeniable how the syndicate has stagnated for way too long, complacent of the stable yet unimpressive growth by circumstances, decadent from the wealth made by a simple luck of being the first and biggest player in the region in the aftermath of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Unsustainable, proven when it all finally caught up the past three years, when our profit dipped and players such as Eclipse and Umbral Lotus breached our market so easily.

Speaking of Eclipse and Umbral Lotus, here we are today, in Bracca, receiving them as guests, the first gesture of our pact. Truth be told, I would rather blast all of them in the face with a scattergun, take everything for Crymorah. However, I rose to power too late, and the two have become too strong for Crymorah to take on in hostility. So, I did the next best thing, sit down with them in moot, reach a mutually beneficial agreement, and sign the pact. It's like a game theory where we all took the safe option, because going to war is too risky in the current landscape of the region.

That's why I am waiting in the meeting room of this building, a hotel in uptown Volsinii, the only city that is decent enough to receive guests on Bracca, waiting for the arrival of the Hand of Eclipse and the Umbral Queen of Umbral Lotus. On one hand, it's a good gesture, a sign that our region is entering a new era, an era of flourishing business and peace on the streets of our respective domains. On the other hand, there is so much to discuss. Of the rapid expansion of the Galactic Alliance. Of the resurgence of the Sith on their ancestral homeworlds. Of the Rimward Trade League's stance and actions against criminal syndicates. Of the crusading Mandalorians. Of the newly established Imperial regime, so close to our systems. Most importantly, of the opportunity to aggressively expand our operations across the region and beyond. The portion Crymorah lost to the other two shall be reaped from other places, and this alliance is exactly what we need for a swift and expeditious expansion.​

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Tags: Open


"Chit, this wine ass," Luck laughed as he took a swig of his drink.

Uhg, parties. What a load of barnacles. Luck's scene was a dimly lit alleyway with rain pouring and blood soaking the walls. He wasn't here to make money, far from it. This was exclusively for chaos. To that end the witch maybe saw himself as higher than the lowly criminals around him. To be fair though, he always thought of himself as higher than others. That wasn't new. Things would get more exciting, at least. Luck was done with the Sith. They're were so content to sit themselves in their little corner of the Outer Rim and coast by. He was done sitting around and waiting for the world to end itself.

At least he could get wasted. That could still his boredom.






Corvex's boots thudded against the durasteel platform, heavy and unmistakable as he made his way through the docks. He'd just arrived on Bracca, and already he missed the comforts of Boz Pity. It certainly wasn't the shining jewel of the Rim, but at least he had more eyes and ears on Eclipse's host world. Here he felt... naked.

It didn't help that the premise of this little moot seemed too good to be true. A coming together between three of the Rim's most prestigious syndicates since perhaps the Hutts, or even the Black Suns? Corvex expected a bullet in the back more than he did an amiable agreement. After all, he himself had become the Hand of Eclipse at the end of a smoking barrel. And his spies told him that Karsten Halak Karsten Halak had taken Crymorah's helm in very much the same way. He knew little of Jester Jester and Umbral Lotus, but he'd worked alongside - and against - pirates long enough to doubt their intentions.

But perhaps he was being too rash. Too quick to alienate those who could become powerful allies.

If nothing else, this would be an opportunity to size up the competition. Their neck of the woods had gotten very interesting, very quickly. Jedi and the Alliance poking around, Mandalorians raiding the locals, Imperial resurgents making their moves... if there ever was a time to cooperate with other criminal elements, it would be now.

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Location: Volsinii
Objective: Meet with the new Lords of the Slice
Tags: Corvex Karsten Halak Karsten Halak

Inventory: In bio

The Umbral Queen stood in the corridor meeting with her advisor and confidante Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn one last time before the start of this meeting. What was said between the two women, one green and one white was anyone's guess, but as the umbaran disappeared to attend her own tasks, Jester walked away with a confident smile prepared to meet with her newest associates.

The arrangements had, of course been carried out prior to this with much wrangling over position and the different bosses flexing what each of them brought to the table. For her part, Jester's Umbral Lotus was technically speaking the smallest and youngest partner to the syndicate. But she had managed to leverage her connections around the galaxy, within the black sun and the old empire to secure a position of strength amongst the triad of syndicates. She wasnt aware that both of the other syndicate heads were having similar musings about their relative positions. She arrived at the meeting room, walking past the armed guards with a smile.

" Corvex Karsten Halak Karsten Halak its a pleaaure to see you both." Her pleasant Mirialian voice made her seem much less threatening than she really was, but she was here to make friends of course, seeming friendly was part of the mission today.

"My people have told me your dock crews have been very accommodating. Our soldiers should all be meeting each other too about now, are we placing bets on who throws the first punch?" The beautiful woman laughed and grabbed a drink. Raising it in a toast too her new allies and to the syndicate. Her flagship along with several other Lotus pirate ships had made the journey here and now several dozen shuttles and other vessels had made their way to the Volsinii docks for some rest and relaxation, or otherwise to purchase repair services from their hosts.

"To new friends and future prosperity!" she downed the drink and placed her cup down before taking her place at the table.

Life in black and white




The monochromatic form of the Umbaran Lotus walked into the social room where a multitude of different criminals were gathering and getting to know each other. She looked across at the bar where rows of expensive sparkling wine were lined up for the guests. She held out her hand and one of the glasses folded into her possession. She didnt drink much, she didn't see the point, but these people often preferred you if you did, so she would. She muttered something to herself as she felt guidance coming to her as to how to proceed tonight.

Ashé was in a special position of trust in the Umbral Lotus, she had the ear of Jester Jester and would be her advanced representative at this gala, the woman would observe, and mingle where sppropriate to try and gather strands of information that she could relay to her employer. She stepped calmly to one side the moment before a drunken lout barrelled past her, tripping on his own inebriation. <<I suggest you leave, you embarrass the Queen tonight with your antics and do not make it home>> she telepathically told the man as she walked past without her expression changing. The man looked up at her with a questioning look, but she had mover on and taken a position leaning up against one of the large pillars that held up the ceiling.

She considered dancing as she allowed the music in the room to permeate her, but she would wait and watch who else arrived first.
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Kreak Sinn


A gala party? Hosted by Rase's Crymorah? Did I hear it wrong? The guy hates everything about this, all the extravagant displays of wealth. It has been one of the main things we love to debate on. He has always been an eritstic person, from a very young age. To see him succeeding in something he always worried about, I can't help but take pride in that. We might disagree on so many things, our work might clash from time to time, but he was still my apprentice. One of the finest on top of that.

It's something I've always been good at, identifying, taking, and training young bloods who have knacks and potential for the business. A lot of people who enter the business do it out of necessity. Those are the types who will get 20 years of jail, or have their bodies found in the gutter. I just happen to know which ones are not that type. A critical ability to have in my job.

It's half of the reason why I am here today. Those youngsters, growing up within the slums of Bracca, Boz Pity, Kintan, you name it, they saw how the syndicates run the street they lived in, and they think that's the best opportunity they have. For the average of the population, they might be the case. Not for the few promising gems. I'm here to convince those young folks that they don't want to be tied down by the syndicates, that they want to enjoy a much more exciting, independent life.

And I might have found one just a few minutes after arriving. Grabbing a served wine from one of the waiters, I approached the young gentleman who seemed to be complaining about his wine. I sipped a little from my glass to confirm my suspicion. Old habits die hard, eh? So much for a fancy gala party.

"Chit, this wine ass," Luck laughed as he took a swig of his drink.​

"You don't wanna drink that one. The host's a cheapskate.", I greeted with a chuckle, while scanning the gentleman. Short, but he looks like a sturdy fellow, dressed strangely, but that's not so strange considering the crowd we have here, might be some kind of near-human. Interesting, let's see if he has what it takes.

"Come on, I can hook you up with the good chit.", I nodded my head towards the backside of the convention hall. Rase might not want to offer the luxurious selections, curse that nonce, but I know that someone on the upper rung of the organisation would have some kept and waiting back there, just in case, or to save face.

PROXIMITY: Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn
TAG: Luck | Open

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"Hmm," Thayne mused to himself with surprising sincerity. He was actually a bit impressed, for a change; Bracca had always lived in the back of his mind as a dingy scrapyard world, akin to Anaxes or Altier. A graveyard for ships and vehicles too rusted or battered to be recognizable.

Volsinii had colored Bracca in another light. Not necessarily a beautiful light, but another light for sure. It could have been Nal Hutta, after all.

As Thayne approached the venue for this little meet and greet, he was immediately struck with a nostalgic longing for the Hellmakers. The Family was far too low-key for his tastes, but they made up for with excellent cuisine and even better wine. Too bad his rifle couldn't drink alcohol. It craved clean headshots and completed contracts. That's what brought him here.


The Ghost took a seat far enough to stay inconspicuous without sacrificing his ability to eavesdrop. As it turned out, the Slice Syndicate was actually Syndicates - plural. Three different organizations, each with their own mysterious leaders, benefactors, headquarters, and rackets, somehow working together without killing one another. Maybe they would. His rifle would love the opportunity to shoot indiscriminately.

He raised his hand for a waiter, a young Twi'lek girl with olive skin and a charming smile.

"Something strong, on the rocks," Thayne said, holding a credit chip between his index and middle fingers.

Tags: Luck | Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Zarr Hextal | + OPEN




"You don't wanna drink that one. The host's a cheapskate.",

"Come on, I can hook you up with the good chit.",

"Thanks, pal, but I'll pass," Luck answered casually. "Doesn't need to taste good. I just need a buzz."

Luck turned to the man, eyeing him up. A tall fellow, Arkanian, quite the mug. That was a face that someone could love. Regardless, the gentleman was older looking, maybe edging out of middle aged. Or middle aged for a near-human anyways. Luck was a witch. He was a fresh adult, but amongst his own that was nothing. A drop in the bucket.

"I'm just here to remind everyone my name is on the roster," he noted. "Parties ain't my scene, I'm afraid, but the idea of getting out in the field gets my blood pumpin... Until then, though, sad wine will have to suffice."

The young Sith leaned back against the wall, grinning. He swirled his cheap wine and took another sip. The taste was already beginning to fade. Maybe he should have a little fun.

"Name's Luck," he began.

A slight wave of his hand and the space around him and the Arkanian shifted, or at least it appeared to. His illusions were top notch, the signature ability of his kind. A larger figure would appear behind the man, peering over his shoulder. He seemed to teleport and change size on a whim, even if it was a trick of the eyes.

"Eclipse brought me on to bust some heads," he explained. "Let's just say I quite like what I do."

And then he was back in his seat, back down to a regular short stature, still swirling his wine.

"Guess that makes us collaborators," Luck shrugged. "Us and that sniper fellow back there." The witch boy turned to the bar. "Hey moody, wanna join the cool kids back here?"

Location: Bracca
Objective: A New Chapter
Tags: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn , Zarr Hextal, Luck

"Heaven offers nothing that the mercenary soul can desire"

Bracca. Kes had never been to the planet but he had heard of it, chop shop of the galaxy and now the new domain of the Syndicates which the exile was now a part of. What his parents would think of him now, they had such high hopes the Kes would redeem their name. But after his foray with other Mandalorians Kes had been reminded why his opinion of 'his' own people was so low and it didn't take him long to make a return to the underworld.

The beskar clad enforcer stood like a hunter at the edge of the party, his helmet masking all emotion and intent. He slowly turned his head scanning everyone gathered, as if searching for his prey, it appeared as if he would remain there forever, hypervigilant. But the strong silent type did not suite Kes Stag, nor did being sober.

Kes strode across the gala and towards the bar, pushing past people with little concern or care. Once he reached the bar he removed his helmet revealing his face. Kes was Caucasian with a buzzcut. A long scar ran down the right side of the face and under his right eye those with sharp vision would see a small block of text which read 'adiik be dar'manda'. The Morellian had a devilish smile on his face and pointed to a bottle of corellian brandy on the shelf. "A glass of your finest." he said in an almost sarcastic tone before tossing a few credits on the table.

With a glass in his hand his attention had turned to a small group that had begun to congregate, Kes listening intently. Kes would be working with these people soon, they'd be come acquaintances and maybe even allies. But if there was one thing Kes knew about the underworld is that they would undoubtedly become his rivals.

With the same grin he raised his glass towards the group. "To collaboration..." he said before grabbing his helmet and meandering over. "Collaboration in whatever form that may be."

Darth Prodromus



Volsinii looks extraordinarily vibrant today. A little too much, to be honest. Crymorah Syndicate had agreed to enter an agreement with Eclipse and Umbral Lotus, which is a little bit questionable, considering the belligerent reputation of the Grand Satrap. It would've made more sense if it was the old regime, but what do I know? Perhaps the old guards were way too prideful to enter an alliance with other crime syndicates, or they had plunged our financial situation so bad that the Grand Satrap was forced to pull the trigger after taking power. Either way, the city, and especially the hotel ballroom, are a bit out of my taste.

It's quite clear when you look into it, which group of people are from Crymorah Syndicate, which ones are from Eclipse, and from Umbral Lotus. The professional-militaristic dressed are most likely Eclipse's people, or the indies who are close to them, while the Umbral Lotus people, while harder to differentiate, have a certain grace to their style. The Crymorah Syndicate people are, well, Crymorah. It's hard to explain when you grew up amongst them, you just know what we're like.

Like the group of Sarbāz that gathered close to the bar, making their prost to something. Well, maybe except one of them, a Mandalorian. There's a certain vibe that strikes him as an outsider, and not an equal of those Sarbāz. An indie perhaps, though I don't think I've ever worked with him. A decorated one if I have to guess, judging from his rugged and not-so-young face. Nevertheless, he specifically caught my attention, and it didn't take long before I approached the guy, whiskey on rock in my hand.

"Look at this crowd. I already miss the way it was before."

I worded my statement to gauge his familiarity and knowledge of Crymorah Syndicate. Not that I'm against speaking with a new member, or even an indie, I'm just interested in where he's from and what's his deal here. There's been a rapid elimination of old guards' loyalists as well as a huge influx of new members right after the Grand Satrap took control, maybe he's one of them.

"Remind me, what's your name again?"

PROXIMITY: Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Luck | Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron | Zarr Hextal
TAG: Kes Stag Kes Stag | Open


Void entered the place nonchalantly, moving as if he knew exactly where he was and what he was doing there. In reality, he had never been here before and knew nobody, though he had come across some particularly interesting information about a party being held here, a party that rather intrigued him. A party where he could potentially make some interesting connections, perhaps even take on some thrilling jobs. He didn't much care about the pay, considering he had zero necessary living expenses. His body didn't need sustenance nor maintenance. He technically didn't even need sleep, though he still did; he even dreamed now and then.

He walked through the crowd of people. He wondered how many were here for the introductions, and how many were here for the free drinks. Not that he cared either way. As long as the night wasn't completely boring, it would be well worth coming here. One of his droid brains automatically scanned each person he saw, matching them with any public profiles they might have. One young man he saw was messing with an older man with Force Illusions. Interesting. As he walked over, he caught the tail end of what was being said.

"Eclipse brought me on to bust some heads," he explained. "Let's just say I quite like what I do."

"Eclipse? I'm guessing that's one of the benefactors here. Name's Void. Some people just call me V. I don't really care either way." To anyone here, Void would appear no more than just a regular human, perhaps even a cyborg. And he was perfectly fine with that. He was even able to hide his Force-sensitivity, though he wasn't quite sure how he did it. Probably something he had learned from before he had lost his memory. It didn't matter. That was all in the past.





The Galactic Underworld was once again teaming with activity as various rumors circulated throughout cantinas and shadow ports of a large criminal gathering occurring on Bracca and the dawn of a new criminal power. Such a thing had occurred in the past with the Hutt Republic and the Hutt Space Consortium but they rarely lasted long enough to establish themselves as a formidable force in the Underworld. This was an rare opportunity to squeeze oneself into the emerging powerbases and that is exactly why Brequrrbass the Hutt was here.

Taking time to immerse himself in the architecture of the Grand Hotel Volsinii before entering inside to establish connections with the various underbosses, enforcers, information brokers and independent contractors invited by the three most powerful syndicates at the gathering. Although many of the patrons would see him as nothing short of repugnant and untrustworthy, which they were totally right in their thinking but he had certain connections around the galaxy which could be exploited in a desirable partnership.

Glancing around the crowd with his one good eye before slithering over to the bar within the establishment in order to purchase a drink.

"Pardon me, O'Chum. I'd like to request something strong but not to overly strong.." He said in Galactic Basic to the bartender. Keeping himself at distance from the nearby crowd in order to avoid a fight if it broke out.


[Nearby Tags:] Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn Ereškigal Kes Stag Kes Stag Luck Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron Zarr Hextal


Kael Syddi




Location: Volsinii, Bracca, Grand Hall
Equipment: Left Bracer, Refurbished Armor atop Kinetic Padded Bodyglove, Retractable Eye Covers with HUD Display, Rebreather/Translator Mask
Tags: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron | Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Zarr Hextal | Luck | Brequrrbass the Hutt

The being attending the food spread held their hands up defensively. As if it would diffuse the looming figure in front of them that had both sets of arms bracing them over the table and staring them down.

Two eyes on the left side glaring in blatant anger at the denial of their request.

"We. We don't offer. Live. Food. On the-"

"Why not? Lots of... things here? This looks fancy. But don't have live food?" The translator mask putting a hiss to the end of his words in an attempt to convey his angry native language.

"We don't serve live food on the table. It's-"

"Stupid. Stupid walking meat. You bring live food. Now!" Leaning further across the table, rattling the display as his whole body shook with anger.

"We don't serve it on the floor! But you can-"

"You bring Gizka! You bring, something. Live! Not dead! Dead is nasty!" If it wasn't for the combination mask the sound of spitting might have been more than a severe buzz as he pushed away from the table and crossed both sets of arms.

Staring at the being before making a shooing motion with the abdominal arms expectantly.

Unsure of the recourse for ignoring the request, the near human hesitantly abandoned their post and disappeared. Leaving Kael standing at the buffet glaring at the empty spot.

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"Hey moody, wanna join the cool kids back here?"

Thayne snorted.

“Are you even old enough to drink that?” he mused with a smirk, standing and pushing his chair in.

It never hurt to make friends, he supposed. Although the table he was called to looked like the start of a bad joke; a Hutt, a Sith, and a Kaasian walk into a bar…

His approach was stopped short when a four-armed alien tossed the buffet table. Thayne’s fingers drifted over the blaster pistol clipped to his belt, but he held from drawing it. The big alien stood cross-armed, pissed about the food. Thayne clicked his tongue, diverting his path and strolling next to the hungry brute. He crossed his legs and leaned against Kael Syddi as if he were a brick wall.

“Order it rare,” the killer said with a smile.

“It’s as close to ‘live’ as you’re gonna get around here, but at least it’ll bleed.”


Kreak Sinn


"HAAAA, you're a sorcerer! MAKE 'EM DANCE!", an erratic cackle escaped my mouth before I could suppress it, this is funny. "OY big guy, you want a shot?" I snorted at the illusion, practically begging for it to actually come and join us. Yet, it was a different stock of spooks that suddenly poured into the vicinity.

"That makes us collaborators, yes. But you, V, you seem even newer here, not tied up to anyone yet I presume." I addressed my statement both to Luck, V, and to the newcomer, the sniper Luck called earlier, who just jumped in to the small group. Considering that Luck is employed by Eclipse at the moment, there's not much to do than to sway good words, for future consideration. It's the way we work. I keep indies on the roster, I pull out the best deals out of my pocket. "I'm Zarr Hextall by the way, I work with people who wants, let's just say, a more laxxed working agreement."

Before long, another flew into our proximity. IT'S AN ACTUAL BIG GUY. I grinned at Luck as the big guy asked for something, not raw, ALIVE.

“Order it rare,” the killer said with a smile.

“It’s as close to ‘live’ as you’re gonna get around here, but at least it’ll bleed.”

"Oh come on, don't be a killjoy. What you want Zarr can get. I can get you the breathing folks, let's go." I extended the offer to the Cha'ta'ri. They must've something on the back, I know that some loony on Rase's crew also have a taste for live food. If not, then we'll explore the Volsinii street. There's enough degenerate lurking to find something, anything, your heart desires.

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Location: Bracca
Objective: A New Chapter
Tags: Focus: Ereškigal | Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn , Zarr Hextal, Luck Kael Syddi Brequrrbass the Hutt

"Heaven offers nothing that the mercenary soul can desire"

Kes' attention was quickly turned to the green twi'lek, his eyebrow perked up slightly. He was a newer addition to the Syndicate, and while he enjoyed the freedom of working as independent gunrunner, he knew that it was a path that would take him nowhere. He had smuggled weapons many times in this sector beforehand, that's how he got acquainted with the Syndicate and after a few jobs as an indie, where the door opened to become an official part of Crymorrah.

The morellian took a sip of his drink before speaking. "Ain't been around long but from what I seen from the rest of the Syndicate's holdings this is ah..." he paused to find his words, "Not something I'd thought the boss would be into." Kes believed he looked like a fish out of water at the party compared to the relative finery of everyone else, in fact even his battered armour bare of any honours and ceremonial signets wouldn't be fit for a Mandalorian feast. Perhaps this made him fit into the Syndicate even better, new as he was Kes seemed to have already embraced Crymorah's rugged and utilitarian attitude to life.

"Kes Stag." he said answering Ereškigal's question. "The 'new guy' of Crymorah, and before that gunrunner extraordinaire." he smirked as he spoke. He vaguely recognised the twi'lekand while he certainly hadn't received a dozen lectures on the structure of Crymorah he had done his own research. From the way she spoke she certainly wasn't one of the Eclipse or Lotus lot, and Kes dared to label her as a Sarbāz, still he'd need to know more.

He set his drink down on a nearby standing table and spoke again. "So what's your deal? You definitely weren't with the joiners I came in with and sounds like you were there, the 'way it was' before."


| Location | Fighting Pits - Volsinii, Bracca
| Objective | BYOO - Blow off some steam
| Focus | Open

Zayah stepped off the transport as it arrived on Bracca, apparently some social gathering as smaller gangs and syndicates were getting together at the Volsinii Grand Hotel. Social gatherings were not typically in her MO, so she had one of her underlings that had accompanied her to Bracca go in her stead to listen and take stock on what was going on with the syndicates. After the long trip to Bracca, Zayah gave a long stretch before making her way to a particular favorite spot of hers not too far off. The rhythmic click of her boots against solid ground gave way to her arrival as she walked the streets clad in dark clothes before finally arriving at a rather crowded venue it seemed, blocked by a burly Gammorean who was either admitting customers or turning others away forcefully. Zayah simply gave the guard a curt nod as they stepped off to the side and let her through.
The shouts of cheers mixed with boos filled the overcrowded and bustling area surrounding a caged ring as two fighters were slugging it out against each other. A solid hook connects with the opponent as the crowd cheers wildly, raising their bottles and glasses as liquor splashes while they watched the struck fighter stagger, looking ready to go down before finding the strength to steady their footing and get their guard back up. It wouldn't matter though as his opponent swiftly broke their guard and came in with a vicious uppercut that sent the fighter falling backward and onto the ground, his face bleeding as the announcer's voice would crackle to life to narrate the fight, " OOH AND THERE GOES YORROW! IT'S LIGHTS OUT! GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR REIGNING CHAMPION TODAY - BLOKKOOOOOOOO. WHO WILL BE NEXT AND TAKE THEM ON? "
Zayah quietly made her way over to the bar and waved down the bartender who hurriedly made their way over with a grin that was missing some teeth, " The usual Bane? " The Besalisk bartender was already reaching for a glass and several bottles as nearby patrons glanced over at her and scooted away to give Zayah some space. Zayah simply gave a dismissive wave and nod as she turned and leaned back against the counter to observe the monitor of the ring as the loser of the last round was dragged out and a new fighter stepped in, the announcer's voice blaring to life, " AND COMING FROM NOWHERE IN PARTICULAR, HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGERRRRR. PLACE YOUR BETS AND GET RICH, BUT REMEMBER - ALL BETS ARE FIIIIIINAAAAAAAAAL! " Zayah reached back and picked up her drink that had been made, holding it to her lips as her eyes were locked on the screen as she took in a slow, deep sip before sighing appreciatively and holding the glass in hand as her elbows rested against the counter.




After a few moments of waiting the bartender slid the drink down the counter into his awaiting hand. Bringing the most vile of concoctions towards parted lips as the liquid flowed and flowed down the endless maw of Brequrrbass. There were signs in the air that today was going to be a good day to sell all kinds of exotic wares liberated from the galactic powers of now and old. The Empire's collapse had already flooded the black markets and shadow ports with off brand imperial equipment and former stormtroopers no longer needed for the war effort against the Galactic Alliance.

Observing the present crowd around him as the glass was emptied with a slight adjustment to his monocle-computer resting perfectly over plump features. The Slice Syndicates were certainly not lacking in terms of manpower given the amount of mercenaries and hired guns floating around the Grand Hotel. Of course they could not exactly compete with a professional military in a head to head confrontation, but there was little reason to suggest such a thing when criminals liked to avoid such discoveries.

Brequrrbass glanced over to the fighting arena and spotted someone resting upon the counter in the form of Zayah Bane Zayah Bane who seemed rather preoccupied with the spectacle. He might as well introduce himself to a future partner as making connections was useful in the criminal underworld if one wanted to avoid death in the near future.

Slithering over towards her spot, after needlessly throwing the glass onto the counter.

"I take it you are not one for crinminal parties, are you..Miss.." He paused not exactly knowing her name.

[Nearby] Kes Stag Kes Stag Ereškigal Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn Zarr Hextal Luck Kael Syddi



ASSOCIATES: Zayah Bane Zayah Bane | Brequrrbass the Hutt
LOCATION: -redacted-
TIME: -redacted-

Jobs led where they did, and also where they didn’t. Pulse had been out of work for too long because his crew was force knew where. The Cinder job had gone sideways somehow, and the edgerunner needed a little different scenery for a while. At least there was one thing he could count on when it came to seedy underbelly typy locations.


There were noodle bars just about everywhere, and while there was nothing like the ones back on Denon, Pulse could be content for now.

He grinned as the call for a couple of fighters rang out over the lobby. He could fight, and it always got him credits. RIght now he did not care where they came from or what he had to do to get them.

“So just be sure you go down.”

Except that.

Pulse shook his head as he walked to the ring. Nothing about this smelled right. If he went down there were certainly a lot of credits in it for him, but he was too good to just take a fall and throw the match. Besides, a quick run of the odds the payout for winning was better than if he lost. If this was a business transaction these guys weren’t too good at it.

Hopefully the guy wasn’t too big. Pulse wouldn’t mind losing if it was fair, but he really wanted the winner’s purse.

“Hey,” he called out for the manager as he ran back toward him. “How about this… I am not interested in unseating your champ… but I’m not interested in being your fall guy.”

There was a stern look shot in Pulse’s direction.

“Wait, hear me out. Open up a new line… for a one time match. If I win I get the same in credits as the winner’s purse for the next match. That’s all I’m after. And the kicker… If I knock your guy around a little and then he pulls a in the next match after… makes him look even more of a bad bot… hmm?”

A small nod was the only agreement he was given.

It was time to show everyone what he had, and get some credits along the way. Hopefully this would lead to some work. Could never know who was watching.​

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