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Approved Tech Kaan's Hidden Blade

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Intent: Personal weapon for Kaan

Development Thread: If Required

Manufacturer: Self

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Open market

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Material: Quadranium, Brass, Leather

Classification: Retractable Wrist Blade

Size: Forearm

Gauntlet Length: Approx 25cm

Blade Length: Approx 20cm

Weight: 0.50 kgs

Special Features: Spring loaded mechanism. Retractable.

The best way to inflict pain upon a person was not through manipulation of the mind, or the administration of toxins; it was to pierce flesh and muscle with a blade. To look in their eyes as death crept up on them, and to see everything in the final moments as the blade went in. Kaan was a novice on controlling the Force, but was not adverse to fashioning metals and weapons, and so constructed this Kunai blade and gauntlet to wear for self-defence and also aggressive attacks.

The blade, worn atop the right arm on a leather gauntlet, is deployed from within with a spring force by the mechanism. This is activated by pulling back the hand and effectively pushing out with the taught wrist muscle on a spring. To retract the blade, there is a small motor on the base of the gauntlet fixed to the end of the blade itself which can be pressed to retract the blade back up. It has enough power to easily pierce flesh and muscle. The gauntlet is fixed to the arm by two leather straps.

Yet this blade is only metal, and can break if struck by a strong, blunt force or snapped between two strong forces. There is always the possibility the blade can be dipped in a toxin or poisonous venom before piercing the skin, but this is solely if there is something in the near vicinity to use. It is nothing but a blade to inflict pain and cause death.

If it's a powerful spring load, you're likely going to need to use the other hand to lock it back into place surely?

(sorry, very minor question I know! :D )
[member="Raziel"] You know, that's what I originally thought but I wanted to make him look cool having it retract alone rather than him fumbling trying not to slice his other hand off putting it back! :p

BUT I can certainly edit it for sure if you'd like - or even having to push the blade into a solid surface like a stone wall or metal floor to push it back up into place.
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