Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Morning Person (Noah)

Bella Thorn

Bella broke out into complete laughter at Noah's apparent fear. "There's a reason I have a hired pilot" she said as she did a roll mid-air, missing a few more ships. She only sped up, going faster than any of the traffic.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah almost puked when Bella did a roll and looked for anything to puke in,in case she did one again. "Bella,sweety,unless you want your interior puke green,I suggest you don't do another roll."

Bella Thorn

Bella laughed even louder and brought the ship to a hover. "Is wittle Noah getting sick?" she asked in the tone of a toddler. She got up and sat on his lap, putting her arm around him. "You okay now?"

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah blew out a sigh of relief when the ship came to a hover. When she asked if was alright in a toddlers voice,he gave her a smirk. "I'm more use to flying on cruisers,frigates,corvettes and star destroyer,big ships that don't jerk and jank around." Noah then smiled even wider when Bella came and sat in his lap and put her arm around him,to which he responded by putting his arms around her waist. "Well,I can think of a few ways to make it better."

Bella Thorn

Bella giggled and asked him "What would that be?" She then told the autopilot to bring the ship back in slowly

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah smiled and then moved his hands from her hips up to her face and brought her face in and kissed her. After a few seconds,Noah pulled back and smiled. "Now,how about I show you a real ship?"

Bella Thorn

After the kiss, Bella grinned at Noah. "Well your ship is probably slower, I can tell you're not much of a speed demon" she said as the ship landed. She got up and began to walk to the exit

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
"Combat,fighting,blood,guts and gore. I can do that. I'm a adrenaline junkie,but flying is one thing I cannot handle. Oh by the way we're going to have to take your ship to get to mine." Noah called out to her as she began to walk,still sitting in his seat with a grin.

Bella Thorn

"Well where the kark is it?!" she asked, confused as to why it wouldn't be in the spaceport. She walked back to the pilot's chair and waited for him to answer.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah chuckled when Bella asked where it was and cursed. "It's in orbit." Noah said as he pulled out a datapad and handed to her,on it were the correct cordinates for Noah's ship.

Bella Thorn

"Oh." she said simply, telling the autopilot to fly to the coordinates. She get up and sat back on Noah's lap. "So tell me about yourself, handsome" she said, making small talk

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah smiled as Bella began the autopilot sequence began and then came over and sat in his lap and asked him about himself. "Well,I was born here on Coruscant,the mid-levels,I was raised in a military family,my mom was from Dromun Kaas,she and my grandparents left to escape persecution,she was a nurse at a hospital. My dad was a commando in the military,I followed in his footsteps,joining the commandos and my aptitude scores put me in as a officer. After that I served 13 years and retired when I saw the Republic changing. I then joined the Protectorate and rose through the ranks to be the commander of the Omega Pyre. So how about you?"

Bella Thorn

Bella sighed and began speaking. "There's not much to me. My parents are rich, I got into the singing business and got famous pretty quick thanks to the funding I had from my parents. Now I make my own money. Nothing else to me"

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
Noah smiled suggestively after Bella had finished speaking and then straightened himself up in the chair. "Well,if you life has been so boring,I guess we'll just have to make some of our own."

Bella Thorn

"Some what?" Bella asked, seeing Noah's suggestive smile and giggling. In truth, she knew what he meant. But it would be interesting to hear him explain himself

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Bella Thorn"]
"Some memories." Noah informed with a grin as he reached and cupped her face in his hands,and then pulled her closer for a very long and very passionate kiss.

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