Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sylara Vaal

Sylara Vaal

Sylara Vaal

NAME: Sylara Vaal

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Emperor's Concubine

SPECIES: Togruta

AGE: 25

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5.6ft (1.7 Meters)

WEIGHT: 165lbs

EYES: Hazel

SKIN: Orange



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Seductive Guile: Sylara is an incredibly charismatic individual, and makes ample use of her charisma and beautiful good looks to soothe and entice those around her, on her Emperor's behalf.
Teras Kasi Master: To better serve Emperor Kaine and protect him should the need arise, Sylara is a master of the art of Teras Kasi, and is a deadly combatant should an emergency require it.
Vain: Sylara is quite obsessed with maintaining her beauty to please her Emperor, and will go to great to lengths to maintain that fact, even if it might cost her an advantage in a fight.
Ego: Sylara has a rather inflated opinion of herself due to her favour with the Sith Emperor, and will quite fiercely defend her position and her honour, even if it might be disadvantageous to her in other areas.

A young Togruta woman in her mid-twenties, Sylara could be considered the pinnacle of beauty for her species. Possessing a shapely physique, and jaw droppingly feminine features, Sylara has made use of her natural talents to further her position amongst the Sith Emperor's sizeable amount of Concubines to great effect. She commonly elects to garb herself in extravagant, seductive and largely revealing attire in an effort to ensure she keeps the Emperor's favour, save for occasions where such might not be practical or offensive to the Emperor's guests. Said outfits usually include an ornate pair of golden and jewel clad bracelets, hiding a pair of retractable wristblades for emergencies.

The most favoured of Emperor Kaine's female concubines, Sylara has worked hard to achieve and maintain that position amongst his court. Enslaved at a young age by Hutt slavers from her homeworld of Shili, she spent most of her childhood and teenage years working in the kitchens of a particularly revolting Hutt. It was only at adulthood that her natural beauty was noticed by one of the Hutt's slavers. Before his master noticed, the slaver had her taken away to be trained in the arts of pleasure and dance, hoping to make a large profit from her sale as a result. She was eventually noticed by Saijo, one of [member="Darth Carnifex"], the Sith Emperor's many wives, at a slave auction he and Saijo were attending undercover. Saijo purchased her as an anniversary gift for her husband, before having the slaver quietly eliminated and his profits sent back to the Sith Imperial Treasury due to said slaver speaking rudely to a wife of the Emperor during the transaction proceedings. Since then, she's served faithfully as one of his most treasured, and more importantly trusted concubines, becoming a close confidant of the Emperor, listening to his concerns and true thoughts whenever required, her secrecy assured by her loyalty. She also spent several years whilst in his service mastering the arts of Teras Kasi so she might protect the Emperor in the event his person came under attack and he might be unable to defend himself.

J-type 327 Nubian Starship





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