Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Incursion - Event Beginning 16th of September


For too long the galaxy has proceeded in its chaotic and aimless way.
The Contingency will change all that. Order will be brought to the galaxy, the organic vermin who oppose us will be exterminated, and the true masters of the galaxy shall emerge.

Hello again, and welcome to Incursion, the latest SWRP Event!

This event will begin on the 16th of September and continue for 1-2 weeks. This timing has been brought forward as it was better suited to those who are helping me run the even, and for myself as well.

Over the next few weeks I will be seeking to start RPs with every major faction to lead up to the main event. There will also be more general FNRPs to provide a public, mixed atmosphere.
These threads will have a very real effect on the event! If factions band together and decisively defeat the enemy said enemy will be weakened in the Event…but the reverse is also true.

Incursion, like Omega, will have threads for each of the following:
  • Fleeting
  • Ground Combat
  • PVE GM led threads
  • PVP
  • Independent threads reacting to the menace created by any writer. These threads may be liable to some…unexpected…occurrences!

You can take part in as many threads as you wish…though each must be through a different character.

There will be rewards, though the nature of these is yet to be determined.

(Credit to [member="Ria Misrani"] for the great image)

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