Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Two Jedi Walk Into A Bar...


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Catch up with his friend
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


At the entrance of the Jedi temple, a lone figure was leaning up against the pillar of the Jedi temple and looking out into the city in silence. The man in question, Silas Westgard was awaiting a good friend to finish up a class and join him on a small catchup. For a while, they had both been neck deep in assignments but today was one of those rare times both were free for a while. It was only when Jasper had sent him a message did things start properly coming to fruition, there was no way he was going to say no to a pal after all.

They had a lot to catch up on this standard cold night on Coruscant, such as what they've been doing all this time and more personal matters. The last time they properly talked when they had a conversation in regards to taking his padawan for a lesson. Since then, they had both been all over the place to help prevent wars from happening. A little bit of alcohol wouldn't hurt either, it was only the locals that could be a problem.

Silas knew full well how much they could drink. Barfights were his way of knowing, most of which weren't his fault by any means.

For the sake of both of them, he hoped that wouldn't be the case tonight. Being a Jedi was stressful enough, they didn't need more adding onto it where were getting investigated for potential assault.

Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Jasper made his way out of the Temple, and it wasn't long before he spotted the man waiting for him. A tired grin spread across his face. It felt like it had been ages. All things considered, it probably had been. He had been busy to no end. This was a window to escape it all, just for a little bit.

"Alright," Jasper exhaled, "Come here you stupid bastard."

He was going to give Silas a hug if it was the last thing he did.

The knight wasn't normally like this, but after some time reflecting on his semi-isolation he couldn't help but want to give what was probably his oldest friend a hug. After all, they were a dying breed, the last of a generation that had practically destroyed itself in the war. In many ways it was like Silas was brother. There weren't many other people in the galaxy who could understand the same experiences that he had. He'd give his fellow knight a firm pat on the back before moving to the steps of the temple.

"Hope your tolerance has increased," the man laughed. "I don't wanna carry you home."



Location: Coruscant
Objective: Catch up with his friend
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


"Bring it in you idiot"

Silas moved forward and met Jasper's hug with one of his own, something which he also didn't do with just anybody. Jasper was the same, and considering how much they had been through together they had every right to do so. Jasper was the brother he never had, one that he could always rely on and trust with his life. Not many Jedi in the order had that amount of trust in him. If anything, he was only one of a handful of individuals.

Pulling away from his embrace, he smirked over and nodded a few times "My tolerance will always be the same Jasper, unstoppable" the knight joked before giving him a nudge on the shoulder and moving to the stairs to begin their sacred journey to the pub "It's not like I had secret parties every time it was my birthday to build up that tolerance was it?" Silas continued, full well knowing it wasn't a known fact that Silas had done this throughout the years.

Even so, Jasper had been present at a good few of them. Especially the infamous 18 party that almost got them arrested in the city.

"Everyone in the order knows I can drink you under the table if I really want to. I've done so before, I can do it again."
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Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


"Everyone in the order knows I can drink you under the table if I really want to. I've done so before, I can do it again."

"Hey, I wasn't trying," Jasper laughed. "You've never seen me drunk before. Besides, I used to work with the stuff. I've stood behind a bar or two in my time."

He did used to be a bartender, back when he was a different kind of man. It was a fun escape, less about the alcohol and more about the people that you met. Still, he knew his way around a bottle. Jasper had seen Silas truly drink, but he always reserved himself. Perhaps it was because he didn't really feel the urge to get wasted. Still, today was a different kind of occasion. He didn't mind letting himself get a little bit of a buzz.

"I've got some bottles back home that would knock a Bantha out cold," he remarked with a grin. "I try not to use those very often, but I have a bit of left over stock from that time. Its probably aged a little by now." The knight gave a dismissive wave to the subject. "But forget about all of that. You have a place in mind?"



Location: Coruscant
Objective: Catch up with his friend
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


"Yea yea..." he said to him with a smirk "Just because you know how to make a good cocktail doesn't mean you have a good tolerance does it?"

At the end day, it was all fun and games when it came to drinking. The two of them rarely drank heavily, but when they did they were sure to make the most of it and then some. Today was not one of those days, they were drinking yet with a sense of duty in mind. They couldn't just go on a night when the enemy was quite literally on their doorstep.

"I've heard about those kinds of drinks, they can knock out people for two days straight if drank excessively. Thankfully they are hard to get, else I'd have my own bottle back on Azbrian waiting for me"

Beginning to make his way down the steps with Jasper in tow, Silas thought momentarily of the options they had. They couldn't stray too far away from the temple in case of an emergency, or find themselves in one of those dodgy bars that got them into trouble. Even with that in mind, there were still a few good bars littered around close by.

"There's this cool arcade bar called "The Screen and Pixel" which has opened a few streets away that allows you to drink and play some classic machines from eras gone by. When I curiously poked my head in a while back the bar had a broad selection, we can give that a try if you want"


Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


"Arcade bar?" Jasper remarked with a grin. "Forget outdrinking you, I'm ruining the high score of one of those machines."

Jasper was... strange. Or at least his senses were strange. He had a sort of reflex when it came to understanding technical things based upon hardware and programming. This made him very good at arcade cabinets. A lifetime of tinkering with tech and an understanding of the code that made the games tick made him really good at those sorts of games. He used to play them all the time as a padawan running around the Coruscant Underbelly unsupervised.

"Uh, witty banter aside," he continued with a chuckle, "That sounds good to me. Never really jived with the high-end stuff top side."

It wasn't his scene. He wasn't some noble, or business exec, or heir to some billion credit corp. He was, despite being a Jedi, kind of just a guy. A jarhead mechanic with a knack for building weird things.

An arcade was much more his style.



Location: Coruscant
Objective: Catch up with his friend
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


"Ha, you really think you'd beat me on that too? No chance!"

Back in his Azbrian days, Silas was an avid arcade fan. Whenever he had worked hard or done something of merit, he'd be rewarded with a trip to the arcades filled with new and classic machines with more than a few stories to tell. The screen and pixel had the same feel; if anything reminded him of his younger days, he'd be all over it. That in turn also spelled danger for Jasper, as he would be up against a master of the arcade arts.

"High end stuff ain't for us Jedi, even if I wasn't I wouldn't waste my credits on overpriced alcohol. The bars like this are better anyway, especially with the atmosphere."

Smirking slightly when they turned into the street of the pub, Silas looked back to his partner in crime "Care to make a gentlemen wager?" he said while coming to a stop only a few steps away from the front entrance "How about we play a game straight away? whoever wins has to buy first round, no matter the drink"

Either way, Silas was confident in his chances of winning.


Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


"Easiest deal of my life."

Jasper was grinning from ear to ear. He hadn't been able to just stop and have fun in a while now. It was always something, be it the Council or the Shield Core or one of his students... and then the war on top of it all? His stress was always evident in the perpetual bags under his eyes. For being a youthful man in his prime, he had suprisingly old eyes.

He would stop at the door, opening it for his friend.

"I'll even let you pick the machine," Jasper insisted. "I can play all of them."



Location: Coruscant
Objective: Catch up with his friend
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"Keep up the confidence Jasper, you'll be losing it after I leave you in the dust"

Silas gave a sinister chuckle and thanked Jasper with a small nod after opening the door for him. Once inside his eyes seemingly lit up with excitement and newfound energy, a feeling that he only reserved when it came to things going back to his childhood. Arcades helped him remember the good times he had with his parents before they passed away. In ways, it was pretty much like a key to unlock forgotten precious memories that had now long gone by.

"Now that's very brave, are you sure you want to give me such power?" he said with a smirk before shrugging "If you insist my good friend. Now, let's see..." gazing at the vintage machines there were many that he recognised from his childhood, especially one that he had spotted in the corner. He was almost tempted to pick that first, instead he was going to leave the best till last.

"How about Pod Racers Two?" Silas said with a point to the simulator "And please, before you say it Pod Racers Five is overrated and will never be as good as Two"

Heading over to the machine he sat down and got himself comfy in the seat. He didn't need to get used to the controls again, which had been long ingrained into his skull for years "Good luck, don't start crying when I send you flying into a rock" the knight taunted before giving one last parting nudge on his shoulder before the race started.

It was time to take this nerd to school.

(Upon rolling, I rolled a 1)

Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


"And please, before you say it Pod Racers Five is overrated and will never be as good as Two"

"Pod Racers Three is my go to personally," Jasper shrugged. "A bit of an underrated gem."

Jasper sat down at the cabinet and began to play. He gave a faint snicker at Silas's comments towards him. Sending him flying into a stone? That was certainly a bold claim. The knight was pretty confident in his ability to keep up with his friend. It was just a matter of getting into things.

So he began to play.


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