Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We're Still Around! A Droid Story [The Metal Lords Dominion Of Eclipse Hex]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lord Mettallum"],

The Siege Tower would suddenly shake and there would be sound of explosions as blue surface of a deflector shield flashed over them,

"Son of a-"

HK sounded out, gripping to the edge of his commanding throne to not fall off accidentally as the frigate was hit by a stray barrage from the same Sith listening outpost that waited for ships straying too close towards Eclipse that now tangled with some of the Metal Lord ships, with boarding actions quickly engaging between the two,

"Lord Mettallum-"

The droid was about to bark orders at the other Metal Lord to go and intervene when he cut himself off again, turning around he would just manage to catch the glimpse of Mettallum's back and any cloak he wore as the war droid already marched off to join the battle without waiting on what HK had to say.

"Oh, good."

HK just muttered as he turned back to look out of the viewport and at the holographic projection of their immediate area,

"My lord."

One of the officers turned to him,

"Should we change our course to account for the presence of enemy vessels?"

The question elicited HK to shake his head,

"No, keep going, no diversions, as the Jedi predicted, trust in @Ar'ekk's guidance and the Force, others can deal with them."

The officer nodded back,


And so, as battle erupted out in the convoy's flank and rear from the One Sith remnant ambush, the Siege Tower and other exploratory vessels pushed forward, with the debris and asteroids in their path miraculously curving and shifting out of their position in the last moment to allow the droid ship safe passage still. As much of a pain as the One Sith attack on them was, HK took it as a good sign. They were getting close.

[member="Fleet Admiral Harris"],

Before Harris could jump away to the nearest planet, a transmission would be sent to him,

"Admiral Harris,"

HK addressed him,

"Our convoy has been attacked by One Sith remnants hiding in the region, an outpost, but we predict a fleet will be just around the corner as well. We request you join forces with [member="WD-334"] who was sent to assist you and join the battle as escort for our exploration vessels. Be wary, however, as the battle takes place in a dense asteroid field."

Same message would be sent to WD, although it would summon him to battle alongside Harris. Other Metal Lords like [member="AD-8"] would be called upon as well to action and fight against Sith remnant vessels now that the situation was becoming more dangerous than just an expedition through an asteroid maze.
AD-8 considered the situation carefully, although there wasn't much to consider. His fellow Metal Lords were on an expedition into an asteroid maze to try and locate a planet, when they were doing that they were attacked by One Sith vessels in a dense asteroid field. The risk was that his ships could be hit with asteroids or debris. AD decided to help his allies,

"Mobilise the fleet, prepare to jump to Eclipse." He broadcast to the captains of the other ships in his fleet.

As the fleet was on constant standby they managed to jump to hyperspace relativity quickly, the fighters were being loaded up and the pilots were getting in them. The fleet consisted of 3 Freedom class cruisers, 2 Tom Falk escort cruisers loaded to the brim with fighters, 2 Myrmidon class frigates and his flagship, a Fortress class cruiser.

The ship drop had arrived a moment before, placing Nerius and his ship almost directly behind the Lord Protector. Immediately sensors had begun sounding, sending Nerius to a screen alongside his men. He was in command, not above menial labors. As his fingers moved like lightning across the keys, Nerius shouted out, "Watch the area. The debris could be a problem at any time." Stepping away from the computer, he glanced at the approaching debris. The Protector had someone moving the large boulder like asteroids and other materials from their trajectory, but the stones could easily rebound back upon them.

"Hail the Lord Protector, let him know that should he need a hand moving the stones, we have Alicia." At the sound of her name, Alicia, a young blue eyed, tossled blonde hair clad human girl perked up with a smile. She was hardly an apprentice, but she had potent raw talent in telekinesis. Should she, along with whomever was aiding HK, work together it could be drastically easier.

"Ready dropship Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie for teams A through C, and prep D for myself along with the young smooshy one over there." Nerius winked to the grinning little one, knowing she loved when he teased her. This was the only living being that inherently knew he was more, though had no verification. And they had bonded.


The Siege Tower​
Twelve minutes after Assault​
"Damn it!"

There was a loud crunch in the hanger bay as some of the technicians started to help realign the Crystal-craft Clawcraft as Haon Hafey sat inside the cockpit with a full flight suit. The Crystal had once again angled downward on its trajectory due to not realigning for gravity controls and as such, went straight into the floor once again. This time however, a small mechanical arm used to mainly pull out small rockets had to be used to restabilize the Crystal. It was a rather embarrassing moment as he should been out in the battlefield right now but instead, have to deal with the constant docking issues with this craft. It took a full minute to clear up till Control contacted him from the small room to the side which dictates refueling and flight take off.

"Control, Crystal One you are cleared for take off. Please take a slower take off."

"Heavy Rockets are installed yes? I need them for this to work properly."

"Yes, they are installed. Please be aware of your targets."

"Crystal One acknowledges and out."

Turning on the transponder, he wanted to make sure he was not mistaken for a target given he was flying something related to Imperial technology. After a few moments, he pulled the control sticks up top to reconfigure manually the control jets as the Crystal slowly floated upwards as it gave a long whine as the Twin Ion Engines started to configure to full power. Letting go of the control jet sticks, he grabbed the other two and gently pushed them till he was half way out then pushed them fast as he could forward as the distinct whine of a Twin Ion Engine was heard, exiting the Siege Tower.

"HH-0171, you have failed your Naval Specifications. As per act, you are downgraded to Army Regimental status. There will be no retakes and any consideration being put in the Navy will require an Admiral to sign off. Hope that keeps you grounded you Jinx."
The memory only lasted for a moment but reminded him of a distinct hatred he had for Imperials and more so, the Sith itself. Before he could think further, sensors whined as he had to pull the control sticks hard along with pushing the right pedal as a small asteroid passed by the Crystal. It only lasted a moment but it made him become more aware of his surroundings as he went to the flank of the convoy, pushing forward to the destination as the speed of the Crystal made short work of it. As he arrived, he noted the several different types of enemy starfighter craft. One of them he noted was an unusual modified Nune-class Imperial Shuttle. Taking note for later, he sped off towards a small squadron of Predator-class fighters as he weaved through some of the asteroids, getting close.

As he got closer however, he started to approach a corvette as he started to lower sublight power to a quarter. Examining the corvette fully, he noted the missile chambers all around it. A Raider-class Corvette was in front of his path and it was out of view. Apparently the Predator-class fighters were merely an escort for this corvette. Caculating his odds and using some of his knowledge, he determined that the Raider-class Corvette would not pose a threat to him with the slow moving turbolaser cannons though the concussion missile launchers were another matter. No matter what, he could not get in front of it without threat of being destroyed. Before he could consider a course of action, cannon fire erupted as the Predators chased right after the Crystal. Pulling the fighters control jets hard, he went full sublight power and flew past the Predators as a distinct explosion filled the left of his viewscreen from direct blaster fire. With five remaining, he tried to move through the asteroids to avoid most of the blaster fire.

However the ships sensors whined loudly as a turbolaser bolt shot across the front of the Crystal and struck a nearby asteroid as it shattered into several pieces of debris. The debris shot out faster than the Crystal could fly but making quick manuvers was the only reason he survived though he could not say for the rest of the Predators as they were destroyed from various points of impact as some pieces of debris flew off, one hitting the Crystal as the deflector shields held but it spun the ship in a circular rotation. Grabbing the control sticks on top, he corrected the rotation through the control jets as he pushed the other sticks down quickly as another blaster of turbolaser fire almost hit the Crystal and impacted another asteroid behind it, breaking it and sending more debris out. This time the debris struck the Raider-class Corvette as its shields took some direct hits.

Having to fly in front of the Raider-class Corvette to avoid some more debris, the missile warning system started to whine loudly as he checked the targeting computer and felt his skin go white. Eight concussion missiles were on a direct course for his ship, whoever was in command really wanted to kill the Crystal. Shifting the control jets again in a hard turn, he made a suicidal action as he put all power to front deflectors and weapon systems, linking the ion and all six blaster cannons as he opened fire on the missiles, destroying each one in unison as the last one destroyed got extremely close, hitting the deflector shield as it went offline as the cockpit window showed a tiny crack as it did not spread but showed noticeable damage. The blaster cannons also registered to have overheated and would not fire fuor a full minute. Then the missile firing warning system activated again a few moments later as he got within 2 KM of the Raider-class Corvette as more missiles were coming out.

Taking this an opportunity, he flew to the left side of the Raider-class Corvette as he diverted all power to the engines, pushing full sublight speed as the concussion missiles started to close in. Pulling the top control sticks hard, he twisted the Crystal to the left side right against the wing of the Raider-class Corvette and went past it as all eight concussion missiles collided into it, resulting in a minor explosion as the wind started to fracture from damage. Turning the Crystal hard again, the Twin Ion Engines whining from the strain as he activated the generic missile launcher system and waited for the heavy rockets to turn online. When they did with an audible hum, he fired both rockets right at the destroyed portion of the right wing. The first rocket hit the remaining wing and destroyed the rest with the second rocket exploding moments later much closer to the end to where it hit a part of the fuselage and internal components of the Raider-class Corvette as it exploded onto the side and turned rather sharply as its own maneuvering thrusters were on full yet it was to late, smashing straight into the nearby asteroid as the corvette fractured into three pieces and started to explode in minor places before making a slightly larger explosion as the generator gave out, shaking the Crystal as it was safely out of its radius.

Haon breathed a bit and looked to the side as he smirked a bit and screamed a bit in victory but then saw the crack on his cockpit grow just a bit more to which he stopped smiling, watching it as it did not grow as he made a mental note. No more screaming in the cockpit...and see about upgrading the cockpit glass.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum and his small force pushed up killing most of the hostile forces at the listening post. He soon got to the listening post's control tower and was able to turn off the tractor beam generators and the outposts weapon systems. Lord Mettallum then checked the listening post's communication systems.
"The tractor beam is down meaning we can leave this section of space and move up, It seems the listening post was able to send a transmission of our presence here however at the moment the transmission was only received by a corvette that for some reason lost contact with them not to shortly ago however if there is anymore one sith they may have not received the transmission yet so prepare for more troubles"
Looking at the small remaining one sith still alive most heavily injured Lord Mettallum told his soldiers
"Knock out the prisoners and when possible carbon freeze them."
Lord Mettallum then proceeded to enter his shuttle and head back into the Siege Tower and restock his troops just incase more fighting is required
"Exile by any chance do you have any carbon freezing devices in your ship as I Lord Mettallum have a few prisoners that need to be dealt with"

[member="Haon Hafey"]
[member="Fleet Admiral Harris"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
HK would survey the battlefield and results of the relatively short skirmish they sparked with enemies waiting to ambush them, watching it all unfold on the display of his holographic map of the area, and the charted course through the asteroids they surveyed so far.

[member="Haon Hafey"],

"Great shot, Haon that was one in a million!"

Came the voice of Haon's droid overlord through his communicators, observing his maneuvers and proficiency in starfighter combat through his holographic map, taking note of the skills the shipyard displayed. They got pretty lucky with him, usually architects and designers were good at flying, but not in combat,

"Lord AD-8 was on standby and received our summon, we are bringing in reinforcements to secure the area."

HK would inform the pilot,

"But keep your eyes peeled, we do not know if there are any more of them hiding in the asteroids, and seeing our fleet move in they might try to blow the listening post to take our lads with them."

The droid proposed, hoping Haon could be their eyes and ears until they would receive all-clear from their larger incoming forces. Perhaps Haon would be able to spot more enemies and give him and AD some more targets to blow, or perhaps not.


Seeing the report on current position of AD's forces, being well on their way towards them, HK would send him a tight beam communication,

"Lord AD, we found a One Sith listening post and a corvette in the asteroids. Lord Mettallum is already leading his forces in taking it over and one of our pilots, Haon, managed to sink the vessel. We do not know if there are any more ships hiding in these space-rocks, we need your forces to secure our area and prepare for landing. If Eclipse is still held by the Sith we will need deal with them before they could summon their allies, if they still have any in the area."

He would order, or well, suggest, the other Metal Lord, since they couldn't give orders to each other. The machines were all equals after all.

Either way, perhaps AD missed the fun of naval combat and all he would have to do was blockade Eclipse as the landing commenced, or perhaps the arrival of his combat fleet would flush the remaining One Sith ships out. One way or another, with the machines now finding the hidden planet it was time to begin the second phase of their operation, taking hold of the sector and grabbing as much sweet loots as they could.


Speaking of which, HK's holographic display indicated that Nerius and his team were ready with their dropships,

"Lord Abomination,"

He addressed the HRD Lord,

"You may proceed with your landing, you have the honor of spear heading our arrival and setting up the forward landing base on Eclipse. See if you can pinpoint the location of the Jedi Stronghold, according to our archives it should be in the orbit of the planet. Your specialized team could begin the process of exploring and mapping that ancient structure."

He proposed to Nerius, although it was to choice whether to land at the Jedi Stronghold in the planet's orbit or find the largest Sith Outpost on the planet surface and aid in clearing it out. Either way Nerius and his team will come across combat and resistance, in form of more than just Sith, except at the Outpost there would be more enemies and less looting.

"Either way, it looks like the listening outpost in the asteroid field alerted them to our presence, so be prepared for combat, they will know we are coming."

[member="Lord Mettallum"],

Finally, the cherry on top, was the transmission from Lord Mettallum,


Was the first thing HK responded with,

"No, of course not, I do not freeze my enemies in carbon. I am pretty sure you need industrial freezing equipment for that unless we would make specialized portable tech for it."

HK would point out to the fellow Metal Lord,

"Try to knock them out with sleep gas or something, we have grenades with that, besides soon enough they will have nowhere to run to. Lord AD-8 is coming in with his fleet to secure the sector and blockade the planet, Lord Abomination is already landing, he might take the point in mapping out the Jedi Stronghold. Our scans of the planet indicate a large Sith Outpost on its surface, near its northern magnetic pole, it looks like the hub of the Sith activity on the planet."

He would inform Mettallum,

"Do you want to join in on the looting of the Stronghold or lead the assault on the Outpost and finish off the Sith presence so we can pacify the locals without their soldiers intervening?"

As to HK himself,

The Siege Tower was nearing another large asteroid which glided out of their way in last possible second, perhaps the Force was really with them and it was destined for the machine to navigate their way through the asteroid maze, or perhaps this whole time [member="Arek'k"] was not only helping them navigating through his connection with the old Jedi Stronghold, but also by telekinetically manipulating the asteroids to push them out of the convoy's way.

Either way as they sailed away from the quickly emptied and pacified listening out post that waited to try and ambush them, and the Sith craft that came from it, including at least one corvette, were now falling apart, billowing debris and smoke into the cold void of space, past the asteroid the glimmering sight of the Eclipse came into their view. Successfully navigating their way through the treachery and obstacles of the Eclipse Field, there was nothing else in their way now. Eclipse was at their mercy.

As the frigate moved closer to get into position within the planet's outer orbit, and the other ships of the convoy started to move into similar formation, the final hyperspace beacon was dropped in and activated, mapping out the new route to Eclipse and allowing the droids to jump in and out of the system directly near the planet.
Nerius was halted via communications from the deck, "Sir, the Lord Protector says to head the assault. Should you wish it, you can stay your course, the Sith Outpost, but the Lord also advocated finding the remnant Jedi Stronghold potentially in orbit nearby." This was interesting news, to say the least. It meant that should others follow his lead, they would see his power, his prowess among the chaotic components that are battle. Yet it too posed a threat, via showing to much of his power - his efforts would later be analyzed, which could potentially out him as a biological turned droid. But one would most certainly test him more than the other, while the latter could pose more in the means of reward.

"Let the Protector know, I will lead the assault on the Outpost. The stronghold I can leave to Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Alert Delta to prep for launch, accompanying me and Squishy." Nerius said to the voice on the other end of the connection. The young girl smiled vibrantly up at Nerius, whom in turn dropped down low, "What, are you not afraid of going with me to battle?"

"Nope!" The girl grabbed his right arm, bouncing in place, "You will protect me!"

"Of course." Tossling the girl's hair, Nerius returned to his pace. Soon enough he was aboard one dropship, his apprentice across from him, and two of his Apex - his best trained soldiers, each equipped to be the greatest capable. One was SN-1 P3R, whose call sign explained the tech and things built and carried by the droid - Sniper. The other was built like a tank, with massive servos meant to be able to push through damn near anything. The thing was one was a Shard, naturally intuitive toward Shatterpoint, while the larger was much like he, a fleshling turned droid through Eternity Circuit. Both were apex warriors, one meant to take down any opponent at a distance, the other hitting hard in close quarters.

"Commence drop!"

Laureate-class Science Vessel MLV Motive Force
Metal Lord Merchant Convoy, Eclipse System

Exposed wiring and heavy cables littered the extensively modified bridge of the Nabooian science vessel. At the center of this snaking mass the Lord of the Mechanicum hung suspended by layers of cybernetic interface, allowing him unparalleled control of the frigate's systems by any organic standard. What would normally take a modest bridge crew to manage, Archim was capable of overseeing himself via a mixture of neuro-interfaces and cognitive implant tethering.

Lord Calixis could almost feel the outer hull of the Motive Force as if the starship were his own skin. At least, as much as the Iskalloni cyborg were capable of feeling anything anymore, with more than ninety percent of what had once been organic replaced by artificial surrogates both life sustaining and utilitarian. He had transcended his flesh, something all organics within the Mechanicum sought as a means to bring them closer to the benevolent Machine God they worshiped.

Through the slave interface that tied his congregation's small humanitarian flotilla together, concerned minds had sought direction when the One Sith remnant outpost had attacked, but their Chief Hierarchitect had urged them to maintain formation. His faith in Lord Hunter Killer was absolute, and confidence in artificial supremacy was enough to convince him to follow the Siege Tower's lead without request for further instruction, hanging back from the front lines so as to preserve their precious cargo. Aside from the science vessel that served as his temple while Forge-Bound staryards yet worked to produce their own capital vessels, enginseers piloted a squadron of Baleen-class heavy freighters, accompanied by an old refurbished Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier packed with Mechanicum Drones.

Only now that they were at last in position over their destination, did Lord Calixis deign to interrupt [member="HK-36"] for further instructions. In his time among the technomancer enclave on Denon, the cyborg Void Lord had learned much of the art of simulating the effects of the Force through technology. And so when he appeared aboard the Lord Protector's flagship with an attention grabbing billow of virtual smoke, the holographic projection of his form was disturbingly lifelike.

"My Lord Hunter Killer, the Forge-Bound approach high orbit," Archim's form paced across the Siege Tower's bridge, skipping suddenly as he appeared directly at HK's side, gazing out the viewport down on the surface of Eclipse below, "Launching Combat Drones to assist in pacification operations. Phase one of relief efforts will largely consist of supply drops to the population and the assembly of prefabricated medical structures for emergency triage. Phase two will require time to take comprehensive scans of the surface so that we may update our records. Once scans are complete, a site will be designated for the construction of a new Forge, from which the Mechanicum may better service Eclipse."

Lord Calixis' head twitched to the side, distorting his projected form as he did so, and gazed off as if at something not on board the Siege Tower, "Estimated time to mass production capacity seventy two local hours."

The cyborg's projection teleported once more, now he was kneeling directly in front of HK, his head lowered in reverence, "At your command."

[member="AD-8"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="Nerius"] | [member="Haon Hafey"] | [member="WD-334"] | [member="Ar'ekk"] | [member="Fleet Admiral Harris"]​
Location: On patrol near the border between FWC and Metal Lords.

He still had not gotten use to the feel of being on a ship so much he missed the feel of solid ground beneath his feet. Ranger Duty it wasn't exactly parties, and late nights drinking. This was his duty to his Queen, his mother and the people of the Coalition to perform as part of the Rangers who protected Coalition space.

They had all been hit by the leftover presence of the Sith here in the Core several planets had reported activity of separatists and gangs. It made them all uneasy they knew that somewhere within their space someone was leading this, someone was pushing the buttons they hadn't found out who yet.

He walked slowly across the bridge again trying to focus to keep his mind busy and so far...that wasn't happening.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum while sad he couldn't carbonite the Sith prisoners he had collected he decided to do the old fashion way of keeping prisoners unconscious for ease of transport by giving them a good whack on the head which could have possibly given a few some brain damage depending how hard Lord Mettallum hit them.

"Exile you can have fun fighting at the stronghold for I Lord Mettallum shall deal with the sith and their troopers at the outpost and I Lord Mettallum am sure their lightsabers could sell at a hefty price"

Once again Lord Mettallum left the Siege Tower once it got close to the Main Sith Outpost which of course was infact a bit bigger and more heavily armed than your normal outpost as Lord Mettallum's forces landed the One Sith remant forces already started attacking with Lord Mettallum's forces taking causalitys mainly due to a strange looking emplacement shooting down at his forces. As Lord Mettallum took cover behind a pretty large piece of rock he saw some sith fighting their way to his position but something there was something strange about the armour of a few of the sith heading to his position and that armour was clearly more effective than the armour of the other sith. Since Hk-36 was a master of all things strange Lord Mettallum decided to send him a holo picture of the emplacement and strange armour.

"Exile since you are the strangest being I Lord Mettallum know can you tell me what is this technology I Lord Mettallum see"

As Lord Mettallum was trying to figure out what the technology was the emplacement nearly blasted his head off causing him to yell in Metal Lord comms


[member="Haon Hafey"]
[member="Fleet Admiral Harris"]
[member="Theo Vereen"]
ML-22 slowly walked around the such area, he was near a Sith Outpost, though he didn't pay much attention to it, ML-22 was currently on a Recon mission for a job, though he usually didn't do Recon missions, The Droid felt generous today, Tas slowly patrolled around the Area of the Sith Outpost almost wanting to make a scowl with his face.

Though suddenly a ringing went off in the air, ML-22 threw himself to the ground with insane speed.

Suddenly ML-22 heard a unknown voice over his comms, he couldn't heard most of it because he wasn't attuned to the frequency of the comms that the person was in.


ML-22 listened to the comms with a brief moment of concern before the feeling faded away.

"Outpost, Outpost, It most be the Sith Outpost, from the sound of it, It was a weapon being controlled by one person" ML-22 said.

Tas slowly turned his Comms to Global, "Whoever need's that help and is being shot by a large weapon, I will go take it down" Tas said into the comms before taking off towards the Sith Outpost.

[member="Lord Mettallum"]
[member="Theo Vereen"]
[member="Archim Calixis"]
(Lol apologies. In my last post I said he would take the outpost, but meant the stronghold as HK had advised. I had said them backwards.)

Nerius sat with a stone stillness that only a droid could attain, while his essence stretched out around him. He was meditating, becoming one with the Force. Through this he swept the area, searching for the Stronghold. The dropship could be piloted once it was found, made to reach their destination a little less noticeable than an entire craft. However, if they missed their shot, or it was to far, he would need to hit the ground first, then find a way back skyward.

"There." Nerius suddenly said, then reaching out, a probe extended from inside the tip of his pointer finger. Pushing this into the ships controls, he spun the ship and vaulted for the western face of the planet. The Stronghold was hidden by a large complex maze of spacial debris, yet he could force a scan which he jettisoned to Protector, "I found the Stronghold. Making way now."

Nerius' Apex squadrons continued their fall, now well within the atmosphere. Thus they heard the warning that came in form of a request for aid. Inside Alpha's hull sat a team of five, of them, all moved to offer ideas of assistance. It was Knife that offered the best however, in the fashion of a controlled decent, leading into a bail out. If done proper they could use their drop as a canon shot, taking out the attacking their allies.

Being the one to offer his idea, Knife moved to the pilot seat. Soon enough, they were adjusted course to the gun firing. While the men moved to the hatch, Knife hailed Metallum, "Lord we hope to kamikaze your problem out of the skies." Suddenly the air vacuumed free of the room, sign of the evacuating other bodies. Each had their own method to land safe, some repulsors or rockets, others just climb down or have parachutes built into their chassis.

With the final seconds laid out, Knife lurched to his feet and raced for the exit himself. Like an arachnid, Knife was built for traversing large heights and distances. He leaped free of the craft, soaring an unimaginable distance, propelled by his enhanced jump servos. While soaring like a bullet fired out of the sphincter of the dropship, he plotted his next move with the accuracy of a computer. Throwing his right arm outward, the grapple hook built into his wrist hit the Outpost walls, sticking him solid. Swinging in a high arc, which upon the final pendulum motion would land him near the others and Metallum, he first shot a glance over his shoulder to see their work... slowed down perception, the craft neared its mark...

Then the canon simply turned, and fired a few rounds. The result was the drop ship simply hitting molten debris against the thing. It damaged the integrity, but really did nothing more than slow it's shooting capacity.

"Frak." A voice said from over Knife's shoulder. His sentiments met the same.

"Well, sir, we are here to assist you in taking the place." Knife said, gesturing to the other teams as well as his own - a total of 20 warriors.
[member="Lord Mettallum"]
Patrolling the border between FWC and ML

He stared out there at the black he began to feel like this really wasn't the life for him. Maybe not even the life of serving and isn't that what a King does was he fit to rule the little planet of Aldera? Sure his sister got Alderaan for being a few minutes earlier than he was but he got Aldera. A lush little out of the way place with as much wealth and people as Alderaan just not the history which he found to be a relief.

Lost in his thoughts he barely heard the crew talking about picking up some chatter about a bit of trouble for the ML, "Trouble?" Theo walked over, "where is there trouble?" He knew they were allies but depending on the trouble well that would determine whether he crossed over and helped. None of it made sense, "maybe we should clarify, reach out?"

They turned looking at him, "What bad idea?"

"We wouldn't know if who is answering is...well...truthful."

Theo nodded, "oh...I would assume that since they are our allies they are truthful."

The crewmen nodded, "yes sir..."

Theo had the ship turn while they swung closer to ML space...

@Nerius @ML-22 "Tas" [member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="Archim Calixis"] [member="HK-36"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lord Mettallum"], @ML-22 "Tas",

The Sith Outpost,

The Sith Outpost jutted out of the ground like blood stained teeth, protruding out from the snow and rock covered barren mountainous expanse it was seemingly carved into by Eclipse's native civilization with rust and crimson colored architecture. The main structure of it straddled a peak of a nearby especially rocky hill, with windows and parapets decorating the obviously thick well armored walls, further adorned with various gun barrels belonging to the ready defenders within or armored turbolaser turrets and other weapon emplacements prepared just for the occasion. Surrounding the main outpost fort was a collection of smaller towers above hilltops to act as lookouts and extension of covering fire from the structure, other than that the plane of battle was somewhat featureless. There were boulders and scarce rock formations, like the one Mettallum and some of his soldiers were able to hide behind, but the land was unnaturally devoid of plant life, no trees or stumps, not even grass underneath the thin layer of snow they could witness. Part of it was to make the approach towards the fortress that much deadlier, with nothing growing and rock formations sometimes even broken down, cover was rare, leaving any attackers exposed as they charged at the defenses, other part of it was the corruption of the dark side that came from such concentration of Sith Knights and other dark siders, seeping into the ground and chocking out any chance at life in the area of their main settlement on the planet.

The current attack that Mettallum and other landing troops were sustaining was from, well pretty much everything, but the nearby lookout towers and the large armored face of the fortress they were facing was especially pounding them hard and merciless. Mettallum's order for a bomber strike did not went unnoticed, of course, as soon enough the noise of approaching engines buzzed out through the air and a squadron of Alpha Dragon Droid Fighters swooped in through the grey cloud cover, unleashing a salvo of proton bombs before breaking off and pulling up into the sky as the fortress counter-attacked and flak fire was turned towards them. The proton bombs soared through the sky, hitting the side of one of the nearby lookout towers in bright series of explosions and catastrophic booms, causing the whole structure to immediately creak and shudder, shriek terribly as the whole tower leaned in to one side and broke apart, begun to toppling towards the fortress. Immediately some of the closest guns Mettallum had to face would be silenced and various screams from the soldiers inside erupted out as the tower hit the ground hard and with almighty crashing noise pieces of it were sent flying through the snow, mingling with a cloud of dust, further explosions as munitions ignited from inside, and a cacophony of screams from the dying and wounded.

The tower's fall would not impact the main fort directly, but it would provide the much needed cover Mettallum and his soldiers needed in their approach towards the outpost's gates. For while the troops HK sent to help out Mettallum were unloading large shields and their mobile barricades they could use for cover and to set up a landing zone, they would not beat the large fragments of architecture that now littered the approach towards the fort, not to mention the cloud of dust that rose up as cover.

While the Sith defenders would fire blindly towards the droid position through the dust there was chance to move in and cut the distance, but they would have to move as dust begun to settle down already, and through it the machines would see various groaning and moving figures among the rubble, some more vigorous then others. They were the Sith survivors of the crumbled tower.

Meanwhile as Tas answered Mettallum's call to action, he would be able to hear the whoosh of engines, the explosion and terrible crash of a lookout tower, and see the bombers pull up in the sky, among a rain of turbo laser and flak exploding around them, one of them was actually wounded, an explosion too close for comfort taking out one of the droid starfighter's engines, causing it to be skewered and pulled down, circling uncontrollably with a thick tail of black smoke following it until it moved further and further away from the fortress, crashing somewhere in the snowy desolate plane with another explosion.

Tas would also be able to see that one of the towers crumbled down, but there were still others in the area, not to mention turbolaser and other turret emplacements built into the fort itself, giving him still plenty of targets to choose from and get engaged.

It wouldn't take too long for HK to respond to Mettallum after receiving his transmission,

"Ah, chit,"
The older droid begun,

"That is Vong-tech, the Flesh-Shapers, they were allies of the One Sith during their reign over the Core but I hoped they pissed off into Deep Space by now. They do not like me in particular, I may have made them look like fools a few times and accidentally massacred their army within couple minutes after their landing. They do not have kidneys or livers by the way, so be careful with using knockout gas against them, it is lethal to them."

The droid explained, tapping into his experience and history with the Vong.

"Their armor is pretty much lightsaber-resistant, absorbs large amount of energy, but it is vulnerable to physical and blunt attacks, if you have hammers with you, they work fairly well. Be careful of hydrastaves too, they are snakes that can stiffen their bodies into weapons and cut like lightsaber does."

The Jedi Stronghold,


Navigating through a smaller but dense asteroid field maze that orbited the Jedi Stronghold, Nerius would finally be able to see their goal. It was something else, yet something familiar, for the Stronghold would in a sense resemble the architecture of Metal Lords, in that like them it was very efficient and cost-effective, cobbled together from previous materials and remnants, renewed and repaired, old components molded together to perform a new function. However, while Metal Lords usually used old durasteel plates they could reshaped, melted down loot, or cobbled together spaceships from junk floating around old sites of naval battles, the Jedi Stronghold was put together from fragments of planets and asteroids instead.

It was a superstructure the size of a small moon, build from sections of Eclipse carved out and hauled into orbit by the Jedi of old, made into a natural satellite that could orbit the planet and always look upon it. While scans Nerius could perform on the Stronghold in his approach would show there were life signatures aboard the Stronghold, they seemed to have been more spread out throughout its inner mazes and labyrinths. There was one concentration near what were the main hangars of the Stronghold, but even if entirely hostile it would not be as much resistance as what Mettallum, Tas, and the soldiers sent by Nerius, just in time to witness the crumbling of one of the towers and take advantage of the newly provided cover in approach to the Outpost, were experiencing.

"Well done Lord Nerius, we are tracking your position to map safe passage towards the Stronghold. Head for the Main Hangar and establish a landing zone, be prepared for resistance just in case, we are right behind you."

Inside the Main Hangar, should Nerius decide to land there, things would be pretty calm actually. It was a large open space, almost completely dark and littered with various boxes, crates, and corpses of old abandoned and no longer functioning starships from the time of the fall of One Sith, but with no power. Once their ships landed and troops disembarked the silent would continue, heavy, almost unnatural, until finally.

A noise echoed out from somewhere in the distance and a colorful crimson bolt streaked from across the dark hangar towards the new arrivals and attempt to take out one of Nerius's soldiers. Almost immediately after another one would come flying out, and then another, and another, while they would not face heavy turbolaser fire like Mettallum was, what awaited Nerius and his soldiers, if he followed HK's command and did not land somewhere else, were multiple snipers using the almost total darkness of the hangar as cover to take potshots at the Metal Lord landing forces from across the large open room.

[member="Archim Calixis"],

The droid turned away from the viewport out into space, currently giving HK a look at the Jedi Stronghold station as the Siege Tower and other ships accompanying it would be making their way through the surrounding asteroid belt to begin boarding the space station. Looking over the very lifelike holoprojection of Archim, it was good to see how quickly he came into harmony with the various tools and tricks of the Technomancers, the machine would stay silent at first, returning the bow to Archim in thanks as the droid listened to the report,

"Very well, Lord Calixis, we could use your presence in the assault upon the Jedi Stronghold, your knowledge of the Living Force and attunement to it could be very beneficial in finding artifacts that would be valuable to the Technomancers. It could wait, of course, but we are still awaiting reports on how heavy the resistance our forces are encountering, I am afraid some artifacts may become damaged in combat."

The machine informed him,

"We could also use your presence on the ground in nearby settlements to establish positive contact with the locals and keep them pacified, the fact you are bringing relief aid and prefab medical structures already puts you at an advantage, there might be some remaining vanguard Sith forces to keep those settlements oppressed, if they have not been pulled to deal with our assault at their main Outpost on the planet, you would need to silence or pacify them as well. The Sith are corrupted and lost, but they are not unreasonably, redemption is not out of their reach."

HK outlined to Archim, giving the cyborg a choice of where he would feel most useful for their cause.

[member="Theo Vereen"],

Theo for once was actually wrong, to a degree, not in the way that whoever spoke of trouble coming from the mostly asteroid covered sector wasn't truthful, but in the fact that it wasn't Metal Lord forces who were sending those transmissions. The operation conducted in the neutral space between Metal Lords and Galactic Alliance was actually pretty hush-hush, wanting to not really keep news of it spreading outside their borders too quickly, however as the obvious movement of rather large quantity of military ships into that particular sector by the droids would show, there was something indeed happening. The ones who did sent those transmission that Theo intercepted, as they were not meant for FWC, were the One Sith remnants, the gangsters and pirates the FWC patrol was hunting.

More ship movements would be picked up for them, various smaller hidden ships and forces popping up here and there, skittering out of the woodwork and all seemed to head in the same direction, the sector where Metal Lord ships were converging in, the center of all the trouble that suddenly stirred up. When Metal Lords were intercepted by One Sith Remnant ambush in the asteroid maze, a distress signal was sent out, a warning to other similar ambushes and affiliated groups waiting in wake throughout the region, attending to their usual work of intercepting and robbing merchant fleets, and now they were answering the call, heading for the Metal Lord fleets in order to bring some sort of reinforcements to the hidden besieged planet of Eclipse, its location most likely unknown to Theo and other FWC patrol crew, although if they would figure out that this was what all the fuss was about, they might also know why the Metal Lords kept quiet about this battle with the Sith so close to FWC, Commenor, and GA- there was a Jedi Stronghold there, and the machines would not want to share it with anyone else.
Bridge // The Siege Tower

"Your will be done, Iron Protector," the cyborg's arm distorted as Archim raised a mechanical skeleton finger, "Behold, a metal star dawns above Eclipse."

As the Metal Lord pointed, a nearby monitor displayed a close up shot of the Mechanicum flotilla of its own accord. A much smaller object was speeding away from the Nabooian science frigate which served as his temporary command, an artificial satellite now dropping into geosynchronous orbit over the planet below. Lord Calixis could sense the signal buoy activating, boosting the transmission signal on the Motive Force's advanced holoprojection systems so that he could walk the surface below without ever having to set foot outside his bridge.

"Two probes have been dispatched," he continued, his self aboard the flagship of [member="HK-36"] skipping once again as he now reappeared at his commanders' side, "They will serve as my Hands. Alpha will oversee relief operations and benevolent assimilation of the local populace. Omega has been dispatched to this Jedi Stronghold with an escort of three combat drone squadrons."

Archim took great pride in his efficiency. Lord Hunter Killer had presented him with two challenges, but he was Lord of the Forge-Bound, and the Mechanicum were legion.

Alpha Drone
Mechanicum Forward Operating Shrine // Eclipse

The first probe droid reached the surface shortly before the Baleen-class heavy freighters bearing the first of their humanitarian payload touched down. As its floating, spherical form rose from the impact crater, another lifelike artificial projection of Lord Archim's form materialized around it. Gazing up at the descending freighters, Calixis marveled at the beauty of their cruiser carrier's remaining combat drones as they swarmed above on overwatch in complex, precise defensive patterns.

"One small step for droids," the cyborg opined, "One giant leap for the organics of Eclipse."

Omega Drone
Approaching Jedi Stronghold

Descending into what passed for an atmosphere on the artificial planetoid, each squadron of Mechanicum combat drones broke off on search and destroy missions, scouring the surface for any signs of hostile activity. All save two, who maintained course alongside the probe droid they were escorting. Navigating remotely from the bridge of the Motive Force, Archim had set a course to the last known position of [member="Nerius"]. Another hyper realistic projection of the Metal Lord's physical form materialized as the probe was still flying, and so he seemed to float in mid air high above the ground as he scanned his general vicinity.

Detecting weapons fire in a nearby hangar, the floating cyborg descended towards it, searching for a way in. Too cumbersome and built for starfighting, his combat drone escort was forced to break off and take up monitoring positions overhead.
Nerius accepted the given advice, and moved for the hangar. Just as HK's writer had predicted, Nerius and his men were totally unprepared for the volley of scarily accurate sniper fire. Yet little damage was sustained as immediately each of the present Force sensitive extended their arms, fingers spread wide, palms facing forward. While doing this, they instinctively all moved as one toward the south-west, just in time for the volley of shots to hit their telekinetic shield. Being droids, neither he nor Sniper flinched or felt the physical ramifications like Squishy did, whom visibly recoiled from the effort.

But for her merit, she held on.

After ducking behind his ship, Nerius glanced at Sniper immediately, "Take 'em out." His voice was calm, scary to the girl who looked at them in worry. Sniper simply nodded, then stepped from their position, toward the way they had come. At the edge of the craft, just when you would expect him to caution a glance, he instead went statue still. After approximately two or three seconds, he drew a blaster held by its holster at his hip. The barrel hardly turned the corner before it losed a round.

A body fell in response.

Nerius looked down at the quizzical look upon Squishy's face, "Sniper excels in only one area of the Force, just one. You see, as a kid, he found he could see and hear through senses outside of his body. Force Shadow." Nerius paused, "When Sniper takes a line up, he is actually shooting at himself. What he does is summon his shadow - basically imagine his real shadow even though you see it there - then he walks the shadow out towards his enemy before using his shadow as the target.

"Stand just behind the person, look back at your real body, make sure the shot is correct, fire, move on." Nerius finished, grinned then moved over behind Sniper, using the Force as a means to protect the other man as bodies slowly fell on the other side of the building.


Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum took a few pot shots at the sith heading to his position hoping he could get a lucky hit and make it easier for him to move to a new piece of cover as his one was taking heavy fire from the Vong Blaster emplacement. Lord Mettallum watched as one of Nerius' troops came to his position. But before Lord Mettallum could respond to the one called knife he heard explosions and and the large tower with the emplacement crumbling.

"Kark take cover and get out of its path"

Mettallum had to fall back a little bit to make sure the Falling Tower did not crush his body but he could not say the same for some of his men who pushed up ahead and the Sith heading to his position. As the smoke cleared Lord Mettallum realised due to the tower falling there was more cover due to the debri. Before Lord Mettallum could thank his fighters for taking out the emplacement one of the other towers had finished setting up its AA cannon which looked barely functional probably due to its age and not being maintained properly and it shot the fighters down. If Knife was able to survive the falling tower Lord Mettallum would request something from him. "You and your men will take that tower with the AA cannon and claim it for us, Do you understand"

As Lord Mettallum moved up to the new found cover he would hear what HK said about the emplacement. Lord Mettallum didn't think Vong technology really truely worked and was surpised at how dangerous and powerful the emplacement was. Lord Mettallum realised the sith would probably get new ones setup at the other outposts and he would need to push up fast.

"HK do you have any knockout gas on you that you can send to my location as I Lord Mettallum would rather see dead Vong than fight their snake staff things"

[member="HK-36"] [member="Archim Calixis"] [member="Nerius"] @ML-22 "Tas" [member="Theo Vereen"] [member="Haon Hafey"] [member="AD-8"]
They were trying to bring in the signal and work out where it was coming from. There were ghosts coming up on the sensors one moment it seemed like they'd have a lock and the next blank.

The patrol had seen this all too often along their borders almost like ships were cloaked uncloaked and then gone again. It was a center of frustration for them too many times these insurgents were getting through and creating havoc on Coalition worlds. But what was the Metal Lords doing using those tactics were they trying to draw them out? Theo did not know he had found a group trying to cross borders.

"Can you raise them?" He stood behind the communications center now listening while his blue eyes darted back to the holotables to show the movement of the ships where they could track them, when they could track them.

"I'll try."

Theo nodded reaching out putting his hand on the officer's shoulder, "Do more than try and use the frequence for the Metal Lords see if they respond." If they did then it was Metal Lords if it didn't then what??

What if it was Metal Lords all along

He would hate to have to tell his mother than one of her metal friends was not a friend.

[member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="Nerius"] | [member="Archim Calixis"]
SN and his company of droids had managed to get together in the battle. SN had been deployed in a drop ship while his robotic soldiers were shot down into the battle from their low orbiting ship in individual rocket pods. It had been a struggle, but he finally made it, now he take more direct control over his forces. By now SN was regretting his decision to be apart of such a mission. But it wasn't long until the idea of the rewards from all this filled his artificial mind. This was his ticket to getting some real prestige, and not just with the metal lords.

However, his daydreaming was cut short as he was harshly reminded that he was in the middle of a siege. This was caused by heavy blasters firing down on them from the outpost. But he shouldn't feel bad, these were just like the glory days, that he wasn't really apart of. Now remembering that great battle on geonosis.

Internally communicating with his ship, he ordered the crew for some light kinetic bombardment from where the blaster fire was coming from. Not much longer SN looked over at the target to see it get wiped out from the sky as danger rained upon them. This left a great opportunity from them. "Droids, Advance!" He ordered.
Having refueled the fighter craft, he would descend onto the planetary surface with the front faceplate and rockets being resupplied. Upon entering the atmosphere, he would fire off one heavy rocket right on top of the stronghold, right at one of the turbolasers. It was hit at the base and with a lurching sound, fell to the side and started to come down the canyon below. Positioning himself right at the center, of the compound, he opened fire with all six of his laser cannons, tearing up any encampments as his shields were hammered by small arms fire as he stopped after a few moments, flying off as the AA gun nearby was firing at Haon, groaning as he flew around it before stopping near the base, using the control jets to keep out of its line of fire.

"Someone please take out that AA gun! When you do, I can do a lot more damage!"

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