

As the sun began its descent on the horizon of Lothal, casting a warm, golden hue over the rural landscape, Braze made his way to a modest funeral set in an open field. Dressed in simple black robes, he carried with him a single vibrant Lothalian flower.

The funeral was humble, with a pyre prepared in the center of a small clearing. The workers, respectful and quiet, had done their part in preparing for the ceremony. Braze noticed that, aside from these few individuals, he was the only one there to bid farewell to Tessa.

As he approached the pyre, Braze took a moment to look her over. She lay still and motionless atop the stone precipice, long vibrant pink hair sprawling about her with flowers set about her form. The gentle rustling of the grass in the evening breeze and the distant calls of native birds provided a soft somber ambiance to the event. He briefly reflected on Tessa's life, one that had seemingly passed without the comfort of close friends or family. Neither he nor his friends could have stopped Alina Tremiru from going through with it.

Braze placed the flower gently atop the pyre, its bright color standing out against the somber tones of the wood and stone amidst the fading light of day. He stood there in silence and watched as the fire was set.
