Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tefka

    New Feature  Tuesday Flair Drop - An Imperial and Corporate Dystopia

    CORPORATE IMPERIALS My mind is numb now from making, producing, entering, and labeling 150 flairs in two days so I'm gonna focus on other things for a lil bit until I get back to knocking out this omega update of flairs. There's still 11 themes left to cover, with roughly 20-40 flairs per...
  2. Lossa Aureus

    Approved Tech  Grace and Turmoil

    *Shown with Crystals and cover plates removed. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Submit the Lightsabers Lossa Darcuhl will Inherit. Image Source: Source Original Image There, Edited by me. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Amz Permission to make NPC's lightsabers. Primary Source: Sanna Aureus...
  3. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Tech  "Alpha" and "Omega" Connell Vanagor's twin sabers

    "Alpha" and "Omega" Connell's Twin Sabers OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create customized "Twin" sabers for Connell Vanagor (though one is regular blade-length and one is short. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Lightsaber Wiki Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  4. Aerona Ceinder

    LFG  Got Credits and a Mystery to solve?

    Hey, Simple enough, new character, looking to jump into threads if people got any interest in writing with the character. Private Investigator, so anything that looks into solving mysteries, hunting criminals, fun gambling, or social. Hit me up! Lets thread!
  5. Jax Thio

    Private  A Humble Business

    Location: Coruscant, Level 3204 Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Morrigan Jeth Jax stepped inside the empty building taking a look at the remains of an empty diner. He could feel the memories that still resided inside...
  6. Julius Sedaire

    LFG  Seeking students, duels, and stories! Looking to teach some of the more crazy things the old Green here has picked up in his travels, and possibly acquire a Padawan or rival or three. Pitch me your ideas! Not really looking for faction home (have my ideas...
  7. Lyli Dragi

    Private  Fangs and Falsehoods

    Wearing: Torchflare Armor Armed With: Blade of Falsehoods (Red Lightsaber) Syd Celsius had taken a break from being Lyli for a day or so after rescuing Thelma Goth on Coruscant in an extremely brazen last minute plan. Nathan had forbid over-planning it as spontaneous light on detail schemes...
  8. Gatz Derrevar

    Approved NPC  The Lizard Twins - Gyle and Jyle

    NPC Family Template 5.0 OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pair of twin Trandoshans relevant to Gatz Derrevar's backstory, and to be used in future threads. Image Credit: Noka on Wookiepedia Permissions: N/A Links: Gatz Derrevar - Criminal Associate FAMILY INFORMATION Family...
  9. Niki Priddy

    Faction  Skynara Pirates, and Thanks for All the Credits - RTL Dominion of Skynara (RTL and Friends)

    Skynara had recently seen an uptick in traffic through its spaceports. Most logged themselves as tourists while it was plain to the dock workers that they were far from mere tourists. The credits however were good, and documentation passed through the customs checks without much notice of issue...
  10. Dominick von Ascania

    LFG  Nobility, The Senate, and Jedi???

    Dominick here is a vibe that I don't usually explore but have a lot of fun with. Wholesome, somewhat naive, see the good in everything and everyone, himbo. He's the named heir of the von Ascania house and younger brother of Corazona von Ascania, with some training in noble affairs but otherwise...
  11. Rayth

    Private  Shadow and Blood

    Korriban Academy, Lowest Levels Rayth woke to the sound of dripping water. His eyes opened slowly, even his keen vision taking time to resolve the darkness. He was weak. He was tired. He was hungry. The sangir only remembered the shouting in the back alleys and then a flash of light. He was...
  12. Jax Thio

    Private  Endless Bonds and Broken Promises

    Location: Netherworld Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Jairdain Jax took a deep breath looking over at the unusual place that was the Netherworld. In a way it felt relaxing being in another realm away from civilization...
  13. Colton Renfro

    Faction  Shadows booth friend and foe

    As he cautiously walked into the data center at ISB headquarters, subtly looking around and taking mental of the others present, their actions, body language, demeanor, facial expressions, and the tone of their voice for a few conversations he could overhear bits and pieces of. He entered a...
  14. Darth Nwul

    Faction  [GC/SO] Glory, Duty, and Supremacy

    Thule, The Restored Palace Midday The Rain had stopped only a few hours ago and the sun was shining brightly against a blue sky. A color the people of Thule hadn't seen in decades. The planet had been ravaged by the Sith that had come before him, but now it was as lush and vital as it had been...
  15. Braze

    Public  Sowing Seeds of Sustenance and Serenity

    LOCATION: Jedi Temple on Lothal TAGS: @ open Braze wiped his brow with the back of his gloved hand, taking a moment to savor the satisfaction of hard work. Before him lay a stretch of freshly turned soil, ready to nurture whatever seeds were sown into it. His mission was straightforward: to...
  16. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  GRX-Series Military Strategic Analysis Droid Commander

    GRX-SERIES MILITARY STRATEGIC ANALYSIS DROID COMAMNDER OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a Formidable Upgraded Tactical Droid Image Source: Aurebesh Font Lettering Tumbler Clone IGTU Symbol Canon Link: Super Tactical Droid Permissions: No Permission for this Submission...
  17. Koyi Mateil

    LFG  Returning newbie sith looking for chaos and fun

    I've been busy recently but remembered I had fun doing stuff here, decided to swing on back. Open for some fun stories' and such.
  18. Victor Thrash

    LFG  Smuggling and Meeting People

    Wanna do some smuggling and meet new people. Break some laws. Race some law enforcement.
  19. A

    Private  Across The Stars

    TAG: Astrid pentoghast Anak had come to Sith Space to learn the ways of the dark side. To tap into his potential and serve The Order. What he did not expect was something equally as powerful as The Darkness. The Dark Star came out of hyperspace. The Son of Darkness opened his eyes, the coals...
  20. Voice of Order

    Dominion  The Imperial Conference at Tion [All Imperials, Spies, and Racers/Gladiators Welcome!] -EOTL Dominion of Tion.

    The Imperial Conference at Tion Objective I: Diplomatic Reception and Mingling Hosted at the exact midway point between the two suns of the Tion system on the Bulwark II Star Destroyer the Pride of Lianna and guarded by a powerful fleet, a diplomatic reception is being held to bolster the...
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