Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A

    Private  Across The Stars

    TAG: Astrid pentoghast Anak had come to Sith Space to learn the ways of the dark side. To tap into his potential and serve The Order. What he did not expect was something equally as powerful as The Darkness. The Dark Star came out of hyperspace. The Son of Darkness opened his eyes, the coals...
  2. Voice of Order

    Dominion  The Imperial Conference at Tion [All Imperials, Spies, and Racers/Gladiators Welcome!] -EOTL Dominion of Tion.

    The Imperial Conference at Tion Objective I: Diplomatic Reception and Mingling Hosted at the exact midway point between the two suns of the Tion system on the Bulwark II Star Destroyer the Pride of Lianna and guarded by a powerful fleet, a diplomatic reception is being held to bolster the...
  3. Gerwald Lechner

    First Reply  Stone and Soot

    Wearing: xxx Tag: Open Gerwald had traveled the galaxy. He had gone places and done things most from his lonely planet did not. His life until early adulthood had been a lie, or so he had thought. Parts of it had been for his protection, parts because of his clan’s secret, the rest had been...
  4. Damion Dorian Tarkin

    Faction  The Betrayal and fall

    ---Inside the Royal Draconian Castle--- -----Event: Noble Knighting Ceremony----- ---Time of day: Afternoon Aprox 3 PM--- It has been a long day in the lives of the Draconian Populace. Living in anticipation of who of the five(5) winners of the month's festive colosseum fights would be knighted...
  5. Zinder Tokarache

    Private  The Gambler, The Rambler, and a Dive Bar

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant Bar Equipment: Casual Clothing Tags: Alexander Hayes Meeting with Aiden had been more than eye opening. Learning the true fate of their squad after the ambush hadn't settled any of the feelings he had. Maybe had made them worse. His effort to...
  6. Adeline Noctua

    Question  Just a quick and simple one

    If I was to make a non cybernetic organ or limb, what tech template should I use for that?
  7. F

    Private  The Griffin And The Warhorse

    APPROACHING VANDEMAR All was silent inside the shuttle. Ahead, a massive Dyson sphere older than anyone in the Imperial delegation could possibly comprehend drew closer and closer into view. According to the confidential records the Baron had retrieved from Cathar a few months earlier, this...
  8. Zinder Tokarache

    Private  The Grey Lady and The Galactic Tramp

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time Wearing: Semi-formal Tags: Liin Terallo He still had time left on shore leave and Zin was going to burn as much of it as he could get away with. He'd already survived an explosion, and...
  9. Gatz Derrevar

    First Reply  Alone, Afraid, and Slightly Tipsy

    Coruscant was a terrible place for Gatz to be. There was a bounty on his head, and the metaphorical price tag hanging from his ear had six zeroes attached to it. It was his reward, and his penance, for daring to spit in a crime lord's eye by trying to dismantle his slaving operation. Most...
  10. Damion Dorian Tarkin

    Approved NPC  'Battle-Master' Corvus Derik "Leader, and admiral of the Draconian Peacekeepers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add a face to draconian Leadership, as well as prepare for soon to happen events Image Credit: Cod wiki 'Salen Kotch' (Unrelated note: Great game would recommend despites its early hate) Role: Admiral and Battle-master Of the Draconian Peacekeepers...
  11. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Power Cells and Sore Shoulders

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Training Facility - Blaster Range Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Modular Blaster...
  12. Laphisto

    Private  A time and place - start of the United Galactic Federation

    Location: Muunilinst Objective: Come to terms to form an alliance Amidst the vast expanse of space, the colossal dreadnought, known as the Defender, floated like a sentinel, its immense metallic hull glistening with the distant twinkle of stars. The Defender served as the neutral ground for a...
  13. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Private  Dungeons and Darksiders

    The Gentes Bulk Freighter had been en route to Coruscant following a field trip on Ossus, when it had been forced out of Hyperspace by an interdictor mine. The violence of which had sent it off course, the sudden stress on the vessel damaging all important systems aboard the ship. Towards an...
  14. Drane T'keen

    Private  A White Moon And A Red Sun

    Coronet City, the Jewel of Corellia, certainly had its characteristics to pin it as unique with its architecture; round towers, skyscrapers as curved as blades. In a way, one may mistake a few for being gargantuan starships from a distance, which did fit the planet's reputation for its shipyards...
  15. Vayla Mirana

    Private  Alone And A Loan

    Far beyond the heart of civilization, from the Core Worlds and past the Outer Rim, the Unknown Regions were known to be perilous for a reason. More mapped than Wild Space but no more explored, these outer reaches were plagued with dangers ranging from black holes to gravity wells, supernovae and...
  16. Damion Dorian Tarkin

    Companies and Branches (Produces Included)

    DRAGONSTAR Draconian Gun League GUN'S DRB-Z -Heavy Rotary Blaster (WIP) DB-7A -Standard Issue long rifle (WIP) DO-43 -Special forces Standard Issue (WIP) DGK-36 -Standard Issue Blaster (WIP) RD-1 -Anti-air rocket (WIP) RDA-3 -Anti Armor Rocket (WIP) Ship Weapons: Vulture Anti-craft Cannons...
  17. Braze

    Public  Of Scrap and Sabers [Tatooine] DM TO JOIN

    LOCATION: Tatooine TAGS: Loomi Kaleleon OOC: You must message me first if you want to join In the harsh, arid landscape of Tatooine, where twin suns scorched the land and left little room for mercy, there existed pockets of life teeming with grit and ingenuity. Among the dunes and cliffs, the...
  18. Vex Marrick

    LFG  I am hiring Pirates and Mercs

    If you have a character you wanna dust off show some interest here and let's RP!
  19. Kaleleon

    Private  I Don't Got Time For The Breaks And The Pit Stop

    Courscant Jedi Temple Driving the Blue Blur The Airspeeder flew through the Courscant skies. The throttle moving back and forth from open to closed. Changing every so often to accommodate the other air speeders in the area. The Main reason for this? I was driving the speeder with Cortana in...
  20. Angelus Hafey

    Approved Tech  Twin Blasters Ock and Lok

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create repeater blasters and specialized weaponry. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Angel Arms Affiliation: Matias Tower Market Status: Closed Market Model: N/A Modularity: N/A...
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