Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Evelynn Ostium

    Approved Location  The Paradox Building

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION SETTING INFORMATION Intent: To act as a covert location of operations for Evelynn Image Credit: Pinterest (original page non-existent) Canon: N/A Permissions: Evelynn Ostium Links: Coruscant, Coruscant Underworld SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The...
  2. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  Building the Light

    Tag: Romi Jade There had been many Jedi that Dreidi could go to in order to learn about fighting and using Light side powers in combat, however there was one Master in particular that Dreidi was interested in learning from. Romi Jade was a name that she had repeatedly read about in the recent...
  3. M

    Faction  Cleaning Seats | Galactic Alliance [Galactic Senate Building]

    OBJECTIVES: Clean the Senate Building PEOPLE PRESENT: Temp Agency Cleaning Crew, Senate Security Staff TAGS: Open With her headphones on, she began to walk through her own assigned corridors of the senate building. It was mostly devoid of activity, her hand waving to those that lingered to...
  4. WelshGuy

    Lightsaber time to shine! (Yuroic/Seth)

    It was time for Seth to gain his own Lightsaber, it was the first big step in the Jedi's path. The Lightsaber was not just a weapon but a symbol of the Jedi, it was symbol of the training and resilience a Jedi had through their training. Yuroic had spent months, near a year before he was ready...
  5. F

    Buildings and Bridges [Joza][Aver]

    Doctor Rashad unwrapped the bandages from Fiolette's eyes, weeks had gone since Bakura and the doctor was confident now that the admiral-turned-executive's vision had been restored. The infirmary on the Fleetwood was quiet, it hummed with a dull light to help the blonde adjust to her eyesight...
  6. Subject 37

    Business Is Booming

    Nal Hutta [member="Gorba the Hutt"] Things were going well. Raekkar was steadily growing, Yidhra had been silenced for now, and the Legion of the Damned was quickly mobilizing it's forces. The Empire had already dubbed them as part of themselves, recognizing the potential they held and drawing...
  7. Heveticus Maw

    Approved Tech  Maw Construction Group - Tenements

    Image: Renovated bedroom Image Source: Intent: A product for Maw Construction Group to sell. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Maw Construction Group Affiliation: Open Market Model: N/A Modularity...
  8. Kal Kandossii

    Building the 'Hammerheads' (contact for invite)

    Work. It seemed as though he never got out anymore. Beskar'ad Inc had been busy along with custom orders they had been pushing out generic beskar'gam for the mando'ade as well as ,with conjunction with Nyos' company, building prosthetics for wounded vode. It was a busy schedule. So Kal and his...
  9. Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

    Phrik, cortosis and all the little things.

    Location: open space She sat in the captains chair of her new ship that she had named The VoidStrider mostly since it had such great stealth tech installed in it. Some of the ships hold, held some phrik she had collected on Roche and now she wanted to collect some cortosis from the Armatech...
  10. Vulpesen

    From the Ground Up(Vitae Alliance)

    A sunny day on Veradune and Vulpesen was happy to find himself on the steps of his ancestral home, the grand Tenevi Temple. After having gone through a Civil War for the last four hundred years, there was some damage, to put it mildly. Around him, buildings were crumbling and the Tenevi Temple...
  11. Ket Van-Derveld

    Forging a New Star [Ovmar/Fringe]

    Annaj Iron Crown Shipyards Drydock 9-A Ket stood there on the drydock where his newest acquisition, a SH-LS-78 Winter Eagle, sat upon it's landing gear like a gleaming bird ready to take flight. Soon enough, she would, but for now, there was much work to be done. Ket's personal ship, a Sinear...
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