Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Iris Arani

      New Month, New Feedback

    Aww yeah it's that time again. I think I forgot to post one last month, but who can blame me. Covid is ruthless. Gonna focus in on Iris here specifically! She's been through a lot since the last time I put one of these threads out. She's learned a lot, lost a lot, gained a lot, and so on. What...
  2. M

      Feedback: One Month

    I know it might seem a lil early to be doing one of these, but I didn't do many when I was on Chaos some moons ago, and I wanted to establish a better routine for it! I'm thinking every 1-2 months, maybe three. Still trying to decide. Anyways I'd love some feedback, mostly on how I've been...
  3. Briana Sal-Soren

      One of those feedback threads

    I've been writing Briana for about a solid month now and I've found her to be rather enjoyable to write but, that doesn't mean others necessarily enjoy reading her. Ultimately, I want my writing partners to enjoy the experience as much as I am. So, here I am, seeking out the advice of other...
  4. Credit Wizard

      Character Feedback

    As I consider myself a relatively new person on chaos and not that well known within the community. Being a new writer on forum rps compared to discord rp servers where pagaraphs and interactions are not necessary needed to make a good story but the people within it that make the story so...
  5. Iris Arani

      Feedback: Iris Edition

    I'm a feedback addict, mostly because I crave the approval of others n' any excuse to have someone go "You're doing great!" is one I'll gladly use. But the more impactful side of constructive criticism is the real reason I make these. I love writing my characters, but sometimes I feel iffy on...
  6. Subject 73 Red

      Long Overdue Feedback

    Well, yeah, this is quite overdue. I've been here for two years, and I wanna know what you people have to say about my writing. Needless to say, this feels needed. Do you ever get a certain feeling? You know, like your writing is missing something? Like it's lacking something to make it...
  7. Tefka

    Staff  Reactions Added Back To The Ask Questions & Submit Feedback Forum.

    Link for the lazy: Reason: Social experiment, Wild West.
  8. Romi Jade

    Romi Jade Feedback 2.0

    Ok so like… I had one of these before then lost it so uh Anyway, I’ve been writing Romi since 2017…Longest character i’ve ever written. She started off a satellite character to Veiere for a faction and then grew into…something else entirely idek. She's been a WIP, a process i'm liking compared...
  9. Ham Salad

      The Confederacy Of Independent Systems Confronting Its Past

    Would anybody be interested in a story arc about the CIS confronting its past? I am considering making a character who is a Clone Wars era CIS general who was frozen in carbonite just after the war ended, but is unthawed in the modern day. He then rejoins the CIS, but finds that it has changed...
  10. Okkeus Dainlei

      Looking For Y'all's Feedback On My Writing/Characters

    (Now posted in the correct forum) Hey y'all, I can't remember the last time I did one of those Feedback things, but after my total post count hitting 1263, I think it is time for another one. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing skill/ improve my characters, so I'd love to hear...
  11. Maple Harte

      Warbots Feedback

    Terminators + 40K Necrons + 40K Orcs + Jack Nicholson's Joker + HK47 = Nuetralizers I am looking for feedback on my Wardroids, The Nuetralizers, because Shredder wouldn't be half as memorable if he didn't have the Foot Clan to throw at the TMNT. How are they as an antagonist. Are they...
  12. Sethrak

    Discussion  Bryn'adul Feedback

    Hello fellow RPers! The title says it all. Essentially, we Bryn'adul writers are looking for some feedback. *Have you enjoyed writing with us so far? *What stories would you like to see in the future from us? *Do you have any questions regarding The Bryn'adul? *General feedback, concerns...
  13. Ayden Janwha-Dekker

    Approved Tech  Nightshade Slicer Feedback Countermeasure

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A good piece of hardware for when slicers won’t leave you alone Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Socketguard PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Upshot Affiliation: Upshot Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Nightshade...
  14. Aloy Vizsla

      Aloy Vizsla: Is the vibe right?

    (Bio here, Thread tracker here) This is mostly for people that write with me, But feel free to answer either way! TLDR; Does she give off those smooth gunslinger vibes? If not, Can I improve? ((Further feedback welcome, This is all about improving the roleplay of this character...
  15. Ty Sibo

    Approved NPC  Scarecrows

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Use in Invasions both in offense and defensive purposes Image Credit: Hokunin, Frostbite Role: Hades Corp, Heavy Infantry Strikeforce for Offensive and Defensive Purposes Permissions:N/A Links: H.A.R.M. MKII ARMOR, Biodroids, Armored bodysuits, Elysium...
  16. Hank Winnfield

    Approved NPC  Noho The Pit Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To be an assistant for my RP Character, minor role for set up and helping RP story Image Credit: X XX Role: Assistant Permissions: N/A Links: DUM-series pit droid PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 3 Force Sensitivity: No Model: DUM-series pit droid Appearance...
  17. Ravraa Vyshraal

      Thiccie Thighs Ravraa - Three/Four Months of Writing

    Heya there, some of you know me OOC as wendigo kid. Before I got onto Chaos I had taken a long hiatus from not only RP, but from writing as a whole, it had been about two to three years before I sat down on the site and started writing Ravraa. To be honest, I've never felt a strong pull in any...
  18. Auteme

      *demands love reacts*

    Heyo! Been reminded recently that this exists, and I don't need to sit around and freak out about how I don't know what people think of my writing! Instead I can freak out because I do know what people think about my writing. I've really enjoyed writing Auteme as of late; recent threads with...
  19. The Red of Sinner

      Current Thoughts on Where Chaos is Going

    The change has been a very much happening for Chaos recently compared to an In Character event outside Site Events, and I dont say that to diminish other's accomplishments, it's just....look at Chaos! All shiny and new! I never thought I would get to see this happen, and boom, dreams do come...
  20. Salamander

    Accidentally requested a second account

    I mistakenly requested a second account for my character with the username "Alyosha Drutin" under a different email address. If the request for this account comes in, please delete it as I will be making a sub instead.
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