Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Sins of the Father

    Hello all, currently looking to dive into some new arcs, and for good old Jin I left him at a sort of cliffhanger following the New Imperial invasion of Vjun. Where the Imperial Knight comes face to face with his mirror, experiencing a vision of Kyrel Ren and Emperor Carnifex deep within Bast...
  2. Karasu

    LFG belonging to a cause Alright, I've finally managed to get my free time back, and it will remain that for a long time, so I was itching to come back here first thing. I had some open ended stories that I hope I am able to continue/close out, and...
  3. C

    LFG  Looking for that next big thing...

    Caedyn's story has taken him across a variety of Factions both major and minor, and I'm currently thinking ahead in terms of what his next big arc might be. Currently, he's situated on Svivren, overseeing the Jedi Enclave there, as well as coordinating The Rebellion to help assist the Rimward...
  4. X

    LFG  Scavenger lfg

    Hello! So this is somewhat really two characters in one, I'd be writing both Xaelis and Ganii. This is because Xaelis is literally inside a writing him on his own does naturally pose problems lol. Anyway, Ganii would be the one most interacted with. At least directly. She's a zabrak...
  5. Darth Daiara

    LFG  lfg next step- darkside focused/ possible master

    Heya fam, In a mutual arc with Zaavik Perl , Aradia's been awol from dat sith life and taking matters into her own hands. While the girl has never truly committed to the path or crossed lines into the dark, she will be soon. Neither Zaavik nor I are rushing the conclusion of our awol arc, but...
  6. NauOne

    LFG  Possible Padawan LFG

    I'd like Mieczyk to become a Jedi Sentinel, and that's going to require a Jedi master as a padawan. He is presently waiting for his waiter at a local restaurant back home: Fancy Eats [A Spacestation Restaurant].
  7. Darth Strosius

    LFG  Sith Seeking Shenaniganery

    Hello hello Chaos! Tis I, back again to beg for threads!...again. Anyways I still haven't done much stuff outside of faction threads and I want to rectify that! My character is only an Acolyte so obviously interesting stories are a bit limited but I still think I'm capable enough to write...
  8. Ingrid L'lerim

    LFG  Looking for NIO and GA members

    I think a lot of people know (at least those who were there at the Serenno invasion) that Ingrid was captured because she surrendered voluntarily. So she is now in the captivity of the NIO/GA. After the invasion, she was taken to Coruscant, so she is locally in the GA area. Since I like to...
  9. C

    LFG  Looking for Rebels!

    So I've had this Faction sitting in the back of my mind for a while now and have finally started to get it established on Chaos! The Rebellion - Minor Faction. I've written up the pitch on the groups "About Page" but to cut a long story short, I wanted to give Lightside/"Good Guy" Characters a...
  10. Darth Strosius

    LFG  Will Like Posts For Threads

    Goooooooood morning Chaos! Tis I, Random Sith Acolyte #11 AKA Alisteri Haxim. So I realized today that I've hit and passed 500 posts, I feel so old, and I realized that there are people that have like half that and have actually done stuff. I however, have done nothing. Except invasion posts...
  11. Lirka Ka

    LFG  Looking to do vile villainous things

    I've been a on a big drive to write this lovely murder-elf here again and now begin working on taking Lirka to my dream state of "general awful person and villain for anyone who needs it", so I'd love to do some villain stuff for anyone who wants it, basic antagonistic PvP, shooting for larger...
  12. Darth Strosius

    LFG  Looking for some Confed contacts

    Hello there people of Chaos! Tis I, Random Sith Acolyte #11. To cut to the chase and make a long story short, my boy here is in search of some information on old Confederacy ships. Such as where they're held, how much they could be purchased for, what kinds they have, that sort of thing. This...
  13. Vyr'athar

    LFG  New Sith needs threads

    Have the current curse of any new character, having no clue how to write their "voice" quite yet. So, if anyone is willing to thread it would be greatly appreciated to get the ball rolling
  14. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Making a restart!

    Hello, all! With the vacation over and back in the ordinary grind at work again, I'm trying to make a restart with some of my characters which stories have come to a halt. Pretty much anything would go as long as it, at least to some degree, runs with the characters bio and timeline. Depending...
  15. Freyu Molidias

    LFG  Keeper in search of charge!

    Are you in need of a bodyguard specifically tailored to protect high profile individuals? Are you tired of being alone in a cold, unforgiving galaxy and instead like the company of a cold, unforgiving giant? Would it comfort you knowing the person at your side can change into a frightening...
  16. Talohn Atar

    Various possibilities here!

    Hello there! I'm still looking to do stuff with my character, Talohn. He's recently discovered he's got the force, and needs to learn more about it. He leans more towards the dark side, and would prefer to be taught about such. Thus he's seeking out a sith he can bear the presence of to learn...
  17. Venku Bralor

    Anyone need an investigator?

    Hey guys, any seedy organizations, or illicit activities for Venku to look into? He's new to the wider galaxy, and i'm open to plunging him into something above his head or taking it slow. I'm good with any sized group, though a bigger one would be preferable if he get's in over his head.
  18. Rann Thress

    LFG  Looking to expand my circle

    I've been here for a couple years now and I've only ever been in a couple threads with a friend or two. Maybe one or two threads a YEAR. I've been wanting to be a bigger part of the community and actually meet people and make new friends beyond the couple I've made so far, so I'm hoping to just...
  19. Hexus Dominus

    LFG  Beep boop - LFG/Faction creation(?)

    Taking a break from one of my other chars, so I thought I'd better put together a team. AIs, droids, and assorted biomechanical horrors and metal monsters welcome. I don't know exacly where to take this, so input would be appreciated even if you don't join. Remember, the flesh is weak.
  20. Vher Nall

    Welcome to the Colosseum!

    Hey everyone! So I'm pretty new to the site, and I'm sure this has been done at some point, but I was thinking of writing up a gladiatorial style coliseum RP. I don't have everything planned out just yet, but it could be a mixup of PvE against various Star Wars beasts and such as well as random...
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