Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Trymar Caelnos

    Padawan LF Master

    Hello! I'm quite new to the community, and looking for a master to guide my character in the ways of the force. Take a look at my bio post to see what he's all about, but a master of Ataru would make the most sense for Trymar as that's what he's best at. Thanks!
  2. D

    LFG  Anzati on the loose

    Looking for somewhere to put this guy. Detro has military experience (though it is all set up in biography, as I haven't been able to get rp's with the people he was supposed to be with originally. I ended up just adding onto his existing biography as a result to explain him leaving so I didn't...
  3. Primal Architect

    LFG  Bryn'adûl Dominion Campaign 2020: Seeking smaller groups!

    Starting 2020 Dominions off the right way! The Bryn'adûl want to try something different this year, building a campaign around Dominions that utilises the Bryn'adûl as an unstoppable genocidal force. Attacking planets as the protagonist try to defend and evacuate as many civilians as they can...
  4. Haarvak

    Vader Cultists?

    Howdy y'all, What I'm basically looking for is any dark sider (or light sider if you're up for being converted) who wants to possibly join in on some culty, dark side hijinks. I recently made a dark sider Wookiee which can only really mean a few things. Because of that, I really want to make...
  5. Nashiro Tsuia

    Girl Rebel looking for rebel rp

    The title is self explanatory. I'm looking for an rp thread that has rebellion stuff involved.
  6. Kyrel Ren

    The Knights of Ren

    "Greetings my friend. You might ask yourself why you are listening to this? Who is this dark warrior that stands before you? Do not concern yourself with that for you may simply call me Ren. This is not my name of course, but it is something that I've dedicated my life to. The Ren is a something...
  7. K

    Looking For Posting Partners

    [member="Hex Girl"] this is the forum where you can find people to pair with. Anybody open to some threads? Me and Hexy were thinking It might be fun to do a pirate story but I could be persuaded to do something else.
  8. S

    DEATH COMPANY [Rouge Outlaw Commandos]

    [THEME] The Imps and Sith sent us all to hell. But we are going even deeper. We aren’t interested in greater good. We have no need for just causes. We have no codes of vainglorious honor. Only revenge. Only our justice. We are a company of the dead. Come back to take back everything that we...
  9. K

    Hire me. Please.

    Alyosha here is a freelance assassin desperately in need of work. Unfortunately, the bounty on his head makes getting employment/contracts a bit more complicated than usual. I'm looking for a group/faction which either doesn't know about the bounty (he will use an alternate name to hide his...
  10. Nashiro Tsuia

    Looking for a rebel cell to join to fight against the Sith

    I'm a pilot that has no love for the Empire and I'm looking to put my skills to good use fighting against them. So I'm just looking to fly and fight the sith.
  11. D

    Dream Team

    I want to put together a team of mercenaries and bounty hunters. Think 4LOMM, Bossk, Gand, IG-88, and Boba. Imagine us all standing on the bridge of some starship as a vader wannabe tells us he wants us to capture some rebel cell. Imagine the fame to be had as we turn in every single bounty that...
  12. D

    Mercenary For Hire

    Draconis is a Thyrsian mercenary under the employment of Golden Company. He is available and capable of doing any job under Thyrsus's twin suns. Need someone assassinated? Someone stole your stuff and now you need it back? Or do you simply want a body guard? Whatever you need Draco is the man...
  13. Runt

    Looking For Spaceship Engineer

    Without ruining my plans for the future, I am looking for a person and/or group that is capable of creating a unique spaceship that can act similar to a floating restaurant which just flies through space. Something big enough to be able to comfortably hold over 100 people, as well as house...
  14. Dar Kartiov

    Space Dictator Wannabe Needs Help Becoming Dictator

    Hello hello! I'm looking to get my character involved in something as soon as possible. I'm not really sure of the state of the Galaxy at the moment, so something to ease me into the politics and etc would be nice. Dar is a Tionese noble, with an emphasis on diplomatic and military matters. I...
  15. Darsch Vizsla

    Mando looking for a friend

    So my Mandalorian Character, Darsch Vizla is very lonely and needs a buddy. She might be that over protective friend or sarcastic nerf herder of a friend. But she'll love you as her friend and ally. I don't it if you want to take the friendship a step further as long as it goes smoothly.
  16. Aloy Vizsla

    Gunslinger lookin' for for action, chill cantina meetups, whatever happens

    Hey y'all! yet another mando here looking for some threads! I'm up for almost anything, the exception being romance, want that to evolve organically if and when. Joti Johayc is pretty friendly by mando standards and somewhat of a wild spirit, traveling the galaxy in search of the next...
  17. Arwen Hadd

    Anyone looking to hire a merc or beat up on a bounty hunter?

    Wan't to start developing my character and get into the swing of role playing on this site, so I figured I'd start off somewhere. The title is pretty self explanatory. Of course, if you have another idea in mind, feel free to throw it my way.
  18. Thresco

    Dread Captain NewGuy, looking for threads to plunder

    Since I hadn't posted here yet, allow me to fix my mistake. Click me for additional information My character Thresco has recently come out of a several year long self-imposed exile on Kashyyyk, strengthening his connection to the Force and learning to rely on more than just his own...
  19. Other Space Kaiden

    A Place in this Galaxy

    I've been toying with what characters to bring back - I'm trying to keep it to a low roar this time around and dial things in to three characters who I can play with at least some regularity. I think the trick to that is make three characters that embody some of my biggest interests in the SW...
  20. Darsch Vizsla

    Just a Mando looking to battle any force users or just do anything

    Hello there. I'm Darsch Vizla, mercenary and hater of all force users. Maybe that'll change but who knows. Darsch hates herself and everyone around her so trying to get to her may prove difficult if you take the peaceful approach.
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